With her hands covering the front, Minato Yoko stared at the center of the collision carefully.

The air wave slowly disappeared, and from the swirling smoke in front of the air wave, a figure suddenly flew backwards!

It was Niu!

In mid-air, he couldn't hold his weapon.

But what was even more shocking was that in mid-air, the long sword named Ashuimu made a cracking sound!

Then it suddenly shattered into a piece of powder and disappeared!

As for Niu, he fell to the ground helplessly, and it seemed that he had lost his fighting ability.

"Really....It's so powerful!" Minato Yoko couldn't help but sighed when she saw this.

"This power.....If there is such power...."Sid was completely conquered by the amazing power displayed by Xia Yi.

He longed to obtain this level of power. As long as he had this level of power, he would not have to worry about being ordered around by others. He could even become the master!

Just as he was daydreaming, a voice suddenly rang out at an inopportune time.

""Cou, Sid, bring the foreigner back!"

That was Zhan Ji Lingma's voice. He was very excited!

After all, he finally got a great opportunity to capture the overlord of the foreigners.

"Hi hi!" Sid, who was interrupted, curled his lips and nodded, and was ready to capture the Overlord.

But Minato Yoko did not follow him, but asked in confusion:"Professor Lingma, are you sure we can capture the intelligent alien? I always feel....."

Before she finished speaking, Zhan Ji Ling Ma already understood what she meant and said confidently:"Well, although this was defeated by Dark Decade,....."

Before he could finish his words, Sid, who wanted to finish the job quickly, was suddenly stopped.

He was stopped in front of Sengoku Reima and Minato Yoko!

"Oh? What are you trying to do?" In the slowly dispersing smoke, Xia Yi casually clapped his hands and said lightly

"Forehead....."Shocked, Sid decisively sold the Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

"Professor Ling Ma asked us to capture this intelligent alien!"

"Hmm? Picking fruits is not a good idea, what do you think~ King Snake!"Xia Yi smiled playfully, and then looked at the king snake on standby over there!

The king snake also inherited Uncle Snake's temper, and very decisively picked up the knife and chased Sid and started chopping.

Laughing hysterically like a devil, the neurotic look made Sid shudder.

He really had no interest in fighting with such a lunatic, especially when the other party was just summoned.

What a fight!

But the king snake was very determined, and he was completely determined to kill Sid, and he chased after him!

The snake saber in his hand brushed Sid's head and almost seriously injured him.

Sid, who was retreating, said unhappily:"Hey, hey! I'm going to be angry if you keep doing this!"

"Really! Cou, help him." Zhan Ji Ling Ma looked at Sid who was being hunted and held his forehead helplessly, and commanded.

But Cou Yaozi was also unable to take care of herself at this time. Just as she was about to take action, she saw her body stunned, as if she was stared at by some terrifying existence, and she didn't dare to move at all.

Then she saw Xia Yi's indifferent dark blue eyes, and the golden knight who was playing with the plants of the underworld of Heim beside her!

She was sure that if she made the slightest movement, the golden guy would move instantly and would not give her any chance!

Subconsciously swallowing her saliva, she said helplessly:"Although you said so, but...I don’t have any solution!"

""Tsk!" Zhan Ji Lingma also discovered the dilemma of Mou Yaozi and stopped forcing it.

A faint light flickered in his eyes full of wisdom, and he was thinking of a solution.

At this time, Xia Yi, who had already noticed that it was Zhan Ji Lingma who was commanding remotely, stared at Mou Yaozi silently.

He smiled with interest and didn't care much. His current target was still on the cow.

As the overlord, it would be better to get rid of the other party as soon as possible.

At this time, the overlord relied on his super recovery ability and stood up again. Looking at his empty hands, he couldn't help showing sadness.

The big knife has been with him for a long time, but he didn't expect it to go ahead of him!

The ferocious eyes stared at Xia Yi, his eyes became more and more scarlet, and he waved his big hand.

Suddenly, all the plants in the surrounding Heim underworld became violent, surging madly and rushing towards Xia Yi like a terrifying giant python!

Seeing this, Xia Yi didn't care at all:"As an overlord, I will give you a dignified death!"

"Enjoy the fun of hell!"

【final-attack-ride-ee-eternal! 】

Instantly, it leaped high, and its pure white body burst out with incomparable power, like blue lightning, full of incomparable tyranny! It dominated the area, and instantly gathered its strength on its right leg, but the power that was enough to destroy everything overflowed violently, turning into dark blue light wheels, completely wrapping up its legs.

In an instant, it kicked out!

The branches and vines that seemed to be like a giant python were annihilated in an instant like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!

Looking at the powerful force that was getting closer and closer, the bull seemed to see the god of death, and stopped struggling, just shouting:"The king will not let you go!!"

In the end, the overlord named Bull, who controlled the ruler of the Helm Underworld Forest, turned into ashes in the explosion!

The terrifying explosion sounded instantly, and the overlapping waves of air ripples spread wildly, completely clearing the surroundings!

The aliens were simply unable to resist, and they exploded one after another, turning into endless points. The system prompt sound kept ringing in Xia Yi's mind!

As for the shadow soldiers, they just fainted under the protection of the armor.

Everything returned to calm, and in the smoke that slowly dissipated under the calm, the pure white knight pointed his finger upside down, as if to interpret the strength of the winner!

"Damn it! Hey, Cou, Sid, call back! What's the situation?"Zhan Ji Ling Ma kept roaring while watching the last scene reflected on the screen.

However, the projection equipment had already been destroyed in the shock wave.

The radio used for communication only made a buzzing sound.

He had completely lost control of the situation on the scene!

But just by looking at the last scene, he almost guessed the result!

"That guy!! Why did he have to kill the aliens? Doesn’t he know how valuable they are?"

At the same time, on another radio channel, Wu Daoguihu fell into silence as he looked at the horrifying scene of the explosion in front of him, and slowly connected to Zhan Ji Lingma:"I have entered the underworld of Heim, what is the situation now?" ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe!

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