I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1093: You guys are 嫉妒

At noon, Firefly Studios.

Eric and the special effects director of the Gravity, Robert Byron, came out of the studio in the digital field. They originally planned to go to lunch together. The phone rang, and Eric connected and said a few words, just like Robert. Byron, respectively, came to his office in the studio.

Pushing open the office door, she saw a professional suit of Elizabeth sitting on the leather chair behind her desk and holding a document blatantly looking up.

Eric walked over and smiled and reached for the information in Elizabeth's hand. He leaned on the table and said: "Even if you are angry with your father, don't bring the office to me? Your hometown is so big. ”

Listening to Eric which pot does not open the pot, Elizabeth suddenly stretched her face, she ran to New York for a week, still could not stop a strange woman to serve on Fox TV.

"I said that I have to hand over the business of Fox to me, oh, when I don't know, control freak," complained dissatisfiedly, and Elizabeth raised her eyes and slammed Eric: "You are also a control freak." You guys are control freaks."

"You finally understand this cruel fact," Eric pulled the leather chair to himself, leaned over and took the girl's face and kissed him. He smiled: "Is it disappointing to the world now, want to retaliate against society?" ”

Elizabeth glanced at her head, biting a finger of Eric, and threatened to lick her little white teeth.

Eriks did not retreat without fear, and stretched a finger.

Realizing that Eric’s attempted girl quickly released his finger and slammed two times, he succumbed: “You are a hateful guy, you bully me.”

"Okay, don't be angry," Eric took a paper towel from the plaid at the desk and wiped his hand. He smiled and said: "Hungry, don't you go, let's go eat?"

Elizabeth shook her head and said with some anger: "Not hungry, I plan to eat for a day, you accompany me."

Eric is very eager to say: "If you want to diet for a week, you should write the will, remember to leave the villa on the top of the hill, and the building of the Trausdale estate will be good for Julia. ”

Elizabeth turned a big white eye: "You want to be beautiful."

Eric saw her little flames go out and said: "Will you go out to eat?"

"Now, don't be hungry, wait a moment," Elizabeth shrank into the leather chair and lifted her chin to indicate the computer screen on the table: "So, you and Julia want to take this and bet me?"

Eric turned his head and saw that the computer screen on the bright screen showed the theme website of "Witch Blair".

The small team of "Witch Blair" is still very capable, plus the support of the firefly resources, just three days, the theme website of the film was made.

A few days ago, the small team was given a brief explanation of the operation of viral marketing. Eric did not put too much thought into it.

For this fake documentary that once created a box office miracle, Eric is more of a mindset and some of the hearts of the players. If it succeeds, it will naturally be a joy, and it doesn't matter if it fails. After all, the firefly system has grown to its current size, and it can only go further if it is operated in a proper manner. Too much pursuit of these tricks will not be worth the candle.

Moreover, if it is based on historical developments, the film was bought and successfully operated by the artisan company, but North America will receive a $140 million box office.

The number of people watching movies in North America has always been very fixed. In recent years, the size of the box office in North America has just exceeded the $7 billion mark because of the rise in fares. The $140 million box office is equivalent to one-fifth of the total box office in North America. The money was taken away by artisans, and other Hollywood studios naturally lost $140 million in revenue. According to the market share of the firefly system, this is equivalent to stealing money from the fireflies, and Eric will naturally not be willing.

Of course, Eric wants to copy the marketing model of "Witch Blair" and has other intents: "This is a marketing experiment. I want to show the industry the powerful communication capabilities of the Internet channel. You know, many traditions. The effectiveness of ad delivery customers on Internet advertising is still full of doubts. If this is a success, I think more people will recognize the Internet advertising platform."

"I just read the information on this website. If I didn't know everything beforehand, I almost believed it," Elizabeth said. "However, you really think this movie can sell $100 million at the box office." Leah told me that the film was so bad."

"Maybe, Hollywood has never lacked a miracle."

Elizabeth's nephew turned and shouted: "In this case, I will follow the gambling contract. If you lose, you have to help Fox make a movie."

"If I win?"

"Then I will make a movie for the fireflies."

"Are you sure you will make a movie?"

"Of course," Elizabeth proudly raised her chin: "I am a serious media graduate, not like some people, the university has never been."

Eric shrugged indifferently and smiled. "Okay, but you have to know that in Hollywood, everyone is an uneducated person. If you go to college, you will be despised."

"Ah, you guys are jealous," Elizabeth gently slammed on Eric and continued on to the topic of "Witch Blair" and said, "And, this movie, what do you really happen? To promote, once it is revealed, it should be very troublesome?"

“Yeah,” Eric said. “So, before the release, the company will definitely declare in advance that this is just a movie marketing.”

Eric also considered this issue.

The former artisan film company was just a small door, and all the people were played in a fake way. Later, the media also focused on the box office miracle created by "Witch Blair", and no one was interested in the artisan company. It is a deceptive marketing tool.

Artisan companies can do this, but fireflies can't.

This is actually one of the reasons why Eric did not report too much hope for the successful box office success of "Witch Blair".

The target of fireflies is too big. Once the box office of "Witch Blair" is successful again, the company has not clarified in advance, and it will certainly be held up by countless people. In North America, a social environment in which a few people can be put on a lawsuit, the fireflies will face a series of lawsuits.

Elizabeth asked again: "When are you going to release?"

“Look at the situation,” Eric thought for a moment. “This topic is about enough for a month. If the time is too long, the curiosity of the audience will cool down, maybe it will be in March.”

Since it is just a ticket, Eric will definitely not put "Witch Blair" in the hot stage of the summer file.

After a few chats, Eric reached out and pulled Elizabeth out of the chair and said, "Go, go to Venice Beach."

Elizabeth no longer refused. She took Eric’s arm and walked out of the office. She said, “Yes, tomorrow’s Golden Globe Ceremony, are you going?”

Eric shook his head directly: "Don't go."

In the past year, Hollywood's box office results in commercial films are brilliant, not only have the "1" of "Charlie's Angel 3", "Mission Impossible 3", "Star Wars Prequel 1: Ghost Threat" The super blockbuster, but also the box office dark horse such as "Midnight Ring".

In comparison, Hollywood's literary film market last year was bleak, which also created the most mediocre award year in recent years.

In this award season, two seemingly popular films, whether it is "Malaysian" or "Elizabeth", are far from the previous years of "Forrest Gump", "Schindler's List", "Save Da Bingrui" "Well" and other films appear to be expected.

Eric has no interest in this year's Oscar, and he is even more lazy to make the Golden Globe.

Unsurprisingly, under the strong public relations of Miramax, the next day's Golden Globe Award, "The Horse Whisperer" easily won most of the nominations, and the "Elisabeth" crew only got Cate Blanchett successfully. A Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, this is because "The Horse Whisperer" did not compete with Blanchett in this award.

In the subsequent Oscar nomination list, "Ma Shu" also led the Oscar with 10 nominations.

This year's Golden Globe was held on January 29th, followed by January 31st, the 33rd Super Bowl Final was held in Miami, Florida, which was also after Fox TV received the Super Bowl ticket. The second broadcast.

The biggest highlight of this Super Bowl advertisement is undoubtedly the advertisement of a series of new technology companies. Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Intel and other mainstream new technology companies have appeared on the scene. The intensity is like people are completely in the Internet era.

However, in this, the "Iron Man" trailer still attracts a lot of attention.

The 30-second Super Bowl commercial is naturally impossible to put too much information. In addition to the stunned Iron Man Armor, the audience is most relished, and it is undoubtedly the player of Eric, Tony Stark.

Although after makeup, Tony Stark with deep chestnut hair and a beard in the film looks like two people in reality, the temperament is very different, but many people still involuntarily discuss the drama outside the play. The two characters have in common. Of course, Eric is the richest super-rich in North America and the whole world, and he starred in the actor's role in a movie. This has also become the focus of many people's controversy.

Various related topics on the Internet have captured the hot topic list of the portal in just a few days.

In the following days, the Firefly Group officially launched the first TV preview of Iron Man on major TV networks, indicating the arrival of the large-scale publicity in the final stage before the film was released. Some of the film's main creations and supporting roles have also begun to appear sporadically in some TV talk shows, preheating for the release three months later.

At the same time that "Iron Man" began regular film propaganda, on the Internet, a rumor about a mysterious disappearance of several college students after visiting the Blair witch was also unwittingly spread.

The biggest premise of viral marketing is a topic that is eye-catching enough and an interactive network that is enough to spread the topic.

The flat-up life of the middle class in North America and the natural desire to explore adventures made them involuntarily curious about the ‘missing’ college students, which satisfied the eyeball premise of viral marketing.

On the other hand, as the country with the highest Internet popularity in the world, in many other areas, people are still not very clear about what personal computers are. The popularity of Internet in North America has been closely tracking TVs and video recorders. In 1998, global PC sales reached More than 93 million units, of which seven cd are concentrated in North America.

At the end of last year, the number of Internet users in North America has exceeded 100 million, equivalent to one-third of the total population of North America, more than 100 million user groups, and also gave the witch Blair incident a sufficient popularity base.

The two key elements are in perfect condition, and all the insiders have re-signed the perfect confidentiality contract, and no one has jumped out in the process to dismantle the truth. Therefore, the rumor of the witch Blair has gradually evolved into an Internet virus storm. .

The "Witch Blair" theme website, while publishing the detailed background information of the story, also continued to release the search and rescue information of the local garrison in Maryland, the essays of insiders, the follow-up progress of the time, etc., which are all kinds of materials and their wider and wider curiosity.

In just one week, curious explorers gathered in the town of Buxville, Maryland, where the story of "Witch Blair" was filmed, inquiring about the news of the witch Blair in a foggy town.

As the matter intensified, the Maryland local government even had to confess, but the North American people, who grew up in various conspiracy theories, naturally did not believe the official interpretation of the government, and the incident was still fermenting rapidly.

Seeing that this matter was growing faster than I thought, Eric quickly decided to set the release date of "Witch Blair" on March 5.

However, in order to be cautious, Eric has only arranged 200 screens for this film. In any case, according to the current development, even if the public clarified the facts before the release, most people are interested in this topic. Big reduction, I want to come to the fireflies can also make a small sum.

Then again, although it is only 200 screens, in fact, compared with the original Air Artisan Company in the first week, only the ability to raise more than 20 screening theaters for "Witch Blair", 200 screens are undoubtedly It is already a big deal, which in fact shows the deep-rooted foundation of Hollywood companies.

Because it was the Oscars, it should have been very lively in Hollywood in February, and this year it seems a lot more deserted.

Eric continued to work on the post-gravity of Gravity. Meanwhile, in late February, in order to complete the transfer of the 3.1% stock of AOL and the Clover Fund, Eric flew to New York again.

On February 16, after a half-year negotiation, AOL and Time Warner finally reached a preliminary draft. As long as the AOL shares directly held by the Firefly Group were recovered, the two parties will formally announce the merger and merge. The case was submitted to the Federal Trade Commission for review.

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