I'm In Gt: My Brother Is Broly

Chapter 45 Lapis's Self-Sacrifice, Cell's Powerful Spike

Hearing this, the three of Lazuli took a step back subconsciously.

For the complete body Cell in front of them, their hearts are full of fear and fear at the moment.

The Lazuli brothers and sisters had already realized that the combat power of the guy in front of them was extremely terrifying, not even inferior to Bupa.

Now this guy has swallowed the original Cell again, and his own Qi has been strengthened again.

If the complete cell in front of him wants to continue to attack, then the three of Lazuli are not his opponents, and they may even be completely swallowed by him.


Taking a deep breath, Lapis calmed down first and asked, "How did you evolve into a complete body?"

"The information recorded by Dr. Gero, you must devour me and No. 18 to complete the evolution."

"But in the future, you haven't managed to swallow No. 17 and No. 18 at all. How can you reach such a point?"

As soon as these words came out, Lazuli and No. 16 also looked at Cell curiously.

He was puzzled and puzzled about his completion of the complete body.

"Who said I didn't devour the future of you?"

With the corners of his mouth up, Cell glanced at the three of Lazuli before saying, "In the future, Trunks killed 17 and 18."

"Unfortunately, he only killed 18th and 17th, but he didn't destroy your bodies."

"This also gave me the opportunity to complete the complete body after swallowing your corpses."

"Then I killed the Trunks and all the humans in the future universe, and then rode the time machine to this era in order to completely kill Son Goku and complete the final program set by Dr.Gero within me."

Having said that, Cell looked at No. 16, No. 17 and No. 18 in surprise and said; "But in the memory of future Trunks, you should not be so strong."

"Why has your strength increased so much?"


Hearing this, the three Lazuli took a step back.

Judging from Cell's description, they already fully understood what was going on.

This is the Cell that arrived here from the future.

Unlike the previous Cell, which was smuggled with Trunks from the future world, it is still in its original form.

This Cell has completely completed the evolution of the complete body, and even its strength has reached an extremely terrifying level.


Subconsciously, No. 16 then asked: "Since you are already a complete body, does that mean that you don't need to take action against Lazuli sisters and brothers?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lazuli siblings also looked at Cell, feeling quite nervous.

In the current situation, they are not their opponents.

The only hope is that Bupa has not yet arrived. If Cell really wants to do it, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Complete body!"

With a grin, Cell glanced at No. 16 and said, "If it was before, then I really don't care about all this."

"But now it's completely different."

"After devouring this clone, I found that my ability has been improved again."

"And No. 17 and No. 18 actually turned into super androids, which means that if you devour you, then I can go further."

"Beyond the existence of the complete body, looking forward to it, I really look forward to it too much."

At this moment, Cell's eyes were full of heat and greed.

I thought that the complete body was my limit, but I didn't expect to be able to continue to evolve.

This is definitely a fatal temptation for him.

However, he was not in a hurry. The current Lazuli siblings and No. 16 were almost turtles in a urn, and there was no possibility of escaping.

With his strength, he can completely ignore the threat of No. 16 and others, so he doesn't mind wasting a little time.

After all, this is a miracle about his continued evolution, which is definitely good news.


Hearing this, Lazuli's faces turned ashen.

Although they had already guessed that the latter would not let him and others go, but when Cell told it himself, their hearts were still full of despair.

"No. 16, take my sister away."

At this moment, Lapis suddenly burst into drink.

I saw that he raised his hand suddenly, and countless qigong bullets swept out, attacking Cell continuously.


Almost instantly, No. 16 understood what Lapis wanted to do, grabbed Lazuli who hadn't reacted yet and pulled back.


Seeing this, Lazuli's expression changed drastically.

She already understood what Lapis wanted to do, the latter intending to sacrifice himself to protect her.

For a while, Lazuli had tears in his eyes, and subconsciously wanted to struggle to go to support.

However, before Lazuli could act, No. 16 was the first to seal her anger and said, "No. 18, you just let him sacrifice in vain in the past."

"Only by finding Bupa can he defeat Cell and save No. 17."

Hearing this, Lazuli fell silent.

Although she didn't want to accept it, she also understood that this was the case.

And now her power has been sealed, which also causes her to have almost no resistance.

call out--

call out--

In the blink of an eye, the figure of No. 16 with Lazuli dashed towards the island where Bupa was located.

"Want to escape?"

Cell saw this scene, and the cold murderous intent poured out from his whole body, and said, "Number 18, I won't let you escape."

After that, Cell stepped forward to pursue.

"Cell, your opponent is me."

Before Cell could act, Lapis's roar resounded.

It can be seen that the countless qigong bullets in his hands are attacking the cell again. Because of the existence of the infinite energy furnace, he does not care about the consumption.

As long as he persists for a while, even if Bupa doesn't show up in the future, at least he can buy enough time for Lazuli to escape.



The explosion resounded, the dust rose, and the figure of Cell walked out of it.

Lapis' attack had no effect on him.

But even so, it still made Cell feel uncomfortable, his eyes locked on Lapis, and he said coldly; "Number 17, since you are courting death, then I will devour you first."

"Come on, let me see how much increase you can bring to me after you evolve into a super android after being devoured by me."

"Beyond the existence of the complete body, I will evolve into an unprecedented ultimate humanoid, and I will also be the most powerful existence in the entire universe."

Saying that, Cell jumped out and arrived at the area where Lapis was located almost instantly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Cell slammed Lapis's belly with a punch.


The screams resounded, and Lapis simply couldn't resist the blow of Cell's more than 20 billion combat power.

Blood spurted out of the entire mouth, and his body arched like a prawn. After shaking a few times, he immediately passed out.

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