I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1132: Fright for an hour

Sitting down at the conference table, Eric looked glanced thoughtfully for a week, and his eyes fell on the screen shared by Ian Gnelle, Steve Mitnick and Tina Brown. "So, Ian, what time is it now?"

In the video call screen, Ian Gurney lifted his wrist and looked at the table below, saying: "8:25."

“Very good, there is one hour and five minutes from the opening of the Nasdaq stock market,” Eric once again looked around for a week and said: “What happened, I think you all know. Now, call those people, Steve Case, Bill Gates, or other Internet company CEO, told them to remove all news related to three children and block all sites that have information about three children. One hour later, if they Not meeting my requirements, the Firefly system will publicly announce the stock reduction plans of listed companies such as Yahoo, Cisco, Amazon, Sprint, Qualcomm, etc. Since they feel that the days are too good, let the Nasdaq collapse."

When I heard Eric’s words, all the firefly system executives connected to the conference room were shocked.

Yahoo, Cisco, Amazon and other company stocks, all of which are the main technology stocks that can influence the Nasdaq market.

Although the Nasdaq stock market is getting more and more crazy, it is becoming more and more faltering. The capital market is a bit sloppy and may cause the Nasdaq to fluctuate. If the main stocks such as Yahoo, Cisco, and Amazon suddenly announced a reduction plan, the market panic caused a large-scale follow-up, and the Nasdaq index collapse was almost instantaneous.

The conference room was silent for a while, but this time it was the most popular character, Kasenberger first opened his mouth and said: "Eric, even if you do this, things can't stop."

"I didn't think about hiding. I'm just teaching some people how to behave." Eric shook his head and said firmly: "Now, let's call, give everyone ten minutes. After the call, we will continue to meet. Don't Bargain with me, today I don't want to bargain with anyone!"

Feeling Eric's unquestionable tone, Tina Brown first picked up the phone on the desktop, got up and left the camera, and everyone else moved.

Eric asked Caroline to bring a laptop, connect to the Internet, and place it on the conference table. He himself just leaned back in his chair and read the paper with his absent-mindedness.

After a while, the phone ringing suddenly sounded in the conference room. Eric just looked at the side of the landline and took back his eyes. He didn't even listen.

Immediately, Eric, Caroline and Meyer's mobile phones also rang, and Boeing's top-level communication network customized for the Boeing 747 made the various communication methods on the plane the same as the ground.

However, this time Eric did not lift his head.

Meyer looked at Eric's reaction and put the phone that was still ringing on the conference table. It didn't mean to shut down or answer. Caroline held the little Nokia and hesitated. Next, it is also done in the same way.

Eric was indifferently listening to the rushing ringtones on the plane. Around North America, with the phone calls of Chris, Kasenberg, Ian Gnelle, Tina Brown, etc., San Francisco, Boston, Many cities, such as Seattle, New York and even Los Angeles, where technology companies or venture capital firms gather, have been frightened for an hour.

No one dares to gamble with Eric Williams whether he will really announce a reduction plan.

After all, even if Eric Williams's net worth is half, the other party is still a super rich with more than $100 billion. However, if the Nasdaq collapses, countless new technology companies that rely on the technology stock bubble to absorb large sums of money will be overwhelmed, and some new capitals that have gained hundreds of millions of proceeds through the listing of technology stocks will also fall in the blink of an eye.

So, in just a few minutes, the entire new technology industry has become a dog.

Whether it's the East Coast, which is approaching working hours, or the West Coast, where the sky is just beginning to shine, countless Internet company executives who have been schadenfreaked and even fueled the crash are almost all suffering from communications bombing.

Not only a few executives of the Firefly system, but also a large number of venture capital company executives, major shareholders of technology companies, and even Wall Street capital, which has invested heavily in technology stocks. After hearing the news, they called to pressure the entire Internet industry. People are willing to let their billions of assets disappear for a bit of anecdote.

Subsequently, countless editors of Internet information platforms such as portals, search engines, news websites, and online forums successively received mandatory instructions from the top of the company and began to clear news about the three little guys.

In the conference room on the Boeing 747, ten minutes passed quickly and everyone returned to the video call screen.

Eric has let Caroline shut the phone and the fixed line has been cut.

Chris finally walked to the front of the call screen, but it signaled the Nokia in his hand, saying: "Eric, Mr. President's phone."

Eric nodded, and Chris turned it on and placed the phone in front of the microphone.

"Eric, can you hear me talking?" The sound of Clinton quickly came out in the sound, and he tempted one sentence. Without waiting for Eric to answer, the other person said directly: "Listen, Eric, you can't do this." Do. Tell me, you won't do this, right?"

Eric replied bluntly: "Mr. President, the decision-making power of this matter is not on me."

"They are already dealing with it, Eric, but you have to be calmer."

"I am very calm now, Mr. President."

"So, very good," Clinton paused for a moment and continued: "Eric, I know you are angry, but you can't be an enemy of the whole world."

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. President. However, if the whole world is against me, I don't mind trying to fight against this world." Eric said coldly, and said: "Sorry, Mr. President, we A meeting is going on."

"Okay, then, talk next time."

Clinton’s tone hangs up a bit, and Eric once again looks at everyone. “So, then, about TV and paper media, my bottom line is that they can discuss, but the names, photos and children’s names must not appear. Address information, even if it is a mosaic photo. Jeffrey, you are personally responsible for coordinating this matter."

"Okay," Kasenberger nodded, hesitating, and said: "Eric, do you need to make an official statement?"

"Cancel the recording of "Deep Night Show" of Tomorrow, let ABC prepare for it. After I arrive in New York, I will record a "Oprah Show" and broadcast it tomorrow."

"I will let Robert arrange it when I wait, just..."

Eric looked at Kasenberg’s apparent desire to stop and said, “The Iron Man’s publicity agenda is still the same. Of course, you can also let Marvel prepare to adjust the film universe plan. In the words, Iron Man completely withdraws from the Marvel movie universe plan."

Recalling the one-sided praise that Iron Man won in the media, Kasenberg had a distressed heart, and then he was somewhat gnashing at the back of the scene today. He solemnly said: "I will."

"So," Eric regained his gaze and looked at the crowd. "The latest things, I think everyone knows, the massive eavesdropping incident, and the exposure of just three children. I remember there is a saying in the East." Proverbs, a tree is higher than other trees, and it must be additionally devastated by the wind. The firefly system is a giant tree, so this kind of thing will happen in the future. In order to let our enemies think about the consequences before the shot Today, I will pursue it in the end. Those who stand in front of the stage and hide behind the scenes, I will not let go."


In the face of the strong pressure of the firefly system, and the innumerable general public are still ignorant, the network storm that has just brewed has disappeared from invisible.

However, due to the extreme openness of the Internet, this matter cannot be completely concealed. In fact, although it has been suppressed, the relevant news has gradually spread among the public, but it has lost the guidance of the media and the theory. The incident caused by this incident is far lower than many people imagine.


Time is approaching nine o'clock in the morning.

In the apartment of Cindy, 75th Street in the Upper East Side, Linda, who has the key, sneaked in and looked at Cindy, who was quietly leaning on the living room floor-to-ceiling sofa. Although it felt a little weird, Linda soon took gloating In the tone, said: "Hey, hello, have you heard that?"

Cindy’s "Thorn Birds" turned a page and shook his head faintly: "No."

"Hey, what happened to you lately, weird," Linda muttered in her mouth. She left her bag and ran to the study room. After a moment, she took a laptop and said, "The guy is going to be unlucky. The information of all three children was exposed on the Internet. I just saw it on AOL. Oh, fortunately, I didn't get pregnant last time, or else I have to face this situation in the future."

When Cindy listened to Linda’s words, her expression changed slightly and she finally closed the book and got up and came together.

Seeing that Cindy finally showed interest, Linda became more interested. He quickly opened the browser and knocked on the AOL portal's homepage. He turned his hand and said to Cindy: "Hey, look."

Cindy sneaked at the AOL homepage and said, "What are you looking at?"

Linda took back her eyes and swept a few eyes on AOL's homepage. He wondered: "Hey, I just saw it at home, "Eric Williams illegitimate big exposure", why not?"

That being said, Linda has repeatedly refreshed the webpage a few times. Just the news entry is already an article of the Clinton administration's latest biopharmaceutical policy bill.

"Oh, yes, I remember that the article just reprinted from the 'Hollywood Gossip'" Linda said, and opened the Google search engine, typing and typing 'Hollywood gossip' words, press the search The key, repeatedly open several results directory, but did not find the 'Hollywood Gossip' website.

Linda was not a fool. After a moment of confusion, she slammed her back on the sofa and grabbed a pillow and beat it. "I understand, it must be the ghost of the guy."

Cindy naturally does not believe that Linda will come to her early morning to talk nonsense, pull the laptop over, skillfully switch several portals, query for a moment, and open some relatively large news websites, there is no above. Any news about the three little guys.

After thinking about it, Cindy picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. He repeatedly changed several channels and finally stopped at CNN News.

"According to the internal news we got, Eric Williams issued an ultimatum to the top executives of all portal news sites. If the Nasdaq stock market opened today, the relevant websites would not clear all the news about his personal illegitimate child. The Firefly system will publicly announce a large-scale reduction of stocks of technology companies such as Yahoo, Cisco, and Amazon. In just half an hour, we found that the mainstream AOL, MSN and other portals have all been removed, Yahoo! The portal didn't show any news from beginning to end. Bernard, can you explain to everyone why the technology giants in the Internet industry are succumbing to the pressure of the firefly system, and whether the firefly system has done so seriously? Is it free to press?"

After the host finished speaking, the live camera turned to a guest sitting next to him.

Cindy didn't listen to the other party and continued to press it. He pressed the mute button.

Linda’s mouth has been slightly enlarged, and it’s only a moment later: “It’s really the guy who did it.”

"Or else," Cindy closed the laptop in front of him and got up and walked back to the sofa next to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Linda picked up the remote control and turned on the sound. After watching it for a while, she turned off the TV and went to Cindy. He said, "Hey, I thought the guy was going to be unlucky. I didn’t expect it to be so quiet. It’s down.”

Cindy picked up the "Thorn Bird" and opened it. "Do you hope that he is unlucky?"

"Also, no," Linda grabbed another pillow and scratched her hand around Cindy. He said: He, he wanted to let us both get pregnant, it was too bad. ”

"You were not the reaction at the time."

"He is a tyrant. If I don't agree, I might be killed."

Cindy smiled and said, "Maybe."

Linda also realized that the reason she was looking for was very unconvincing. She was embarrassed to give me two sentences and said: "Hey, you haven’t eaten breakfast, let’s go downstairs to eat?”

"I have eaten, go on your own."

"How suddenly you have become so boring recently," Linda reached out and grabbed the "Thorn Bird", and then subconsciously made protective moves, only to find that Cindy did not smack himself or herself, but even wondered: "Hey. What happened to you?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh," Linda said, but immediately jumped up in surprise, and the books in her hand were thrown out: "Ah?!"

Cindy gave her a look and got up and brought the "Thorn Bird" back. He said, "Don't harass me here. Today is not a weekend. Don't you need to work?"

"But, you, you, have you told him?"

"Some hesitant," Cindy opened the book again and said: "And, just the thing has also reminded me. Perhaps, let the child surname Crawford is not bad, I can't afford it now."

"He certainly won't agree."

"Let's see how he can deal with this matter. It's not finished yet. If he can't handle Kevin and Hawaii, I think it's better to let my child surname Crow."

"Uh-huh," Linda nodded in accordance with the location, and then came over and said with great enthusiasm: "At that time, I will be my mother."

"What am I?"

"You are so fierce, of course, you are a father."


"Hey, you started to murder me again."

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