I'm In Gt: My Brother Is Broly

Chapter 89 Vegeta is in hell, successfully awakened on the 21st

Watching this scene, Bupa and the others became more and more curious.

But looking at Bumman's almost annoyed expression, Son Goku and the others didn't dare to ask anything rashly.

After all, how terrifying Boomer is, as a friend, Son Goku knows it well.

Immediately afterwards, Son Goku turned his head sharply to look at Bupa and said, "By the way, Bupa, it will take another year for this Dragon Ball to recover.

"Gohan and I have nothing to do with returning to Earth now, why don't we go to the new Vegeta star with you?

Son Goku is not very curious or concerned about the new Vegeta star.

What he wants to do most is to practice with Bupa, after all, Broly said it before.

In just three months, Bupa helped Broly increase its combat power from 120 million to 2.3 billion.

The speed of this kind of strength improvement really made him "Zero Qiqi" excited, and he couldn't wait to try it.


Taking a look at Son Goku, the corner of Bupa's mouth rose and said; "Just now I need to start building artificial Saiyan, you can also help a little by following along.

"Broly, take out the Universe spaceship, it's time for us to go back.

"yes, Sir!"

With a promise, Broly didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took out the universal capsule and released the Universe spaceship.

Immediately afterwards, the group did not hesitate, and they stepped into the Universe spaceship.

Moments later, the Universe spaceship took off and left the new Namek and began speeding toward the new Vegeta star.

Inside the spaceship, Bupa directly arranged for Son Goku and Son Gohan to follow Broly into the 200 times gravity chamber to practice.

Tian Tian was arranged by him to go to the cab to control the Universe spacecraft to move forward to ensure that there were no emergencies.

After all this was arranged, Bupa was mysteriously brought back to the room by Bulma.

After a big battle, Bupa finally understood what Bupa wished by looking at the scarlet on the sheets.

For a time, the relationship between the two quickly began to heat up, and a sweet universe voyage set sail again.



"This prince will never die with you. 35

Vegeta has been escorted to hell, her face is gloomy, and her whole body exudes an extremely evil aura.

It can be seen that there is a halo above his head, which is obviously something that only exists after death.

Immediately afterwards, Vegeta seemed to think of something, turned her head to look at an area and said, "Come out."

Da da da--

The footsteps resounded, and the figures of Lightning Cell, Cooler and Dr. Rogge could be seen walking out of the shadows.

"Vegeta, you are really embarrassed.

"Why, are you dead too?

Seeing Vegeta's appearance at the moment, Cell subconsciously sneered, his eyes full of playfulness.

In addition, Cooler and Dr. Rogge were looking at Vegeta at the moment, and their eyes were even more sneering.


With a cold snort, Vegeta glanced at the three of them, and then said: "Cell, if you have something to say, just say it. 35

"If you want to experience death again, this prince can do it for you. 35

Hearing this, Cell shrugged, pointed to Dr. Gero beside him and said, "Let him speak."


At this time, Dr.Gero stepped forward and stared at Vegeta with piercing eyes, "Would you like to cooperate with us?"

As long as you agree to cooperate, then we can escape from hell and even return to the world.

Hearing this, Vegeta's eyes flashed with a flash of light.

He really didn't think that Dr. Gero would actually say such words.

Coupled with the existence of Cell and Cooler, Vegeta vaguely felt that this was an opportunity.

When he thought of being killed by Bupa, the killing intent in his heart became more and more difficult to suppress.

Immediately afterwards, Vegeta said: "Tell me, how do we cooperate?"

"What's your plan?"

Hearing this, the three of Cell laughed.

When Vegeta appeared, they sensed that the latter was an important part of the plan.

Immediately afterwards, the three of Dr. Gero did not hesitate, walked to Vegeta's side and began to talk about their plans.

At the same time, in the new Vegeta star at the moment, Neku and other Namek people also appeared.

Immediately afterwards, after Neku and Kakao and others told their origins, Kakao and others arranged for them to live in the city.


Suddenly, a roar resounded quietly.

Looking at the prestige, it can be seen that a house collapsed in an instant, and the figure of No. 21 can be seen walking out of it..0

Successfully devoured the cells of the Lightning Cell, and the whole person of No. 21 also completely woke up at this moment.

For a time, the surging aura of No. 21 swept out, causing the ground around him to vibrate.

"No. 21. 35

"The 21st!

It was at this moment that the Lazuli siblings and No. 16 came in a hurry.

When they arrived at the area where No. 21 was located, the three people's eyes were all locked on No. 21, but their expressions became a little more alert.

For nothing else, because from No. 21's body, they can feel a trace of evil that is very similar to Cell.

Originally, No. 21 looked a little dignified, but now it is full of charm and maturity.

"It's you.

Glancing at the Lazuli brothers and sisters, No. 21 slowly restrained his breath and said, "Where's Mr. Bupa?"

"Why didn't I feel his presence.""

Finished with the ascension, the 21st can't wait to show Bupa.

"Master Bupa is still on his way back.

Glancing at No. 21, Lazuli said indifferently; "It will take about twenty days before Lord Bupa's spaceship can return. 55

"But now you should fulfill your promise to help the three of us edit that Cell program.99

"After all this is done, the artificial Saiyan project 0.7 explained by Master Bupa must also start as soon as possible."

Hearing this, No. 21 frowned.

Somewhat unhappy about not being able to see Bupa for the first time.

However, she didn't feel dissatisfied with this, she glanced at Sister Lazuli and No. 16 and said, "So, then you can take me to the laboratory.

"When I get rid of your problems, then I will start trying to artificially Saiyan.""

"Good! 99

"it is good!

Hearing this, the Lazuli siblings and No. 16 are all bright.

Immediately afterwards, they no longer hesitated, and quickly walked towards the laboratory with No. 21.

Seeing the promotion of No. 21 this time, Lazuli and No. 16 can't wait.

Once the programming is done, they can devour the small cells to evolve into a complete body and become more powerful.

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