I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1114: inside and outside

New week. .

The topic of major media in North America naturally begins with the Oscars that have just passed. Just as with the Oscars, which have created new ratings this year, the controversy over the Oscars for the Horse-speakers is not as intense as it might seem.

Most newspapers, magazines and television media are still focusing on the increasingly turbulent Nasdaq technology stock market.

Last week, under the stimulus of Forbes magazine, Eric’s personal assets broke through the $300 billion mark due to the outbreak of technology stocks. The Nasdaq index rose all the way, resulting in heavy losses for a large number of short-selling hedge funds.

I don't know if I have a good wound on the weekend. I just started on Monday. A very obvious look at the empty talks will come back. It seems that I want to make a sigh of relief. I will completely smash the NASDAQ market that broke through 3000 points last week. Collapsed.

The biggest one in this bearish force is the tiger fund that attacked the city in Southeast Asia with the Somalis Quantum Fund two years ago.

The founder of Tiger Fund, Julian Robertson, even appeared in an interview with Nb's "Today Show" program. He bluntly criticized the serious bubble of Nasdaq technology stocks, and even criticized Yahoo, Cisco and other fireflies. Several listed technology companies in the system.

Speaking of it, Eric had a relationship with Julian Robertson at a party in New York last year. Although he didn’t expect a meeting between the two sides, he could have any friendship, but he did not expect Julian Robertson. Suddenly, I will point my finger at the firefly system.

Until Chris called from New York, Eric understood that the surge in the Nasdaq last week directly caused the loss of $500 million in the establishment of a large number of short-selling tiger funds.

Two years ago, the total size of the Tiger Fund that had just finished harvesting in the Southeast Asian economic crisis once exceeded $22 billion, but since the beginning of last year’s bet on Russia’s defeat with Soros, the Tiger Fund’s days have not been too good.

Due to the continuous failure of two large investments in Russia and American Airlines, the current size of the Tiger Fund has rapidly shrunk to $16 billion.

Now, Nasdaq technology stocks are all the same, Soros's Quantum Fund is still inactive, but Julian Robertson does not know which one is wrong, and firmly stands on the side of the bearish technology stocks.

Just a week's rally, the Tiger Fund lost $500 million. It is impossible to see Julian Robertson betting on the shorts. It's no wonder that the other side will be eager to jump out and stand up.

However, although this sudden blow did indeed hit the Nasdaq a downward volatility at the beginning of the new week, as the massive speculative funds continued to flood into the technology stock market, this volatility did not affect the overall Nasdaq market. trend.

Then, just on Wednesday, the Nasdaq index bounced back to the level that was just opened on Monday. Moreover, the Nasdaq index did not even fall below 3,000 points throughout the process.

The Nasdaq index broke 3,000 points a few months earlier than in memory. Eric did not change the original plan, and did not even have a slow and slow mind because of the sudden outbreak of this wave of short-selling theory. Since Monday, Eric has not hesitated to order the traders of the Shamrock Fund and began to gradually sell the stocks in his hands.

On the other hand, in the same week, Yahoo Portal also quickly published an article entitled "America's merger with Time Warner will seriously affect the normal competition of the Internet industry", and publicly stood in the merger of AOL and Time Warner. Opposite, other media in the Firefly system began to follow up, and they called on the Federal Department of Justice to immediately veto AOL's and Time Warner's merger application.

In order to avoid wearing a gang, Eric simply did a full set of drama and completely cut off the private support for AOL and Time Warner's merger case, but did not inform AOL and Time Warner's management in advance.

Steve Keys did not expect that the firefly system, which was explicitly supported by AIA and Time Warner’s merger at the Ministry of Justice’s consultation meeting, would suddenly turn a blind eye and suddenly became mad and quickly published an open letter on the aol’s portal. The firefly system is the chief culprit in 'affecting the normal competition of the Internet industry', and once again quoted the article in the recent Huasheng Post, proving the ambition of the firefly system to monopolize the Internet industry.

Such a toss, whether in the media or in politics, has emerged a large number of voices for AOL and Time Warner. Of course, the firefly system, which is already an industry oligarch but has to prevent others from growing up, inevitably commits public anger and is quickly attacked by a large number of attacks.

However, despite the apparent opposition, the Firefly privately did not take any specific measures that hindered the merger of AOL and Time Warner.

In the days that followed, it might be the same reaction. Steve Case and Trismer, who was about to leave after the dust settled in the merger, did not call anyone in the firefly system to question, both sides. Formed a tacit understanding.

The operation of these big capitals did not take up too much time for Eric. His main energy is still in Hollywood.

After the third week of screening, "Witch Blair", although the decline did not unexpectedly reach 53%, but the film still re-obtained 28.9 million US dollars at the box office, the cumulative box office in the three weeks reached 110.68 million US dollars, continue to refresh the investment box office return The miracle of the rate.

Moreover, although the box office in the third week has deepened, it will enter the Easter season and a large number of students will have a holiday. Therefore, even if there will be many new films released in the next few weeks, according to the forecast of the new line film distribution department, the North American total box office of "Witch Blair" can still easily break through 150 million US dollars or even higher.

Due to the box office myth created by "Witch Blair", a large number of Hollywood film companies have begun to pay attention to the newly-launched shooting mode of dv photography. Some movie companies have even set up a number of dv movie projects.

However, it is clear that most people only saw the myth of ROI in "Witch Blair", but did not notice that the success of this film has nothing to do with dv photography. In the final analysis, it is still a new Internet marketing model. Victory.

Moreover, even if some people realize this, the marketing platform of the Internet has just been 'over-consumed' by Witch Blair. In the next few years, those projects that attempt to copy the miracle of Witch Blair are destined to fall. For cannon fodder.

Gravity is undergoing a relatively boring and repetitive g production phase, and does not require Eric to stare at the moment, so he can free up time to pay attention to other projects of the firefly system.

On the Firefly Group side, the first part of "Harry Potter" was officially established, and a press conference was held this week. The novelist jk Rowling also flew to Los Angeles.

Although the other party did not propose it as ever, Eric promised that the film would use British actors as much as possible and shoot in the UK. In fact, this can also restore the novel scene more realistically. After all, it's just the unique cold atmosphere in the UK that is not easy to find in other countries and regions.

MGM, after more than a year of long preparations, "Bond 19" is finally set to start in April, and initially set the next summer.

In addition, the "Speed ​​and Passion" released at the beginning of the year, after three months of screening, has been completely downshifted at this time, the North American box office eventually reached a total of $ 218.6 million, compared to MGM's total production and distribution costs of $ 70 million. In terms of expenditure, it is definitely a big success.

Influenced by the success of the box office in North America, "Speed ​​and Passion" was launched into the popular summer file in most overseas ticketing countries. It is only from the popularity of some overseas ticket warehouses that have already been released. There is no problem in North America, and the global box office is likely to reach the $500 million level.

The success of "The Speed ​​and Passion", a special feature of the movie universe, also changed the attitude of the actor in the "Mission Impossible" series, Kevin Costner, and finally signed with MGM. Two agents film cosmos.

At the same time, the "Speed ​​and Passion" series has been successful, and MGM's "Bourne" series is naturally getting more attention from the industry.

Century City, MGM headquarters.

Near work hours, in a conference room, Hollywood famous producers Frank Marshall and Catherine Kennedy took the initiative to get up and shook hands with Eric and Amy Pascal, Frank Makaso and several other MGM executives. .

At the Vanity Fair party last weekend, after Eric made a suggestion, Amy quickly contacted Frank Marshall.

The Frank Marshalls and the couple have stopped working at the film in Ann Berlin and are already looking for the next home. MGM's conditions are very good, and as long as the two sides reach a cooperation, the couple can immediately take over the hot items of the MGM movie universe, and the two sides are almost hit.

As the actual controller of MGM, such an important cooperation, Eric naturally can not completely face up, today is the last round of contract negotiations with the couple.

Since both parties have strong intentions for cooperation, after a week of contract negotiations, the two sides basically reached an agreement.

The official signing ceremony will take place next week.

When the two couples left, the people did not disperse and sat down again.

After chatting a few words about the details of the negotiations, Amy took the initiative to raise the issue of the "Bourne" series of male protagonists.

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