I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1037: Not finished yet

In the afternoon, Howard Stringer raised the offer to $7.5 million, and Ted Elliott and Terry Roussio no longer hesitated to sell the Pirates of the Caribbean script to Sony Pictures.

After the first time for the Hollywood star to pay $20 million in pay, the wealthy Sony Pictures once again set a record for the price of a Hollywood script.

Moreover, the original $20 million was still ‘satisfactory’, because before that, many Hollywood stars’ pay was close to this level. Some stars have already got a record of more than $20 million in compensation by sharing contracts. But this time, Sony Pictures' $7.5 million offer has nearly doubled the highest-priced Hollywood original script price, and is more than three times the average screenplay for Hollywood first-line gold screenwriters.

The news came out that the whole Hollywood was a sensation, and North American and even overseas media began to frantically prepare press releases related to this matter.

Sharp Point Manor, time is already more than eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Fernanda Tavares wore a cool vest shorts and walked lightly and barely from the kitchen with a pot of freshly brewed coffee.

In the afternoon, from the conversations between Eric and Ron Howard, she already knew what was going on, and she could feel the extreme shock of several people around.

However, as an outsider, she can't understand the deeper meaning of Sony's $7.5 million purchase of a script, but there are some worried that Eric will be angry with himself. Fortunately, this kind of The situation did not happen.

In addition to a fire on the first call at noon, the man was very calm from the afternoon to the present, and returned to the Sharp Manor in the evening, just kept on making calls. Although she faintly heard some words, she wisely restrained her curiosity.

A long table beside the glass curtain wall, a lot of files were scattered on the table, and the laptop in front of Eric was shining brightly. He was holding his chin and staring at the laptop screen to think about something. The villa is very quiet, the sky and the sea outside the curtain wall are dark.

Quietly filling the cup next to Eric, Fernanda put the coffee pot aside, just about to walk away quietly, feeling a hand reaching over her waist, then sitting in the Erie Gram on the leg.

The big hand drilled into the girl's elastic little vest and walked around for a moment. Listening to the stunner in the arms, the squirting of the squirting, the tiredness of Eric’s body dissipated a lot, and went over and kissed the girl’s cheek. "I will be very busy on weekdays and will send you back to New York tomorrow."

After getting along for two days, Fernanda was keenly aware that Eric’s attitude towards himself was like treating a pet, more accurately, perhaps a cat. He likes to watch her walking around in the villa with bare feet. She likes to watch her lazy on the sofa and watch TV. She likes to caress her in her arms like this at the moment. Pet attitude, but also seems to take it for granted.

Fernanda, like Giselle, left Brazil at the age of 14 to fight hard. In order to better protect herself, her character actually has a very pungent side. If other people dare to treat themselves like this, she will definitely Turn your face.

However, experiencing the world too early also gave her a deeper understanding of the power represented by power and wealth. Therefore, in front of this man standing at the peak of the world's power and wealth, she has not produced too much resistance, but involuntarily put herself into the role that the other person likes.

"Okay," Fernanda nodded, feeling that Eric had retracted his hand from his own clothes, and still wrapped her body leanly around her body, and her heart could not help but be lost. This man is very gentle in most cases, and even makes women have some unrealistic fantasies, but she understands that this gentle and considerate is not mixed with the feelings of men and women: "Eric, this year's Victoria Show you will see?"

"As long as the movie in my hand is going to kill, I should be able to pass," Eric patted on the girl's waist and said, "You can go to rest first, I have to wait a little longer."

"Actually, I am also a night owl. I am not sleepy at all. Would you like me to do some nighting for you?"

"I don't like to eat at this time. If you are hungry, you can do something."

"I don't eat either," Fernanda shook his head and smiled. "It will get fat."

Eric’s toes turned the leather chair half a turn, indicating that it was not far away: “Take a TV.”

Fernanda got up and walked to the two egg-shaped space chairs on the other side of the curtain wall, picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned on the wall-mounted TV on the wall, then gestured lazily into the space chair. Turning his head to look behind him, Eric’s attention has turned back to the laptop, and it’s a bit disappointing. He held a pillow next to his arms and casually picked up the TV show.

At noon on the phone, Howard Stringer slammed on the phone, and Eric predicted that after his strong stance, Howard Stringer would either give in and give up on the Caribbean. The pirate's out-of-the-box quotation is either more determined to grab the script.

Howard Stringer finally chose the latter, and did not make Eric feel too unexpected, he even realized that this possibility is even greater.

However, in this case, Eric also intends to use this opportunity to start some of the things in his plan ahead of time.

Over the years, although the Firefly Group has not swallowed up the expansion of the Disney Group and the ABC Group as it did in the past, its overall strength has continued to increase rapidly.

Although the Hollywood movie market has grown at a rate of nearly 10% per year in recent years, the power of the Firefly Group is destined to cause several other companies to lose market share in Hollywood, which is almost the top seven. On the other hand, the Firefly Group's corporate management style is actually more like a growing elephant, not an aggressive wolf. Due to Eric's own personality, the company rarely shows aggressiveness to its competitors. Side.

Therefore, from the performance of Howard Stringer today, although everyone can feel the power of the Firefly Group, no company will really fear this company. In this state, once the Firefly Group continues to devour more market share in the media industry, in the absence of awe, it will inevitably lead to some people's brains to make some headaches.

In this case, it may be time for the Firefly Group and even the Firefly System to show the claws and fangs to the outside world.

Once again, I sorted through the plans in my heart, and I tapped a few emails to check out the time. It was already close to the morning, and Eric shut the computer.

Turning off the desk lamp, Eric got up and walked to the other side of the curtain wall. A late-night drama was played on the wall-mounted TV. The sound was very low, and the girl lying in the space chair was already asleep.

The space in the elliptical space chair is not too big. The tall girl with a height of nearly one meter is squatting in it, and the waist and legs are longer and the posture is tempting. Eric admired the sleeping beauty in front of him and reached out and gently pushed down the space chair. Perhaps feeling the shaking of the body, Fernanda quickly opened his eyes.

For a moment, looking at the man standing in front of him, Fernanda smiled and said: "Eric, are you busy?"

"Yeah, although I don't want to bother you, but here is not the place to sleep."

Fernanda stretched his long body and gently swayed on his toes. "I think it's very good. I plan to install one in my apartment in the future."

Eric reached out and pulled the girl up. The two walked up the stairs together and said, "Why do you want to go back to New York in the future?"

Fernanda remembered the Manhattan mansions of Giselle, with a bit of self-pity: "But I don't have my own apartment yet."

Eric’s mouth was smiling and his tone was casual: “Oh, then, apartment, or space chair, you choose one, I will send you.”

Fernanda suddenly felt that her heartbeat was a little faster. I remembered that Eric had signed a million-dollar check for a group of girls to travel around the world last year, and she understood that he was not joking. With this man’s current horror, even the mansions of Manhattan’s top floor, where Giselle lived, are absolutely nothing to him.

However, Fernanda still suppressed his thoughts and said: "The space chair is good, I will probably get some endorsement contracts next year, and then I can buy a set of my own apartment in Manhattan. ”

With the foundation laid in the fashion industry in recent years, coupled with the popularity of this year's Vimy big show and participating in the "public enemies", Fernanda is already among the top supermodels, even if it can't be with Cindy. Crawford is still a big sister who still occupies the top of the pyramid, but she is more than enough to get a few million dollar-level endorsement contracts next year.

"When you buy a house and tell me, I let people send you a past, it is a new home gift," Eric is still casual, and does not explain too much meaning, it is a little surprise to the girl next to him. Or, if she can't find it, then it's a small egg.

This hanging space chair was originally tossed by the gimmick. Although Eric did not pay much attention to the specific cost, but in a pile of expensive furniture worth tens of thousands of dollars, this set of positions is conspicuous workmanship. It is obviously impossible to go to a space-sized space chair.


The new week has just begun, and the major media in North America have been boiled down by the news that Sony Pictures bought the Pirates of the Caribbean script at a high price of $7.5 million.

Some people are amazed at Sony Pictures's big handwriting. Some people think that the Sony film executives who made this decision must have lost their sense of reason. Some professionals have analyzed that this is a sign of a serious bubble in Hollywood and the IT industry.

In recent years, the speculative capital of movies influx into Hollywood has become more and more turbulent. This year's Hollywood film production budget is about 13 billion US dollars this year. The tax avoidance funds from Germany, Britain and other countries are more than 2.5 billion US dollars, close to the total. 20% of the ratio. In addition, after the second raging, the Southeast Asian financial crisis entered a real closing stage, and a large part of the large sum of money withdrawn from Southeast Asia by international hot money also flowed into the booming film industry.

Despite the support of the Sony Group, Sony Pictures still relies heavily on traditional Hollywood financing methods for film production, that is, short-term debt financing to major investment funds and even banks. A large influx of speculative capital is actually the root of Sony Pictures’ daring to open a price of $7.5 million.

Of course, the consequence of this is that once the film company's project is lost, the company's debt ratio will become higher and higher. The original MGM was because of this step by step accumulated a high debt almost equivalent to the market value. However, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sony Group, Sony Pictures’ debt will naturally be passed on to Sony’s overall financial system.

Inside Hollywood, the script of Pirates of the Caribbean is caused by Eric. Everyone knows that this is another script that Eric Williams is watching. Although it is not clear whether this is like the cut throat. The trap of the island, but for the fireflies since this 'missing', even if the heart is dissatisfied with Sony Pictures' deliberate destruction of industry rules, more people are still holding a gloating attitude.

On the other hand, almost all the scripts that the Firefly Group’s script purchasing department is in contact with have been closely watched by the Pirates of the Caribbean and the “Midnight Rings” still at the box office, and some attempts to replicate the Pirates of the Caribbean model. The scriptwriters are able to release some of the winds in the same way, while greatly increasing the price of the Firefly Group.

At the same time, the fancy script was so arbitrarily cut off by Sony, and there are hopes that the lively people are expecting the Firefly Group to come up with counter-attack measures.

Although Howard Stringer took the "Pirates of the Caribbean" script, he deliberately held a special press conference. However, in his mind, it was inevitable that he would have been in the top seven and stayed in Los Angeles for three times. In the days, I confirmed that the Firefly Group had no further action, and he flew back to Sony's US headquarters in New York.

On the surface, the Firefly Group is very calm about the loss of "Pirates of the Caribbean", but all the executives in the firefly system can clearly feel the difference in the atmosphere inside the firefly system in recent days, the most notable performance is that Rick’s assistant office has seen the frequency of accessing documents from companies in the Firefly System in the past few days significantly higher.

So until Wednesday, the Firefly system, including executives from major companies inside and outside Hollywood, was informed that everyone needs to attend the core high-level meeting of the Firefly System on Friday morning. Executives who are unable to reach Los Angeles must also participate in the video conferencing mode. .

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