I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1168: cardiac

The barbecue party didn't take too long, considering that Eric's group had come to take a break.

Less than ten o'clock, the private resort in the valley quickly returned to calm.

In a villa in the center of the resort, Eric sent the gimmicks that he wanted to wrap around tonight to rest, and personally took the three little guys to sleep before coming to Virginia's bedroom.

The woman was making the bed and saw Eric coming in, just looking up a little and glanced at it.

Eric took Amy's shell bracelet, which had just been tied to his wrist, and put it on the dressing table. He said to the woman: "The fireflies will set up a group of student funds around the world, so I won't tell you." The purpose is not so simple. However, if you are known by the outside world that I donate to overseas, but I am indifferent to the country, it will definitely cause criticism. Therefore, the local will also set up a family. This is pure charity. You and Joan will play together. How is it?"

The action of Virginia sitting on the bed to change the pillowcase paused. Some of them said: "I am very busy with Joan. You let Crow go and do it."

Eric took a serious look: "That's it, next time I talk to Cindy."

Then a pillow flew over.

Eric smiled and reached out and said, "Is it good to call Virginia and Joanna Fund? Put your name in front. However, I have recently lost money, so I can only donate 200 million dollars a year. The two of you decide on your own charity project. Of course, if you want to sneak in, you should be careful not to be caught."

In the West, it is a common phenomenon for husbands to go to the family to manage family charity funds. Eric set up such a charity fund, which is equivalent to completely placing two women on the table.

The man has been whispering, and Virginia has no interest in continuing to make trouble. She understands the meaning of this charity fund for herself and Joanna. Listening to Eric said that in the end, the woman turned a blind eye and turned to a small voice: "Joan is bigger than me, she must be in front, but what about you?"

Eric played with the pillow in his hand and smiled at the dresser. "I don't have any problem, but if it is called Eric Joanna-Virginia Williams Foundation, the name is not Too long?"

Vignia nodded immediately and said: "Just call this name, I am not too long."

"That's it, sleep, there are a lot of things to do tomorrow."

Eric threw the pillow back on the bed, untied his windbreaker button, and planned to go to the bath first.

Vigny got up and walked down, helping Eric to unbutton the button, not looking at the man's expression, whispering: "After the next few days, let Kevin be with you?"

Eric took off his windbreaker and stuffed it into the woman's arms and said, "Well, the little guy should learn how to take care of the company. Let him meet with me in the next few days."

Vegniya put Eric's windbreaker in her arms and listened to the man's tone. Some of them succumbed: "I don't mean this. I, Kevin is your son, you..."

Eric loosed his tie and pretended to impatiently smoked on Virginia's abundance of hips, interrupting the woman's arrogant, and said: "There is so much nonsense, help me to let the water go, not seeing your man taking a shower. ?"

Vignia snorted and squinted at Eric in a hateful manner, or walked toward the bathroom.

Putting hot water, Virginia also helped Eric find clean intimate clothes and walked into the bathroom. The man was already soaked in the bathtub.

Watching the woman put down her clothes, she would go out, Eric stretched out and pulled, and Virginia sat down by the bathtub.

"Know what you are worried about," feeling that Virginia was reaching out to help him wash. Eric held the woman's hand and said: "Summer and summer are more like them than Kevin, but have you ever thought about it? With the summer and summer temperament, will she be interested in inheriting the family business in the future?"

Many times, the smarter people tend to look at the wealth, the more intelligent the Hawaii is beyond the understanding of many people. According to Eric's observation of her daughter, the little guy may be interested in a lot of things in the future, but she will never compete with the brothers and sisters of Kevin for the inheritance of family wealth.

In fact, although the plan is to pass on its own wealth, Eric will not let the children fall into the struggle for the family. The purpose of setting up the trust fund in advance is to plan to provide family trusts for all children in the future, like Rockefeller and others. If you want to enjoy this wealth and glory for a long time, you must work together to make the continuation of the whole family. Work hard.

Virginia is also concerned about chaos, listening to Eric said, and gradually realized that Hawaii is more likely to become a genius scientist in the future, but it is difficult to become an entrepreneur.

However, the woman is not willing to admit defeat on the surface, said: "The movie you are still showing, Tony Stark, he is a genius."

"You all said that it was a movie," Eric slid up the shoulders of Virginia. She grabbed the softness she had more than all her other women. Da: Well, I only advised you this. Once, I will not worry about it later. In fact, you should understand that as the eldest son of the Williams family, Kevin is destined to take more than other brothers and sisters, so all you have to do is to seriously teach the little guys instead of worrying about these messes all day long. thing. ”


The next day, the accompanying family members began to organize a variety of activities, taking the time to participate, the core executives of the firefly system are mainly focused on one after another exchanges and meetings.

The theme of the gathering was about the ‘sustainable business model of the new technology industry.’

The Nasdaq index collapsed, in addition to its own serious bubble factor, the most critical reason is that most new technology companies have not been able to form a sound and effective business model.

So, just like the analysis article of Barron's Weekly, once these new technology companies that only know how to burn money are exhausted, and they have not formed a revenue model that can continue to supply blood for enterprises, the result is only Going to the road of extinction.

Of course, although this theme is within the core issues of this gathering, in fact, more is just a pretext for the outside world.

After all, even if the Nasdaq bubble burst and the size of the assets controlled by the firefly system has shrunk dramatically, the core executives of the firefly system still attracted strong attention from the outside world. Australian Prime Minister John Howard also took time to come to everyone at noon on Tuesday. Eating together, media from all over the world have also contacted the companies of the Firefly System, hoping to get an opportunity to interview this gathering.

Therefore, under such strong concerns, sensitive issues involving the strengthening of cooperation between companies within the firefly system and the exclusion of competitors from the industry must not be disclosed.

In addition, the next development goal of the firefly system, the new business that Yahoo and other core companies are about to launch, and some important personnel adjustments between companies are within the scope of this gathering.

Eric also used this gathering to initially determine the list of members of the upcoming Williams Trust Fund Board, and the core executives of the Firefly System are basically all listed.

As a living trust, Eric can adjust the list of the council at any time, and even completely revoke the entire trust fund when necessary, so there is no fear that these executives may leave the risk of the firefly system in the future.

The members of the Trust Fund Board have determined that if there is something unpredictable, the group can quickly save the firefly system. In the future, changes in the membership of the Board will naturally follow the established rules of the Trust Fund.

Although only Australia’s “Herald Sun” and Yahoo Portal and ABC Group’s two media outlets have received limited access to the gathering, the meeting’s topic on “Sustainable Business Models for New Technology Industry” came out. It has also caused heated discussion among countless media around the world.

Stimulated by this topic, the Nasdaq capital market, which is flying down, has begun to calm down.

After the opening bell on Monday, the Nasdaq index's downward trend has clearly begun to slow down.

Moreover, with the further discussion in the media and industry analysts optimistic about the upcoming quarterly financial reports of Yahoo, Cisco, Amazon and other companies, the stock prices of several new technology companies in the Firefly system have even stopped falling. .

So until the 12th of August, Thursday.

After four days of gatherings, the companies under the Firefly System finally broke the first real good news.

At 9 o'clock in New York local time, just after work time, Amazon suddenly announced that Firefly Investment will once again provide Amazon with $2.5 billion in convertible bond financing with an annual interest rate of only 2.5% for Amazon's online store and logistics system. Further expansion.

Convertible bonds mean that a firefly investment can choose to convert the bond into Amazon's stock at any time within a certain period of time.

With the Nasdaq crashing, the least of the entire firefly system is Amazon.

Compared to Yahoo, which has a market share of more than 70%, or Cisco, which has already formed a stable profit, and even Qualcomm, which is destined to shine in the 3G era of mobile communications, Amazon has no obvious advantages in all aspects.

As a result, since the crash, Amazon’s share price has fallen more than 67%, and the market value has slipped from $35.7 billion in the peak period to $11.7 billion at the close of last week. Many analysts on Wall Street believe that the final decline in Amazon’s share price may reach 90%. %.

Moreover, due to the aggressive expansion strategy of Jeff Bezos, Amazon's cash flow is on the verge of exhaustion, and some media even believe that the firefly system is likely to completely abandon Amazon in the near future.

In this one-sided situation, the firefly investment suddenly announced that it would once again invest 500 million U.S. dollars in Amazon, which is enough to overthrow many pessimistic arguments in the industry.

Even if it is still not optimistic about the development prospects of Amazon, but in the case of the capital-rich firefly system not only did not give up but increased support, the industry has been forced to adjust the expectations of Amazon.

Stimulated by this good news, the Nasdaq stock market just opened on Thursday, the Amazon stock price that had already smashed the market value of tens of billions of dollars directly rebounded by 5.6%, and the stock price rose by 11.3%.

When the entire new technology market is closely watching the core high-level gatherings of the firefly system will bring good news to the Nasdaq market, on Friday, another announcement that suddenly made countless people unresponsive.

However, this time it has nothing to do with the firefly system, at least no one on the surface can find any of these connections.

On the afternoon of August 13, an hour before the Nasdaq closed, the US Department of Justice held a press conference.

Justice Minister Janet Reynolds announced that President Clinton personally issued an order to revoke Thomas Jackson’s Microsoft antitrust case trial judge in view of the federal judge Thomas Jackson’s violation of the judicial process and the release of Microsoft’s antitrust monopoly.

At the same time, considering the positive cooperation attitude of Microsoft in the anti-monopoly investigation stage, the Federal Ministry of Justice decided to temporarily suspend the investigation of Microsoft's anti-monopoly behavior and restart the negotiations with Microsoft.

In recent years, Microsoft has been shrouded in the haze of being forced to split.

It is foreseeable that once the Windows operating system platform is stripped from the company alone, Microsoft's advantages in software applications, network services, and enterprise services will disappear.

Now, the Justice Department suddenly stopped the anti-monopoly investigation that Microsoft has carried out to the final stage, and restarted the settlement negotiations, which is equivalent to directly giving up the decision to split Microsoft.

After all, the anti-monopoly investigation against Microsoft has been on and off for more than four years since 1995. As a government department, once you give up this protracted investigation, it is definitely not easy to restart in the future. Things.

Although many people realize that the Justice Department has made such a compromise, it is likely to avoid further stimulating the Nasdaq stock market that continues to plummet, but this strong positive news still has an immediate effect.

Just after the press conference ended, Nasdaq’s late index jumped out of a clear upward trend. In just half an hour, the Nasdaq index rose by 39 points.

The capital market realized that two consecutive days of two-in-one booster finally stabilized the Nasdaq index, which has continued to plummet for nearly a month, and the panic of the new technology market has subsided, and the Nasdaq index will gradually stabilize.

However, this reversal situation is far from over.

On the following weekend, a series of good news from the firefly system was announced, which made many Wall Street investment institutions cry. Everyone realizes that with the release of this series of good news, the Nasdaq index is likely to enter a period of rebound.

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