I'm In Gt: My Brother Is Broly

Chapter 132 The strongest artificial Saiyan is born

"Master Bupa."

However, just as Bupa was preparing to act, a cry followed.

Looking at the sound, I can see the figure of Lapis coming in a hurry.

Soon, Lapis arrived at the area where Bupa was, bowed and said; "Master Bupa, just heard from Dr. Myuu that his artificial Saiyan has also been completed.


With a flash of light in his eyes, Bupa's breathing was three-pointed in an instant.

Dr.Myuu's artificial Saiyan has also been completed, which is a real surprise.

You know, Boomer and the artificial Saiyan on the 21st have already given him a huge surprise.

So what kind of artificial Saiyan will Dr.Myuu create after he has completed Baby, Super No. 17?

Thinking of this, Bupa said immediately: "Lapis, show me now.

"Yes! 35

With a promise, Lapis did not dare to neglect, and immediately turned around and went with Bupa.

"That's right, Lapis.

While walking, Bupa glanced at Lapis and thoughtfully; "You should have devoured that Super 17, right? How do you feel?"

Bupa's eyes were fixed on Lapis, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

After all, in his opinion, the Super No. 17 has 880 billion combat power.

But Lapis only increased the mere 30 billion combat power after swallowing it, which is obviously unscientific. 100

"Lord Bupa, I haven't completely devoured it yet."

Hearing this, Lapis shook his head and replied, "Now what I have is only about one-tenth of the power of Super No. 17."

"If you want to improve the remaining power, you must upgrade yourself."

"Dr.Myuu has already built what I need to upgrade, and if it weren't for the artificial Saiyan being done ahead of time, I should be finishing the final upgrade by now."5

I see.

After hearing this, Bupa suddenly became enlightened.

No wonder the 30 billion combat power was only increased before, and the co-authorship devoured one-tenth of the super No. 17's power.

And listening to his words, Dr. Myuu will be able to help him perfect himself right away, and completely devour the Super No. 17.

In this way, Narapis is likely to increase the combat power of at least 800 billion at that time.

Thinking of this, Bupa's breathing became rapid, and he didn't even bother to go to Earth to find Broly.

800 billion combat power increase.

Once Lapis is completed, Bupa will be able to increase his combat (caah) power by about 8 trillion again with the tenfold return.

Thinking of this, Bupa couldn't wait to say: "Then let's speed up.

"After watching the artificial Saiyan, I want to see how much you have improved after you perfected yourself.

While speaking, Bupa and Lapis soon arrived at Laboratory 7.

When you enter it, you can see that the entire laboratory is messy, and there is no clean and tidy studio of the three girls of Buma.

But because of this, Bupa has more confidence in Dr.Myuu.

This is the atmosphere that scientists should have. Only those who put everything into research can have such a working environment without being moved.

"Dr. Myuu!"

At this time, Lapis stepped forward and shouted: "Lord Bupa is here."


The sound of the machine falling to the ground resounded, and Dr. Myuu could be seen walking out from behind a vessel not far away.

After seeing Bupa, Dr. Myuu's eyes suddenly showed a hint of excitement, and he stepped forward and said, "Lord Bupa, you are finally here.

"I have successfully created the strongest artificial Saiyan, and I also invite Mr. Bupa to taste it."

Saying that, Dr. Myuu didn't care about etiquette, and excitedly walked towards the vessel covered by black cloth not far away.

"Oh, the strongest man-made Saiyan.

"Then I'm really looking forward to it!

Seeing this, Bupa's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward immediately, full of curiosity in his heart.

Da da da

The sound of footsteps resounded, and the three Bupa quickly arrived at the vessel covered by the black cloth.

As Dr. Myuu stretched out his hand and tore off the black cloth, a three-meter tall figure with bulging muscles and looking extremely strong appeared in it.

This artificial Saiyan looks similar to Broly in a state of rage, with grass-green hair, azure blue eyes, and the number 1 written on his arms.

However, this existence similar in appearance to Broly does not have a tail, and Bupa can vaguely see the technical traces of the infinite energy furnace from its body.

"Dr. Myuu, is this the strongest artificial Saiyan you've ever built?"

Opening his mouth, Bupa was a little disappointed to be honest.

Although the artificial Saiyan in front of him is directly an adult state, this is definitely not the strongest artificial Saiyan in Bupa's mind.

If it is only by virtue of the infinite energy furnace technology, the maximum is a little stronger than the artificial Saiyan of No. 21, but it is completely impossible to match the potential of the artificial Saiyan created by Bulma.

"Not bad! 55

However, Dr. Myuu didn't notice Bupa's disappointment at the moment, instead he said excitedly: "Master Bupa, this most powerful artificial Saiyan was created by me mainly from the cells of Lord Broly. 95

"But on him, I joined the strongest living body technology and artificial human technology."

"This also led to my strongest artificial Saiyan having Lord Broly's rage state and super transmission mode, in addition to the artificial human's infinite energy furnace.

"The most important thing is, in order to ensure the loyalty issue, I also learned the skills of Miss Boomer and Miss No. 21, so that his core is full of loyalty to adults and never betrays you, and has a certain degree of wisdom, similar to 16 The idea of ​​peace.


After listening to Dr. Myuu's words, Bupa's eyes widened and he said in disbelief, "It's just anger and super mode!"

At this moment, Bupa was pleasantly surprised.

I thought it was a failed product, but I didn't expect it to be the strongest artificial Saiyan.

Thinking of this, Bupa didn't care about Dr. Myuu who was still talking about it, and immediately said: "System, check his information."

The next second, the information of the strongest man-made Saiyan in front of him appeared.

【number 1】

【Race; Artificial Saiyan】

【Blood; artificial super blood】

【Combat power: 0】

[Transformation: permanent anger state, permanent super transmission mode]

【Ability: Kamehameha wave, intermediate regeneration, intellectual brain...】

【Loyalty: 100】

"Ding! Check the bindable target and whether the host is bound.


Without the slightest hesitation, Bupa bound the artificial Saiyan in front of him without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Bupa turned his gaze to Dr.Myuu and said, "Dr.Myuu, two questions. 99

"First, why is the power of the strongest artificial Saiyan 0?

"Second, can this strongest artificial Saiyan be mass-produced?"

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