I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1054: Pseudo paranoia

"If you can," Eric handed the pan to Anne Hathaway: "I am going to help you take the clothes and it should be washed."

Although Anne Hathaway has always been pampered, she has lived in Los Angeles for a few months alone, and the life skills of the society will naturally be plenary.

Eric handed the task of making breakfast to the girl and left the kitchen.

More than 20 minutes later, when Anne Hathaway came to the restaurant with a good breakfast, Eric was sitting at the table and looking through the laptop with a laptop. She saw the girl coming over and pointed her finger on a chair. Tote bag for clothes.

Anne Hathaway nodded and placed a fine porcelain dish with omelettes, salads and muffins in front of Eric, and set the tableware diligently, looking forward and sitting next to it: "Eric, try it How am I doing?"

Eric picked up a muffin and took a bite and nodded. "Not bad."

"This is not what I did, but I got it in the refrigerator."

"Even if you are," Eric smiled and looked at the girl next to him: "Don't you have breakfast?"

"Oh, my kitchen," Anne Hathaway got up again and said, "Eric, do you need anything else?"

"Help me pour a cup of milk."

"Okay," Anne Hathaway nodded and walked diligently toward the kitchen.

Anne Hathaway was eating very slowly. When Eric put down the cutlery, the girl was still dealing with her salad.

The girl who looked at the opposite mouth and ate something, although her face was green and her mouth was a bit big, but I have to say that the eyes are really beautiful.

After enjoying it for a moment, Eric said: "Right, I have booked an audition for you. You will go to the Columbia Film Company headquarters in Culver City tomorrow."

Looking at the excitement in those big eyes, Eric immediately attacked: "But don't expect too much. It's just a small role. You are now in the most embarrassing age of Hollywood actors. Therefore, in the past two years, I have been smashing some small characters to practice acting in some movies. In addition, if you want to go further on this road, then report a performance training class. No one in this world. The acting is born, even if Meryl Streep is a graduate of Yale University's theatre performance."

Anne Hathaway was obedient, but she was most concerned about the role Eric had just said and asked, "Eric, what am I going to do?"

"This is a biographical film about a girl with a borderline personality disorder in a nursing home. The two heroines are Winona Ryder and Charlize Theron. You play a girl with pseudo paranoia. ""

I heard that I would play against Winona and Charl, the two youngest actresses in Hollywood. The loss of Anne’s heart was slightly reduced. Think about it, as long as the man can help himself, then one day, one day The reputation will be no less than the other side.

With this in my heart, Anne Hathaway's tone is more like a well-behaved kitten: "Eric, what is false paranoia?"

“In a nutshell,” Eric’s mouth smiled and said: “It’s a habitual lie.”


Anne Hathaway noticed some hateful smile on Eric's face and suddenly realized that her little lies were stunned yesterday. The big eyes that talked were stunned and seemed to want to express their little grievances. However, this time the girl was very clever and did not defend herself.

Eric saw that the girl also ate almost the same. She smiled and pushed the plate in front of the table to the center of the table and patted the position in front of her: "Come."

Anne Hathaway came over and sat down on the table in front of him along Eric's instructions, with two feet on the man's knees. At this time, she still only wore a shirt. In this sitting position, she could not hold down the shirt hem with some shyness. When she thought about it, she separated the legs that were subconsciously separated.

Eric just took the girl's thin waist and put her on the table in front of him. There was no other movement. Although the girl in front was very attractive, he still has work today. At this time, there is no time to do other things, just Then said: "Hey, don't think carefully in front of me, or I might actually send you to a mental hospital."

Anne Hathaway, like a frightened bunny, shrank her neck and nodded her head.

"About this role, there is actually a very interesting conversation with the character of Winona. The character you want to play in that scene will have a conversation with Winona about another girl who is disfigured. You The role is very serious about the story of the girl being disfigured, and then Winona. Ask you, how did you come in, you said: pseudo paranoia."

Seeing Anne Hathaway's confused face, Eric raised his hand and pinched the girl's chin and smiled: "When you get the script, try to figure out the scene, as long as you can play this show well. The audience can also remember you through this role."

In the original version of The Soul Girl, this role-player with pseudo paranoia is Kelly Duval, a female star who often appears in Hollywood teens in the late 1990s.

Although Eric felt that the other party was not doing anything about the performance he had just said, the dialogue with a wonderful drama contrast made Eric impressed. It feels like a man who meets a ghost story in a half-night house. When the last listener is suddenly shocked, the old man next to him may be the 'protagonist' of the ghost's hometown.

Looking at the innocent and intelligent voice of Anne’s two-person animal, Eric felt that if this character was played by her, the contrast would definitely be stronger. As long as the character was enough, the audience was appreciating Winona. At the same time as Charlize’s performance, I will definitely remember this girl named Anne Hathaway.

In Hollywood, whether you play a good film or a bad film, as long as you can let the audience remember you, then you are successful.

However, Eric did not explain too much to the girls in front of me. The opportunity has already been given. If she can't catch it, then she will continue to be mediocre.

After saying this, Eric took a credit card from his wallet and said, "And, this is for you."

Anne Hathaway saw the black card that Eric handed over, and her finger moved. She still knew what the Citi black card meant in front of her. However, after hesitating, she still resisted the temptation and shook her head: Eric, I, I can't."

Eric directly put the credit card into the girl’s hand and said, “Are you not a birthday next month? When you can buy a house for yourself, or buy another car, it’s my birthday. Gifts, oh, anyway, what do you want to buy, you can do it yourself, but your girls will spend more than we do."

Feeling the touch of the card in his hand, Anne Hathaway hesitated, or nodded slightly.

"Then, the last thing," Eric put away with a relaxed expression, saying: "With this card, you are my woman, but I am not the kind of person who likes to force the relationship, so, what? When you feel that you want to leave your life, call to cancel this card, you are free. But before that, you have to remember, you are mine, don't do anything you should not do, Understand?"

Anne Hathaway certainly understood what Eric meant. For a moment, she even had some thought of returning the credit card in her hand to Eric. However, after hesitating, she finally nodded. . However, she couldn't help but whispered: "Ai, Eric, this, this card..."

Eric reached out and pinched the girl's face and smiled. "If you can smash it, it's awesome. But you have to remember that the more you get, the more you pay. Don't treat me as a fool."

"Well, I, I remember."

"That's good," Eric said, handing two more business cards in the past, saying: "One is mine, one is my assistant's office, you have something to call me, other things, such as buying The house car, I will call my assistant's office, they will help you arrange it, you will definitely be a little fat sheep. Then, change the clothes, I have let your agent rush to the Firefly Studios. Wait, let me talk to him a few words."

More than an hour later, Anne Hathaway sat in her agent Carl Franco, recalling what happened in these two days, feeling like she had made a long dream and stayed for a while until Noticing how many times the agent next to her wants to say something, she only got up and turned and said seriously: "Uncle Carl, this matter, don't you tell my mom and dad?"

Carl Franco is a middle-aged man in his forties. The girl who was originally signed by the girl is because of his friend's face. He has no personal friendship with the Anne family.

I got a call in the morning and said that Eric Williams wanted to see him. He thought that someone was joking with himself until the other party hit the boss of his brokerage company. The boss called the phone again and he rushed to the firefly. Studio City.

When he heard Annie, Carl Franco didn't want to nod. Of course, he knows what to do in this matter will be more beneficial to himself. If he thinks about it, he can't help but say: "Annie, are you still used to living with Kristen? Or, I will help you back. Looking for a house? Rest assured, the rental company can temporarily help you."

Anne Hathaway originally lived in a shared apartment in West Hollywood with several girls from the company, but although the house was recommended by the brokerage company, because the house rent was not cheap, the rent was paid by several girls themselves. Anne, who is the youngest, can't get any work bills when she first arrives in Hollywood. She will naturally hand it over to her parents, probably like Rachel, who started his father's credit card at Friends.

Anne Hathaway actually didn't like to share with other girls. However, when she heard Carl, she remembered the credit card in her bag and looked around. She pointed to the front not far. "Uncle Carl, can you stop at the bank in front?"

Carl Franco saw that Anne did not respond to her own affairs about the house, did not say anything, nodded, and quickly stepped on the gas pedal to park the car on the side of the road.

"Uncle Carl, you wait a little, I will be back soon."

Anne Hathaway and other cars stopped, pushed the door and got off, went to the bank's teller machine, and some guilty eyes swept around, only then pulled the black card out of the bag, stuffed into the atm, light With a sigh of relief, she slammed the very simple password given by Eric, six ones.

Then, on the page, I made a small deep breath again, and she pressed the button to check the balance.

The page changes, the number on the screen makes her eyes can not help but smash, the balance bar is not an integer, but a large number of irregular numbers, it is estimated that this should be his daily use of credit cards.

one two three four five six seven eight……

Although the comma separator between the numbers makes it easy to determine the number of digits, she can't help but count it carefully several times.

That's right, it's eight digits.

I read the numbers again.


Three hundred and sixty-five thousand and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

More than 30 million US dollars!

Soft and soft on the atm for a while, barely let myself take off to sit on the ground, slow down, and swept away the more dazzling overdraft credit, the first generation of Anne Hathaway The idea is: God, how should I spend it!


For several days, Eric received a call from Annie that there was nothing to call. It was the last period of Gravity. He didn’t have much thought to deal with the girl. Finally, he had to warn Anne that unless there was seriousness, Otherwise, you can only call yourself at most once a week, and this is clean.

After the last week of the studio, on October 21st, the crew officially departed from Los Angeles to Arizona, which is adjacent to California. The final part of the film will be filmed at a large lake near Phoenix, Arizona. At the same time, Eric also intends to let the whole crew relax there. For a few months in a row, everyone is physically and mentally exhausted. Eric is officially energetic, but in fact, these months are the same. Not easy.

On the road through Arizona, the fleet of more than 20 cars, large and small, looks very powerful. It is more conspicuous in the sky with two helicopters in the sky. Helicopter is not uncommon for Americans. However, these two helicopters over 20 meters in length are different from the usual civilian helicopters in terms of falcons and pigeons. The shape of the helicopter is also larger than that of most helicopters. It is conspicuous and cool, so it attracts the attention of countless people along the way, and even the passing drivers get off the camera and take pictures with the camera.

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