I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1060: Reconciliation condition

The time is already at the end of October, and it has been less than ten days since the release of the first film of the firefly system.

The Firefly Group will release three movies at the end of the year, the "Teddy Bear" on the Thanksgiving Day on November 13, the "Elizabeth" on December 4, and the "Tea Boy" on December 11.

"Teddy Bear" is a project that Eric personally cares about, not to mention.

"Elizabeth" is a biography of Elizabeth I, which was co-operated by Firefly last year with Working-Title Film Company of the United Kingdom. It is starred by Cate Blanchett and its main goal is to attack this year's Oscar.

Although the operation-Title of PolyGram Holdings has become a film company of the Seagram Group and the Universal Studios due to the acquisition of the Polygram Group by Seagram, Julia has also lost the Working- Title of the Notting Hill.

However, the production and distribution rights of Elizabeth were finalized before Sigram acquired PolyGram, and cooperation in all aspects was not affected.

The final "Tea Boy" is another comedy film after Adam **** follows the "Wedding Singer" at the box office this Easter. Speaking of it, December 11 is a period of time when the film market is relatively deserted between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is not a good period, but fortunately, the production cost of "Tea Boy" is only 23 million US dollars. .

In addition to the Firefly Group's three films, MGM's "Mission Impossible 3" on November 20th and "Speed ​​and Passion" on January 1st; Fox's "The Horse Whisperer" on November 6th and December 18th The "Star Wars Prequel 1" on the day; Colombia's "Death University" on November 13 and "Kissing Mom" ​​on December 25, just the nine movies of the Firefly System, have already squeezed the entire end of the year Be full.

The other three, Universal will release two films "Music Love" and "Sixth Feeling Dead", Paramount is also two, "Star Trek 9: Uprising" and 2D hand-drawn animated film "Mulan", the last Warner has only one medium-produced love film "Electronic Love Letter", which seems rather lonely.

As for the films released by other second- and third-line film companies, they are basically not within the scope of the seven major concerns.

With the initial completion of the media group's integration tide, the second- and third-line movie companies with good potential in the 1980s, such as the new line, Miramax, Orion, Carlock, etc., were either incorporated by the big movie company or were on the verge of bankruptcy. No more energy. A new batch of independent film companies that can attract seven major concerns, such as the Lions Gate and the Peak in the original time and space, are still in their infancy, completely posing no threat to the large studios.

At the same time, traditional media giants have completed integration, and new Internet media is on the rise. It can be said that in recent years, it has definitely been the most powerful period for Hollywood media forces. Moreover, there is no doubt that controlling more than half of Hollywood's firefly system has become the undisputed super hegemon of the North American media industry.

As the absolute controller of the firefly system, after re-acquiring Colombian film company, Eric has been closely watching the media for a while.

Eric naturally didn't care about it. When he returned to Los Angeles, he got into the post-production studio of Firefly Studios and began to focus on the preliminary analysis of the lens material of Gravity.

However, although they could not directly reach Eric, these media quickly found another explosive news point, that is, Caroline suffered a foot injury.

The embarrassing little tour guide, now Eric Williams’s 'Little Chili', has a high degree of Cambridge and Harvard, a noble aristocratic lineage, plus a perfect exquisite appearance... this is simply The best candidate for the Queen of Firefly Empire.

The topic was picked up, and naturally it was a ‘counting’ of the woman around Eric. The secret voice of Mingli’s voice was fascinating. For a time, some tabloids even dragged the topic to the two little guys.

Over the years, Eric has never deliberately concealed the news that he already has two children. The ordinary people can get relevant news with a little attention. However, for the safety of the two little guys, Eric’s bottom line for media that can be influenced by all parties is that it is absolutely impossible to disclose sensitive information such as photos, names and addresses of two children.

Although Eric is a public figure, he is also a super rich with strong social influence. In a society like the United States, the consequences of offending capital are much greater than the cost of offending sin. This has caused various scandals from many politicians and even the president, but few of them are on the Forbes list. Entanglement can be seen.

Therefore, so far, all parties have also tacitly abide by the red line delineated by Eric. The discussion of the two little guys rubbing the gap eventually flowed to Eric's personal wealth. Although there will be a half-year period from the list of the Forbes rich list next year, the statistics of the American media on the wealthy family are actually happening all the time.

Many media speculate that once Yahoo's successful listing, combined with Eric's growth in value over the past year, his personal wealth is likely to hit a new high, surpassing an unprecedented $200 billion.

Such a horrible wealth, even if it does not grow in the future, in accordance with current federal laws, in the future if it is to be passed down normally, it will also need to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in inheritance tax. Although it is destined to have nothing to do with it, this topic has made many people relish. After all, a one-time tax payment of more than 100 billion US dollars, just think about it, let a lot of people who are completely irrelevant all have pains.

In the end, some media and politicians who advocated the reduction or cancellation of inheritance tax took the opportunity to jump out and join the discussion on this topic.

Firefly Studios.

Yahoo's listing date is approaching, Eric is temporarily unable to open, and several Yahoo executives and Chris have rushed over to discuss some details of Yahoo's listing.

In the office LOFT of the digital field, sitting in the rest area near the glass curtain wall on the second floor, in the process of chilling before the topic, everyone will inevitably talk about the topic recently surrounding Eric.

Eric holds a cup of coffee in his hand and leans back on the back of the chair. He said to Chris, Ian Gurni and others: "In fact, I think if I can spend all my money before I die, then It is the best state, and a penny is not reserved for the IRS. As for the children, I still hope that they can support themselves."

“This is a daunting task,” Chris said with a smile. “Even if you don’t count the annual profit, according to the $200 billion fixed assets, if you can live to a hundred years old, from now on, you need to spend every day. Lost $8 million."

"$8 million," Eric looked at the only woman among several people, saying: "Tina, you women will spend more money, help me think about it, how can I spend $8 million a day?"

After Jeff Locke left, Eric Brown, who was personally selected by Eric, was gradually promoted to one of Yahoo’s new Big Three in the past few years. His position in Yahoo is gradually with Ian Garnier and Steve. · Mitnick is tied.

When I heard Eric's question, Tina Brown thought about it. After a moment, she smiled and said: "This, you have to let me try first."

Eric immediately showed an exaggerated vigilant expression: "Then I will ask others."

Everyone laughed.

Chatting a few words, a few talents are involved in the topic.

One of the more difficult issues facing Yahoo's listing is the digital music copyright lawsuit with the top five record companies.

In the first half of the year, due to the sudden impact of Internet pirated digital music on the physical record industry, coupled with the rise of the Fireflyer player, the five major record companies launched a large-scale lawsuit against Internet pirated music, and by the way, Yahoo! .

Perhaps it is the weakness of Yahoo's upcoming IPO, and the five major record companies are very tough in reaching an out-of-court settlement with Yahoo.

“The five major record companies still insist on three main conditions,” Ian Gurney said. “The first is to strengthen the filtering and even blocking of pirated music resources by portals and search engines. The second is to open five major record companies. Separately set up a digital music store for the Fireflyer player, the last one is compensation, although the amount of compensation is reduced, but the other party still requires $20 million in cash compensation."

Eric wondered: "If they reach an agreement on the first two, they should have achieved their goals. Why should they insist on compensation of 20 million US dollars? This may be a huge sum for individuals, but for the five major record companies. Is it just a little bit of money?"

Chris said: "This should be the insistence of the other party's entrusted lawyer."

Eric immediately understood.

Why do the American lawyers rank so high, mainly because they are really too profitable. The economic base determines the superstructure, and this sentence is correct. For example, infringement lawsuits involving these large companies do not mention millions of dollars in fixed litigation fees. Once they receive huge compensation, lawyers can directly draw 30% or even higher.

Rubbing the smooth surface of the coffee cup in his hand, Eric asked: "So, what do you mean now?"

"We discussed it in detail," Ian G. Neil said. "We used to value the potential impact of this lawsuit on Yahoo's IPO. But if we agree to the conditions of the top five record companies, it will not only hurt much. Our potential interest in digital music sales, at the same time, this compromise is completely contrary to the core spirit of the Internet platform open and shared. Therefore, we do not intend to reconcile, as far as possible in the Yahoo! And the concept of sharing, guiding the media and the public. As long as the IPO can be successful, the top five record companies will not want to take any initiative in front of Yahoo."

Ian Gernier’s remarks seem to be very upright.

However, if you think about it, if you can really reverse the trend of the theory, then Yahoo can immediately switch from a shameful copyright infringer to a stubborn and conservative music copyright strategist to seek open sharing of justice messengers for the public. The argument is actually more shameless, but it can definitely cater to mainstream Internet values.

The key to this matter is that public media needs to be promoted.

Although the firefly system is weak in traditional paper media, it has powerful energy that is unmatched by any other media force in the more influential TV media. As for emerging Internet media, it accounts for 70% of portals in North America. The Yahoo! portal of the website traffic share is even more a place for the firefly system.

Since it was proposed at this time, Ian Gneil and others obviously have a detailed plan for the development of the situation. There is no obstacle to the cooperation of the group. Everyone discussed this plan in detail for a while, and Eric also personally appeared on the spot. I gave Murdoch a call and hoped that several mainstream newspapers owned by News Corp. could cooperate on this matter.

Speaking of it, News Corp. only a small piece of Twentieth Century Fox, which has been handed over to Murray by Elizabeth, can be counted as part of the firefly system. The FOX television network is only a close alliance with the firefly system. Other larger segments, such as the vast paper media networks in the UK, Australia and North America, as well as the television networks in the UK and the Far East, remain firmly under Murdoch’s own control. Operating for a lifetime of hard work, Murdoch naturally can not let go of these powers, Eric did not think about such a good thing.

However, the current firefly system has more than ten times the size of the control of the entire news group. Murdoch also knows the benefits of maintaining a cooperative relationship with the firefly system. He hears Eric’s request on the phone and is naturally full of mouthfuls. Promise down.

After finalizing this matter, everyone discussed the details of the last equity incentive plan before the Yahoo IPO. Ian Gurnier, Steve Mitnick and Tina Brown left in a hurry, a fly. Going to New York to discuss specific details of control with ABC and FOX executives. One went to San Francisco to inspect Yahoo's Silicon Valley branch, and the last Tina Brown flew back to the Boston headquarters. It’s been less than a month since the IPO, and the three are all too busy.

After talking about everything, it was already late in the evening. Ian Garnier was sent away in the parking lot. Chris didn't rush to leave, and Eric spread along the cement road in the studio.

"Actually, with regard to the issue of wealth inheritance, Eric, your assets are too large. You should make plans now. You don't really want to hand over half of your family to the federal government one day, even to At the time, Xia Xia and Kevin could not get half of them at all."

In all fairness, Eric naturally does not want to do this. He has no sense of belonging to the country he is in now, and naturally there is no strong sense of social responsibility.

If possible, in fact, he just had a joke with Chris about spending money before he died. He is always very pessimistic about the inheritance of wealth. After all, the memory has been instilled with too many concepts of wealth, but three generations, it is difficult to determine whether there will be a defeat in their children and grandchildren.

For Chris, Eric did not hide anything, and seriously said the scruples in his heart.

"This is not a problem," Chris said with a smile. "Look at the current Morgan family and the Rockefeller family. They have been in the past 100 years. They are still infinitely beautiful. This is not how great the children of these families are. You Do you know why?"


“Because even though the founders of these families have been gone for many years, the wealth of these families still follows the will of these old guys through the strict family trust rules set up from the beginning, and no one can change, As long as there are some outstanding talents in these descendants, these families can re-emerge on the original profound foundation. In this respect, you can let Caroline help you collect some information."

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