The intermediate prize pool has been drawn 21 times, and there are nine more times to open the new advanced prize pool.

"System, nine intermediate draws."Xia Yi slowly said in his heart. The most important thing now is to open the advanced prize pool.

【Ding, it is detected that the host currently has 102,000 points. Consume 36,000 points to start the intermediate prize pool draw.】

【Ding......Congratulations to the host for obtaining Kamen Rider Skull Driving Card, Kamen Rider Night Rider Driving Card, Kamen Rider Kick Locust Driving Card, Kamen Rider Punch Locust Driving Card, Luck +2, Recovery Bread × 10, Shooting Mastery, Kendo Master, Dragon Fang Survival Driving Card】!

""Longya survives?" Although there are many rewards, Xia Yi's attention is completely on the last survival card.

That is Longya's final form, and it is also the only final form knight card Xia Yi has obtained so far! The driving card that only exists in theory is actually in the system!

He was surprised to check the driving card of the survival Longya. In addition to the transformation, there are also weapons, skills, etc., which are basically the same as before.

It must be said that it was really lucky to be able to draw this thing from the intermediate prize pool.

Then he looked at other rewards.

Kamen Rider Skull, that is, the knight transformed by Fuuto uncle Ming Hai Shouji, is good at....Close combat!

Kamen Rider Night Knight, Ryuki's deputy rider, is also jokingly called the main rider.

The reason is that on the one hand, he was the one who fought Ryuki's final boss, Kanzaki Shirou, and in a certain theatrical version, Kido Shinji used the Survival Night Knight for the final battle!

Of course, this is a stalk.

Kicking Locust and Punching Locust, the hell brothers in Kabuto, responsible for comedy, of course, it became a tragedy in the later period, and even continued to Zi-O.

Proficient in shooting, proficient in various long-range weapons.

Kendo Master, an upgraded version of Kendo Master, like a master who has been immersed in Kendo for decades!

Finally....It was the most mysterious reward - Luck +2. This thing was too mysterious.

After all, luck was something that was hard to figure out.

So he didn't pay much attention to it. He sorted out his things and continued to mutter in his heart:"System, open the advanced prize pool"

【Ding, the host's authority has been detected to be up to standard, and the advanced prize pool is activated. 】

As soon as the electronic synthesized sound of the system sounded, some memories suddenly flooded into Xia Yi's mind.

It was about the advanced prize pool.

It takes 20,000 points to activate the advanced prize pool once, and most of the rewards are top-level.

And this is the most advanced prize pool, so the points consumed are directly multiplied by five times.

In a sense, Xia Yi felt that the system encouraged the use of the intermediate prize pool.

After understanding everything, Xia Yi did not waste time and directly invested all his points in it.

"System, advanced lottery 3 times"

【Ding, it is detected that the host currently has 66,000 points, and the advanced lottery has been drawn 3 times】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining......Kamen Rider Eternal T2 Gaia memory full dress form driving card, Diend gun, Kamen Rider Gaim dark driving card】

"USB boy form? Diend gun?"Hearing the names of these two rewards, Xia Yi couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise.

After only two draws, a top summoner was drawn, plus the awesome memory boy form that could blow up the world.

Is this the high-level prize pool?!

However....The Eternal USB Boy form seemed to have failed the first time it was used, and became a tool the second time.

It seemed to have some unfriendly attributes!

As for the Diend gun, he looked at the dark golden one in his hand and fell silent.


After a long time, the system explained that this was a standard weapon for Dark Emperor, and it was an enhancement of the new decade version. (ps: It doesn't have to be the same color as Haidong, otherwise it will always feel weird.)

So Xia Yi gladly accepted this explanation, and then looked at it carefully with a deep gaze.

The diend gun was originally made to be used as a weapon for Emperor, but Wang Xiaoming's was stolen by the thief.

The lottery ended, and the harvest was quite rich, which can be said to have been sublimated to a certain extent!.........

Two days later, in the fruit shop,

Xia Yi, who came to relax, ordered a fruit platter and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

Of course, in the process, he also learned about the current situation in Zeya City.

Today's Zeya City is not the same as when he left.

At this time, the screen in the fruit shop was playing a report about some people being infected with strange plants.

"The patients were all victims of a series of strange biological events that began last month. The hospital suspected that they might have been infected with pathogens from the location."

"In addition, some young people in the city have started to play a game called Alien Game some time ago, and some people suspect that it is related to the strange creature incident........"

Xia Yi, who was enjoying his food, couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

"It seems that the situation can't be suppressed anymore~ But the sentence after that is really sinister. This is a crazy implication of Geye Kota and the others."

Xia Yi, who saw through the reason at a glance, smiled faintly.

Combined with the current situation, he already understood that the World Tree was going to use the pressure of the fishing reel to divert attention.

After all, the speed of the invasion of the underworld of Helheim seemed to have accelerated, and their World Tree could no longer suppress it.

At this time, in order not to cause panic, they could only divert the conflict.

So Geye Kota and the others, who were guinea pigs, became the best targets. Geye Kota, who was caught in the crossfire, was also very angry at the moment. He was still writing his resume when he heard his sister calling him.

Then he hurried out.

"But if the World Tree does this, doesn't that mean it is ready to abandon Kuzuha Kota and the others? No need for data.....In other words, the Genesis Drive has been completed!"Rubbing his chin, Xia Yi directly guessed that the Genesis Drive was completed through the actions of the World Tree.

"" Bang!"

At this moment, a man suddenly rushed in from outside.

It was Hatsuse Ryoji!

As soon as he entered the door, he rushed to look for something. In the end, he didn't seem to find what he wanted, so he shouted angrily to the store manager:"Where is the padlock merchant? Hasn't he been here all the time?!"

"Come to think of it, that person hasn't been here recently." The store manager was not angry, and explained in a good-tempered manner.

"How can he not be here at this time? I need the shrinking seeds now!" Hatsuse Ryoji slammed the table and continued to roar.

"It's none of my business." The store manager explained calmly, and then he picked up a small piece of raisins beside him and stuffed it into the man's mouth:"People need vitamins."

"Enough!" Hatsuse Ryoji glared at him, then slammed the door again. Xia

Yi, who had witnessed everything, tapped the table with his fingers.

If the store manager in front of him was a SaiQ protozoan, he would not be angry (the store manager had played the role in both Ryuki and Kabuto, and he was the strongest protozoan in Kabuto).)

But looking at Hase Ryoji's appearance, could it be.....

At that time, Ryoji Hase, who was running all the way, suddenly saw the alien in front of him and was so scared that he collapsed to the ground. But when he opened his eyes again, he found that it was just an ordinary person....He regarded ordinary people as ferocious foreigners and fell into fear!

In fact, this was not the first time!

Without the power of transformation, he was like a loser, with no sense of security and fear of everything!

In the end, he was so sad and angry that he just raged helplessly and hammered the iron pillar!..........

Not long after, near a factory.

The employees had all gone off work to rest, and suddenly a zipper sound was heard.

The crack opened, and a familiar alien jumped out.

The Azure Dragon Alien!

This alien, who had been killed countless times by Xia Yi, began to roar violently after entering the human world through the crack.

And with a savage collision, it began to wantonly destroy, heading towards the employees outside!

The people who were still laughing saw the appearance of the monster, and they all fell into a daze.

They screamed and shouted.

Fortunately, Silly Orange, who was passing by, appeared in time and kicked the alien away.

"Tsk, are there foreigners here? The situation is already so bad......"Without time to think, he quickly put on the driver and transformed to join the battle!

But before he could get rid of the alien, a figure suddenly attacked from a distance.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Durian Sister holding a saw sword.

Kuzuya Kota, who originally thought it was a helper, felt a pain in his back and flew backwards!

The target of the opponent's attack turned out to be him!

"Are you crazy?!"Kageya Kota was stunned.

But before he could say anything, Durian attacked again, and he had to block her first. He watched the alien run away.

""Manager of Xia Meng, why don't you attack the foreigners! Are you trying to stop me?" Kuzuya Kota, who used the Big Orange Pill to block the attack, asked in confusion.

"Because I signed the contract!" Durian Sister explained indifferently.

"And you still owe me a fight!" He continued.

Because he was beaten up by Dark Decade before, he lost his fighting power, so only the Gaim Team was not challenged!

As for the treaty....Because he was hired by the World Tree, and what he had to do was to defeat the other armored knights and protect the peace of Zeya City.

Anyway, that's what the World Tree said.

It was just what he wanted, and he could also make money, so he decisively accepted it. ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe.

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