The terrifying power gathered by the gilded sword was completely released as Xia Yi swung it! It went straight towards the alien!

In an instant, it seemed that only this golden sword was left in the world.

The majestic power raged out, and suddenly all the aliens were destroyed!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the sound of explosions, the aliens were instantly destroyed like dead wood!

The golden light was like a sword that could wipe out evil. In a breath, almost all the aliens were destroyed under this brilliance!

The original noise of the battlefield was instantly quelled, and the whole place was quiet!

Bathed in the dazzling golden light, the dark knight seemed like a demon god stepping out of the endless abyss, unmatched!

The domineering aura faintly revealed by the whole body constantly impacted the hearts of the shadow soldiers present!

They couldn't help but feel like kneeling down, and their hearts were full of shock and submission!

One sword conquered everyone!

And Xia Yi's harvest exploded instantly with this sword.

I'm afraid the points have far exceeded his expectations!

Kuzuya Kota, Feicui and others who were originally in the melee were also attracted by the dazzling golden light.

When they looked sideways, they stared at the mess on the ground in a daze. The ground was full of potholes, as if the earth had been cut off. It looked so scary!

"Are you kidding?......"Kuzuya Kota couldn't help but swallow his saliva, his heart trembled and he exclaimed!

"This destructive power....How much strength does this guy have hidden?!"Wu Dao Gui Hu also looked horrified and said in a deep voice.

Durian Sister, who had stopped attacking at the same time, stared at the ground in a daze, and could not help but put herself in the shoes of the alien being swallowed by the golden light.

For a moment, her body shuddered.

"It seems a bit bad~" Feicui's face sank, and she stared at the dark figure holding the gilded sword with a serious face.

The intention of retreat that was about to dissipate surged into her mind again, and it became more and more intense!


You must escape!

There is no chance of winning if you fight head-on!

This thought instantly emerged in Feicui's mind, and then she suddenly turned around and ran away.

The speed was so fast that Kurota Kuroda and Wudao Guihu had no time to react.

When the latter found out, his face changed instantly and shouted:"Don't run!"

But Feicui had already turned a deaf ear to him, and stepped into the dense forest in a few steps and disappeared on the spot!

The figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing this, Wudao Guihu was not ready to give up, and took a quick step to catch up.

But after just a few steps, he was stopped by Kurota Kuroda!

"What are you doing?!" He frowned slightly and stared at Kuzuya Kota and asked in a cold tone.

"Sorry, I can't let you go! He is very important, maybe he can help us solve the erosion of Helm in a peaceful way!"Kouye Kota explained seriously.

But the"maybe" in his words already hinted that he was not confident!

This time, things have begun to exceed his imagination, and.....The mastermind behind the scenes seems to be the jadeite on which he has placed his hopes!

"Nani?! Are you sure?!"Hearing this, Wu Daoguihu's eyes condensed instantly, and a gleam of light flashed in his dark pupils!

When he heard Zhan Ji Lingma report that only 1 billion Genesis Drives could be produced, he had already fallen into a heavy feeling!

It was the weight of carrying countless lives.

In order to save 1 billion people, he must sacrifice other people!

This kind of thing made him feel very heavy and depressed, and deep in his heart he was also longing for other ways!

And now the appearance of Kuzuye Kota brought a glimmer of hope.

If there is really a person among the overlords who is willing to help mankind, it is simply the dawn of despair. It can save everyone, and at least there is one more choice.

"I'm not sure, but compared to other overlords who would fight as soon as they met, the emerald green guy is much better."Ge Ye Hongtai explained shyly.

"At least there is hope!" Upon hearing this, Wu Daoguihu suddenly showed a long-lost smile, chuckled at Kuzuya Kota and invited:"Let's go find each other together, no matter whether he is willing to help humans or not, we must try!" Seeing him like this, Kuzuya Kota's mood, which was originally heavy because of the jade matter, suddenly improved, and smiled:"Hi!"

"I’m going too! I’m going too!!!" Durian sister next to her was afraid that she would be left behind, so she shouted loudly.

"......Okay, you can come too." Wu Daoguihu nodded helplessly.

Although he didn't have any special feelings for Durian Sister, and even hated her exaggerated behavior, her previous"beauty" saving the hero still won his favor.

"But in this case,....Dark Emperor, do you want to join us?" Wu Daoguihu thought for a moment, then looked at Xia Yi who had dealt with all the foreigners and asked.

".....Not interested. Good luck to you~" Xia Yi, who was immersed in the points at the moment, just shook his head and said perfunctorily.

He did not stop Wu Daoguihu's naive idea. After all, he would only believe it if he knew it himself.

The current director is more like an ant on a hot pot. He will try any way to be rescued!

So even if he told the other party that Feicui was just planning something, I'm afraid the other party would not believe it. It is better to deal with his own affairs with peace of mind!

After that, he directly opened the dimensional wall and left the place.

When he appeared again, he was already on the other side of the underworld of Heim. He casually cleared out the nearby aliens. He was going to collect some lock seeds and leave.

Soon, he stopped his action when he finished the collection and was about to return to Zeya City.

The apple lock seed in his arms suddenly burst into a faint light, as if guiding him to a place not far away!

"What is this?!" A trace of astonishment flashed across his deep eyes, and Xia Yi subconsciously raised his head to look at the location pointed by the light!

Unfortunately, his vision was completely blocked by countless towering trees.

"What could it be? Could it be the Golden Fruit? No! The Golden Fruit should be in Bai Ya's hands now, so it should be something else......."His eyes were slightly raised, and his mind was flashing with thoughts.

"Forget it, just go and take a look!" Without thinking any more, he walked straight into the depths of the forest!

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