I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1032: I like to deal with smart people.

The props group was busy for more than an hour, and the props that Eric needed were rushed out.

The shooting will begin soon.

After repeated adaptations, Judy Foster quickly found the feeling.

In the monitor screen, Judy Foster, whose right leg is fixed on the special bracket, slowly bows the body, the left leg gradually bends forward, and the two arms are lifted and lifted in front of the body, gradually forming a baby. The posture in the mother's womb.

The filming process of special effects movies is often difficult to give the performers and bystanders too much sense of belonging, but at this time, the woman in the camera lens exudes a primitive static beauty, which makes people want to stop.

The studio was very quiet at this time, and even the sound of the machine seemed to be a lot smaller.

Eric sat in front of the monitor and admired the picture in front of him until the woman in the shot rotated for a full week under the relative movement of the same weightless camera lens. Eric was still trying to make an OK gesture to Nickel.

On the model platform, Judy got a reminder, slowly stopped the posture, and then looked at Eric.

Eric told the staff to untie Judy and walked over to the side of the table and said, "Although I want you to come again, it is just perfect."

"Actually, I also want to come again. This feeling is very good, like practicing yoga."

Eric pointed to the bracket at the foot of Judy: "If you want, you can take it home and practice it yourself."

Judy thought about it and smiled and shook his head. "That's too weird."

The strap was untied. Although it was only shot for more than ten minutes, Judy still felt that the calf was a little numb, and the movement was not very flexible and went to the side of the table. I noticed that Judy's state of Eric took the initiative to help her sit down at the desk.

For "Gravity", the crew had a lot of situations to complete a shot in a few days. Judy just shot just the last short piece of a long shot. However, after the completion of the lens, today's shooting is basically over, and the remaining time is not enough to prepare other lenses.

Eric stood at the model table and watched Judy gently swaying the two calves and chatting casually with her. After a while, I felt like a recovery. Judy pointed to the slippers that were placed not far from the toes: "Eric, can you take the shoes for me?"

Eric immediately shook his head: "Sorry, I have cleanliness."

Judy squatted and said: "Do you want me to step on the ground and walk over?"

Eric looked around: "You can let them help you."

"I just want you to help me, Mr. Director," Judy lifted his chin and made a proud expression. "I am the heroine. You don't treat me well. Be careful that the heroine plays the movie and makes you a movie." Can't shoot."

Eric wiped the distance between the slippers and Judy and said, "Would you like to hold me in the past?"

Judy immediately glanced at Eric, and despised: "Don't you have cleansing, how dare you hold me."

“It’s not the same,” Eric shook his head in a serious manner. “In my opinion, women are made of water and are very pure.”

Judy blinked and immediately raised the opposite: "What about the man?"

"This, I haven't thought about it yet, you know, I am not interested in men."

"You started talking nonsense again, help me get it."

"Come on," Eric spread his hand: "The princess is still a robber. If you don't want it, you can choose it."

Judy's expression was slightly eager to open Eric's hand, but the arm was lifted up, but it seemed to wait for Eric to hold his own posture, so he felt a light body and floated forward. The steps are exactly on the pair of pink slippers.

It started again.

In the studio, the passers-by dogs who consciously pretend to be absent are stunned and secretive.

Mr. Director’s sister method is too arrogant, and it seems that the famous lily of Hollywood is hard to be straightened.

When the feet fell on the shoes, Judy reacted. After standing, he quickly swept around and saw that everyone seemed to pay little attention to this side. This was the man next to him: "Eric, don't do this in the future, or else I want to... but I am really angry."

Eric immediately made a surrender and smiled. "Okay, I promise."

Judy also immediately realized that the sentence she had just had was too threatening, and even seemed to be... I thought that I had no objection to Eric’s brief hug, and I couldn’t help but secretly reflect. The idea is to keep a distance from this guy.

So, in the next few days, although the entire crew still had a tacit understanding, everyone found that Judy often deliberately avoided conversations and contacts with Eric outside of work.

While Eric continued to shoot "Gravity", he had to pay attention to many other things, and naturally there was nothing to pursue.

The "Pirates of the Caribbean" script is still continuing to ferment.

In a week, not only did Hollywood's major film companies react to the script, but even some independent filmmakers participated in it. This event even caught the attention of Hollywood media such as "Hollywood Reporter" and "Variety". .

However, even if Warner Bros. has already issued a high price of $3 million, Terry Roussio and Ted Elliott have not given a positive answer. Hollywood even rumors that the two are Brewing a script contest.

Two years ago, the screenwriter of the "Fatal Weapons" series, Shane Black, sold his "Agents" script for $4 million in price through the script, again creating a price record for his personal original script. Although the final box office of the movie was terrible, the script bidding model has caused many Hollywood gold screenwriters to follow suit.

There are a lot of madmen in Hollywood, but there are not a few fools. The words of Ted Elliott are actually very accurate. The delay of the two also made some people realize that the two of them are more likely to wait for the reaction of the firefly group.

These days, even MGM and the 20th Century Fox have given a quotation for the fun, but after the initial contact, the firefly seems to have completely forgotten the "Pirates of the Caribbean" script, the firefly script procurement department The follow-up negotiations with Matt Gilson are no longer there.

There is too much uncontrollable factor in a movie to be successful, but again, a movie wants to fail, and there are more uncontrollable factors. In the traditional concept, Hollywood does not feel that someone can see the success or failure of a movie in advance, but the facts prove that this law does not apply at all to Eric Williams.

The "Midnight Ring" that is being released is the most direct evidence of this view, although there are rumors that Eric Williams himself did not think that this film will have such phenomenal success, but there are few people in Hollywood. I really believe this. To a large extent, it is also strongly stimulated by the box office explosion of "Midnight Ring". When the news of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is heard, the major movie companies will be so eager to perform.

Similarly, because of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" script, the box office was defeated by the "cut throat" that was counted in the Guinness Book of Records.

Looking back now, more and more people are more determined, this is a pit dug by Eric Williams to Michael Eisner at the time. After "cutting the throat", Michael Eisner's control over Disney was hit hard, and the firefly was able to successfully complete the snake swallowing of the Disney Group.

So now, what is the "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

Although there is a '4200' program that makes many people feel too radical, the Firefly Group has not shown any intention of expanding in Hollywood in recent years. It is reasonable to say that this script is unlikely to be a trap. The Firefly Group has been almost in the past few years in Hollywood, and there is no need to dig holes for anyone. Moreover, with the foresight of "cutting the throat", any production company that wants to get the script will be careful and careful not to repeat the same mistakes.

As a result, they bothered for a while and gradually calmed down. Everyone turned their attention to the Firefly Group and waited for the final reflection of Eric Williams.

The script of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is here. Even if it is taken immediately, it will take at least one year for such a special effects project to complete development. Naturally, there is no shortage of patience.

Time soon came to Friday, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Caroline and Meyer came over from Burbank with a thick stack of documents.

After busy finishing the last set of shots, Eric announced the completion of the work, and took the two women to a large workbench in the corner of the studio. He basically finished the work log in the studio after work. Did not specifically return to his office in the studio.

"Eric, the $4 billion in funds was successfully paid yesterday. This is a list of investable short-term bonds sent by Mr. Hansen at noon, and he has made detailed comments."

With the Nasdaq index breaking through 2000 points, neither the firefly investment nor the clover fund will invest in stocks.

In comparison, the risk of investing in bonds is much smaller. By selling the latest $4 billion in AOL’s 10% stock, Eric and Chris are planning to save in a short-term convertible bond, which will guarantee a certain return and offset inflation. The loss can again maximize the security of funds. The cash reserves of many large companies are actually carried out in this form, and the actual amount of cash actually stored in the bank is actually small.

The documents that the two women brought at this time were all prepared by Eric for the weekend. They only introduced Eric. Meyer continued: "And, Eric, this is the five major record companies that have proposed to Yahoo. The private settlement clause, in addition, they filed a lawsuit against Firefly Electronics again, this time they asked Fireflyer to strengthen the encryption and recognition of genuine music."

Listening to Meyer one by one, Eric used the pen to mark on several documents that he felt need special attention, and asked: "How come there is no news of Morgan Stanley, AOL stocks. How is the distribution plan going?"

Meyer shook his head and said: "We have not received relevant information recently."

"Then I called Chris to talk for myself," Eric nodded, no longer asking, looking at Caroline next to him: "Los Angeles side?"

The Firefly Group is mainly a movie thing. Although the fall of the TV series is coming, the Firefly has not had much action on the TV business this year. MGM's TV business expansion is very rapid, but this is generally a direct talk with Eric. Without Eric's instructions, the assistant office will not directly pay attention.

In terms of movies, "Iron Man" has always been closely watched by Eric. The post-production of "Teddy Bear" has been completed by more than half. The "Dark Legend" has been completed and will be rushed to London for filming. In addition to this, there are scripts and budget materials for some projects.

After saying this, Caroline said: "There is one more thing, Eric, the British side, Mr. Fuller's reality show "Popular Idol" has been recorded, probably will be broadcast on Sky TV at the end of next month. Call over there and ask if you want to send some samples?"

"After editing, send me the first three episodes," Eric said, looking at the matter and talking about it: "The Pirates of the Caribbean" script?"

"Terry Rusio and Ted Elliott have been dragging requests from several other film companies. Now most people have entered the wait-and-see state. It seems that they are not getting fireflies. The response from the group here is that it is not daring to take the next step."

When Eric pondered, he understood the joints and thought about it. "They are smart people. I like to deal with smart people. There is no need to continue to drag on. Let them come tomorrow morning. Sharp Point Manor sees me."

For the Pirates of the Caribbean script, Eric has always been determined to do so. He has even done a good job of bidding with other major film companies. After all, a script can not be as high as the price.

However, looking at the current situation, the two screenwriters are smart people. In this case, it is probably a good way to openly and honestly.

Caroline responded and carefully wrote down the matter in the memo and looked up at Eric.

Eric did not talk about business again, relaxed sideways side, said: "So, what is the arrangement for the weekend?"

"Yes," Caroline nodded. "Rickel was in Los Angeles recently. We made an appointment to go to Ventura tomorrow. Meyer will come over."

"Ritchell," Eric said with a smile: "This Nizi is now a big international star, and I have never thanked me."

Caroline’s mouth was bent and said: “We have already asked you to eat before.”

“How can I just have a meal,” Eric admired Caroline’s pretty face and said, “At least you have to kiss, oh, if you are good for her.”

Caroline narrowed her neck and said: "I will tell my aunt, you bully me."

“Usually, the mother is directed towards her own child, so she may be happy that I am bullying you.”

"would not."

"If you want to kiss me, you can do it." Eric smiled and said: "And, rest assured, I will not tell you about my aunt who bullied me."

"I didn't bully you."

Eric leaned forward and put on his posture and said, "Come, bully me."

"It's obviously you have to bully me," Caroline's face was red, and looked around. The people in the studio had gone almost the same. The remaining few people didn't look at it, hesitated, still I couldn't help but explore and gently squatted on Eric's face.

Not far away, the makeup artist's door was just pushed open, and Judy Foster and the two make-up artists walked out of the room with a smile and just saw this scene.

Judy deliberately alienated Eric in the past few days, and she still had some small apologies. But at this time, watching Eric's cheeky face let his little doll-like assistant kiss himself, and the apology in his heart suddenly turned into a taste that she did not realize, and her face also showed contempt. In the past, a pair of 'you turned out to be such a person'.

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