I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1107: Reverse push

"Now many people on Wall Street are gnashing our teeth. In a week, Yahoo's share price has risen by 17%. The major short-selling funds have lost more than $3.1 billion. Many high-leverage shorts have been liquidated directly. It is a sorrow."

Firefly Studios, in a small meeting room.

Just connected to video conferencing equipment, Chris, who is far away in New York, said so.

Eric sat in a leather chair and waited for the secretary to give himself and the opposite Kasenberger to leave the coffee and look at several monitors. The conference room was connected to the Yahoo headquarters in Boston, the ab headquarters in New York, and Chris's office.

"But there are certainly people who are grateful to us for $3.1 billion. This is not a small amount." Eric took the coffee and noticed that Emily appeared behind Chris. He smiled and said hello: "Hey, Ai Mi, today is Saturday, are you not looking at children at home?"

Emily reached for a folder from Chris's desk and threw Eric to the camera with a blank eye. "You secretly let Edward sign the girl. Vicky and Joan already know, you still want How do you explain to them? Vicky said that he has prepared the sofa for you, and you can sleep on Easter when you come over."

Eric immediately raised his hand and said: "Stop, Amy, I am the boss, give a face."

Listening to Emily without hesitation to reveal the boss's lace, everyone laughed again.

Emily stopped paying attention to him, and disappeared into the camera with the folder she just picked up.

When his wife left, Chris rarely showed some gossip and lowered his voice: "Speaking, Eric, what the **** are you and the girl?"

"This," Eric looked helpless and said: "Do you think you can't hear the voice down?"

Another burst of laughter.

After making a few jokes, Eric took a clap and said, "Okay, say good business, first of all, about the several acquisitions submitted by Yahoo!"

Eric said, turning a document in front of him and looking serious, said: "I remember I said before the ipo that the current bubble in the Nasdaq market will burst sooner or later. Once this happens, the whole new The technology industry will fall into the cold winter of capital. Although we have received more than 5 billion US dollars through ipo, this money is basically equivalent to Yahoo's 'winter' ration, so I hope that every penny in this will be It’s worth the money. Look at the acquisition plan you submitted, such as this one, a software solution that speeds up the loading speed of the browser page. This is really a good thing. But, 20 million dollars, you are with me. Are you kidding? Pull out ten people from the Yahoo engineer team and give them a month. I don't believe they can't do this. Ten people, one month, who will help me calculate how much it will cost?"

In the conference room of Boston's Yahoo headquarters, Ian Gnell didn't expect Eric, who was just joking and smiling with Emily Brighton, to show signs of embarrassment, but only actively explained: "Ire Gram, this also involves patent issues."

"Then think of ways to go around, or find other alternatives, or you can't do it, then why should I hire you?" Eric reluctantly reprimanded and threw the folder in front of him. Road: "In short, I will not approve any of the proposals you submitted. I know that the whole industry is very impetuous now, everyone is burning money. You think that since the company is listed, you must also abide by the rules of listed companies and need to be crazy. Burning money, crazy mergers, crazy expansion, otherwise it may be blamed by market criticism and investors. But you are wrong, I tell you, Yahoo only needs to follow the established route and steadily, do not need to be responsible for the stock price, no You need to be responsible for Wall Street. If you must be responsible, you only need to be responsible for me."

Listening to the sound of the paper that came out after the documents came out of the speaker, Ian Gurney nodded and smiled. Steve Mitnick, who was still typing the laptop in front of him, sat up straight. Tina Brown is slightly bowed, his fingertips gently licking the corner of the file in front of him, as if he wants to flatten the paper.

No one in the sitting is a rookie in the workplace, the boss or the boss is angry, and everyone has encountered it.

In contrast, Eric is definitely a very gentle boss.

But at this time, Eric suddenly broke out, and everyone realized that he was really angry in his heart, so no one dared to speak out.

Eric took a sip of the coffee next to it and eased his emotions. He continued: "The pace of Yahoo’s expansion has been somewhat large in recent years. The scale of 6,000 employees exceeds that of all other pure Internet companies. Many people have become millionaires or billionaires, and they will definitely feel slack in their hearts. They feel that they can enjoy life, or they feel that they have millions of dollars. The current position is no longer comparable to their own. I can understand, but I won't tolerate it. So, I need you to prepare in advance. After the technology stock bubble bursts, Yahoo will also lay off a layoff to remove those who want to enjoy life. Yahoo has a long way to go in the future. If you want to go, you can't keep up with the slack of the company's pace. Of course, they have made their own contributions to Yahoo, so when the company will definitely buy the stock in their hands, so that they can enjoy life, and Or start a career again."

After saying these words, Eric took over the carefully handed office secretary to reorganize the documents handed over, and did not wait for the response of Ian Gernier. He continued: "Well, let's start the next issue. About the merger between AOL and Time Warner. The situation has become very subtle. You must have read the article in the Washington Post. This week, the stocks of listed companies in the entire firefly system are rising. However, AOL’s share price increase is higher than Yahoo’s. Obviously, many people are optimistic about the prospects of AOL’s merger with Time Warner. After the merger of the two companies, Firefly will have a strong competitor. This is actually for us. There are also benefits. But at the same time, we must also change the established strategy. At least, in the open media, we need to resolutely oppose the merger of AOL and Time Warner. The more we oppose the attitude, the resistance of AOL and Time Warner's merger. It may be smaller. So, everyone said, what should I do?"

With the release of the Forbes Rich List this year, Eric’s personal wealth of more than $300 billion has finally caused some of the emotions that have accumulated throughout the years in North America to be stimulated by Eric’s continued surge.

Although capital is profitable, superstition and Eric's stunning investment vision, almost all the stocks related to the firefly system in the market have skyrocketed, but at the same time, the voices that need to limit the continued expansion of the firefly system have become more and more rampant.

Of course, in such a mature capital society, even if Eric’s personal wealth is huge, the federal government will never dare to use any rude situation to directly deprive private property. This involves a fundamental institutional problem of a country. However, according to the current situation, it is not difficult to foresee that every step of the expansion of the firefly system in the future will be subject to very strict scrutiny and restrictions. This is also not because the federal is too big a taboo on private wealth, but other capital forces in this society. Instinct counterattacks made to protect their rights and interests.

In the short term, a strong competitor to foster a firefly system, such as AOL-Time Warner, is destined to be a lot of people happy to see.

In all fairness, Eric also hopes to have such an opponent, an opponent he can predict and manipulate to a certain extent.

As for the more long-term, if you want to continue to expand the firefly system, Eric will either destroy the opponent or take the pair into the firefly system camp.

In addition to Yahoo's business strategy and discussions on how to reverse the merger of AOL and Time Warner, there are some recent discussions on Eric's personal assets discussion, as well as other discussions, big and small things discussed one morning, In fact, the East Coast is already in the afternoon and the meeting is over.

Out of the meeting room, Meyer handed over a mobile phone, indicating that Paul Roland had waited online.

Eric and Kasenberg went together on the big ship and planned to dine together. They took the phone and talked a few times and hung up.

Thinking of Emily's reminder before the meeting in the morning, it is really difficult.

When it was only a moment to bring Carmen Kess up, Eric ignored the possible ideas of women. Virginia and Joanna have always seldom asked about his outside, but last time Carmen· It’s true that Kathy’s coming is really scaring the children.

Slightly tangled for a while, Eric put aside these thoughts.

The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil.

What the words say, the scorpion is not afraid of biting.

Moreover, under the influence of the outside world and the theory, Eric still has a lot of pressure in his heart.

When I arrived at the restaurant on the boat and ordered lunch, Kasenberger mentioned the "Witch Blair".

"The second week was $61.51 million at the box office. In two weeks, the total box office was $82.78 million. The production cost was only $60,000. In the next few weeks, the total box office is likely to exceed $150 million. Now everyone is saying, maybe this is you. Why is it the first super-rich man whose personal wealth has exceeded $300 billion? In this world, I am afraid that no film can create a higher return on investment than Witch Blair."

Eric took over the bottled water that Amy Adams handed over and smiled at the girl before he said to Kasenberg: "This is not necessarily, Hollywood is not lacking in miracles, right, talking about this, now You can also give the two young directors a bonus, and the last small team of online marketing."

Kasenberger nodded: "Actually, Kenneth just asked me what you mean? I think it would be enough to give them $1 million each. The success of the box office is mainly due to the effectiveness of our marketing plan."

"Give them 5 million dollars, 1 million is a little less," Eric shook his head and smiled. "If you can't bear it, I will write a check for them privately."

"Okay, that's 5 million. However, in this case, although we don't plan to open the sequel to "Witch Blair" in the short term, it is okay for them to re-sign the two films. "Witch Blair" has been acquired. The box office is successful, even if it is a traditional film, they will definitely be more vulnerable to the market than the new director."

"This is what you and Kenneth have. I don't have much energy now."

“Speak up,” Kasenberger nodded and said, “Are you going to the Oscars tomorrow?”

"No interest, this year's Oscar is no good film."

"Actually, I mean," said Carlsenberg. "Eric about the "Iron Man" propaganda, everyone is now somewhat incompetent. According to the normal process, a big production film, now starring should be I started to participate in various TV shows to warm up the film."

"I have some regrets now. I really shouldn't take this role," Eric said with a wry smile. "These days have passed through the media, and everyone must be more hostile to me. I don't know if I will come. Watching the movie I personally starred in, I have thought about whether to adjust the Marvel movie universe plan and marginalize Iron Man."

"This, if necessary, we really have to do this." Kasenberg's expression is somewhat agreeable, not even the kind of regret in Eric's tone.

After all, Iron Man was originally a second-line superhero of Marvel. The reason why the original time and space was so successful was that Iron Man's fame was comparable to Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Warrior series, mainly due to opportunities.

But now, since the situation has changed too much, it is necessary to make temporary adjustments.

Eric also hesitated for a moment and said: "Well, what I have to do is always done. I will attend the Oscar tomorrow. In addition, let Bo Wei start the planning activities according to normal flow. I try my best. Match it."

"Okay." Kasenberger sighed. Amy took the lunch of the two men up. The conversation paused for a moment. Kasenberger said again: "Do you have arrangements at night? If you are free, I will prepare at home. A small team?"

Eric smiled and shook his head and said: "I will go to San Francisco in the afternoon to discuss the firefly electronics equity incentive plan, and may not come back tonight."

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