I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1164: Who stole my button?

Of course, compared to elite and img, wm is only a small model company. It is not a matter of time for a brokerage company to grow and develop. Although Eric is happy to see that wm can reach the level of companies such as elite, it will not help.

Near noon, the meeting was coming to an end. Eric heard Paul Roland's last temptation on this year's Vimy big show, and replied: "The list of most of the Secret Angels this year has been confirmed. So, outside Carmen, Ltd. You can only give wm three places, provided that the models you provide must pass the interview. However, regarding the promotion of the model, I have already given some cards to Carmen, and the specific things need to be operated by yourself."

The number of Victoria's angels is increasingly occupied by elites such as elite and img. Wm can get four places at a time, which is almost equivalent to one-tenth of the Vimy Legion. This has made Paul Roland very satisfied. I heard that Eric had given Carmen Kathy some business cards, and Paul Roland was even more excited.

At the end of this topic, Paul Roland is planning to invite Eric to go to a nearby restaurant to eat, notice the swaying outside the glass door of the transparent conference room, and say: "So, Eric, I want to tell everyone. How many?"

Eric also noticed the dangling figure in the outdoor work area of ​​the meeting, and nodded with a smile: "Okay."

With a positive answer, Paul Roland made a slight expression and walked up and walked out.

A moment later, a large group of girls came in one after another, and soon the meeting room was crowded, and the expression was either excited or looking forward or teasingly at Eric sitting at the conference table.

Wm other partners and executives saw it, and they all got up and left to let the space out. The familiar girls on weekdays stood around, and Carmen Kass, who was sitting next to Eric, was also embarrassed to get up and took the initiative to stand behind the man.

Eric leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at the girls who obviously replenished the makeup. He smiled and said: "You must have guessed something. You think it is right. I am now the boss of wm company. One of them. So, you will definitely get better development next."

The girls, who had already anticipated it, suddenly made a burst of ecstasy.

Eric smiled and waited for the girls to cheer, then continued: "Of course, I don't have much time to pay attention to this. So, the company's specific operation will not change much, but you can get it. More opportunities, and this requires you to work hard enough."

After saying this, watching this group of goblins suddenly turn their faces into serious look, Eric deliberately put away his expression and lifted his sleeves that are still open, saying: "So, finally, who put my button Stealed, I am coming back soon."

The girls are a glimpse, although I realize that Eric is probably kidding, but remembering his identity, no one dares to be 100% certain. So you see me, I see you, it seems that I am really helping Eric to find a female thief who steals the button.

Then, because Eric brought the topic to this, everyone gradually noticed that a girl in the crowd, very coincidentally wearing a light blue shirt with the same color as the Eric shirt, even the buttons on the shirt is white. The only difference is that the shirt on the girl is a women's style, but with the combination of Eric, it is even more a couple of lovers.

I noticed that everyone around me turned their attention to myself. Even Eric Williams looked at it. The girl realized this. She was embarrassed and opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

The scene was quiet for a moment, the goblins had a look of eye contact, and they didn't know who opened the head. The crowd quickly surrounded the girl who had Eric's smashing shirt.

Then, in the crowd, the girl screamed with a smile: "Ah, you, these, haha, itchy, don't, too hard, it hurts."

The executives of the WM company, such as Paul Roland, who stood at the door, saw this sudden situation, all of which were black lines, and they did not know whether they should stop.

Eric also had some accidents. He heard the girl’s voice crying and was about to stop, but the girls had spread again.

Then, the goblins laughed and sent the 'trophy' they had just grabbed to Eric, leaving only the girl’s shirt collar with all the buttons in her hands, standing on the wall, stunned, grievances, shirts. The hem is still open, revealing a seductive slim waist and a flat belly.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Eric couldn't help but smile, but quickly said: "Excessive, not in the future. However, the company should have a fitting room, who will help me find some needles?"

The model company's fitting room usually has a very complete clothing equipment, which is convenient for the modification of the clothes that the model needs to be tested. The small objects such as needlework are not lacking, and Carolina, who is familiar with Eric, immediately volunteered. Run out.

Eric looked at the girl who was still standing at the wall, a blond hair, slender figure, wearing high heels obviously more than one meter eight, plus that a high street full of pretty faces, the overall can play at least 85 points.

Looking at a few eyes, Eric asked with great interest: "So, what is your name?"

Although the body was hurt by being forced to pull off the button, the girl realized that it was a very rare opportunity for herself. The message immediately replied: "Mr. Williams, my name is Amy. Kesen."

Eric picked up a button and smiled: "This one borrows me first, you can buy new clothes, and the company will pay for your bills."

Amy Hickson nodded subconsciously and shook his head immediately. "No, no, Mr. Williams."

"It must be paying for your clothes," Eric saw Carolina take a sewing box and finally said to Amy Hickson, and said to other girls: "Like others. Buttons are not a good habit, this should be changed. Hey, come here today, everyone is going to be busy."

Despite some disappointment, the girls left the meeting room obediently.

Paul Roland and others left Carmen Kass and Carolina to help Eric stitch the cuffs before they came in to invite him to lunch. There were no other arrangements at noon, and Eric did not refuse.

As a private partnership company, Eric's shareholding in WM's detailed shareholding ratio was not disclosed, but the news was quickly spread in the industry.

For a time, companies such as elite and img have a feeling of being like an enemy. These companies are very clear, even if Eric only holds 1% of the shares of WM, but with the entire firefly system as a backing, as long as Eric is willing, wm will soon develop into a large model agency that can change the industry structure. .

Entering the new week, the Nasdaq’s plunging trend remains.

At the same time, with the arrival of August, the summer file has come to an end, Eric has been busy reviewing a series of TV drama projects of the Firefly Group in recent days.

In terms of movies, the two bombers "Gravity Gravity" and "The Lord of the Rings", which will be released at the end of the year, have been fully launched.

Cameron’s personally directed Spider-Man is expected to take another month to complete, and Eric automatically extended the deadline to two months.

Although Michael Bay was responsible for the "Peace of the World", although it was later than "Spider-Man", it was already finished and started post-production. The film is expected to be released in the summer of next year, the schedule is determined in May, "Spider-Man" schedule is also determined in the summer file next year, but it is two months later than "Peaceless".

The selection of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has ended and will be filmed next month. The film will be released at the end of next year. The final three guys were completely different, but the character image was very satisfying, and Eric did not directly intervene.

The follow-up plan of the Marvel movie universe was officially rolled out. Due to sufficient planning, the three projects "Captain America", "Raytheon" and "Hulk" were launched almost simultaneously. At this time, a tense role audition was underway.

"Iron Man 2" has also entered the preliminary stage of preparation, Jos Weiden will continue to serve as the director, the project will be successful, and Eric will naturally not withdraw.

In addition, due to the continuous success of "Cars" and "Shrek", Eric also pays close attention to the operation of several animation studios of the Firefly System.

After "Cars", Pixar Studio is currently working on "Superman Story" and several projects are in the works. In order to lengthen the cycle and maximize the benefits, Eric did not let Pixar immediately launch "Cars 2", but decided to set the release time to seven years later.

In the seven-year cycle of animated films, a new group of children will appear in the audience, and once again, the popular sales of the "Cars" series will be promoted.

The first 3D animated feature film "The Rapunzel" of Disney Animation Studio has been completed, and it is expected to be released in the summer of next year.

Blue Sky Studio belongs to the Firefly Group and the Fox Group. Since the success of "Ice Age" and "Shrek", Eric has not been eager to let this studio open too many new movies.

In addition to these key projects, the Firefly System's four other companies, large and small, are in various production stages. Eric is now difficult to take care of at the same time, so he tries not to intervene to avoid counterproductive. .

Because in New York, Eric has put a lot of energy into the TV business.

Based on some of the original popular episodes, the highlight of this year's abc TV network is undoubtedly the "American Idol."

After the success of the British version of "Popular Idol", abc was also very valued for this reality show. Simon Fuller also dedicated his work in the UK, and specially took three months to personally be here for the United States. "Idol" checks, the project has already completed the initial selection of players, and will be officially registered in abc TV network in September.

In terms of cable TV, lietime TV, owned by ae TV Network, has maintained strong growth in recent years. In addition to "Wuwang City", "Tianqiao Pride" and "American Supermodel Contest", Anne Sweeney also developed additional. A series of very popular new TV shows.

After Steve Bernstein left, espn, although there was a brief chaos, has stabilized. Eric is completely ignorant of the operation of the sports TV station, so it is fully responsible to the company management.

The shotime TV station that just got started officially completed the development of the new program schedule and marketing plan. The preparation of "Shameless" was also very smooth, and the production of the pilot set can be started this month.

As the firefly system continues to grow and develop, Eric also finds it increasingly difficult to focus on doing something. Although the power of each company is issued to the maximum extent, the amount of official business that Eric needs to handle personally is enough to explode his work schedule.

Time is already on August 6, Friday.

Abc Group Headquarters, 66th Street, Upper West District, Eric's temporary office.

Near work time, I will fly to Australia tomorrow. Meyer will report to Eric on some schedules of the next trip to Australia, and hand over a document and a package.

Eric knows that the document is just sorted out this week's NASDAQ market analysis report. There is no time during the day. He can only take it back to take a look at the night. Another package has some doubts: "What is this?"

Meyer looked at the memo and said: "The sender is Rebecca Wade, deputy editor of The Sun, just to hand it over to you personally. Perhaps you can call Miss Murdoch to ask ask."

Eric passed the phone with Elizabeth in the morning and didn't listen to her mentioning it. I think it should be sent by Rebecca Wade in private.

At the end of last year in London, Rebecca Wade was given a breakfast by Eric to Elizabeth, and Eric was not impressed with her, but she knew it was a very slick woman.

However, a little pondering, "The Sun", a secret package, but also personally handed it to himself.

Adding these elements will not be the news that the Sun has sneaked down on yourself. After all, the "Sun" is the UK's leading gossip tabloid.

Meyer apparently also thinks about this aspect, and it seems a bit odd to look at the expression.

After careful combing, Eric noticed Meyer's eyes and said helplessly: "I haven't done anything to hurt the world recently. If you don't take it apart, let's take a look. Well, call Carly in."

Meyer, who was quite curious, listened to Eric, and suddenly turned a blind eye and made a look of ‘I was not interested in your broken things’. He turned and left the office.

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