I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1042: Here is Hollywood

After a few moments, I reorganized my thoughts and went out. "Eric, you mean, as long as Sony is willing to sell the movie department to fireflies according to your offer, Firefly Electronics can authorize Sony related to digital players. Patent?"

Although Sony is not satisfied with Eric’s offer of $2.995 billion, it is clear that Izui’s current status is that the current offer from Eric is actually quite reasonable. of. The fastest update

Even if Sony can bargain for a price, it will not be possible to increase it any more. If you can get the technical license of the digital music player while selling Sony Pictures, in the eyes of Izui, the deal is worth the money.

Eric nodded and said: "Probably this is the case, however, Firefly Electronics does not intend to unilaterally authorize, Sony needs to use its own existing technology patents for exchange."

Izui Shinsuke immediately gave birth to vigilance again: "What are the technologies of Eric, Firefly Electronics interested in Sony?"

Eric said: "Digital cameras."

Out of the well, instinctively blurted out: "This is impossible."

Various types of cameras and cameras have always been Sony's most important products. Although they are still in the film era, most people can see the future development trend of digital camera technology. In this respect, Sony has already perfected it. The accumulation of technology.

Although Sony is very eye-catching with Firefly Electronics' digital music player technology, in the heart of the well, the digital music player's technology patent can never be compared with Sony's digital camera technology, he also knows that Sony's board of directors will also be this view. It is also not easy to approve the exchange of Sony's digital camera technology with Firefly Electronics.

Eric did not seem to expect such a fierce reaction from the well, and shrugged innocently. "Okay, well, maybe I didn't explain it. Firefly Electronics didn't want Sony's full set of digital camera technology, we just Interested in the miniature camera module that Sony is developing that can be applied to mobile electronic devices such as mobile phones, Firefly Electronics has not been involved in the field of digital cameras."

I’m a little relaxed, but I’m still saying immediately: “In this case, Eric, this is actually a different matter from what we are discussing today. I think we are still the best on the topic of the film company.”

"If you think so, of course, no problem," Eric said. "But, although I am the boss, I can't think about it. I persuaded the firefly electronics executives to agree to exchange technology with Sony. But it took me very much. I have missed this time, I don't guarantee that they will be willing next time. Moreover, on Sony's md player, Firefly Electronics will definitely not be merciless."

"Eric, you are like this, I am the same. If Firefly Electronics intends to exchange technology with Sony, we can find another opportunity to negotiate. Now, let's talk about the movie company. I just said, follow The current economic situation in North America, the price of Sony Pictures is at least $5 billion, so your $3 billion offer is too low."

Eric has a serious saying: "$2.995 billion."

Out of the box, I’m looking at the angry and angry Howard Stringer and said, “Well, if you insist, Sony will definitely not agree with this offer. Moreover, the firefly group’s ban has been a serious violation of the United States. The anti-monopoly law, as long as Sony is willing, we can file a lawsuit in the federal court at any time."

“First of all, everyone knows that the Nasdaq market is now full of bubbles. Therefore, the way of valuation according to the current market form is simply not feasible. I have given a very sincere offer,” Rick retorted and continued: "Secondly, the Firefly Group did not intend to block Sony Pictures. What you heard was just a rumor that some of the speculative guys spread wildly. This incident also caused a very high reputation for the Firefly Group. Serious damage. We are investigating this matter, and once we seize the rumors, we will also file a lawsuit and let the other party pay enough."

Eric’s words made Howard Stringer almost mad, and it’s shameless.

I am out of the well and I am angry.

Only Bill Michanik smacked his mouth and barely maintained a calm look.

The scene was a little stalemate, the waiter of the restaurant knocked on the door of the private room in a timely manner, asked if he could serve, and he went out and waved his hand to express his consent.

Until the lunch of everyone came up, the waiters left again and the atmosphere was slightly relieved.

However, the taste of chewing wax to eat a few mouthfuls of food, Howard Stringer could not help but said: "Eric, since you said that the fireflies did not target Sony, then why Qualcomm suddenly stopped working with Sony, and, about Projector procurement negotiations for the Firefly reald system."

Eric said in a serious tone: "Qualcomm has Qualcomm's arrangement, and I rarely intervene in Qualcomm's management. As for the reald system projector purchase, I think Sony's projector price is too high, if Sony is willing to give With a suitable discount, the transactions between the two parties can naturally continue. So, Howard, the fireflies have never had a place for Sony, all this is just a matter of fact."

"That," Howard Sterlington said, "That, $2.995 billion, isn't this obvious?"

"Of course," Eric nodded and looked at Howard Stringer, who was slightly moving, and continued: "But it's just for you personally, it has nothing to do with the two companies. Howard, you know $7.5 million to buy one. How serious will the script have on Hollywood? In recent years, the cost control of Hollywood films has been on the verge of being out of control. Your behavior will further lead to an overall rise in the price of Hollywood scripts. The industry is very unfavorable."

"This is just your side," Howard Stringer immediately retorted: "And, as far as I know, your personal gains from many films as a screenwriter are far more than $7.5 million."

When Howard Sterlinger’s voice just fell, Bill Michalnik had a feeling of unbearable directness. Isn’t that sending his face to people?

Sure enough, Eric sneered, "I have received more than $7.5 million in revenue, because I have produced more than $1 billion in box-offices worldwide. Although the box office record of Hollywood movies has been in recent years. It’s being refreshed, but everyone can see that Hollywood’s annual global box office can reach $1 billion in movies, and no more than two. Not to mention, most of my gains are obtained through sharing, which means I shared the risks with the films I made. If these movies fail, I can only get the scripts that are almost the same as the ordinary first-line screenwriters. So my personal rewards still follow the principle of more work, but you It is destroying the normal order of Hollywood."

Howard Sterlinger was red-faced by Eric, and he was speechless at the time.

Izui Nobuyuki had to take the initiative to speak again: "Eric, since both of us are interested in this deal, then we will return to the price negotiations."

"Of course," Eric converges very well and converges on his aggressive momentum. "I am very clear, I have a clear attitude of $2.992 billion. This is the highest price I can offer."

I’m going to say: “I’ve made statistics. Sony’s current debt size is about $1.9 billion. We don’t mention the transaction price of both of us. Sony’s condition is that the fireflies must take over the debt.”

"Don't forget that here is Hollywood. No one knows more about the situation of Hollywood's major movie companies than ourselves. The overall debt of Sony Pictures is definitely more than $1.9 billion. Counting some invisible debts, this number may be close to 25. Billion," Eric shook his head and said: "So, Firefly does not refuse to take over part of the debt left by Sony Pictures, but the ceiling is $1 billion. Others, Sony Group is better off trying to solve it."

When I heard Eric’s words, Howard Stringer, who was out of the well and looked away from the eyes, gave birth to a sigh of relief.

As the US stock market is booming, the Sony Group, also listed in North America, currently has an overall market capitalization of more than $100 billion. Therefore, Izui Nobuyuki does not mind whether the debt scale of Sony Pictures is 1.9 billion or 2.5 billion. What he is annoyed is that, to this point, the chairman of the company has not been able to get the real business status of Sony Pictures. .

With a few ugly thoughts, it was only after a glimpse of the well that he quickly recovered his gaze.

However, because of his disappointment, he even lost the idea of ​​insisting on bargaining with Eric. He just wanted to get rid of the mess of Sony Pictures as soon as possible.

One of the two wants to buy, and one wants to sell. Therefore, after a lunch, the initial transaction price is basically agreed.

The $2.925 billion near-face price was too sensitive, but in the end, Sony made some concessions, erased a fraction, determined to be $2.99 ​​billion, and was responsible for the acquisition of fireflies. It will assume Sony's $1 billion in debt, and the rest will be part of the Sony Group.

"So, I am very glad that we can reach this deal. Also, if Sony wants to cooperate with Hollywood in the movie, the fireflies will definitely cooperate as much as possible." The parking lot outside the restaurant, Eric and the wells, Howard Stringer and Bill Mischanik shook hands one by one, then turned to the car and told the driver to leave.

Watching Eric's luxury car leave, Howard Stringer told Birmchanik next to him: "Bill, you go back to the film company first, and I have something to talk to Mr. Izui."

"Okay," said Birmichnik, remembering Erik’s last look when he shook hands with him. He nodded, waiting for Howard Stringer and the well to reach the same car, and Birmichnik I quickly got into my car and chased it away from the place where Eric drove away.

At the same time, on the black Mercedes Benz, which was taken by Hossex and Howard Stringer, when the vehicle was running smoothly, Howard Stringer took out a pocket recorder from his suit pocket, but did not press the play button. Just throw it aside.

Although forced to make the idea of ​​transferring Sony Pictures, Howard Stringer did not intend to be willing to do so. The method used by the firefly system was too bad, and it clearly violated the federal anti-monopoly law. However, Howard Stringer knows that if there is a lawsuit, Sony will not be able to produce evidence.

The rumors circulating in Hollywood are simply not possible as a voucher. To win the lawsuit, Sony either gets the fireflies attempting to crowd out the commercial contract of Sony Pictures, or waiting for the fireflies to actually block the Sony Pictures in the future.

These two things are obviously unrealistic. In a special business environment like Hollywood, Fireflies don’t need to sign similar restrictions on competition to crowd out Sony Pictures, and they block the marketing channels of Sony Pictures. As long as the Firefly movie industry does a little bit of small moves, such as providing advertising resources for Sony's unpopular movies, it can break these 'rumors', and even the fireflies can completely bite a bite, complaining that Sony deliberately does not advertise to the media channels of the Firefly system.

Since these two things don't work, if you can record Eric Williams's intention to block the Sony Pictures recording, although this eavesdropping behavior is not legal, but combined with the recent firefly system, Sony can still Provoking a lawsuit, at least can also make Eric Williams a slap in the face.


Whether it was Howard Stringer or Idei, there was no expectation of the shamelessness of a certain guy. Even in private occasions, you can squint your eyes and talk nonsense.

Izui Shinsuke looked at Howard Stringer’s action and remembered that Eric had broken the detailed debt scale of Sony Pictures. “Howard, before the end of the year, you still volunteered to submit your resignation to the board of directors.”

Howard Stringer's lips moved and sighed, but eventually nodded.

For his own face, Sony did not hesitate to lower the price and did not accept the offer of $2.995 billion, but he also knew that Eric Williams had added a lot of money to Sony Pictures’ debt. After all, this matter cannot be lost anymore.

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