I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1019: little boy

At this point, listening to Eric took the initiative to mention the last time the two bet on the Oscar, Judy could not help but said: "However, I suddenly feel a sense, it seems that I owe you a promise."

"Since you think so," Eric hit the snake with the stick: "Or, wait for me to eat."

"Okay," Judy said, nodding her head. "We will go to the movies together after dinner."

Eric is more refreshing: "No problem."

Judy continued: "You will send me home after watching the movie."

Eric was flattered: "Okay."

Judy’s pair of poetic Western-style Dan Feng’s eyes glared at Eric, with a smile on his lips: “You want to be beautiful.”

Eric’s expression was very hurt, saying: “Forehead, Judy, you are not good.”

Judy didn't mean to regret it. She still smiled and said, "Whoever makes you always want to soak me, little boy."

"Do you know, Judy," Eric said in a serious way: "From a psychological point of view, the name of the little boy shows that you are subconsciously worried that you can't stop the attraction of a certain opposite sex, so deliberately use one you think you can The defensive title of the distance that the other party has opened. But in reality, this is likely to be counterproductive."

Judy leaned at the table and raised his chin with one hand, listening with a smile, saying: "Although I think you are nonsense, it seems to be very reasonable."

Eric advised: "You should be confident and have the courage to admit your mental state."

"Well, don't listen to you," Judy smiled and took a stack of manuscripts from the bag and handed it over: "This is the first draft of the "Gravity" written by me, although only half completed, but Still want to let you see first."

Eric listened to Judy about the business and no longer joked. He took the stack and said: "Then I will finish the weekend and reply to you on Monday."

"You don't have to be so anxious. When you can read it," Judy waved his hand and got up and said, "So, I will go first."

Eric also got up and sent Judy to leave, before returning to the workbench and continuing to complete today's work log.

Early Saturday morning, it is still the unique sunshine of California.

Although there are also work arrangements today, it is not necessary to hurry as a working day.

At the Sharp Point Manor, Eric got up at 7 o'clock on time. After a routine workout, he sat in the dining room and read today's newspaper. There is an open laptop on the table. The figure of the twins was busy in the kitchen. The girl went out late last night and went back late at night. As usual, she didn’t plan to get up at noon.

Today is the third Saturday of the release of Charlie's Baby 3, and the laptop shows detailed box office data for the most recent period of the film.

After the first weekend of the record $95.9 million at the box office, the first week of the "Charlie's Angel 3" box office finally reached $10.43 million, continuing to refresh the box office record of all aspects of Hollywood movies.

Subsequently, the second week of the film's box office did not disappoint, the next week's decline remained at a very good 43%, and then received $ 74.34 million, the total number of box office in two weeks reached 220.47 million, successfully achieved a double-week break 200 million feats.

Judging from the single-day box office of the third week of yesterday, "Jiaojiaowa 3" was 49% lower than last Friday, and the single-day box office was 8.46 million US dollars.

Considering that this week's A-level big production "Scorpion King" was released, this nearly 50% decline is not disappointing.

In Eric's memory, the former "Scorpion King" can only be regarded as the upper-middle cost, and the box office does not seem to be excellent. But this time, under the ambition of creating a mummy mythological universe around the world, this new "Mummy" series of derivative films only cost 90 million US dollars.

After the large-scale release yesterday, "Scorpion King" has received a good evaluation of both the story and the special effects. The film's midnight game plus the first day, the total box office also reached 21.86 million US dollars, in accordance with the "Scorpion King" reputation and the opening of the box office, the first week of the box office is promising to break through 80 million US dollars.

This data can't be compared with "Jianjiao 3", but as the first part of the derivative series, this score has been very good, only the North American box office, the global may recover all the production costs.

In this case, it is almost inevitable that "Jiaojiaowa 3" will be impacted, and the decline is no more than 50%, which has already proved the popularity of this agent movie cosmic blockbuster. Moreover, in the case of a break of 200 million in two weeks, "Charlie's Angel 3" has basically locked in the position of the first North American box office in 1998 that is expected to exceed $300 million.

Taking into account the second half of the summer file and the end of the film, in addition to the same thing as MGM's movie universe, "Mission Impossible 3", in the absence of other super dark horses, "Charlie's Angel 3" is definitely the 1998 North American box office champion. The most powerful contender.

Overseas, in the major ticket warehouse countries that have achieved simultaneous release, the overseas box office of "Jiaojiao 3" in two weeks has also broken through 260 million US dollars. Several important overseas ticket warehouses, such as Japan and Italy, have not yet been released.

The comprehensive information of all aspects of the "Jiaojiao 3" overseas box office conservative estimate will also be twice the North American box office, that is to say, "Jiaojiao 3" is hopeful to once again hit the global box office billion-dollar mark, become the high The second global box office movie of the Meite Film Universe.

Last year's "Royal Casino of 007" box office red, making the market value of MGM in Hollywood for many years broke through the $10 billion mark.

In the context of the overall rise in the North American stock market, along with the further success of the MGM movie universe and the rapid development of the MGM TV business, according to yesterday's closing price, MGM shares have rushed to a high of 51.37 US dollars, market value It reached $22.3 billion.

A few years ago, MGM, who was on the verge of bankruptcy at any time, could be thrown out of the Hollywood production. At this time, if the film and television media business alone, the strength has far surpassed that of Sony Pictures, which was once in the last place. Expected earnings can be discharged into the top three ranks of large studios.

While sitting at the table and looking casually at today's newspaper, Eric has begun to consider the issue of MGM's further expansion.

In terms of film and television, MGM's current biggest shortcoming should be limited by the size of film production and distribution.

Although this year has two super films, "Jiaojiao 3" and "Mission Impossible 3", MGM has only produced and distributed plans for nine films throughout 1998. "Jianjiao 3" and "Mission Impossible 3" booked more than 80% of the box office share of the MGM movie business throughout the year.

Although the Agent's film universe plan has entered the most prosperous stage, it is actually a crisis in the dark. The most obvious is that the three series have already begun to test the Hollywood trilogy.

Although Eric passed the threshold of the 007 series through strong means last year, now, with the strengthening of the importance of the agent film universe to MGM, he can no longer easily use the last year's nearly ruined means.

In order for MGM to reduce its dependence on the special movie universe, it is necessary to enhance MGM's overall film production and distribution capabilities, so that even if the agent's film universe changes, MGM will not suddenly fall from the peak.

Like this year's fireflies, although the entire Firefly Group has only this heavyweight special effects blockbuster this year, the fireworks, Disney and Newline films have a very large scale of film production and distribution, as well as the first few. The firefly's series of box-fighting films followed by video tapes and TV broadcast rights and other peripheral revenues, the Firefly Group's film business revenue this year can still sit firmly in Hollywood's top spot.

The twins brought the breakfast up. Eric temporarily stopped thinking about these things, ate breakfast, waited for the twins to sit down and asked, "Where did you go yesterday, so crazy?"

Natasha looked up: "The party hosted by Miss Paltrow, to celebrate "Speed ​​and Passion"."

Eric nodded, didn't say anything more, just shouted: "You two don't drink at these parties, take care of her."

Natasha whispered, saying: "Master, we never drink."

"Well, this is a good habit," Eric nodded and asked casually. "What do you usually like to do?"

Natasha groaned and said: "What the boss wants us to do, we do."

Eric carefully thought about it. It seems that he did not find any special hobbies in the twins. The twins look like the shadow of a hoe. "That, you haven't thought about what to do in the future, for example, what to marry?"

Natasha looked at the clear blue eyes and suddenly asked: "Master, do you want us to marry?"

Eric squatted and suddenly smiled and shook his head. "No, this is not right. You can't usually speak."

Natasha did not respond to Eric’s words, but asked again: “Master, then do you want us to marry?”

Listening to Natasha's completely uncharacteristics, Eric was surprised at the same time, simply said in a bachelor: "Of course I don't want to, both of you are mine, one is not allowed to run."

"Well," Natasha responded, as if the conversation had not happened, and she returned to the usual cold and faint expression. The dagger was drooping and began to eat silently.

Eric stared at the opposite two girls for a few seconds and suddenly gave birth to a feeling that he had just experienced a psychic event. He couldn’t help but ask: "Nata, do you remember what you just said?"

Natasha raised her face again and nodded slightly, looking at Eric. "Master, if you want, you can take us out for the night, but we can't be together, only one at a time."

Only one at a time, how can you play the advantages of twins?

Eric thought, looking at Eve on the other side, Eve felt Eric's gaze, and the same delicate face as Natasha brought a little blush, but only slightly lowered his head.

Eric regained his gaze and turned to Natasha. "That, if I have to have two together?"

Natasha’s expression did not change much. “Master, you can’t beat us.”


Well, it seems that the truth is always in the hands of the big fist.

Eric suddenly found that he had two more hidden humans around him, and he had some strange feelings in his heart.

"Remember that at 10 o'clock, Drew got up and couldn't sleep for too long. In addition, at night, the "Jiaojiaowa 3" celebration feast, I passed directly from the studio. You don't have to wait for me." After breakfast, before going to work. Eric gave orders to the twins as usual. When the twins quietly nodded and looked at the two identical faces in front of them, Eric half joked: "I am going to work, do you want to kiss?"

Natasha nodded, but Eve was blushing. Two identical girls, completely different reactions, gave Eric a strange feeling again.

However, Eric said that the two sides stood in the same place for a while, and no one moved, did not move, did not move.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, Eric shrugged slightly and said, "Well, I must have said something strange, this morning is very strange, hey, goodbye."

Aside from some unusual experiences in the morning, Eric rushed to Firefly Studios and quickly entered work.

Working with Robert Byron, Director of Visual Effects at Gravity, to study the renovation of the astronaut helmet that removed the glass cover in the morning. At noon, it was a meal with Amy Pascal. The next development plan of the series, of course, is mainly the issue of the paycheck of the Charlie trio.

Generally speaking, the "Golden Angel 3" global box office is expected to hit the global billion-dollar box office, the starring of this series is enough to qualify for 20 million US dollars or even higher pay.

However, Charliez is three people. If everyone pays a single 20 million US dollars, only three of them, MGM will pay 60 million US dollars for each subsequent sequel. If the series wants to invite another one or two strong supporting roles, then it is only a payout, which is enough for Hollywood to make an A-level film.

Under the traditional Hollywood rules, poor cost control has always been the main reason for the losses of major studios. Of course, it is not Hollywood's lack of cost-control producers, but producers are usually the most Direct beneficiary.

The big and small masters involved in film production can make a fortune. The sacrifices are often the interests of shareholders and investors. If Eric is just a director, he naturally hopes to see this form of interest distribution persist for a long time.

But now, Eric's most important identity is more inclined to shareholders and investors, and he naturally can't let this happen in the firefly system.

Regarding the next development of "Jianjiao", Eric will not be as tough as last year, but it is absolutely impossible to comply with Hollywood's traditional interest distribution rules.

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