I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1136: The talk show's response (3)

To put it bluntly, the fundamental intention of this issue of Oprah Show is to respond to the network gossip that happened suddenly yesterday. However, until now, Oprah has talked about the most critical issues, which is also a media strategy that has been discussed in detail.

Even without the experience accumulated in the media industry over the years, the life experience of the two generations has made Eric understand that the emotions of the audience need to be carefully guided.

If there is no tactical skill, Eric’s frank bluntness today is likely to be counterproductive. Therefore, this program has been carefully designed from beginning to end.

Just over ten minutes of interactive interviews have made most of the audience have a good impression of Erik and women and children. At this time, mentioning yesterday's network gossip event, many viewers will involuntarily stand on the side of Eric.

This bias is undoubtedly very beneficial for Eric.

On the TV screen, when I heard Oprah's question, Eric's expression gradually became serious and shook his head. "I don't think this matter has anything to do with freedom of the press. I have been trying to make Kai as much as possible over the years. Wen and Xia Xia avoid the media's attention, but this is not because I think this is a scandal, they are my children, I love them, I also cherish this special feeling between Vicky and Joan.

The reason I do this is just to make them have a calm living environment. In fact, people around me basically know the existence of Kevin and Xia Xia, and many of them often come to visit two little guys.

Then, yesterday, a large number of articles about the children suddenly appeared on the Internet. I think that as long as people with a little thought ability, they understand that this is a very obvious attack. They not only created a lot of malicious false news, but also released sensitive photos such as photos and addresses of children. This is the most serious violation of personal privacy and even threatens the safety of children. Therefore, I do not accept all kinds of accusations that they call it. This is just a man who protects his women and children from unwarranted harm. ”

After Eric’s vocal response, the camera swept through the audience, and almost all of the people on the scene showed their expression of approval.

Moreover, if emotions can be turned into entities, there must be countless small stars in the air of the studio scene that represent worship and yearning.

The audience of Oprah Show is basically women. Although more and more Western women are pursuing independence, no woman will not expect to have a strong man who can protect themselves anytime, anywhere.

Oprah waited for the scene and the audience in front of the TV to digest a little Eric’s words and said: “In fact, I have experienced many similar incidents in the media industry for so many years. I think that any Freedom should be limited, so we have the law to bind people beyond the rules."

After saying this, Oprah turned again and said: "Eric, do you think, why is this kind of bad thing happening suddenly?"

"It's not quite sure yet," Eric shook his head and said, "But it's probably because of Iron Man."

Eric said, making a gesture to the big screen behind him, and a carefully selected "Iron Man" single poster appeared on the screen. Eric's Tony Stark wore red and yellow mark3 armor, and the mask was not put down, so it was clear that the male with the dark hair and the beard had a similar resemblance to Eric.

Looking at the handsome figure on the movie poster, the women on the scene uttered a burst of screams of excitement and excitement.

After everyone was quiet, Eric once again said: "Everyone knows that "Iron Man" has held a premiere in Tokyo, London and other cities, and has achieved a very good media reputation. If not some guest appearances This should be the second work I have starred in for ten years. Perhaps, some people don't want to see it too successful, so they will do these things when the film is nearing release."

Oprah showed an understanding of the expression, but did not continue to discuss the relationship between "Iron Man" and the network gossip event. The audience of Oprah Show is mostly women, and this group is obviously not too interested in the commercial competition. Therefore, Oprah turned directly to the film: "So, Eric, you now have such a rich body, why do you want to star in the movie? Well, you are still making another new work, continuous Taking into account these two big production films, will definitely be very tired?"

"Because this is my job," Eric replied with a smile: "Maybe I have many other titles now, but in essence, I have always been a director, a screenwriter, and an actor, my personal Most of the energy has always been in Hollywood, so as long as you arrange the time, it is not difficult to take care of these tasks. As for the investment outside of Hollywood, I have always been used to handing professional things to professional people. It is possible to avoid too much intervention."

"Then, as a director, a screenwriter, and an actor, you just managed to run a few side jobs, and unwittingly became the first super rich in the history of the Union with billions of net worth?"

Oprah’s words with compliments and ridicules suddenly made the scene laugh again.

Eric also smiled and made a gesture at random. He said: "There is no way, so many opportunities are in front of you. If you can see it, but you are indifferent, this is very unreasonable. So, most of the time Just do it."

"Eric, you will make many professional investors feel uncomfortable," Oprah continued. "But since you can easily see so many opportunities, can you give me some investment advice here? ?"

"I don't dare to talk about specific investment advice," Eric shook his head and said: "But in the general direction, we should see that the world is in the critical period of the third industrial revolution. Like the first two. The same, this will create a lot of new industries for the entire human society. Although the current wave of new technology has reached a peak, but in my opinion, in the next 20 years, both traditional capital and ordinary people can continue from these In the new technology industry that is gradually taking shape, there are countless opportunities to accumulate wealth. Of course, if you miss this time, you may have to wait another hundred years."

"One hundred years, maybe all of us can't wait until that time, so still cherish this opportunity," Oprah said with emotion, and said: "So, come back to the movie, Eric, about "Iron Man", it is said that the prototype of Tony Stark is once Howard Hughes, which is also a legendary super rich. But now, obviously, you are in all aspects of achievements It has already surpassed each other, and many media have commented that you have a lot in common with these two people. How do you personally think about this?"

"Really, before I filmed Iron Man, I took the time to read a biography of Howard Hughes."

"and then?"

"Very disappointed."

Everyone on the scene has heard more or less about Howard Hughes, and I heard that Eric is so appreciative.

Oprah also made a surprised expression, saying: "Eric, you mean, you are very disappointed with Howard Hughes?"

"No," Eric shook his head unexpectedly. "I was very disappointed with the biography. Howard Hughes was remembered by all of us for a long time, which is enough to show that this is a great However, the biography did not objectively evaluate Howard Hughes’ contribution to the country’s space, defense, and even film industries. Instead, he devoted most of his space to Howard Hughes’ private life. Excavation and rendering. My leisure time is not much, I can only take time to read a biography, so I don't know if other biographies about Howard Hughes are the same. If this is the case, I will be even more disappointed. ”

"Eric, isn't that what you feel about what happened yesterday?"

"Of course not. This is the real feeling when I read the biography of Howard Hughes a year ago." Eric continued: "So, about your just question, I think it is difficult for me to do with Howard Hughes. A correct evaluation. However, for Tony Stark, I think he and I are two completely different people.

This is a very contradictory role. According to the comics, his life is roughly divided into two stages. Before becoming Iron Man, he was a billionaire with a genius but a very life-like lifestyle. But after becoming Iron Man, he gradually took on the responsibility of many superheroes. At the same time, his nature still exists. . Therefore, this will be a superhero with character defects, but these personality defects will also make him more humane and more acceptable.

So, Howard Hughes, Tony Stark, and myself, I think this is a completely different three people. In the performance process, I did not carry out any substitution of my own traits. I was completely playing another person, which is why I chose a makeup that is completely different from my own style. If I didn't sit here, just look at this poster, I think everyone will not think that this is Eric Williams. ”

"Listening to you, I suddenly became more excited about this movie," Oprah listened carefully. "Eric, this movie was released on May 7th, right?"

"Yes, May 7."

"So, I hope everyone can go to the theater to support, Eric Williams's movie has never let us down," Oprah finished, finally got up and hugged with Eric, once again: “Thank you very much that Eric can participate in this program today. Finally, let us watch a wonderful preview of Iron Man.”

After Oprah finished, in the applause of the scene, the screen was cut out, and the trailer of Iron Man began to appear on the TV screen.

75th Street, Cindy's apartment.

Until Eric's figure disappeared completely from the screen, Stephanie Seymour came back and looked at it. Cindy was very leisurely licking green tea. She then picked up the cup of tea and gathered it. I took a sip of my mouth and found that it had completely cooled off.

Putting the teacup back, Stephanie Seymour looked at Cindy again and was curious: "What are you thinking?"

Cindy is obviously thoughtful, but faintly said: "Nothing."

Stephanie Seymour did not ask. In front of Cindy, she always felt a little lacking. She took the cup of cold green tea and learned the feeling of Cindy. She continued: "Actually, I used to I always feel that he is a little bastard, and now I feel that this guy is not worth nothing."

Cindy turned her face and suddenly said, "Have you seduce him and the result was rejected?"

Stephanie Seymour shook her hand and almost threw the cup out and calmed down. She shook her head quickly: "Of course not."

"Oh, what a pity," Cindy said with a smile and a bright light, but she did not pursue it. "In fact, I used to think that he was a little bastard, but he is the kind of person who is addictive. The little bastard, after getting along for a long time, you will find that you are inseparable."

Stephanie Seymour deliberately showed a contemptuous expression: "You are really nauseating."

"Speaking, you want to get the position of this host, and you have to agree with him."

Stephanie Seymour remembered the slap that night, inexplicably feeling a sensation of numbness spreading around him, saying: "He is really a control freak."

"Men, the bones are actually the same. The difference is that they are willing to behave a little more. This is a far cry from your home."

Stephanie Seymour had some uncomfortable writhing and enchanted body, saying: "Can we not say him?"

"Well," Cindy was obviously very good at this time. She put down her teacup and took the green tea that was cooled by Stephanie Seymour. She changed her hot tea and smiled. "Talk about the show." Well, in fact, I haven't talked to life about what I have to retire, but they have renewed to the 10th season, so I am secretly preparing to default."

Stephanie Seymour was a little surprised: "So, what?"

"So, Irak has personally intervened," Cindy said with a smile. "He said hello and everything was solved. Of course, the premise is that the host I chose must be able to prop up this file. It’s only the end of April, the ninth season is officially started in June, I only have one month in May to determine the new host, so you don’t have much time, hey, tell me about me. Some tips accumulated over the years."

Stephanie Seymour once again was curious about Cindy’s intention to abandon the position of the host of the National Supermodel Contest, but after listening to Cindy’s experience of accumulating over the years, she immediately put aside these thoughts and took it seriously. Listen.

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