I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1049: Grand party

Because the party tonight is a celebration party that broke the $250 million box office at Midnight, and the celebration party that the fireflies summer file has once again achieved a bumper harvest, and the Firefly system has just completed the acquisition of the Sony film business, so it is scale. Or the momentum is attracting the attention of Hollywood.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Titanic model on the northeast corner of the studio began to clear the field for the evening party.

Because the wind has already spread, it is expected that there will be a large number of Hollywood superstar celebrities and company executives attending the party tonight. Many young actors who are looking for opportunities are trying to get an invitation to the party or become an invitation. The companion of the celebrity superstars.

Some of the lower-level men and women who are destined to get an invitation letter, even choose to hide in the corners of the big ship in advance.

The staff on the big ship grabbed more than a dozen men and women who tried to fish in the water during the clearance stage. This made the park manager responsible for the evening party preparations nervous and annoyed. Some regrets did not stop the opening of the big ship attractions from the beginning of today. At the same time, the order was made to clear the scene twice, and sure enough, many people were arrested.

During the day, Eric was busy in the studio of Gravity, and at six o'clock in the evening he came to the top restaurant on the big ship for dinner.

Since Eric habitually ate on a large ship during the filming of Gravity, after several interruptions, Eric simply made an internal restaurant on the big ship, not too big, only eight tables. However, whether it is the location of the restaurant or the food is very delicate, it is a welfare for the firefly executives, the top level of the group manager or above can come to eat here when working in the studio.

Kasenberg is also in the studio today, Eric has just sat down in the restaurant, and Kasenberg has also come over.

"According to the current box office trend, before the next file, the North American box office of "Midnight Ring" should be able to reach about 290 million US dollars, which is comparable to the "Exorcist" of the year. Moreover, the film's overseas box office is even better. It’s just that the box office may exceed 100 million US dollars. The overall overseas market may exceed 400 million. The global box office of 700 million US dollars has a return on investment of more than 2300%. This is definitely the most popular horror film in the world. Now everyone is crazy. Look for Japanese horror film scripts."

The staff on the ship is still making final arrangements for the party tonight, and the topic of Eric and Kasenberg is naturally inseparable from the "Midnight Ring".

Looking at the face of Kasenberg's excitement, Eric smiled and took a bottle of mineral water from the waiter's hand, unscrewed the bottle cap and sipped, saying: "In this case, the next two years of horror film must be It will be very rampant, and the sequel to "Midnight Rings" and the "Ghost" will be put on hold for a while, waiting for this trend to pass."

Kasenberger nodded in recognition: "I took the time to talk to Kenneth. In addition, have you seen Michael Bein’s comet hit the earth-based disaster film script?"

"It’s just a general scan. The script is pretty good, but the budget of $140 million is a bit high.” Eric said: "You talk to Jerry, it is best to push the budget below $120 million. He Nor can it continue to be so unrestrained."

Kasenberg said: "In fact, Michael talked to me privately. He wants to be a producer."

Eric remembered that Michael Bay had a good reputation in controlling the cost of production. It was very heart-warming. However, hesitated, or said: "This time, let him and Jerry join the famous producer, but The dominance is still on Jerry's side. If we can cooperate next time, we can let him try it."

Most of Hollywood's film projects are producer-centric, and the producers have the most power in the filmmaking process, which means that their work is not much easier than the director.

So far, Michael Bay has completed three films, and Eric doesn't think he can take care of the producer's work as a director so soon.

However, I think that Michael Bay’s private production company has also produced a series of low-cost horror films, and they all achieved good box office results. Eric said again: "In addition, if he is interested, he can let him and Kenneth talked about it and tried to be the producer of one or two low-cost films. It was exercise."

Eric and Kasenberger chatted while eating dinner. Unconsciously, the sky was gradually darkened. The gorgeous lights on the big ship gradually lit up, and more and more noises came from outside.

Putting down the tableware, Eric looked at his watch with his wrist. It was already 7:1, and stood up with Kasenberg and walked up to the terrace inside the restaurant, looking down.

The two are in the top layer of the big ship model. This small deck terrace is connected to the inner restaurant drawn by Eric. It faces the north and has a very good view. You can see the following "Titanic" theme exhibition. The park and the flat and open city scene in the distance, the hills in the east and the Marina del Rey in the west also have a panoramic view.

Standing on the terrace and feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Eric and Kasenberg continued to talk about the topic just a short time ago. There was a slap of high-heeled footsteps behind him. Turning his head, the girl was already smirking and screaming behind him. As usual, follow the quiet figure of the twins.

The relatives and Eric hugged, and politely greeted Kasenberg, and the girl took Eric's arm: "Eric, guess what I just saw?"


"Oh, no, I saw the little fat girl turning around. You didn't bring your phone, right?"

Eric squatted down, only to think of Shantou saying that Xiaopeng was Aniston, so he knocked on the door of his mind with anger, and Eric’s cell phone in the pocket looked out and found that he didn’t know anything. There was no electricity at the time. I waved to the twins and handed the phone to one of them. “Help me rush for the electricity. In addition, I will call Jane and say that I am here.”

Kasenberg realized that Eric was waiting for him to be very busy, and he didn’t stay any longer. He smiled and smiled at him and left.

After a while, Natasha took Aniston and walked up.

Aniston is wearing a simple, light-colored knee-length dress today, still a sweet and pleasing appearance.

However, after approaching, Eric had not had time to say anything, and the chick rushed to the **** and rushed over: "It must be you, let me lie to me, saying that Eric is in the studio, you are a small pool, I ran so far."

Shantou immediately circled Eric, and he did not forget to take a sigh of relief: "I will not do this boring thing, Xiaopang, you are embarrassed."

Aniston was even more angry, and the little paws grabbed it unceremoniously: "I let you say that I am fat!"

Eric reluctantly blocked between the two girls, thinking that Elizabeth and Julia might come over, and Nicole, and Famik.

Thinking of this, Eric suddenly felt that he had escaped in advance or fled well or fled.

After a while, the two gimmicks won't win, and the shirt on Eric's body was messed up.

One hand grabbed a kiss in the past and appeased the two restless little wild cats. Eric pointed to a button on his shirt collar that was pulled off the line: "Look, the clothes are pulled by you. Broken, don't make trouble."

Shantou immediately pointed to Aniston: "What I saw was that she was pulling."

"I..." Aniston immediately smashed his hair and turned his eyes. He said, "I am sewing!"

So, when Nicole walked into the restaurant with a petite blonde, she saw Eric sitting on a chair, and Aniston was sitting on the man's lap with a needle thread and clumsily playing with one. Buttons, taro and sour sitting on the side to say cool words.

Seeing Aniston, Nicole was a little hesitant, but she came over and volunteered to say, "Jane, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Aniston naturally found Nicole coming over, looking at the side of the gimmick waiting for the look of the play, gently sighing, freely inserting the sewing needle into the Eric shirt, and got up and looked at Nicole "You come to help this bastard."

Nicole saw Eric, who was obviously tied to the beginning of the cool air. Seeing Aniston didn't leave, just sitting next to him with a small face, and he was relieved, and he was not sympathetic to a certain guy. She naturally wouldn’t sit on Eric like Aniston, just walked over and bent down, carefully helping Eric sew the button, and not forgetting to introduce her companion, “Ai Rick, this is Naomi Watts, I mentioned it to you last time, my good...friend."

"Hello, Miss Watts," Eric just recognized Naomi, but he would never dare to show any difference at this time, just arbitrarily greeted each other.

"Hello, Mr. Williams." Naomi smugly held her handbag in front of her, politely greeted Eric, and wanted to leave this weird occasion, but did not know How to say goodbye is appropriate.

Nicole obviously has more life skills than the clumsy little girl. She helped Eric to sew the buttons, and put the needles in a small storage box on the table, and whispered: "That, Eric, I will go down first."

Eric Carat lives with Nicole: "If you want to eat something, there is no chance to eat tonight."

Nicole looked at Drew and Aniston, and the bright scorpion snorted and smiled. He nodded and said, "Okay."

Eric yelled at the manager of the restaurant and asked the other party to take the sewing box away, indicating that Nicole would just like to eat whatever he liked.

The manager apparently saw the situation of the boss at this time. He was both envious and schadenfreat. After Nicole and the three women had dinner, the manager looked at Nicole and wanted to install Nao, who did not exist. M: "This lady?"

Naomi Watts realized that the manager apparently misunderstood his relationship with Eric Williams, and God knew that he was the first time to see this lover in his own legend.

However, in front of the situation, although this guy is really a bit of a heart, but for his own woman ... they seem really good.

Power and wealth can always be easily accepted by people who are unacceptable to ordinary people. Naomi Watts himself has not found this mentality.

After seeing the manager ask, several other people looked at themselves. Naomi was a bit embarrassed and inexplicably guilty. He quickly said: "No, I am not, I am just..."

Some managers didn't know, so Nicole looked at herself with a smile and said to the manager at the end: "Nami is just like me."

The restaurant manager naturally didn't know what happened, but since Nicole spoke, he quickly rushed down and hurried away to prepare himself.

Although it is very pleasing to peep at the boss of the big boss, it seems to be very dangerous. It is that the big boss will not raise the idea of ​​killing the mouth. If you pass through the little shoes, then you can eat yourself. The pot is up.

After the manager left, the atmosphere in the small restaurant in the gap suddenly became strange.

A few women didn't talk, and everyone was neatly arguing with a menu.

When Naomi realized that she had done the same thing with the other three girls, she quickly put down the menu in her hand, but after doing so, she suddenly found that she didn’t even know where to go. put.

I noticed that Eric just looked at himself, his expression became more overwhelmed, and some regretted that he had just not left immediately, even if he was rude, it was better than now.

"So, Nicole said that you have been swearing in the past few years?" Finally, Eric first said.

Naomi nodded quickly: "Well."

Eric asked again, "What are you doing in Sakamoto, model?"

Naomi clearly felt that when Eric had just said that, Drew Barrymore and Aniston looked at their vigilant look.

However, she still said: "No, well, it is, I just wanted to be a model when I passed, but then I found a job in a fashion magazine, they need an English translation. ”

Eric suddenly felt that Naomi was just his own savior here, and continued: "How come you want to come to Hollywood?"

"I, I want to change my life," I may feel that this reason is too high-sounding, Naomi hesitated, and said: "In fact, I always wanted to be an actor, so I can Better."

The two said, the **** that had not been opened suddenly said: "Naomi Watts, well, maybe you can come to MGM, I have a lot of roles for you here."

When I heard the words of Shantou, although some were unclear, but Nicole and Aniston also showed a vigilant expression, Eric also warned her eyes and warned her not to mess.

The girl licked her mouth and lowered her small head with a low eyebrow. She folded it in a random napkin.

Naomi saw the expressions of the people, and for a time did not know whether to answer the words of Shantou. It wasn't until Eric said that she ignored her, she was relaxed, and suddenly there was a feeling in her heart. Some people present, perhaps only Eric Williams had nothing to guard against.

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