I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1030: Chaotic

In the background of the popularity and topic of no cooling trend, the audience entering the theater to watch a grievance crawling out of the TV set is still in constant stream.

On the fifth weekend, the North American total box office of "Midnight Ring" has reached $171 million. It is expected that the next four working days and next week, the film's North American box office will exceed the $200 million mark.

Early in the morning on Tuesday, Michael Eisner sat in a restaurant in Beverly Hills, and carefully read the article "Well Variety" on why the "Midnight Ring" became an analysis of the box office dark horse, put down the newspaper, The eyes fell on the table at the table called "Pirates of the Caribbean".

It is also a pirate film.

Michael Eisner has now been able to face the big heel that he planted on Cut-Rode Island, leave Disney, and make a comeback with the global reunion. He has also reflected on his previous experience at Disney. In the last few years, he has indeed become too blind and self-sufficient. He has now regarded the experience of a few years ago as a transformation of his career.

This summer file, the two films released by Universal Pictures, "Zorro's Mask" and "Scorpion King" have achieved very good box office results, especially the "Scorpion King", this "Mummy" series of derivative dramas Success, indicating that Universal Pictures has also begun to own a 'movie universe', even if it can not be compared with MGM's two global box office special movie world of 1 billion-level blockbuster, but this is enough for other The big movie company is envious.

With the prosperity of Universal Pictures, Michael Eisner's position in Hollywood and the Seagram Group has become more stable. However, the sudden appearance of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is still setting aside some embarrassment in the mood that Michael Eisner has already settled.

Michael Eisner is a bit ecstatic, and the current CEO of the Seagram Group, Edgar Bronfman, hastily walked over and screamed casually to sit down opposite Michael Eisner and couldn’t wait to wave. The waiter came over.

Michael Eisner swept his eyes slightly and frowned at Edgar Bronfman's arrogant move, but did not say anything.

Although the situation of Universal Pictures is very good, during this time, the situation of the parent company Seagram Group can only be described as bad.

Last year, the Seagram Group just merged with Polaroid Records for $10 billion, and has not yet completed integration with Universal Music. The situation of the entire recording industry has turned sharply this year.

Affected by the rapid proliferation of Internet pirated music resources, the record sales of the world's major record giants in the first half of the year generally showed a plunging of about 30%, and the record of Universal Music and Polaroid in the business integration period is even worse. Other record companies are still only declining in performance, and they are still able to maintain profitability, but Universal Music has suffered huge losses.

Michael Eisner had to admire Erik Williams's forward-looking again.

He has been closely watching the development of the Firefly Group. He clearly knows that the top executives of the Firefly Group have been interested in expanding the company's record business in the past two years. It is rumored that the first to be sold by PolyGram Records is the Firefly Group. Eric Williams vetoed without hesitation.

Although the Firefly Group still acquired Virgin Records last year, the size of the Firefly Group's record business is still far from being comparable to that of several major record companies.

Perhaps it is this kind of small bow-turning posture. In the first half of the year, the performance of several major record companies has plummeted. Although there is no public financial report, the performance of Firefly Records has definitely increased from many public record sales data.

The development strategy of Firefly Records that focuses on teen pop music seems to have a lot to offer. In the entertainment industry, young people’s money is undoubtedly the best earned.

Taking a few mouthfuls of soda from the waiter, Edgar Bronfman once again angrily said: "Doug Morrison is really an idiot, and PolyGal has found 600 million. Invisible debt of the dollar, counting the losses in the first half of the year, the record group must at least make $1 billion in asset write-downs."

Michael Eisner heard Edgar Bronfman blaming Universal Music's current bad situation on the global record CEO, his lips moving, but did not say anything. In fact, the current situation of Universal Music, in addition to the impact of Internet pirated music, the biggest reason is that Edgar Bronfman's acquisition of PolyGram is too eager.

However, breaking this, in addition to making Edgar Bronfman angry, will not play any practical role, Michael Eisner simply shut up.

Edgar Bronfman said what he said just now. Seeing that Michael Eisner has neither reconciled nor refuted, his expression is a bit embarrassing. Since he can become the head of the Seagram group, he naturally cannot be mediocre and incompetent. He is still well aware of the roots of the Universal Record problem.

Seeing a script in front of Michael Eisner, Edgar Bronfman took the initiative to change the subject and said: "Michael, is this a new screenplay for our company?"

Michael Eisner handed over the script of Pirates of the Caribbean and said, "No, this script was only released in Hollywood yesterday. It is said that Eric Williams personally fancy, and the Firefly Group has already offered a quote. ”

Edgar Bronfman took the screen and looked at the cover, saying: "The pirate film, isn't that the pirate film is the restricted area of ​​Hollywood?"

Having said that, Edgar Bronfman also looked at Michael Eisner in a pointed way, and some of his embarrassing emotions in his heart also dissipated a lot. Michael Eisner was at Cutthroat Island. The heel that was planted is absolutely tragic.

Michael Eisner seems to have not noticed the change of Edgar Bronfman's eyes, saying: "That is the case, this script is more likely to be Erik Williams personally, others will not Touch this theme easily."

Edgar Bronfman heard the inspiration in Michael Eisner's tone and could not help but persuaded: "Michael, although I will give you the world, I am absolutely assured, but this theme, we can not touch Still don't touch it."

"I have already let the production department budget, this movie, be cautious, 80 million dollars should be able to get it," Michael Eisner did not take Edgar Bronfman's words, said: "And, though The story is a bit old-fashioned, but it is very consistent with the idea of ​​high-concept movies, plus the pirate's cursed fantasy story, made into special effects, or very box office prospects."

Edgar Bronfman was somewhat dissatisfied with Michael Eisner's decision, and wondered if it would be a correct decision to help Michael Essner drive Michael Ovitz out of the world. The development is getting better and better, but Edgar Bronfman can clearly feel his weakening of global control.

Because of the bad situation of Universal Music, in order to avoid the turmoil of the entire group, he now does not dare to give birth to too many ideas to withdraw Universal Studios power from Michael Eisner.

Michael Eisner finished his plan, noticed the subtle expression changes of Edgar Bronfman, smiled and said: "However, my thoughts can only be thought of, and the world will follow the offer. But after all, we don't know Eric Williams's thoughts on this script, so I won't open a price that is too outrageous. The possibility of getting this script is very low."


New York has passed ten o'clock in the morning. Warner Bros. CEO Richard Parsons and Steve Case talked about the merger of the two companies for a few hours and rejected Steve Case's lunch. Inviting, rushed to East Hampton by car, these days, Time Warner Group Vice Chairman Gerald Levin has been in East Hampton to escape the summer, the two agreed to lunch, while talking about Richard Parsons and Steve Case's progress in negotiations.

Now, the merger negotiations between AOL and Time Warner are almost completely on the face. The firefly investment in selling 25% of AOL shares in one fell swoop will also make the prospect of the merger more clear. Otherwise, even if the two sides reach a merger intention. It must still be subject to the intention of the Firefly Group and the resulting antitrust review issues.

Leaving the US online headquarters, just getting on the bus, the assistant handed over a script.

Although a large part of the time was spent on the merger, Richard Parsons did not let go of his management of Warner Bros.

In Warner, a company with serious internal struggles, once power is released, it is even harder to recover.

"This is the script that came out yesterday?" Turned a few pages, Richard Parsons asked indefinitely.

The assistant nodded: "The Firefly Group made a formal offer for this script yesterday. You know, few people have made pirate films in recent years. This script is also a typical high-budget special effects blockbuster template. In the Firefly Group, except Eric. Williams himself, other high-level executives are clearly unlikely to be interested in this type of script."

"What do you mean, these are just speculations and have not been confirmed?"

The assistant nodded and said: "We can only make speculations. It is obviously impossible for the Firefly Group to disclose the confirmation message to us."

Richard Parsons hesitated for a moment. In the past two years, Warner’s film business was a tepid one. He needed a series of pillars that could burst, especially now, if the film business can turn over, Warner and the United States A lot of initiative can be obtained during the online negotiation process.

"In this way, if you personally rush back to Los Angeles, I will give you three million dollars in permission to grab this script. If you can confirm that Eric Williams himself is interested in this script, you can mention the price to five. One million U.S. dollars."


Just entering the office early in the morning, Terry Ruccio and Ted Eliot were informed that Ms. Shirley Lansing wanted to talk to them.

Since yesterday afternoon, the two small screenwriters of their Paramount Animation Studios have experienced the attention they have never received in this life. Various inquiries have invited the test phone to entangle two people and one night.

At this point, the two big men are wearing dark circles, and there is no excitement in their hearts, because both of them realize that they may play big.

If this script is just an oolong, Eric Williams doesn’t even know the pirate scripts in their hands. Then, if you can see things, once they get rid of them, they don’t want to mix in Hollywood. .

Coming to Shirley Lansing’s office, the secretary went in to inform, and Terry Roussio, who was standing outside, finally came back to God and whispered to Ted Eliot: "Wait a minute." How do you say that?"

Ted Eriott Bitri Roussio was a little awake, whispering in a whisper: "Reject, refuse first, wait for the firefly's reaction."

Terry Roussio nodded and understood a little bit. Only the Firefly Group gave further reaction, and their guess was the heel. If the Firefly Group no longer has any action on this script, then it obviously has nothing to do with Eric Williams. The acquisition of the Pirates of the Caribbean is just a normal copyright hoarding act.

At that time, fireflies do not need to be publicly denied. As long as the attitude is expressed, other big Hollywood studios will realize that they have been cheated. In that case, even if they can now get a huge sum of millions of dollars, there will be no hope in this life.

Millions of dollars, get rid of the brokers, pay the taxes, and then give them to the average of the two, basically not much, it is impossible to meet their next life to support their families.

Although the current job is not too high, it is stable enough, and more importantly, they can always write scripts to find opportunities. Once the label of the scammer was swept out by Hollywood, the next half of the life is estimated to be out of touch with the media industry. Both of them are graduates of the Department of Literature. In addition to playing with pens, it is unlikely that they will find other decent jobs.

The secretary quickly came out to inform the two that they could enter.

Into the office of Shirley Lansing, Paramount, the Hollywood woman’s head, is wearing a pair of delicate silver-rimmed glasses and looking down at the documents. Seeing the two coming in, letting go of the folder and politely getting up. Come over and shake hands with the two.

After a brief introduction to each other, Terry Roussio and Ted Eliot sat down with Shirley Lansing on the sofa in the reception area.

After the secretary left a few cups of coffee to leave, Shirley Lansing smiled and looked at the two people: "I have specially seen your script suggestions for the animation studios in recent animation movies. It is very good. It is a Paramount employee. If you have a good script, you can contact the company's script purchasing department directly."

Terry Roussio of course contacted the Paramount script purchasing department, but the other party immediately became uninterested when they saw the pirate type script. However, the two men are only respectfully speaking with Shirley Lansing at this time, without any excuse.

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