I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1117: Dear brother?

Due to the success of the Firefly System 'Easter Film Package' last year, this year's Easter schedule has naturally become a must for major studios.

From the week before Easter on March 26th, Warner bought out the "Lola Run", Universal Pictures' "Ed Private Channel" and Paramount's youth crime comedy "The Swinging Trio" was officially registered. North American cinema.

Speaking of it, if there is no "Witch Blair" turned out, because Eric himself attends the topic of watching movies, "Lola Run" will definitely become the most watched film of this year's Sundance Film Festival.

Even so, Warner apparently had high hopes for this unique style of independent film, and arranged 1,700 theaters in the first week.

Universal's "Aide Private Channel" situation is a bit more complicated, this is a new film directed by Hollywood director Ron Howard, starring Matthew McConaughey, costing 80 million US dollars, the budget cost is second only to next week's firefly shadow The upcoming public enemy of the industry.

However, unlike Eric's intention to use the blockbuster to cultivate the Easter market, "Aide Private Channel" is clearly abandoned by the world.

After all, the number of blockbusters produced by Universal Pictures every year is definitely not comparable to the Firefly Group. If it is not very unpopular, Michael Eisner will definitely not set the "Ed Private Channel" in the Easter schedule.

In the end, Paramount's "The Swinging Trio", the film was adapted from a TV series in the 1960s, but the popularity is far less than the first two.

As for the Firefly System's 'Easter Film Package' this year, the Firefly Films' "Common Enemy", MGM's "American Pie" and Fox's "One Kiss", the three films still adopt a joint propaganda approach. Will be released in the next two weeks.

Since the plan was finalized in the first half of last year, Columbia Pictures has not participated in this plan for the time being.

After spending the weekend with Carmen Kass in Los Angeles, Eric flew back to New York on Monday.

Eric originally wanted to arrange a home for Carmen Kass in Manhattan like Giselle, but was directly rejected.

Back in Manhattan, the girl did not get around Eric, but immediately started her own work, and even arranged the schedule to fly to Tokyo next week. Looking at the situation, obviously there is no way to catch up with Eric's "Iron Man" Tokyo Premiere schedule at the end of April.

A few days before Easter, Eric did not immediately rush to East Hampton. Many things about Firefly Investment, ABC Group and Shamrock Fund needed him to stay in Manhattan.

“Eric, this is the stock trading statement of the Leaf Care Fund last week, which totaled $1,625.5 million in funds and has been fully settled into the Shamrock Fund account.”

When I came to New York this time, neither of the two women lived in this mansion of Eric. Instead, they chose other residences. This was first proposed by Meyer. Carolyn wanted to be with Ereli. Ke lived together, but Meyer said that Carolyn, who is very thin, is also embarrassed to live alone.

Early in the morning, Caroline and Meyer rushed to Eric's temporary office at the abc headquarters to start preparing for the day.

After receiving the report that Caroline handed over, Eric turned to the two women's side: "Tonight's party at Hearst, are you going to go with me?"

Caroline shook her head. "My brother asked me to go to dinner at night."

Eric picked up his eyebrows and asked subconsciously: "Brother?"

Caroline wrinkled her small nose and glanced at Eric.

"Well, it seems to be a brother," Eric grinned and looked at Meyer.

Meyer also shook his head: "I made an appointment with someone and went to Greenwich Village tonight to watch an art exhibition."

Eric didn't dare to ask Mayer in the face of Caroline, and only noticed that Mayer had a narrow smile, and Caroline didn't pay attention and made a threatening look.

When Eric put his attention on the report in his hand, Caroline took out a few pages of information from the document and handed it to Eric. "This is a memo submitted by a trader under the Clover Fund. He thinks Our selling plan is too eager, and if we can be more thoughtful in our operations, we will certainly get more benefits."

Eric has viewed the stock trading statements in front of him and picked up the few memos.

Over the years, Eric has accumulated enough knowledge in finance. He also understands that stock trading is a technical job, and it is definitely not just a simple buy-and-sell operation. For a stock, the trader must analyze the possible reactions of other potential traders and the impact that his own buying and selling actions may have on the stock price while performing various trading operations. Simply put, an excellent trader can capture and even actively create the best trading opportunities to maximize profits.

If at other times, Eric naturally does not mind this ‘slow work and fine work’ approach.

Only now, he has no time at all.

The total value of technology stocks held by the Clover Fund has exceeded $30 billion and is continuing to rise.

However, according to the memory of the past, the Nasdaq index of the original time and space rushed from 3000 to 5000 points in only four months, followed by the world-famous crash.

Now, the Nasdaq index broke through the 3,000-point date by more than half a year. According to various situation analysis, Eric feels that this time the Nasdaq should be longer than the crash, but he does not dare Take it lightly, and still set the Clarity Fund's thorough clearance time within four months.

In four months, I have a huge amount of tens of billions of dollars. When I have time to conduct detailed trade analysis, what the trader needs to do is to sell, sell, and sell.

If at other times, the Clover Fund will cash out more than $1.6 billion a week, the Nasdaq market must have responded keenly.

However, the current situation is that the entire Nasdaq technology stock market has been completely mad, and both North American and overseas funds are rushing into the speculation feast, the total stock of the Nasdaq market. The market value has even broken through the $3 trillion mark, and the daily trading volume has reached tens of billions of dollars. Moreover, financial derivatives markets such as stock index futures around Nasdaq technology stocks are equally crazy and active.

Therefore, the sturdy and large-scale reduction of the clover fund did not cause the market to be alert.

Of course, Eric will not be taken lightly.

Speaking of it, the reason for receiving the proposed memo from the trader is also because of the strict confidentiality of this reduction.

In order to avoid as much as possible the trilobal fund's reduction operations have been discovered, Eric employs a total of twelve trading teams, half of which are not in North America. Although these trading teams understand that they are serving a super-large customer, even if the final transaction is completed, they will not be able to figure out the total size of the cash raised by the Shamrock Fund.

I read a few pages of memo in the hand, and Eric dropped it aside and asked Caroline: "How is the schedule of Iron Man's promotion?"

"You need to attend in person, the Tokyo premiere is April 22nd, the London premiere is April 29th, the Los Angeles premiere is May 5th, and on April 29th, you still need to come again. New York recorded "David Late Night Show", which was broadcast on May 2nd."

Eric has counted in his heart, Tokyo, London, Los Angeles, which seems to be a long global flight.

Caroline blinked and saw Eric’s thoughts: “Eric, the news from Boeing two days ago, the two Boeing 747s have been delivered. However, you have explained So, the relevant documents go directly to Miss Barrymore."

Eric has never been a patient who lacks patience. However, after waiting for so long, I finally heard the news that two Boeing 747s could be delivered. He was also a little happy and nodded. "Exactly, next time we can take a new plane. ""

Caroline bent her lips and said: "And, we received, um, an e-mail from the French Lu Wei Xuan Group, written by Miss Delfina Arnault personally, she said she hopes I can come to visit you and talk about the cooperation of Dior's new perfume ads."

Eric opened a copy of the email from Caroline and wondered: "Delfina Arnault, who is it?"

"The eldest daughter of Bernard Arnold, the owner of Lu Wei Xuan."

Eric nodded and read the e-mail again. He probably understood that the other party must have seen the Dior true gold goddess poster he had drawn. It is likely that he hoped he could personally practice Dior’s commercial.

I don't know if I should say that the other person is whimsical. Eric just smiled and said: "You can give her a rejection email."

Taking out the idea of ​​Dior's true golden goddess, Eric just continued to hold Carmen Kass, but now he naturally can't shoot commercials anymore. After all, a TV commercial seems to be a few seconds, but if you want to do well, from advertising planning to final completion, no one will definitely not be able to do it.

Eric now simply can't vacate a month's schedule, and he doesn't lack money or reputation. Naturally, he can't do it. He just puts a few faces in the process of shooting advertisements. Things.

Caroline nodded.

After discussing these things, Eric looked at Meyer again and said: "How about the negotiations between Firefly Electronics and several major record companies?"

Meyer shook his head: "I haven't got the latest news in the last two days. I need to call and ask?"

"forget about it."

Eric sighed.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of the digital music store's content, Firefly Electronics aimed at the most likely Universal Music, EMI and bmg records.

Out of the instinct of the digital music player, and the desire to get more benefits, the cooperation conditions of the three companies are very demanding. Obviously, it is not so easy to follow the launch of a large-scale mini music store after the release of the next generation of firelyer players.

The hardware facilities of the mini music store are naturally no problem, but there is not enough content to support it. The result is estimated to be similar to the situation where there is always no money in the bank ATM.

After a busy day's work, night falls, a black car slowly stops outside a mansion in the Upper East Side.

When the driver got off the bus and pulled the door open, Eric first got off the bus and then reached out into the car.

Cindy Crawford got off the car by Eric Cara, but the two did not enter the villa immediately. Another tall girl was once again pulled out of the car, but Linda Ivan Golinsta.

The current helm of the Hearst family, William Hearst III, who was in front of him, looked at the beautiful figure standing next to Eric, and it was inevitable that he would show some envious expressions. Only the young man dared to bring it at the same time. These two top supermodels attended the party. Perhaps the top supermodels in the two fashion circles are getting higher and higher, and they will only be surrounded by people like Eric Williams.

"Hey, William, good evening," Eric and William Hurst III shook hands and introduced the two girls next to them: "This is Cindy, Linda."

"Hello, Mr. Hearst."

Cindy and Linda also greeted William Hurst and Mrs. Hurst, and a group of talents entered the villa.

There have been many guests in the villa, basically some of the celebrities in the Upper East Side.

William Hirst III personally introduced some people to Eric. Everyone was chilling for a while, and the couple had other guests to welcome, and then they turned and left.

After the Hearsts walked away, Linda took out the cherries from the cocktail in her hand. It was quite teasing in her mouth, and she swept around, with some dissatisfaction in her voice. Eric said: "I found that they all have only one female companion?"

"I also found out," Eric took a sip of the red wine in his hand and smiled. "So, you two can take advantage of me."

"Hey," Linda sipped a bit, very dissatisfied, looking for it in the crowd, and pulling the other side of Cindy, said: "I saw Irene Lancome, we used to play Say hello, she said that her dress tonight is really good, maybe I can ask which designer did it, and let him do it for me."

Said, not waiting for what Eric said, Linda dragged Cindy away from the distance.

Eric did not follow the past, watching the two women walk away, was about to chat with some familiar people, and heard the voice of a dumb girl next to him: "Are you Eric Williams? ”

Eric turned his head. The first thing that caught his eye was a baby face, his eyes were very flat, his mouth was very thin, and he even had some strange smell.

Seeing Eric looked over, the girl took the initiative to introduce: "My name is Lydia, Lydia Hearst."

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