I'm In Gt: My Brother Is Broly

Chapter 404 Fu's rescue, collapsed Beerus

"This is……"

Seeing this situation, Bupa was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

He could clearly feel that the power of the Gods of Destruction technique on Zamasu's body had disappeared.

Not only that, but under the wrapping of this special power, Zamasu's original vitality is quickly restored.

In just a few breaths, Zamasu's tightly closed eyes opened. He glanced at Bupa resentfully, and said with a sneer, "Bupa, pay for your actions."

"The rampage of the multi-dimensional universe can no longer be stopped. I of the countless worlds will bury you, and even the entire universe."

"Even if you are lucky enough to survive, I will try my best to find you and make you pay for your actions today.

After finishing speaking, the body of Zamasu became even more radiant.

Immediately afterwards, its figure disappeared from Bupa's eyes in an instant, leaving not even a trace of it.

"The power of time and space."

"Someone took the fit Zamasu away before he even recovered from his injuries.

Seeing this, Bupa's face was as cold as frost.

He never imagined that at this last moment, someone took the fit Zamasu from under his nose.

Moreover, the sudden power of time and space was something he could not resist and stop, which also meant that the latter's strength was far from what he could now compare.


"is it you?"

A figure appeared in his mind, Bupa clenched his fists subconsciously, and his face turned gloomy to the extreme at this moment.


That ambitious guy.

According to what Bupa knew and knew, Fu was an organization whose goal was to kill Zeno within the main universe.

This also means that Fu's combat power may not be as good as Grand Priest, but it will not be much weaker.

And according to Bupa's understanding, Fu's collaborators are stronger, and may even be comparable to the Grand Priest.

Once they are united, with the so-called Seed of Universe, it's really possible to kill Zeno.

call out--

call out--

At this moment, the sound of breaking the air resounded.

Looking around, I can see Beerus, Whis, Kvass, Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan and Trunks hurriedly approaching.


"Master Bupa.

When they arrived at the area where Bupa was, Beerus and the others asked impatiently, "How can you kill Zamasu?

"What just happened? Was that white light caused by you killing Zamasu, the fusion?"

At this moment, Beerus was extremely uneasy.

Including Kvass and Whis is no exception.

After all, if Zamasu doesn't die, the multiverse's rampage will be difficult to stop, and then...

"No, he was rescued. 99

After returning to his senses, Bupa glanced at Beerus and the others, and then said with a serious expression; "And the person who rescued him was extremely powerful. 35

"That power is unmatched even by me, and there is not even any possibility of stopping it."


Fit Zamasu was rescued.

Hearing this, the expressions of Beerus and the others changed greatly.

Unexpectedly, things have really turned into such a serious situation.

Fit Zamasu was rescued, this is absolutely the worst news.

The latter is not dead, which means that the coordinates of this timeline will be invaded.

In this case, countless timelines will collapse, and the entire multiverse universe will be rampant, and even the main universe will be affected.

Thinking of this, Beerus, Whis and Kvass were all in a cold sweat.

Once there is a problem with the main universe, it is definitely caused by the runaway of the multiple universes.

As one of the personal experiencers of this matter, they will all be punished, and may even be erased from Zeno.

"How to do."

How can this be.

"how so.""


For a time, Kvass slumped on the ground, his face turned pale, and his eyes were full of regret.

It's all made by Zamasu.

And Zamasu is the Supreme Kai candidate he chose, and it can be said that he is half responsible for this matter.


At this time, Son Goku from the area next to him stepped forward and asked in a puzzled manner; "Lord Beerus, Lord Kvass, what is a multiverse runaway? 35

"The fusion Zamasu didn't die, is there really any big trouble?"

As soon as these words came out, Vegeta, Son Gohan and Trunks all looked at Beerus and the others.

For them, they have absolutely no idea what the multiverse is.

As for the harm that the so-called multiverse runaway may cause, they are also ignorant of it.

"Idiot. 35

Looking at Son Goku angrily, Beerus scolded; "The multiverse is rampant, this is the final form that threatens the stability of time and space. 35

"Do you know why we gods want to eliminate people who travel in time? It's because we want to prevent the possibility of a runaway in the multiverse."

"`Now that everything is over, the combined Zamasu will not die, and the Zamasu in the multiverse will converge towards this place. "

"In this way, the multiverse universe will be completely runaway, countless Zamasu will turn into demon gods who destroy everything, and they will break countless parallel worlds, resulting in universe fusion, runaway and killing. 39

"The main thing is that as the parallel universes run wild, that threatens even the main universe we're in.

"When the time comes when Master Zeno is investigated, we will all have to die, and everyone will have to die.

At this moment, Beerus' face was as cold as frost.

Never thought that things would turn out like this.

Although a large part of the reason is that Bupa did not kill Zamasu in the first place.

But he couldn't blame it either.

After all, even they had never thought of such a thing before, let alone God Bupa.

"Lord Beerus, wouldn't it be enough to just kill those Zha (Okay) Masi?"

At this time, Vegeta on the side said thoughtfully: "Since he will destroy the balance and boundaries between universes, there is no problem in killing them all.

"Also, Zamasu is not dead, but his time ring has been taken by Lord Bupa. He alone shouldn't be enough to cause all this, right?"

This remark immediately aroused the approval of Son Goku and others.

Since the source of everything is Zamasu, it's okay to kill it, there is no need to worry at all.


In response, Beerus rolled his eyes angrily, and then scolded: "Do you think there are only one or two multiverse universes? 35

"That's built out of thousands, if not countless, parallel universes.

"This also means that countless Zamasu will arrive here, and even as they leave their own timeline, the rampage of the multiverse cannot be stopped." Land.

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