I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1170: Inexplicable resentment

After Ian Gurney left, Eric did not invite others to Tasmania, but enjoyed the last vacation with the women and children.

Vignia also expressed doubts about Eric's move to acquire land on Tasmania, but Eric did not express to them some horrific views.

Moreover, from the bottom of my heart, Eric himself also hopes to have a piece of land that belongs to him completely, riding a horse and a whip and pumping it down to the end. It is best to stay away from the dust, not easily disturbed by outsiders, and no wolves.

Thus, the island of Tasmania, located in the south of the world, is a perfect fit.

Time has come to the end of August without knowing it.

The summer vacation in the northern hemisphere is coming to an end, and after more than a week in Tasmania, Eric flew back to the United States with his family.

On the New York side, the Nasdaq index, which was spurred by the good news of new technology companies such as Yahoo and Microsoft, began to rebound after the opening on Monday, August 16.

In order to create opportunities for the technology stocks in the hands of the previous period, many financial institutions have also begun to express various confusing market statements, decoying the public investors to renew confidence in the new technology market.

From August 16 to August 20, the Nasdaq rose from the low of 2,863 points last week to 3,319 points, with an overall increase of 15.9%. The share prices of new technology companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Cisco, and Amazon have also rebounded sharply after the deep decline in the previous period.

However, things have evolved to the present, as long as a somewhat sensible investor understands that the current situation of the Nasdaq index is completely a return to light.

Even though Microsoft has escaped the split of the Federal Ministry of Justice, companies such as Yahoo, Cisco, and Amazon have strong support from the Firefly system, but most of the new technology companies on the Nasdaq stock market do not have the luck and strength of those companies.

In the past two months, even after some careful whitewashing, most of the new technology companies' quarterly financial reports are far from being comparable to companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo.

After a thrilling crash, major financing and venture capital institutions will never inject generously into the new technology industry as they did a few months ago.

It is conceivable that in the coming months, once the capital chains of these new technology companies are exhausted, the collapse of the predictions of Barron's Weekly will come. By then, the Nasdaq index will fall to the end, and there will be no possibility of a rebound in a few years.

Long Island Airport.

The time is already August 26, and the east coast is just the evening.

After the Boeing 747 stopped on the runway, looking through the porthole, the Joanna’s face showed a clear embarrassment.

Because of the incident in May, women still have some concerns about the outside world.

In the arms of Eric, holding her koala bear, she was sleeping on her sleeping Emma. She reached for Joanna’s shoulder and patted it. “Nothing, no one is not so ignorant now. If it’s not true. You and Vicki took the children to other places."

One of the little guys who came hand-in-hand with Verginia came over and heard Eric’s words, and he also comforted a few words.

The hatch door opened, and the golden sunset light couldn’t wait to come in, with the heat of the summer evening.

Other people, such as Shantou, have already returned in advance. This time only Eric and two women and three little guys are back.

Everyone got off the plane together and after a busy time, returned to the Linhai Manor in East Hampton.

Nothing happened along the way, no reporters, no onlookers, East Hampton in the summer as quiet and usual as usual, the two women also let go of their hearts.

After leaving for more than two weeks, a lot of things need to be dealt with by Eric. He needs to go to Manhattan tonight to attend a reception hosted by Daowei Global Fund President David West. The Firefly Group has announced this year's non-profit plan, and although Carson Berg sings a red face, Eric can't be completely out of the picture.

Helping the women and the children settle down, Eric rushed to the Long Island Airport by car, where he would fly to Manhattan by helicopter.

Coming to Manhattan, the business reception at the Gramercy Hotel on Lexington Avenue has begun.

In the banquet hall, David West, the president of State Street Global Fund, was listening to a young man in his thirties, and his assistant whispered a few words, David West. I immediately interrupted the words of the youth: "Philippe, I need to meet a guest. We still have to take time to talk about your family."

The young man still wants to say something more, and David West has already waved his hand and walked outside the door.

Just out of the hall, David West changed his smile, and there was no impatientness in his tone. Eric, who was on the way, said hello: "Hey, Eric, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been? kind?"

Eric and David West, who had spread their hands, hugged a little and said, "Not bad, what about you?"

David West and Eric loosened and said, "It’s terrible."

Even so, the smile on David West's face has not changed.

The two laughed and walked side by side into the banquet hall. The young man who had just talked to David West greeted him again: "Mr. West, I, you..."

What the youth had to say, to see Eric, who was walking with David West, suddenly had some words of words.

Despite his disappointment, David West stopped and politely introduced: "Eric, this is Philip Scott, the owner of Scott Gas Company, Pennsylvania, Milos Scott. Son, very good young man."

When I heard the name of Scott Gas Company, the smile on Eric's face could not help but become interesting.

The eavesdropping incident a few months ago, Eric caught the handle of the Tiger Fund afterwards, an overseas fund controlled by Scott Gas.

However, after Soros took over some information and warned Julian Robertson, the whole thing would be gone. Because the tiger fund has entered the liquidation process because of the huge losses in the bursting process of the new technology bubble, Eric is even more lazy to pursue anything.

Looking at the young people in front of me a little, Eric said: "Scott Gas Company, I know this."

After saying this, seeing the other party seems to have not responded, Eric will go straight to the hall.

David West was a little surprised by Eric’s words, walking alongside Eric and greeted other guests, explaining: “The situation of Scott Gas is not so good now, Eric Are you associated with this company?"

“No,” Eric took a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray and asked casually: “What happened to them?”

"You know about the Tiger Fund that is being liquidated. The Scott family is an important customer of the Tiger Fund. The liquidation of the Tiger Fund has caused them to lose a lot of money. However, more than that, in the process of the Nasdaq’s skyrocketing in the past few months, In order to follow the trend to buy technology stocks, the Scott family made a mortgage to the State Street Bank with a share of the Scott Gas Company, and now all lost. I was in a few business with Milos Co. There have been some friendships, and the young man has come over and hopes that I can help delay the loan repayment time," David West said as he couldn’t help but shook his head. "This kind of thing, now everyone is a group." How can you help me?"

The relationship between State Street Bank and State Street Global is similar to that between JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley. However, State Street Global has just left the State Street Bank as a separate investment company a few years ago, and its relationship with State Street Bank is also better than The Morgan Stanley companies, which have long been split, are much closer.

Eric turned his head and looked at the direction. He found that the young man named Philip Scott was just looking at it. His expression was a bit sloppy. See Eric looking at himself, Philip Scott. Quickly, if you have nothing to do, you will look away.

Casually regaining his gaze, Eric listened to David West's last complaint in his tone, and did not bend around. "David, about dividends, this year is definitely impossible, and fireflies are planning the next step." The expansion is very much in need of money. However, it is not completely unacceptable. If the shares of State Street Global will be sold back to the Firefly Group, we can immediately settle this year's dividend."

"Eric, you are really giving me a problem."

Although it is a non-listed company, the Firefly Group has achieved excellent results in both the expansion of the company itself and the annual profit situation in recent years. Eric has always had the idea of ​​buying back shares, and the minority shareholders who hold the shares of the Firefly Group have not lost anything in the past few years.

"Let's think about it, David, you can also pass on what I mean to others. The Firefly Group can buy back shares at a price-to-earnings ratio of 25 times and settle the dividend this year."

According to the firefly group's operating profit scale this year, 25 times the price-earnings ratio, the market value is roughly equivalent to 100 billion US dollars. After the dot-com bubble burst, the AOL-Time Warner Group, which had just merged a few months ago, has a market capitalization of only more than $160 billion. Therefore, Eric’s price is slightly lower than that of Forbes and other media on the Firefly Group. Valuation, but it is also sincere.

State Street Global has also suffered heavy losses in the past Nasdaq crash. As an investment fund for agent financing, State Street Global will not face the dilemma of the Scott family, but if you want to make this year's financial report not So ugly, continue to maintain the confidence of investors, the huge dividends of the Firefly Group or the Shamrock Fund is crucial.

So far, outside Eric, the other shareholders of the Firefly Group have held a total of 26.3%.

Among them, Berkshire Hathaway and Tom Murphy have the highest shareholdings, respectively 5%.

As a listed company, ABC Group used to have a large number of minority shareholders. The original shareholding of State Street Global was far from being comparable to Berkshire Hathaway and Tom Moore.

However, because the US Federal Trade Commission has more than 99 non-listed company partners, it must disclose public information. In the process of merger, in order to avoid this heavy restriction, many small shareholders who want to keep the stocks will concentrate the shares held by them, and several foundations such as State Street Global will hold the shares. Such a foundation is for the Firefly Group. It is only equivalent to a partner.

Therefore, in addition to Berkshire Hathaway and Tom Murphy, currently seven other foundations such as State Street Global hold a 14% stake in the Firefly Group, of which State Street Global shares are 3.3%. Second only to Berkshire Hathaway and Tom Murphy.

According to the firefly group's overall net profit of 40 billion US dollars this year, the implementation of dividends, State Street Global can get more than 1.3 billion US dollars of profits, this money is equivalent to the total annual profit of State Street Global, if you can get it The financial situation of State Street’s original loss this year can be reversed immediately.

As a savvy investor, David West is definitely not lacking in the long-term vision. The firefly group's strength in Hollywood is completely obvious. The long-term holding of this company's stock is definitely worth the money.

However, as a professional manager, wanting to maintain his position and even further, David West also understands that he must often sacrifice long-term benefits. After all, ordinary investors often only see the immediate benefits. It is difficult to stand in the long run.

The balance of the heart is entangled, David West said again: "Eric, can you see this? Firefly Group performs dividends, even if it is only part of the dividend. In the next acquisition, the Daofu system can provide the Firefly Group. Low-interest debt financing equivalent to the amount of firefly dividends."

"Although I can perfuse you, David, but, frankly, still can't," Eric shook his head and said: "David, as one of the company's directors, you should know the next development plan of the Firefly Group. With the funds in hand, we can complete the next expansion without having to change stocks. At that time, the shares in everyone's hands will not be diluted, but they will increase their value immediately. Is this not good?"

"Of course I understand, Eric, but you know what we are doing now."

"The Nasdaq index has collapsed, and many people have lost money," Eric shared his hand. "So, the loss of State Street Global is taken for granted. This is because the overall economic situation is not good. No one can blame. What are you."

Realizing that Eric still had no room for change here, David West lamented, but did not entangle too much, and quickly relaxed his tone, said: "So, Eric, introduce some guests to you. Well, many people are coming tonight to meet you."

"This is my pleasure," Eric nodded with a smile and walked around the ballroom with David West.

Speaking of it, both State Street Bank and State Street Global Fund, whose headquarters are located in Boston, are at the heart of the Boston Consortium, one of the top ten consortia in the United States. The top ten consortiums in the United States control large and small companies through mainstream banks distributed throughout the United States, which in turn controls the US economy.

Although not willing to admit, there is still a long way to go before the firefly system supported by financial institutions.

After playing for more than ten o'clock, Eric finally left with David West.

Cindy completed the recording of the "American Supermodel Contest", and now it has begun to show its enthusiasm. At this time, it has moved to Martha's Vineyard in the northeast of Long Island, where it is intended to live until the child is born.

Eric sat in the car in the parking lot and called Giselle to make a phone call confirming that a few Nizi were in Manhattan, driving the driver to drive, and another silver car coming from the nearby parking space.

The driver had to stop temporarily and wait for the car to pass.

Eric put away his mobile phone and looked away at random, just to notice the young man named Philip Scott who looked through the falling window in the silver car. However, between the moments, Eric noticed that Philip Scott looked filled with resentment in his eyes.

Thinking of the reception, Philip Scott came over and tried to communicate with David West, but was opened by David West in a few words. Obviously, the purpose of the other party tonight is definitely not achieved.

However, depending on the situation, the other party will not rely on the loss tonight to yourself? Or, the other person thought that he had specially made a scorpion to the Scott family because of the original thing?

Thinking so casually, Eric did not have any special feelings.

Living in this world, people who can truly be slick are not there at all. When you have many friends, you will inevitably offend some people, even if you sometimes get offended.

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