I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1121: Spoil

Eric had thought that only two Boeing 747s would fly to Long Island, but they were three.

Seeing the eye-catching FOX logo on the second plane, Eric remembered that Elizabeth and Julia had ordered one at the same time.

Moreover, the last plane that Shantou took has not yet landed, and Elizabeth’s phone call came over. She and Julia rushed to Ventura to see their new plane. I didn’t expect the **** to open all three planes directly. It’s coming to the east coast.

Eric was on the phone with Elizabeth while watching the last plane screaming and sliding into the airport runway, and found another thing.

Eric remembered that Shantou had to paint his plane into a beautiful pink, but at this time, he found that the three planes were all blue and white, except for the 'FIREFLY' and 'FOX' on the three planes. And the 'MGM' icon, there is not much difference between other and ordinary passenger airliners.

The last plane was stopped, and the **** was rushing down the ramp truck with a group of people. The reality was thrown into Eric’s arms, and they hugged with Joanna and others, and they also focused on kneading Hawaii. Only to introduce Eric to several guests who got off the plane with her.

"Eric, this is Mr. Ronald Keog, President of Boeing Public Service Group, and his assistant."

With the introduction of Shantou, the middle-aged man with glasses and politeness standing next to her shook hands with Eric, and took the initiative to hand a business card and said: "Hello, Mr. Williams, Nice to meet you."

Eric smiled and shook hands with each other and took the business card politely.

Ronald Keogy offered to help Eric introduce the basic situation of three planes. Eric sent a gimmick to the plane with the woman and the children. He and Ronald Keogh Going to the plane that first landed.

Entering the cabin along the ladder truck and turning through a short corridor, you enter a modernist style living room with a simple design, pure white walls, furniture that blends perfectly into the room, and a pure wall. Flat TV, there is also a mini bar in the corner.

Eric walked slowly into this small living room and satisfactorily admired the surrounding layout.

Ronald Keog and his assistants just smiled and stood at the door, waiting for Eric to take a moment to say: "The perfect Bauhaus style design, simple and exquisite, of course, our company is I don’t dare to take the plunge. This is the credit of Miss Barrymore and the team she hired."

Eric nodded slightly, walked out of the room and continued to walk inside the airport. At the same time, he said: "I understand all the basic parameters. Tell me about the special place of this aircraft?"

"Of course, I have to say that each of these three planes is unique," Ronald Keoge said next to Eric. "But I think the best features of this plane, It should be that she can connect to any two cities on the planet."

Eric smiled and didn't answer, waiting for Ronald Keog to continue.

Ronald Keog looked at Eric's expression and said: "The universal Boeing 747-400 model has a full load of 390 tons and a full-load life of 13,000 kilometers. It can increase the battery life by 30% under no-load conditions. During the testing of the Boeing 747-400 in the 1980s, we completed a long journey of 17,000 kilometers from London to XN. However, due to your personal private custom aircraft, the Boeing 747-400 has been reduced internally. A large number of unnecessary public facilities, even under the weight of 10 tons of manned cargo, her take-off weight will not exceed 320 tons. At the same time, this aircraft also uses the latest generation of Pratt & Whitney 4056 energy-saving engine, the battery life is more powerful. According to the calculations of our company's engineers, the aircraft can last up to 20,000 kilometers in extreme cases. However, we have not tested this without your permission. Of course, if you feel it is necessary, this test can be used at any time. get on."

Eric also knows that the most important factor affecting the life of the aircraft is the load.

A commercial Boeing 747-400, not counting the body itself and the weight of the fuel, can carry up to 60 tons of manned cargo when saturated. This is just the point that the private jet has a huge advantage. After all, even Ronald Keogy said that the 10 tons of manned cargo capacity, I am afraid, do not need, according to Eric's personal travel scale, 20-person team, count the luggage, can have two tons is good It is.

However, Eric is already very satisfied as long as he can complete the long journey from London to XN. In fact, the trans-Pacific and transatlantic flights are basically about 10,000 kilometers, and the North American flight is no more than 4,000 kilometers. The performance of this aircraft is mostly more than enough.

As for testing the flight limit of this aircraft, Eric is not interested. Due to the high energy consumption, private jets have always been one of the most important targets of many people in the West to attack the rich and luxurious life of the rich. If you accidentally broke the record during the test and accidentally broke out by the media, then he will later Don't think about it.

Continue to visit the layout of the various cabins, Eric asked again: "Network and communication equipment?"

“Our Boeing Connection has customized a full range of Internet, TV and telephony devices for you to connect to the Internet, make phone calls or video conferences anytime, anywhere. Here, Mr. Williams, CEO of our company Philip Condit is in the office today. He said that if you have time, I hope to talk."

In addition to its own performance, Eric is most concerned about the aircraft's remote communication function, which is the most dissatisfied with the Boeing 767 he used to ride in previous years. When I heard that the CEO of Boeing Group was online, Eric did not refuse, just to see the effect of the video call, so nodded: "Okay."

"So, please come with me."

Ronald Keo made a gesture of asking, with Eric to come to a conference room in the middle of the plane.

It was indicated that Ronald Kio's assistant skillfully opened the video calling device. After a while, a tall middle-aged man appeared on the 32-inch video call screen on the wall, which was the chief executive of Boeing Group in Seattle. Officer Philip Condit.

Eric and Philip Condit greeted each other and chatted casually, and heard the whistling sound outside the cabin.

Looking through the porthole, the plane of Shantou is slowly crossing the runway.

A bodyguard walked in and knocked at the door.

Eric looked over and pointed his finger at the window, revealing the expression of the inquiry.

The bodyguard nodded and responded: "Miss Barrymore said they went to Orlando and will come back tomorrow."

"Mrs and the children have gone?"


Eric reluctantly listened to the movement of Philip Condit to spread the hand, and said to the bodyguard: "They should go to Disneyland to play, you let Carter give a call over there and let them arrange a bit."

"Okay, Mr. Williams."

Eric just wanted the bodyguard to leave, suddenly remembered something, and stopped the other party: "Yes, who opened the plane?"

"Miss Sokolov."

Eric had some doubts. When the first two planes landed, the pilots took the initiative to come and face him, but on the plane of Shantou, she and her twins, as well as Ronald Keo and his party.

Twins opened the helicopter Erik personally experienced, but rest assured, but driving this large Boeing airliner, this is a bit noisy, right?

Thinking in my heart, Eric directly instructed Ronald Keog's assistant: "Give me the plane and let them come back."

Ronald Keogeu’s assistant is somewhat unclear, so he explained: “Mr. Williams, it is necessary to maintain contact with the ground command center during the take-off and landing process. It is not suitable for communication. However, if you feel it is necessary, you can Let the navigation guide the pilot."

What Erik is about to say, Ronald Keogow: "Eric, are you worried about the driving skills of the two Miss Sokolov? I don't think it is necessary at all. The test of these three planes. At the stage, Miss Sokolov had a lot of participation, and I think their driving skills are not inferior to any experienced professional pilots."

"Is that pair of Russian twins?" On the still-opening video, Philip Condit also interjected: "That is really two very good girls, I just happened to see it, Eric, no problem. ""


Eric nodded with a smile.

I can't help but vomit in my heart. What are the secrets of the goblins on weekdays? It’s not really a black widow. It seems that I have to take time to interrogate.

After this episode, Eric didn't have much thought to continue to appreciate the layout in the cabin. He chatted with Philip Condit and hanged the video, and Eric quit the cabin.

Elizabeth and Julia waited in Ventura, and they could see the arrangement in the morning and evening. Eric did not have two women's planes. The pilots took off and returned to California. The airport in Long Island was left. This Boeing.

More than two hours later, Shantou called from Orlando International Airport and said that the group had arrived smoothly, and Eric was relieved.

The women left, and Eric did not leave alone in East Hampton, bid farewell to Ronald Keo and his party, and Eric returned to Manhattan.

The following week, it was a hot Easter, and the children’s birthdays that followed.

While accompanying women and children, Eric’s private time was basically spent discussing with Carter Moen to form a security team dedicated to the Williams family.

At the same time, there is a plan to expand the two private airports on the east and west coasts. It is not to continue to build the runway. Instead, Eric intends to eat the surrounding plots and reserve the possibility to continue building the aircraft warehouses that may be needed. Form a whole piece of private territory shaded by forest trees, as far as possible to prevent outsiders from peeking.

After all, three large Boeing 740 private jets appearing at the airport like the same day are still too conspicuous. Eric can even imagine that some environmental organizations will probably hold a sign to protest outside the airport after hearing the news. This kind of thing is not unusual in the West.

But if the airport is completely closed and all around it is a private territory, then the trouble will be much less.

Later, Shantou explained that it did not make the pink color of its own aircraft coating, but also to keep the low-key as much as possible. Although the interior decoration of this Nizi aircraft airport is not low-key, Eric is very satisfied with this practice.

When the Eric was in East Hampton, the Easter season in Hollywood continued to be lively.

The three new films released in the first week of March 26, finally only "Lola Run" barely stand out, the first week of box office 11.17 million US dollars, almost close to Warner's selling price, I think the profit will be very good. Universal's "Aide Private Channel" has no suspense to hit the street, the first week of the box office is only 8.25 million US dollars, compared to the 80 million US dollars investment, the box office data is simply terrible. As for Paramount's "Sweeping Trio", it is even more silent, with only $5.57 million in the first week.

In comparison, the fourth week of "Witch Blair" released, under the 39% narrowing decline, still at the box office of 17.62 million US dollars, easily won the box office champion from March 26 to April 1 single week, cumulative The box office reached $129.3 million and continues to guide the envy and hatred of countless people.

Subsequently, on April 2nd, Firefly Film's blockbuster film "The Public Enemy" was released with several other films, and finally "Witch Blair" was robbed of the throne of the weekly box office.

However, the first week of the "public enemies" box office is only 46.3 million US dollars, compared to last year's box office dark horse "Austin Powers" and the past "Witch Blair", this score can only be regarded as a fair, although North America There is no suspense at the box office, but the performance is definitely not excellent.

Since the investment of "public enemies" is as high as 90 million US dollars, the company can only expect the subsequent overseas issuance to recover the cost.

Perhaps it has been raised by the box office dark horses that have continued in recent years. The company is not satisfied with the box office performance of "The Public Enemy of the Whole People". Eric has no such idea. Although the next two films of MGM and Fox, "American Pie" and "One Kiss, Jiangshan", have achieved very good box office results in the following week. Compared with the production cost of the two films, the performance is even more Can be described as excellent, but Eric did not regret the "public enemy" in the Easter period.

After all, Eric's main purpose is to use the "public enemies" to cultivate the market. If the Easter period has always been low-cost horror films and comedies, then the audience will gradually form a habit, the first few years are fine, but In the long run, if there is no big market to stimulate the market, it is just some low-cost movies. Once the quality of these films declines collectively in a certain year, the entire Easter schedule will be silent.

Moreover, through overseas issuance, "the public enemy of the whole country" has no problem with the global box office of about 300 million US dollars, which has already reached the line.

After the birthday of the two little guys, Eric should have invested in the upcoming "Iron Man" propaganda process, but fireflies electronic news, due to the collective pressure of the Sigram creditors, has always been with fireflies electronics Universal Music, which maintains a negotiating stance, suddenly refused to cooperate with Firefly Electronics in the digital music store. The reason given by the other party is that creditors are worried that the global record will turn to digital music sales, which will further crack down on the physical record sales that have already begun to fall into the downturn, and affect the overall income of the Seagram Group, threatening the interests of creditors.

Eric quickly understood that this spoiler was obviously the official reaction of Wall Street to fireflies electronics after the words of Henry Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs at the Hearst House.

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