Under the cover of night, Xia Yi's transformation was completed quickly.

Now he can clearly feel the difference from before!

His body is more agile and full of strength!

His body, which was originally enhanced by the fighting master, has evolved again!

In this way, he can also exert more of the power of the Dark Emperor.

The rewards this time have been sorted out, a total of 17 draws, which is basically OK.

Then he changed into a piece of clothes and prepared to go outside to see the bustling Zeya City..........

At this time, Zeya City has completely fallen into the Christmas carnival, and the night cannot stop the celebration!

It is very similar to the New Year's Eve in China, with bursts of firecrackers!

In this situation, Xia Yi strolled leisurely in a coat.

"It's been a long time since I took a walk like this, and it was in such a lively celebration."Looking at the bands everywhere, he couldn't help but smile playfully.

He didn't hate such a lively atmosphere.

Standing quietly on the edge, watching the performance of the Baron team in front of him.

Qu Wen Jie Dou led the dance on the stage, showing his heroic posture.

Although some scars can still be seen faintly on his face. After all, he was knocked unconscious by the director.

It is not easy to dance on it just after waking up.

Of course, he was sent out from the underworld of Heim by the people of the World Tree.

Although he himself did not know this, because of the celebration of Christmas, he forced his body to come and lead the dance.

And not far away is the stage of the Gaim team!

Because it is still ranked first , so the stage is also the best.

Under the spotlight, it can be said that the tree stands out in the forest!

After admiring the dance of Qi Wen Jie Dou for a while, Xia Yi smiled faintly and prepared to go to see the Gaim team next door.

The stage layout of the Gaim team is more cozy, and compared with the luxury of the Baron team, it is more humane.

Perhaps this is why they are more popular than other teams.

The most conspicuous is the elf-like Gao Siwu who leads the Gaim team with smiles on their faces and enjoys the fun of dancing.

But Xia Yi was attracted by another thing at the moment!

Beside him, a man was promoting something to several audiences.

"Dark Bodhi Tree!","A chance to survive in a world that is about to collapse....."Wait, Xia Yi heard these words in a trance.

"Dark Bodhi Tree?"The latter frowned slightly.

The words of the pyramid scheme organization made him a little concerned.

Of course, the dark bodhi tree also left some impression on Xia Yi.

He retracted his gaze and turned his attention to the pyramid scheme man.

The other party had good eloquence and fooled several audiences.

In the end, he sold his own product unknowingly!

It was a lock seed!

The red lock seed, Xia Yi's face changed when he saw the item clearly.

That lock seed seemed to be a type he had never seen before!

"Dark Bodhi Tree?"Gazing at the figure of the pyramid scheme man, he couldn't help but start to wonder what the organization called Dark Bodhi Tree was.

So after the other party sent the lock seed out and left, he followed him.........


Following the strange-looking man in a suit, we soon came to a flyover.

The night covered everything and nothing could be seen!

The sparse population here and the noisy sounds outside seemed to have turned into the best place to bury corpses!

Xia Yi, who followed closely behind, frowned and felt that he should not move forward!

Otherwise, there would be an accident!

But he did not care, and remained calm and followed slowly.

Suddenly, the man in front stopped.

He turned his back to Xia Yi and said,"Brother, are you also interested in the Dark Bodhi Tree?"

Before he finished speaking, the man slowly turned around, stared at Xia Yi's so-called location, and continued,"Come out, brother, you can't hide it from my eyes."

Hearing this, Xia Yi, who squinted his eyes, couldn't help but reveal a playful smile.

Things seemed to be getting interesting. It seemed that the guy in this pyramid scheme was not as simple as an ordinary person!

He was not hiding, and he slowly walked out of the darkness.

"Have you been discovered? But can you please tell me what the so-called dark bodhi tree is?"With a playful smile, Xia Yi got straight to the point.

"Dark Bodhi is an organization that will save all of humanity! Under my leadership as a god, humanity will evolve!"Under the bright moonlight, the man's face became extremely fanatical! His crazy look was extremely terrifying!


However, the only response he got was a sneer.

"Become a god? Are you thinking too much! I am the one who will become a god!"Xia Yi's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he sneered

"What?"Hearing this, the man's heart was shocked and his brows were tightly knitted together!

Then he said:"Humph, it seems that you will not become our believer! Then those who disobey will die!"

""Hmm?" Xia Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He saw the man's movements in the crystal moonlight. With a wave of his hand, several people appeared under the overpass behind him in an instant! They all held a red lock in their hands, which was the special lock that Xia Yi had seen just now.

But through the moonlight, he, who had been strengthened by the physical evolution potion, discovered that these people were not right!

Whether it was the scarlet eyes or the stiff steps like zombies.

The whole body revealed weirdness, which was telling Xia Yi!

They were not normal!

But suddenly, those guys followed the MLM man's hand and rushed over like crazy! At this moment, some almost forgotten memories flashed through Xia Yi's mind!

He....I know who this person is!! ps: This is the Duke spin-off story of Kamen Rider Gaim. If you haven't read it and are interested, you can search for Legend of Eternal Spirit on Youku for free.

Of course, there should be resources on Baidu.

I think this book is pretty good. I hope you can vote for it or leave your opinions in the comment area. Thank you very much for your support!

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