I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1075: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is coming, and the media fever brought by the New York Times interview has not cooled down.

Intensive high-profile, if Eric stays in East Hampton for Thanksgiving, the media's attention is likely to shift to women and children. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Eric flew with women and children to the Maryland family with the Chris family.

There was still no snow around Frederick County, Maryland at the end of November, and there was no summer in the gentle hilly plains. However, looking at it, the rough and luxuriant scenes of the sky and the sky, but the people who live in the city feel a special sense of relaxation.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, a group of people of big and small finally came out from the forests of more than ten kilometers west of Jeffrey Farm. Several hounds were still screaming around, and from time to time, they were so loud and clear that they were still unfinished.

Jeffrey, who is more and more old and strong, carries a wild deer himself. This is the result of a busy day for everyone.

Today is Thanksgiving, and women are already preparing Thanksgiving dinners on the farm. I really enjoyed everyone coming together to accompany me for the holidays. Jeffrey decided to add a roast venison to dinner in the early morning, so he ran to hunt.

Originally, I only intended to bring Chris and Eric to the two juniors. I heard that Grandpa Jeffrey was going to hunt. Emma was the first to take it. Kevin also had a small look. Hawaii is obviously not. May be interested in this kind of thing, but in order to avoid the 'horrible Dru's Auntie', the little girl also followed, so I originally planned to come out for an hour or two of hunting and tossing a day, more like a game. Outing.

Joanna and Virginia were very reluctant, worried about the safety of the little guys, but after Eric nodded, the two women had to agree, but still let the twins come together to take care of the three little guys, the woman always Can be more careful.

Three little guys keep up, Jeffrey naturally has nothing to do, and even wants to bring his little grandson together to 'see the world', but unfortunately Emily is desperate. Daniel, who was only one year old, just learned to walk.

At this point, Jeffrey walked in front of the wild deer, surrounded by three little guys Kevin, Emma and Hawaii, the twins carefully cared around.

Eric and Chris are carrying a few shotguns at the end, because the three little guys are in use, and several shotguns are useless all day. The unlucky wild deer is the result of several hounds. Bring the shotgun to the body, just worry about encountering fierce beasts like black bears.

Looking at the front row of people, Eric's eyes finally fell on the twins who were simply dressed.

Two tall girls with light-colored blonde hairs ponytails, occasionally seeing a white, snowy neck.

I don't know why, Eric always feels that the temperament of the twins is exactly the same as the scene of the cold and sorrow. Think about it, this is probably because the two women are from the icy Russia.

Put the wild deer on the off-road vehicle, Jeffrey personally drove, the twins held the three little guys in the back row, and the car started to rush to the farm.

Eric and Chris drive another SUV behind, and the hounds don't need any care at all. Even if they can't keep up with the speed, they can follow the path and run back to the farm.

Holding the steering wheel and speeding up some speeds, Chris looked at Eric on the co-pilot and smiled: "This life is actually good, right?"

"Yeah," Eric nodded. "But it can only be experienced occasionally. It is impossible for us to enjoy this life for a long time like Jeffrey. Last time I went to New Zealand, you know, the scenery there. Very beautiful, but there is still a saying there: living in New Zealand for a week is a paradise, and living in a year becomes hell. In fact, many places are like this."

Chris nodded and talked a few words. The topic was still unconsciously transferred to the work: "Ian has complained to me more than once in private, and realized $3 billion in annual profit in five years, but this gave them very much. Big pressure."

Eric shook his head and smiled: "This is obviously because their understanding has deviated, or did not read the interview carefully. I mean, Yahoo only needs five years to match its current market value, and does not say that five The annual profit of $3 billion is achieved. That is what Judith Miller said. In fact, as long as Yahoo can continue to maintain its current high growth rate, the market price is within 100 times, the market is acceptable. Many investors In fact, there is no lack of long-term vision."

Chris nodded slightly and said: "So, what do you think Yahoo will have to achieve the $3 billion annual profit target?"

"I really don't know about this," Eric shook his head. "However, it doesn't take long. Yahoo's revenue for the whole year has been able to achieve more than $1.6 billion. The revenue of the previous two years. The growth rate is far more than 100%. Then, in the next few years, as long as Yahoo's annual revenue growth rate remains above 100%, in theory, Yahoo's revenue should reach about 50 billion US dollars in terms of 20 years. % profit margin calculation, by the time, Yahoo's annual profit should be 10 billion US dollars."

"Ten billion dollars, this is unlikely? According to last year's Forbes data, no company in the United States has an annual profit of $10 billion."

Eric laughed: "It is not possible."

In fact, Yahoo’s revenue data of more than $1.6 billion this year is due to the fact that in the face of the upcoming listing, in order to make Yahoo’s earnings more attractive, the affiliates of the Firefly system are within the scope of the rules for Yahoo. Proper delivery of benefits has been carried out.

On the other hand, the surge of new technology waves has made the entire industry crazy. In order to promote its own website, the Yahoo! Portal and Yahoo! Advertising Alliance received significantly higher advertising orders and offers than last year.

If history does not change much, this good situation will continue for the next year.

However, once the Internet bubble bursts and the industry enters a state of cold for several years, it is not necessary for Yahoo's short-term revenue data to remain in its current state, let alone continue to increase revenue by 100% next year.

In Eric's memory, the ice age after the bursting of the Internet bubble is actually not long, probably only two or three years. With the rapid spread of global broadband networks and the continuous increase in the number of Internet users, the Internet industry began to recover rapidly around 2005.

However, even if the Internet industry enters a cold winter state, the huge user base that continues to grow is in front of us. Yahoo has no fatal mistakes in its development direction. By 2005, even if it does not achieve annual profit of US$3 billion, It should also be similar.

After a moment of pause, Chris suddenly smiled again: "Actually, if you are not very familiar with your long-term planning for Yahoo, I can't help but feel that your discussion about the importance of the portal in the interview is very reasonable. In the year, many people will definitely develop according to your theory, but they don’t know what the outcome will be."

A few years ago, Eric and Chris privately developed the Yahoo development strategy of ‘Make the road to the dark, Chen Cang’. On the surface, Yahoo will focus on the portal business and publicize the importance of the portal business.

However, in private, Eric is still concerned about the two major businesses of search engines and social networks. In memory, in addition to e-commerce, or can also add an online game, in addition, the Internet industry only two of these businesses can bring very stable large-scale revenue.

"No one knows about the future. However, from the perspective of the growth rate of Google search engine users in the past six months, the strategy I have developed is actually not wrong. Even if the scale is large, it is impossible to meet the number. With the differentiated demand of hundreds of millions of users, the future Internet content market will definitely have a more refined trend. The car website specializes in car information, and the electronic website specializes in electronic information. We only need to provide users with easy access to them. Tools for these content."

"But, Eric, have you ever thought about what would happen if Yahoo's huge registered user base was accumulated in the future, and according to the global 300 million Internet users in 2000, Yahoo is confident that it will register users. It will grow to more than 200 million. In the future, this scale will certainly be much longer. If it is simply abandoned, it would be a pity."

"Of course it is directed to social networks," Eric did not hesitate: "Since we now have enough development funds, then the expansion of the social network business does not have to wait a few years, it can be fully search engine The development goes hand in hand."

According to Eric's original plan, the development of social networks will have to wait until the advent of the mobile Internet era to reach its peak.

However, the rapid growth of Yahoo's blog business over the past few years has also made Eric see other possibilities.

After all, the market has been made. In the past, the outbreak of social networks was actually a stable business model that the Internet industry developed after many years of development.

But at this time, since the beginning to know which way is correct, Yahoo can also open up a new social network model of the PC era.

What's more, as long as the Firefly Electronics tablet is launched smoothly, according to Eric's plan, social networks want to move ahead of time in advance, which is not too difficult.

Talking about it, the two cars quickly returned to Jeffrey’s farm.

Joanna and Viginia greeted several women and saw the three little guys around the world of Jeffrey.

It’s just a comparison of the dirty appearance of some of the three little guys and Eric’s still meticulous dress, and Vijnia still stunned Eric with some complaints.

Jeffrey dragged the deer and planned to personally strip it. Emma and Kevin were excited to follow.

However, Hawaii, who found Drew's figure, came close to his father, until Shantou followed Joanna and returned to the villa to prepare dinner, the little girl just let go.

Over the years, Drew has become a deep shadow in the heart of Hawaii. The poor little girl is clever enough to the extreme, but she does not understand why Aunt Drew is so terrible. What is even more terrible is that Mom and Dad, even Aunt Vicky, I really like to see myself being bullied by Druid.

God, how can this illogical thing happen in the world.

Everyone went to work, Eric and Chris had nothing to do. Eric simply picked up the baby daughter who was on his side and walked with Chris to the fireplace in the living room of the villa. Bake the fire while continuing the topic.

Chris continued: "I think it's a pity that it's just a social network. A lot of people are not very interested in social networking."

"Interests are cultivated. Even, we can further develop social networks into an indispensable tool in people's lives, just like search engines," Eric recalls the message in memory, saying: "You want I want to see if one day, people can send party invitations through social network circle of friends, or even become a trend, then if a person does not want to be excluded by the surrounding people, they must have a social account. As long as they have a social account, This person will definitely not focus on the practical functions such as invitations. They will certainly be involuntarily interacting with people around Hell, which is determined by the deep-rooted mass biological instinct of human beings. Over time, it will inevitably lead to dependence on social networks."

Chris listened carefully to Eric’s words and nodded. He suddenly smiled again: “The internet party invitation, this is really a good note, but you didn’t seem to say it before, if you tell this idea to Ian. They, now they may have already made it."

"This is something you can have to discuss with Ian. Even, you can do some lottery promotion activities for party invitations. Hollywood can provide a lot of opportunities for fans to dream of." Eric will want to get together The daughter who studied next to him took care of himself and said: "However, although I have a lot of whimsy in my head, I can't put too much energy on these trivial things. Yahoo now has more than 6,000. The size of the employees, who are the mainstay of providing various ideas. If anything needs me to do it, then how much does it cost to hire so many people?"

"What you said is very reasonable, but on the other hand, Yahoo's ordinary employees, and even low-level management, even if they can come up with similar ideas and even make detailed project plans, there is actually no one sentence that can cause Ian to them. Pay attention."

“This is inevitable,” Eric thought. He said, “Let's do it. I asked my assistant office to open a special channel to accept the creative solutions of Yahoo employees. I took a few hours a week. This is above."

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