I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1045: Teach you one thing

Although it has the leading advantage of "Desperate Housewives", the number of viewers in the first episode will reach 3.5 million. "Beverly Wife" is definitely a great success, and the next series of plans can be smoothly spread. It is no wonder that just next door will be A cheering celebration came.

After chatting a few words about Beverly Wife, Eric asked about the ratings of Desperate Housewives.

The first season of the first season broke through the popularity of 7 million ratings, the "Desperate Housewives" second season premiere also won a good start.

According to the preliminary statistics obtained from the pilot sampling of the East Coast, the average number of viewers in the first episode of Desperate Housewives in the second season is about 7.35 million, and the core ratings of the 18 to 49-year-olds are close to 5.0.

Each TV show in North American TV shows means a core audience of around 1.2 million. That is to say, among the 7.35 million viewers in the first episode of "Desperate Housewives", nearly 6 million are among the 18 to 49-year-old audiences favored by advertisers, which far exceeds the number of viewers of the public television network. Episode. In the public television network, if you want to get 6 million core viewers, the total number of viewers will need at least 10 million.

Although not transferred to the public television network, the ratings data close to 5.0 has made the "Desperate Housewives" advertising revenue exceed most public TV network programs.

Moreover, as a cable TV station, the high ratings of "Desperate Housewives" will also allow Brvao TV stations to get more cable TV operator shares, which is not available to public TV stations.

I was thinking about not going to work with me tonight, but Eric didn't know if he was chatting with Chris Jenna for a while.

Inadvertently heard the loud voice coming from the next door, Eric reacted and smiled at Chris Jenna. "That's it, you go back to the party next door."

Chris Jenna felt that Eric was obviously very good at this time, and her eyes were more savvy. "Eric, actually, there is one more thing."

Eric snorted and signaled that Chris Jenna continued.

Chris Jenna carefully watched Eric's reaction and said: "This is the case. I want to set up a special theme for the reality show actors who participated in "Beverly Wife" and "Beverly Girl". Websites, so that they can better promote their popularity."

Eric puts his hand: "You should talk to Amy about this kind of thing, I don't have time to manage it."

Chris Jenna remembered the fact that she signed a contract with the reality show actor manager of Beverly Girl.

John Cali, who was in charge of MGM's TV network business, was just beginning to be very dissatisfied with this matter, but then he stopped mentioning it. After inquiring, Krist Jenna knew that Eric had spoken.

This time, Chris Jenna actually had the same mind.

Moreover, if this plan can't get permission from Eric himself, MGM will never agree.

Therefore, Chris Jenna has some compliments in her tone, saying: "Eric, MGM is yours, I think it is more convenient to discuss this with you, otherwise it will definitely need a series of endless The meeting can only agree on this matter."

Eric really didn't care about these little things, and he was about to agree with it, but suddenly he understood the intention of Chris Jenna.

She wants to share some of the benefits from the peripheral products of these two reality shows.

As we all know, North America has a very complete film and television industry. From the super ips such as "Star Wars" to the unpopular episodes of some paid cable stations, almost all of them can develop lucrative peripheral products. The long-established consumption concept also makes North American audiences are happy to spend money on this.

Although Beverly Girl and Beverly Wife are both reality shows, they still have a wealth of resources to develop around.

The same costumes, jewelry, shoes, daily recipes, boutique props and even photo albums of the actors in the series can be used to sell money.

In recent years, with the rise of Internet e-commerce, many celebrities or companies with well-known film and television projects are happy to establish similar theme websites, and then get the yahoopay payment interface from Yahoo, you can sell things on the website.

This low-cost operation, the profits are still very rich.

Chris Jenna just said that she wants to create a temporary special website for the actors, instead of the two real-life theme websites. Obviously, I want to take these websites for myself, so that I can wipe the edges from the two The reality show here is divided into some peripheral benefits.

The popularity of the two reality shows, even if Chris Jenna does not dare to do too obvious, but the benefits of millions of dollars a year are still there.

Eric put away the magazine in his hand and turned to look at the woman with the expectation on his face. He smiled and smiled. He lifted his foot and knocked on the end of the chair with his heel: "Come here."

Eric’s headless words made Chris Jenna somewhat confused, but the man’s commanding tone, which was unacceptable to the man, made Chris Jenna unconsciously obedient Get up.

Slowly moving to the pool, Chris Jenna didn't know that the little man suddenly had another interest in playing, saying: "Eric, I think, this is not so good."

Eric suddenly felt that it was not very good. He said, "Take off your dress and don't get wet."

Chris Jenna felt that her cheeks were a little hot, and I felt that Eric stared at her own eyes, but could not afford the courage to resist.

During this period, whether it is AOL's shareholding reduction or the acquisition of Sony Pictures, Krist Jenna, who is watching privately, feels the wealth and power of this little man.

Stretching out the zipper behind him, Krist Jenner quickly smashed her low-cut evening dress and folded it on the side chair.

The housewives of the wealthy Americans tend to have a very good body, as does Chris Jenna.

Eric enjoyed the moment with great interest, and he ruthlessly lifted his foot and smashed the past.

The sound of falling water accompanied by the exclamation of the woman.

Eric leaned on the lounge chair indifferently, listening to the opposite side of the water for a while. I felt that when Chris Jenna climbed out of the water, he sat up.

Chris Jenna groaned and coughed at the pool, noting that Eric looked at herself with a condescending edge, knowing that she was careful not to see Eric, so there would be such a thing.

She didn't dare to blame Eric for her anger. Chris Jenner tried to make her expression look pitiful. It seemed to complain: "Eric, you, cough, you are so abominable."

Eric didn't pay attention to the woman's poor clothes. He took the magazine in his hand and picked the other's chin. He said: "Teach you something, I have always been very generous to people who do things for themselves. What do you want, you can Tell me directly, I think I can, just give it to you. No, then don't give it to you. But don't think about playing these clever things in front of me. Because even if you lie to me, you may lie to everyone around me. If you let me find out, then you can go back and continue to be your housewife. Hey, this is just a small punishment, but next time I feel bad, it will not be so good, understand?"

Chris Jenna didn't dare to give birth to the slightest disappointment. She nodded in obedience and still pity: "Eric, I know, I don't dare any more."

"Good, climb up and go back to the party."

Chris Jenna climbed out of the pool, but for a time she was overwhelmed. She can go back to the party to blame.

Eric, who was lying back, looked at the woman’s portrait and pointed to a large bath towel on the chair next to him. “Go and find the bathroom to handle it.”

Chris Jenna was stunned, took a bath towel and wrapped her body, and walked to the villa with her own dress.

Chris Jenna just disappeared, and Natasha, who heard the sound of the water coming out, quietly returned to her position and sat down.

Eric saw Natasha as if nothing had happened, and smiled and said: "How can Nata not talk?"

Natasha looked at Eric seriously: "Does the master kick me like this in the future?"

"No," Eric shook his head and said, "I will definitely not."


"That, suppose, Nata, assuming I did this, what would happen?"

Natasha’s face was hesitant with a bit of hesitation. After a while, “I don’t know, but Eve, it should be better.”

Eric listened to the girl with a few suggestive tone and smiled: "It’s a good sister, but you mean, Eve will only beat me to death, right?"

Natasha nodded very seriously: "Well."

Eric looked gratified: "It seems that Nata still cares about me, but she is willing to beat me to death."


"Well, look at Nata only to be willing to beat me to a half-death," Eric got up and took the girl's little hand: "Hey, take you to escape tonight."

Natasha was obediently picked up by Eric Cara, with a little blush on her face, whispered: "Master, need to talk to the boss?"

"Of course not, Shantou deliberately makes people bother to get along with me. I don't want to hit her little ass." Eric shook his head jokingly and took Natasha to the garage. He added: "Do not worry, she When we look at us, we naturally know that we are going out together."

Chris Jenna came out of a bathroom and once again restored a beautiful woman's posture, just to see Eric with the beautiful Russian twin girls driving away, it would be a little embarrassing.

However, returning to the next door, I felt that the guests on the scene took the initiative to come and chat with her. Some of the depressions of Krists Jenner were quickly swept away.

With the success of two consecutive reality shows, she is now one of Hollywood's hottest reality show producers. I can get a lot of attention and compliments from wherever I go. This kind of life is like chasing. Fame and fortune is simply heaven.

I was chatting with my husband and another couple who had participated in the filming of "Beverly Wife". Kris Jenna accidentally saw her daughter Kim Kardashian holding a small cake and wanted to be from her side. Flashing over, suddenly gave her a look.

Kim Kardashian was caught by her mother and had to come over and politely say hello to everyone.

Chris Jenna remembered that Eric had contacted herself through her second daughter. Later, she lost her movements and looked at the high-calorie cakes in her daughter's hands. Unconsciously, she hated iron.

Cheering with her husband and the couple, Chris Jenna took her daughter to the side and said with a harsh tone: "No more to eat, and you will start dieting tomorrow if you don't weigh within a month. I will kill you if you reduce it below 90 pounds."

Kim Kardashian was scared by her mother and almost immediately threw out the small cake in her hand and nodded her hand.

On this occasion, Chris Jenna didn't want to reprimand her daughter's image, and quickly put away her expression and asked, "And, Courtney and Kohler?"

Kim Kardashian quickly said: "They, they are chatting with Drew."

When I heard my daughter say this, Chris Jenna was very satisfied, and she was very dissatisfied in the blink of an eye: "Then how are you here, going over."

Kim Kardashian nodded in the trenches, lost the little cake in his hand, and fled in a hurry.


Before and after the second season of "Desperate Housewives" and "Beverly Wife", the boutique episodes of the major TV networks of the Firefly System were also launched.

On the other hand, the acquisition of Sony Pictures by Firefly Investment is also rapidly advancing.

After the second week of the hearing, Firefly Investment received a trading license from the Ministry of Justice to acquire the Sony film business. The firefly investment audit of the Sony Pictures balance sheet was also completed within half a month.

After several rounds of negotiations, the two sides resolved some controversy. At the end of September, Firefly Investment and Sony Group signed a trading contract at Sony Pictures Headquarters in Los Angeles.

Firefly investment contributed $2.99 ​​billion, plus the $1 billion in debt left by Sony Pictures, and finally another Hollywood studio.

After the completion of the acquisition, there was no scruples in the firefly investment. At the signing conference, the company announced that Sony Pictures will be renamed Columbia Pictures.

Although still busy with the shooting of "gravity", Eric has spared a half-day time to personally participate in the signing ceremony.

Culver City, the reception after the signing ceremony was held at the restaurant of the Columbia Film Company headquarters.

Izui Nobuyuki and Howard Stringer did not come over again. Sony had only one group vice president to attend the signing ceremony. After the ceremony, the other party only stayed at the reception for less than ten minutes and left, and everyone would naturally not care about Sony's reaction.

Eric had a round of entertainment at the reception, and Bill Michalnik shouted aside. The two sat down on the sofa in the corner. Eric said: "I have seen the project information you gave me last time. After that, there are many problems. If I have not invested a lot of resources and energy, I even want to cut down all these projects."

Bill Michal listened patiently and did not defend himself. He believed that Eric should be clear that although he was nominally the leader of Sony Pictures, he did not actually have much decision-making power.

Eric did not want Bill Michalnik to explain anything and continued: "Details, I will take the time to talk to you over the weekend. In the past few days, all you have to do is get three projects. First, CAA The "Trap of the Sky" was re-taken back. I studied the script of this movie, and the production cycle of the five-month period will probably be fixed, so it can be used as the main event of the Columbia Film Company's summer program next year. In addition, the CAA recommended I don’t like the heroine, withdraw her, we choose."

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