I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1091: False documentary

When she slept last night, Julia, who had a whimsy, opened a gap in the bedroom window, so the heating in the room was completely ineffective.

Although in the cold air, the two men were huddled in the bed like hibernation, but there were a few different warmths, but the direct consequence of doing so was that they didn't want to get up in the morning.

The weather in Park City is still not bright. Elizabeth, who is on the east coast, called from New York. She said in a sour tone that she saw from the newspaper that the two people were greatly concerned about the opening ceremony of the Sundance Film Festival. Leah held a few mouths with her mobile phone and Elizabeth, and hung up directly, once again shrinking her body into Eric's arms and squinting her eyes comfortably.

Julia sleeped back to sleep, remembering that the "Lola Run" that I was going to see yesterday seemed to be showing at 10 o'clock in the morning. Eric picked up the watch and looked at it. It was already 8:50. So I got up and got out of bed.

After re-closing the window, Eric washed it up and the room warmed again. Julia was lazy to start wearing clothes.

After breakfast, Eric and Julia did not take the car, and planned to go directly to the screening theater of "Lola Run".

Park City is the most lively moment of the year. Carter Moen, who is responsible for Eric Security, obviously does not want the boss to walk on the street. He also reminds the two of them that there are paparazzi outside the resort.

Eric didn't care too much. The paparazzi who wanted to stick to it should be the temporary guest of the group of reporters last night. Now there are few stars in the Sundance Film Festival. The real professional paparazzi will not produce this kind of place. How much interest. As long as the group of reporters did not bother themselves and Julia, Eric did not mind the other side.

The resort at the foot of the mountain is only a few hundred meters from the city, but because the size of Park City is too small, the surrounding buildings have given a suburban feel.

Eric and Julia took a leisurely walk on the asphalt road leading to the city, not far behind the two bodyguards driving v, farther away are two ordinary cars.

The people in the car were obviously not very skilled in this kind of stalking. The car quickly and slowly opened a few steps. The reporter in one car simply walked down the camera and the other car saw the peers doing this. It was also done in the same way, but a few people did not come together with interest, and occasionally took a few photos.

Julia was wearing a light pink short down jacket today, pulling a furry wide hood, and her head was covered by most of the time. Although the two long legs on the high boots were very conspicuous, as long as they did not pay special attention. It won't even be recognized. Eric is no longer the usual windbreaker, wearing a simple blue jacket, a baseball cap and sunglasses. The two walked on the road and looked like a pair, um, ordinary couples with slightly higher values.

The news that Eric attended the opening ceremony of the Sundance Film Festival has spread and entered the urban streets, and it was quickly recognized. However, the number of fascinating figures gathered in this small town is not too much, but there is no onlooker phenomenon, but from time to time someone will enthusiastically pick up the signature or take a photo.

After standing at the street with a pair of excited couples, Julia regained Eric's arm and turned to another street, looking around and eagerly saying: "Eric, have you found out, Parker? These houses in the city, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, are simply rainbow towns in fairy tales."

Eric smiled and looked around. Although most of the buildings in Park City were wooden houses that he didn't like very much, the colorful styles were indeed very beautiful: "There are always castles around the fairy tale town. Do we want to build one?"

Julia smiled and shook her head: "You don't like the castle."

Passing through a small booth promoting the film, Julia saw that the two young people were distributing movie flyers to passers-by, and they deliberately reached out in the past, and specially asked for two.

Eric noticed that the two young people clearly saw Julia's appearance. He was not sure if he was the wrong person. After walking away, he couldn't help but smile. He said, "Come on, the movie will soon be it has started."

"Well, er, let me see what this film is. Maybe I can find a box office dark horse." Julia lifted the leaflet with Eric’s arm in one hand and read the message: "1994 In the year, three film college students disappeared in the forest near Bukshville, Maryland, during a documentary filming. A year later, people found their tracks again. Well, obviously a horror film. "Witch Blair", a good name."

When Eric heard that Julia had finished the introduction, she couldn't help but change her face. She almost couldn't help but laugh when she heard the last name.

It’s really a box office dark horse.

Even for a long time, it was the box office dark horse with the highest return on investment in Hollywood.

After Julia finished her speech, she turned her head and looked at it: "Eric, how are you?"

Eric nodded: "Yes, maybe you can set up a film company, buy it and release it yourself, maybe you can break the box office."

"Hey, you are joking with me again," Julia was a little dissatisfied, clutching Eric's arm tightly, and I was going to throw away the two leaflets, and I didn't see the trash can. Grab it in your hand.

Eric reached out and took a leaflet and looked over it carefully. He handed it to Julia and said, "I don't want to make a joke with you. Hey, don't make a bet. I bet that this movie can be broken at the box office. Billion."

Julia’s little girl’s head was smacked on Eric’s shoulder and said: “I also gambled at the box office.”

"The amount is not fun, you change your position."

"Do not change," Julia shook her head and said: "This way, let Leeds gamble at the box office and break the billion."

"Well," Eric also made a decision with Julia very unconcerned, and laughed again: "What is that bet?"

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it later."

So chatting, the two soon came to the front of a theater. There was a striking "Lola Run" poster on the outside of the theater. It should obviously be here. The screening is about to begin, and the entrance to the theater is very lively. Some people are checking in, some are waiting in line at the ticket window, and others are standing on the side of the road with signs waiting for extra tickets.

Because Eric and Julia had just approached, they were recognized. First, a few uncertain girls ran to temptation. After confirmation, they suddenly screamed, so everyone’s attention was Attracted.

The bodyguards behind Eric’s car realized that it was not good, and they got off the bus, and the four people quickly guarded Eric and Julia.

The scene was not as confusing as last night, and Eric and Julia patiently signed some names to the crowd before they entered the theater.

When I heard that Eric Williams came to watch his movie, Stephen Arnette, the producer of Rolla Run, was ecstatic. "Lola Run" has been released in Europe since last year. Not only has it achieved a very good response in the independent film circle, but it has even won a nomination for the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival.

This time, I came to Park City. The main purpose of the "Lola Run" team is to sell films. Because of the reputation accumulated in Europe, many Hollywood film companies have contacted them and offered quotations. Some quotations have even made Stephen Arnt is quite heart-warming. If he didn't want to wait until the end of the Sundance Film Festival, and get an award and make a decision, Stephen Arnst almost sold the film.

However, although "Lola Run" is famous in the film industry, but the influence is limited, some Hollywood filmmakers buy this movie, and even plan to issue DVD directly.

Now, Eric Williams personally ran to watch the film, which is even more influential than the US President’s attendance. As long as this incident appears in the media, the popularity of "Lola Run" will definitely double several times. Hollywood filmmakers want to get this film again. It is impossible to make a price that is generous enough. It is.

I figured out how much the "Lola Run" will eventually bring to my company. Stephen Arnt is not hesitating at all. He took some of the film’s equally fascinating masters and came to the auditorium and Eric William. James greeted him.

This screening room is not large, about a hundred locations.

The film screening has not yet begun. The fans who have already entered the scene have heard Eric Williams appear, and they have come together to ask for a signature. They have been busy for a while and all the talents have returned to their seats. At the same time, although I was smiling, I realized that Eric Williams’s presence here would affect the way they bought the film, but some Hollywood buyers who entered the theater also had to come and greet Eric. .

"Murray, wait for me to come over and find something for you," and everyone said hello, Eric casually told Mori Bredo, the film manager of the new line film industry, that this is the case. Turn your attention to the crew of "Lola Run".

"Mr. Williams, hello, I am Stephen Arnent, the producer of "Lola Run", this is Tom Tikwe, the film director, this is our Rolla, Franca Potain Special, and..."

Eric and a few people in front of him said hello: "Stephen, I think we should start soon, everyone is waiting."

"Oh, of course," Stephen Arnt quickly nodded, and with Tom Twick, he walked directly to the stage.

The auditorium gradually calmed down, and Eric and Julia sat down in the two corners in the back row. The auditorium was small, and sitting here would not affect the visual experience.

After the simple interaction of the "Lola Run" masters on the stage, the film screening began soon.

At this time, the version is still the original German sound, but with English letters, Eric is more like this mode of subtitles. Because of some unsatisfactory experiences in memory, Eric has even hated the dubbed version of the movie. The original sound with subtitles can not only understand the meaning of the movie, but also more intuitively feel the expression of various situations in the dialogue of the protagonist. This is the best way to watch foreign language films.

After a very psychedelic opening, the scene cut directly into the room of the roller that was calling.

There is nothing special about the film's plot. Lola is a little punk boyfriend, Manny, who accidentally lost a lot of money from the boss. If he can't get the money before 12 noon, Manny will be killed by the boss. . So I called Lola for help.

When Lara appeased her boyfriend, she rushed out of the house and began to raise the challenge of raising 100,000 marks in 20 minutes.

For the first time, Lola did not get the money. Manny had to rob the supermarket. Lola chose to help her boyfriend and was accidentally shot and killed by the police.

The second time, Lola held the gun and held her father, and got the money, but at the last moment, Manny was killed by an ambulance.

For the third time, Rolla won 100,000 marks in a casino. Manny also unexpectedly took back the lost money from the tramp, so the ‘mission’ was overfulfilled and the film ended.

The whole movie is basically a live-action version of a video game. A red-haired vest with a blue vest and green trousers is also a character that jumps out of an arcade game. After three consecutive reversals, the protagonist can even accumulate experience, gain ‘skills’ and avoid repeating some mistakes. The subtle influence of Lola on the life of several passers-by during the three runs made Eric remember the previous "Butterfly Effect" series.

After watching the movie, Eric’s first feeling, e is the young director who just seems to be very restrained, is definitely a crazy video game fan.

As for this film, Eric has only one word for it: cool.

When the end captions rose, Julia came over and whispered, "A great movie."

Eric nodded and politely waited for the lights in the auditorium to light up before pulling up Julia's hand and getting up and walking outside the theater.

Unsurprisingly, more reporters and fans have gathered outside the theater. When the two appeared, the scene was chaotic. Eric and Julia did not stop this time. They went straight into the car under the bodyguard. And go.

Land Rover v walked gently on the streets of Park City, and Julia looked at the crowds that were gradually moving behind, and then pulled the hood on her head. Since they became public figures, both of them have become accustomed to this kind of life. Julia did not complain about anything. Instead, she said with great interest: "Eric, where do we have lunch?"

Eric looked at the car outside. Today is a big sunny day. The temperature has risen slightly at noon. The people on the streets of Park City have become more and more. It is definitely inappropriate to eat outside, so I said, "Go back to the resort."

Julia nodded and thought about the next arrangement. There was a rooftop party in the afternoon. In the evening, Robert Redford invited the two to have dinner at home. There was no special schedule on the weekend, so there was some small. Looking forward to saying: "Eric, can we go skiing tomorrow?"

"No, there are more people on the ski **** than at the cinema door now," Eric shook his head and thought of something. "That, what about the two movie flyers?"

"What?" Julia was confused, and immediately thought of it, her eyes blinked innocently, saying: "I threw it."

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