The emerald green figure holding a halberd stood in front of Zhenhong....Jade, one of the Overlords!

That’s right, it’s the old bastard who killed Bai Ya!

Although he’s an old bastard, the fact that he was able to break the defense of Bai Ya, the God of Origin, shows that his strength should not be underestimated!

"Jade! Why are you here?!"Zhen Hong, who was lying on the ground, looked stunned.

"An unexpected discovery~" Feicui said with a chuckle.

Then he looked at Xia Yi over there and continued:"Excuse me, that life from another world, to interrupt your battle"

"Hmm? Xia Yi frowned. Feicui was speaking Japanese!.....Learned the human language!

His deep eyes were like a deep pool. He glanced at the other person and said,"Where did you learn our language?"

"I not only learned your language, but also some of your other knowledge.....You call yourselves human beings, right? You come from Earth, a world as beautiful as our Phumsim’s world once was." Emerald said with a laugh.

Then he pretended to be compassionate:"It’s a pity that such a beautiful world is also going to be destroyed! Just like us Phumsim, you will become a part of this forest!"

"No! Although I don't know where you got this news from, I'm sorry to tell you that as long as I'm still here, the Earth will not follow your path." Xia Yi said calmly without changing his expression.

Hearing his words, seeing his confident and determined look, his heroic demeanor seemed to make people want to believe it involuntarily.

Feicui suddenly burst into laughter:"Haha!"

"Interesting! You are so confident! I just hope you can keep this confidence when you face the real power of the forest! Maybe you will be more confident now......Who knows, it might turn into complete despair!"

"There is no point in saying more."Xia Yi shook his head lightly, ready to continue to release his Knight Kick!

However, as if aware that he was going to continue fighting, Feicui suddenly said:"Wait a moment~ You have time to fight me now, why not go see your companions"

"Companions?"Xia Yi frowned.

How come he didn't know he had companions? Hadn't he always been fighting alone?

"Those black steel men use such belts. Emerald chuckled and slowly took out a Battle Driver.

"Shadow? Zhanji Driver? Could it be!"Xia Yi's mind instantly flashed with the World Tree Search Team that had separated from them before!

In this way, he seemed to understand where Jade got so much information about humans!

The search team unfortunately encountered Jade on the way of retreat. Facing such a strong man.

A few shadow soldiers were obviously not strong enough to deal with!

The final result.....It goes without saying! Although he didn't have a close relationship with that team, they only met a few times.....A feeling of grief for the loss of fellow tribesmen at the hands of outsiders could not help but well up in my heart!

As if seeing his anger value increasing, Feicui waved his hand and reminded him,"Don't worry, I didn't kill them, I just forced them to tell me something.""

"So shouldn't you go and see them?" Feicui smiled lightly, with a cunning look on her face.

At that time, the search team encountered him when they were retreating according to orders!

It was very accidental, so Feicui, who was very curious about the human world, took action.

He wanted to see if the people in that world could provide some help for his ambition.

So he forced out some useful information.

Then he was attracted by the momentum of the battle between Xia Yi and Zhenhong, and came here to watch the show.

But....He didn't expect that the violent man Zhenhong would be pressed to the ground and rubbed without any resistance!

Although he looked down on that guy with strong limbs and simple mind.

But it was not good to sit back and watch the only fellow of the same clan die. After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, he chose to help!

At this moment, he was confident that Xia Yi would retreat and smiled at the dark figure of the Dark Emperor!

But! He was wrong!

Xia Yi was not the type who would leave directly!

He smiled contemptuously and suddenly stood up!

The twenty virtual cards were stacked up in an instant, overflowing with great power.

Converged in Xia Yi's right leg!

Feicui, who had never expected that he would take action, was shocked and didn't care about cursing. He quickly waved the halberd in his hand to try to block the attack!

Facing an enemy who could press Zhenhong to the ground and beat him, he dared not relax or underestimate him!

The halberd and the knight kick that exuded strong and powerful power collided brazenly.

The two terrifying forces instantly spread out like a meteorite hitting the earth!

It was so terrifying and powerful beyond imagination!

But how difficult it was for the Jadeite who prepared in a hurry to withstand the kick of this level of knight!

The green energy light ball he represented slowly developed in the weak direction!

The violent power set off waves of air, as if it was endless, spreading in the form of shock waves to the surroundings!

Thick smoke filled the air, lingering like a fairyland!

Finally, Jadeite couldn't stand it anymore!

In an instant, his arms softened and he lost control of the halberd.

The kick with the terrifying power was fiercely blasted out!

Then he saw him flying backwards like a kite with a broken string, and finally fell heavily to the ground!

Following him, the Red behind him also flew out!

However, because Jadeite resisted most of the power, Red was not seriously injured.

There was still a little strength left to fight.

But this was not the time for him to be stupid. He quickly waved his hand to control the fireball and blasted it out!

The power was very weak, just to delay time, and then this self-proclaimed extraordinary overlord used all his strength to drag the half-dead Feicui away!

Seeing this, Xia Yi quickly swung the card box sword!

Directly cut the fireball in half, and then prepared to chase it out!

Unfortunately, Zhenhong escaped very quickly, and played a little trick, using the forest of the underworld of Heim to hinder Xia Yi's pursuit!

"I didn't expect that monkey with strong limbs could be so clever, hum~" Xia Yi glanced at the two overlords who had disappeared.

Although it was a pity, it was the only way to go as he missed the opportunity.

"Aren't you going to chase them?" Minato Yaozi walked over,"I remember you have the ability to speed up, you can catch up with them if you become like that."

Xia Yi always felt that the other party had something else in his words, but he didn't think too much about it, and said lightly:"I can catch up, but I'm afraid the wounded on your side won't be able to hold on for long."

"Casualties......They should have nothing to do with you." Minato Yoko's beautiful eyes moved slightly.

"Yes, but now that I have met him, I won’t dare to call myself Kamen Rider next time unless I take action." Xia Yi shrugged noncommittally.

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