I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 114: Pseudo-leader

Entering the auditorium, Eric and Connery chatted with a few tabloids about the "Film Killing" bottomless hype, the lights in the auditorium were darkened, and the film officially began to play.

Richard Keel played Dalton as a bar watcher. After successfully driving a messy little gang out of the bar, he was invited by Tilman, the owner of a bar in a small town outside Kansas City. The other side helped him to rectify the increasingly chaotic double-bar.

There was no point in the first twenty minutes of the movie. Only the bar fights and the woman who was squatting in the street, Richard Gere was cold in the crowd from the beginning of the game, showing a pair of me, you are all cattle. It is the appearance of the ants.

As an action movie, at least you should start playing a game to attract the attention of the audience. However, Tsundere’s screenwriter apparently disdains to do this, but only sets a protagonist who is scratched by a punk with a dagger and then sews the wound bridge to show that the protagonist is different.

But this scene did not cause much resonance, because Richard Keel’s performance was too calm, and calm people thought that he was sewing clothes, not sewing wounds, so you can give a biting expression. Unfortunately, nothing at all. Therefore, although the picture is bloody, Eric can still hear the buzz of popcorn in the audience behind him.

Then, after coming to the double-decker bar in the town outside Kansas City, the protagonist still did not reveal a trick. After understanding the chaos of the bar, the protagonist only called the staff to open a small meeting and fired several people. Obedient staff, then the bar is once again hot, lying, even if you have a halo can not be so smooth!

Finally, the popularity of the double-decker bar business caught the attention of the bully Wisney in the town. He let the protagonist come out and made a solicitation of dialogue. He wanted to occupy the double-breasted bar, which was of course rejected by the protagonist.

Then, more than eighty minutes, the film finally ushered in a high tide, or the director finally remembered that this is an action movie. After being rejected by the protagonist, Wisney took a group of people to the double-brick bar and caused a conflict. Although the director is immersed in a few Chinese Kung Fu shots in this action, but overall, you are a Western-style fighting style that I punched, and Richard Kiel also showed himself for the first time. The man's hand, um, although the action is completely lacking in the supporting role, but the other side is still playing.

When the bully Wisney failed to do so, he began to do evil in the town to show his position in the township emperor, forcing the protagonist to submit.

First burned a convenience store that often said that he was not convinced by the owner, and used the super four-wheeled car to crush the Ford car market. Finally, he reached out to the protagonist of the protagonist Yiyouyou. In the last ten minutes, the actor finally Unbearable, single-handedly killed Wisney one after another, finally killed the Wisney's nest, wrestled with each other, and knocked down Wisney on the sofa.

Everyone will decisively kill Wisney with a protagonist, come to a knot, and then when the movie is over, he is so soft, the other party smashes your field, kills your closest friend, and then you squat It turned out to be soft.

This is a very tangled thing.

Just after the pseudo-protagonist Richard Gere was inspired by **** to spare the Wisney, it was natural that Visnian would avenge the enemy and pick up a revolver.

The gunshots sounded!

End of the film?

Was this a tragedy?

That is impossible to drop!

On the occasion of the pseudo-protagonist's life hanging on the line, the real protagonist, a group of small town residents who had been bullied by bullies for a long time appeared in time. A team of shotguns voluntarily killed the evil Wisney and saved the protagonist.

At this point, the two-hour ‘action movie’ finally came to an end.

The lighting in the auditorium did not light up, and Eric heard the conversation from the surrounding audience.

"That four-legged car is really too domineering, Weier, how do you say we also buy one?"

"But here is Los Angeles. The police will not allow this kind of car to go on the road unless we go back to the Texas farm."

"That's still it, kill me and don't go back. When the old guy hangs, I will sell the farm, and we can buy a nice house in Santa Monica."

"If you hear this, Dad is estimated to be alive and dead."

"Hey, Victor, have you heard a few songs?"

"Don't-throw-stones, "I-sold-my-soul", "On-the-road-again", right, the little blonde girl dancing, using "Hoochie- Coochie-man, Neil, we don't have to remember this. After a while, this movie will definitely sound the original soundtrack."

"I just can't wait, the soundtrack is really great, I plan to go back and buy a few related albums."

As the lights illuminate, the auditorium's voice is more noisy, and Eric can only hear the bits and pieces of commentary.

"It’s a shit. I was cheated by the propaganda in the newspaper. When I went back, I unsubscribed from the Los Angeles Metropolis Daily. I knew that I would rather go see the "Feng Yue Qiao Jia" again."

"Richard Keel would have given up on "The Windy Moon" to play this junk movie. It was really a brain."

"The fight is like a small fight. It also mimics Bruce Lee. Li can blast the two-meter-high light bulb. Richard Kiel obviously can't get a high whip leg. It's not as good as the villain." ”

"Although Richard Kiel's performance is not bright, I think the movie is still good. The little girl inside is very beautiful and the music is great."

"It’s not kind to read so many pairs of beautiful Mi Mimi, still so mean."


"Hey, Wei... Eric, let's go." Jennifer Connelly, sitting next to Eric, noticed that the man had been talking to the audience, and didn't bother until the auditor was gone. Only then took the Erica's cuffs gently.

“Well,” Eric returned, and stood up and asked as he walked out: “How do you feel about the movie?”

Jennifer shook her head in disappointment, naturally holding Eric's arm and thinking about giving two words: "It's noisy."

The two whispered and walked out of the auditorium together.

Waiting for the paparazzi, Witt still kept outside. He didn't know how long the "Weilong Killing" was. After 90 minutes, his eyes stared at the exit of the screening hall, fearing that the movie would suddenly end and missed. Eric and Jennifer Connelly.

Finally, almost two hours later, the audience came out from the auditorium. Witt held the camera and waited for more than two minutes, and did not see Eric’s voice.

"Should not be missed?" Witt muttered puzzledly. Just a little lax, he saw a pair of handsome men and women walking hand in hand.

In order to get the best results, Witt turned the camera's flash on desperately.


The bright spotlight flashed several times in the cinema hall, and Eric realized that it was not good. When the hand was in front of him, it was already late.

The cinema security guards originally did not control the reporters who were in the hall. When the other party did the interview, they also brought certain propaganda to the theater. But the flash is not the same, it will cause some trouble for the customers who come to see the movie, so Witt just pressed a few shutters, there are two security guards rushed over, Witt invited out.

Eric patted some of the overwhelmed Jennifer Connelly, giving the girl a reassuring look, looking around and heading to the front of the auditorium.

"Hello, sir, may I have... ah, you are that... Eric, wow, Mr. Williams, I don't think you will come to our cinema to watch movies, my name is Linda, Linda Kraut. "The front desk girl Linda excitedly lit the little freckles on the tip of her nose. She stretched out her hand and forced her to hold it with Eric."

Eric retracted the hand that was strongly gripped: "Well, Linda, you just noticed that I had some trouble, so can we take us out of other exits?"

"No problem, Mr. Williams, please come with me." Linda chick nodded like a glutinous rice, led Eric to the back door, and kept a small mouth and asked questions. .

"Mr. Williams, is this young lady your new girlfriend, so beautiful."

Jennifer Connelly heard the question and looked at Eric with expectations and worries.

Eric knows that there is only one answer in this case, otherwise it will make the girl around me embarrassed, so no hesitation nodded: "Yes."

"Mr. Williams, when did the "Dark War" start shooting, I am your fan, and I will go to the cinema for the first time."

"This is not certain yet, but it will definitely be released in the summer."

"Mr. Williams, which movie are you looking at?"


If it wasn't for the other's career, Eric even suspected that the girl was a paparazzi. It was less than two minutes from the lobby to the back. The girl named Linda asked more than a dozen questions. Eric has a request for people and can only make a decent answer.

"It's here," Linda pointed to the security door in front of her. She knew that she had to be separated. The girl only took the courage to say: "Mr. Williams, can you give me a signature?"

"Of course," Eric nodded. "But I didn't have a pen."

"I have," Linda pulled out the pen in her chest pocket, touched the other pockets, didn't find the paper, and finally raised her arm. "Mr. Williams, sign my sleeve."

"Amount, yes." Eric held Linda's small arm in one hand and quickly signed his name on the shirt fabric. Only then pushed the back door out of the cinema.

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