I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1098: Innocent disaster

Listening to Emma's innocent words, Carmen Kass couldn't help but smile, these days for the first time since the heart of the smile.

Emma also laughed, then asked curiously: "Carmen, how can you sit here alone?"

"I," Carmen Kass hesitated, thinking about what else to hide from such a little girl, and said: "I was bullied and lost my job."

"Oh," Emma nodded, full of sympathy, and her expression was sternly persuaded: "It doesn't matter, work is gone, you can find it again."

Looking at the little adult in front of him, Carmen Kass wanted to nod and nodded, but gave birth to a few points of grievances, so he shook his head and put the food in his hand down. His tone was low: "Can't find it." The person who bullies me is very powerful and will not let me continue my work."

Emma licked her head and some could not understand it. However, in her little understanding of the world, Dad should be the most powerful person in the world.

The most powerful person, should be able to deal with very powerful people?

In this case, Dad must be able to help the big sister who can't find a job.

However, Joan Aunt often licked himself, could not casually tell people about his father's affairs, and could not even bring others to his father.

However, Aunt Joan also often teaches herself to be willing to help others.

The little man evaluated the priorities of these two things in a small brain, and finally made up his mind to stretch out the big girl in front of him, saying: "Carmen, you come with me."

Carmen Kass was somewhat unclear and stood up along the little girl's strength.

Because I didn’t eat anything from morning to now, I felt that my legs and legs were a little soft. I was dragged by the little girl and walked forward. I walked a few steps and looked at the horse farm not far away. She asked: “Emma What do you want to take me to do?"

"Look for Dad to help," Emma said: "Dad can definitely help you find a job again."

Carmen Kass immediately stopped and turned to look at the bodyguard who was quietly behind, and she realized that the little girl named Emma had a very prominent family, but in this world, How many people can deal with Eric Williams?

What's more, she is never a man who likes to be blessed by her.

Emma saw Carmen Kathy paused and raised her face and looked at it. She pulled her hand hard and was very confused about her embarrassment.

Looking at the clear eyes of the little girl in front of her eyes, her heart defense was released again, and she stepped again.

Such a simple, well-educated and sympathetic little girl, her parents should be a very good pair of people?


There is no expectation in the depths of my heart.

The kind-hearted little girl in the fairy tale helps to get rich expectations after the hard-grand grandfather.

Although she did not help the little girl in front of her, only others were eager to help her.


She is really running out of water.

Thinking about it, she had already crossed the short fence of the racecourse with Emma.

The area of ​​the racecourse in the fence is very large, with a few hectares. Not far away, some horses are taking a leisurely walk on the yellow lawn. In front of several side-by-side apartments, the barbecue party is also continuing, very lively. There are probably more than a dozen people.

As soon as she approached, Emma let go of her hand and walked forward.

Losing the involvement of the little girl, she suddenly began to fear, and even wanted to escape. May be the sensitive sixth sense of the child, Emma quickly stopped, and returned to pull her hand.

It wasn't until the crowd came near that Emma loosened her again and ran towards a temperamental woman not far away.

So she stood so dumbly outside the crowd.

Feeling the curiosity of a group of strangers, some are at a loss.

The door of an apartment on the right hand side was suddenly pushed open, and the two men walked out from behind with a smile.

She subconsciously turned her head and looked over.

The body suddenly tightened, like a little beast that met a natural enemy.

That is Eric Williams.

That turned out to be Eric Williams.

A strong fear spread from the bottom of my heart, mixed with anger.

Her body even began to tremble slightly.

Since Eric Williams is here again, the parents of the little girl must have a good relationship with each other.

What is this for yourself?

Sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Because the distance was very close, the two men also noticed her, and Eric Williams looked at him with curiosity.

The eyes are opposite.

These days, the grievances and anger accumulated in her body suddenly came to my heart.

Mixed with the fear of deep bone marrow at this time.

It seems that I suddenly returned to many years ago.

That afternoon, the oncoming army and tanks.

The car vocal footsteps.

Shocking cracks on the cement bridge.

At that time, she could hide in the culvert under the cement bridge.

Now, definitely can't hide.

So, suddenly, all the emotions in the bottom of my heart are turned into a decisive one. The Nordic girl’s demise in the cold and cold air of the year is like a little beast that is injured and killed under the oppression of natural enemies. She is low. A low snoring, desperately rushed toward the man.

The mutation is steep.

Everyone didn't respond, and the girl who had just been cramped had already rushed to Eric Williams.

Eric is even more confused. I don’t know why the girl who suddenly appeared at the party attacked herself. However, he instinctively made a defense, and one hand quickly caught the girl’s small hand on his cheek. The other hand was held in front of the body, blocking the girl from being beaten desperately, and shouted: "What the **** is this?"

With the snoring of Eric, the solidified atmosphere suddenly collapsed.

The women subconsciously guarded the children beside them, and the men ran over. Eric’s several bodyguards acted swiftly, and the eagle swooped forward quickly.

The girl who was desperately beaten on Eric felt the figure gathered around her eyes, her eyes were desperate, and she felt that her shoulder was being pulled. She used up her last effort and hugged her hands in front of her. Right hand, open mouth and desperately bite down on the man's wrist.

Several bodyguards finally posted, and covered her unceremoniously. Two left and right big men took her arm and wanted to separate her from her employer.

However, the girl in desperation broke out with amazing power. The slender body was easily pushed down by the bodyguard, and Eric was also slammed on the ground. The little mouth was still biting on the man’s arm. A scarlet scar overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Finally struggled for a moment, a punch attack on the abdomen, her eyes black, and finally fainted.

I don't know how long it has been.

Woke up again, surrounded by a dark darkness.

She seems to be tied to a chair, and the pain in her abdomen makes her realize that she is still alive.

However, it should be dying soon.

Finally I am going to die.

Just, suddenly I want to think about my mother. Every time I go home, my mother will prepare a lot of delicious food for her, and then chanted why she is thin.

Beautiful girls are not eating.

She suddenly remembered the little girl's words, no, it should be what the little girl dad said.

I have some apologies in my heart, I don’t know if I have scared them.

There was some worry that it would cause trouble to the other party. She was the little girl who took the past, and then she attacked Eric Williams.

It’s really useless.

Take care of yourself and be connected to others.

just now.

Feeling the tight rope on the ankle of the wrist, obviously, he was not handed over to the police.


This situation seems to be more serious.

May be thrown into the sack and thrown into the sea.

I can't swim myself.

It seems that if you are stuffed into a sack, it will be useless even if you can swim.

She wants to laugh at herself, pulls her lips and feels a slap.

Subconsciously sticking out his tongue and licking his lower lip.

I should have bitten the guy’s wrist.

Unfortunately, if you are a zombie, like a zombie film you have seen before, even a vampire is not bad, so that guys don't want to have a good life in the future.

The sound of the door lock was transmitted, followed by a line of pure white light.

She suddenly closed her eyes when she thought about what she might face next.

There is no luck in my heart.

She has heard many similar things. The girls in Eastern Europe left their hometowns to go out and look for dreams, and then they never returned.

I have been reluctant to admit that I am also a girl from Eastern Europe. Geographically, she should be Nordic. Estonians feel that they should be Nordic, not Eastern European.

Always a little scared.


I didn't plan to let the tears flow out again, so I closed my eyes tighter.

There was a very familiar voice in the ear, but the tone was very different and peaceful, and it was very humble.

"Mr. Williams, I am sorry, I did not expect this to happen."

This is Paul Roland.

When the footsteps came in, she felt that her hands and feet had been solved, and finally she had the courage to open her eyes again.

There are two bodyguards with vigilance around them.

Paul Roland also said something to the opposite person outside the door. After a moment, the man came in.

It is Eric Williams.

Paul Roland is honestly staying outside.

Gently biting her lip, since Paul Roland appeared here, she realized that the situation was not as bad as she thought, and she did not jump again to attack each other.

It is really no strength.

The little girl gave her food, she only ate a few mouthfuls, and now I don't know how long it has passed.

Eric Williams waved, and the two bodyguards went out and the door was taken.

Although she did not move, her body could not be tightened again.

The eyes glanced at the man's wrist in front of him, where it had been bandaged.

Seeing her look, Eric raised her arms to her and said: "The doctor said, you may have to leave a scar, and there is a circle of women's teeth on the wrist. How do you explain to me in the future?"

Somehow, the man said these words, the tension in her heart disappeared inexplicably.

It feels the same as when I was with Emma.

Perhaps, these people can give people this feeling.

Inexplicably, there were some apologies.

But she is absolutely unwilling to admit it.

I have been bullied into this, just bite you.

So I reluctantly twisted my face.

One hand reached over, gently pinching her petite face and turning her head back.

This action is very frivolous.

She thought about it.

Ok, we are even.

So I tried not to let my eyes go away again, and I took the courage to look at each other's eyes.


In the end, it only lasted for five seconds.

Maybe six seconds.

Then I couldn't help but avoid the eyes of the man.

It’s really useless.

The man sitting opposite looked at her for a while and finally said again: "Why don't you talk?"

Her lips moved and finally whispered: "Emma?"

"The children are scared by you," the man heard her questioning tone and said: "It is estimated that I will have a few days of nightmares, and then I will never believe in the big sister on the side of the road."

She smoked her nose and lowered her head slightly.

Eric looked at the girl in front of her eyes and did not force her to say anything.

Think about the afternoon.

This is really an innocent disaster.

After the bodyguards had put the girl in front of him, the scene was still in chaos. The women and children on the scene were sent away. He wrapped the wound in his hand and finally took the time to deal with it.

The girl carries the documents with her, and her identity is also very good.

So, a little tossed a little, Eric quickly figured out the ins and outs of things.

Some laugh and cry.

Eric has always been a woman who doesn't care about the kittens fighting, but I didn't expect it to reach him.

This mouth is bitten by white.

"Paul Roland is outside, wait for him to go back with him," paused for a moment, and Eric once again said: "I will call Gysel and I will not bully you again."

Carmen Kass looked up again.

Is it so easy for men to let go of themselves?

The man suddenly asked: "Would you like me again why I let you go?"

The mind was sneaked, and she subconsciously turned her head again, trying to avoid the other's eyes, but the abominable hand stretched out and straightened her head.

This is too much.

Some small flames appeared in her eyes again, glaring at the man in front of her eyes.

Eric once again raised the bandage wrapped on his wrist and said, "Hey, I didn't say I want to let you go."

"I," she paused and finally took the initiative to say: "I will pay for your medical expenses."

"I am not interested in your medical expenses," Eric shook his head, looking at her up and down, smiling at her mouth, and she looked like a hateful villain, but the man did not say anything, but got up and said: "Okay, go back."

She stood up, her eyes flashing, and suddenly said: "I, my money, and the car?"

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