I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 1182: This time

Both Christian Bell and Jim Caviezel are excellent actors who can fully integrate themselves into the characters, which is the root cause of Eric's fancy.

Eric does not want superhero actors to show too much of their own traits. If they can make the superhero characters they play to impress the audience, but at the same time let the audience remember their real names, then It is the best effect Eric wants.

However, both actors also have their own strengths and weaknesses.

For Jim Caviezel, in addition to the well-known "Suspect Trailer", Eric is most impressed with him as "The Passion of the Christ."

The former Passion of the Christ, with a production cost of $30 million, created a global box office with more than $600 million and a return on investment of 20 times. The audience remembered the box office miracle created by Mel Gibson, but few people noticed that the film's actor, named Jim Caviezel.

However, Jim Caviezel’s acting style is biased. This is no problem for Dr. Bruce Banner before the transformation, but for the Hulk after the transformation, but lacks some explosive power. Of course, if you choose Jim Caviezel to play Hulk, this can also be compensated by post-production. After all, Bruce Banner, who is transformed, must have been made through CG.

As for Christian Bale. As an actor from a child star, Bell is 25 years old this year, but in fact he has just broken through the Hollywood child star curse, and has not been so brilliant.

Of course, Eric is very aware of the potential of Bell. Bell will definitely not just be able to retract himself. The acting aspect can also perfectly express the two states before and after the change of Bruce Banner. His only shortcoming is that he is a little younger.

If it was just before the conversation, Eric might still have some tangles. The advantages of the two actors are very obvious, and the defects are not enough to affect their performance. Therefore, Eric appreciates both of them.

However, listening to Kasenberg's mention of Warner's side, Eric is making a decision quickly.

The pen was ticked on Christian Bell's profile, and Eric told several other people: "Let him, let the production department finalize the contract with Bell's agent as soon as possible."

After realizing Eric’s inclination, between Christian Bell and Jim Caviezel, several other people also thought about it. However, listening to Eric’s finale, everyone did not object, and they once again opened the information of Christian Bell.

Kasenberger was surprised. "I thought you would choose Jim Caviezel."

Eric smiled and said: "I think he is more suitable for another role."

Kasenberger blurted out: "Bruce Wayne."

Eric nodded.

Although the Bell version of Batman is also brilliant, Eric has just suddenly discovered that Jim Kavize's introverted performance style is obviously more suitable for starring Bruce Wayne, especially the nolan version of the melancholy, struggling bat. Man.

Of course, there is still no eyebrows about this matter. Eric did not talk much about it. He simply talked to you about some of the "Hulk" things, and everyone went off work.

The time is already at the end of September. After seven o'clock, the sky in Los Angeles will be dark.

Eric and Kasenberg did not rush home, but dine at the restaurant on the big ship, and talk about some companies.

"Hasbro has already noticed our intentions. Allen Hasenfeld has called in recent days. Although it is a listed company, the Hasenfeld family still controls 27% of Hasbro's shares, we think To successfully acquire Hasbro, it is still necessary to pass the Hasenfeld family."

In the restaurant, the two people ate very fast. After filling their stomachs, Kasenberger finally raised the topic of Hasbro.

Eric didn't let Amy put coffee on both of them. I felt the cool breeze blowing over the terrace. I signaled to Kasenberg, and they came to the restaurant's terrace. This terrace overlooks Marina del Rey, not far away, as well as the lower deck of the large ship, which has now been converted into an open-air cafe.

After several years of operation, the fans' enthusiasm for the Titanic has gradually cooled down, and this big ship model is also increasingly inclined to the catering business.

When MGM was still in the hands of casino tycoon Kekerian, many people always ridiculed Kokorian and gradually developed MGM into a hotel company.

But in fact, after the acquisition of Disney, the restaurant business is also a very important revenue of the Firefly Group, which is mainly owned by Disneyland hotels in the form of Disneyland hotels, which is larger than the former MGM hotel. The business is much larger and can generate billions of dollars in revenue for the Firefly Group every year.

Leaning on the railing, Eric looked at Marian Del Bay, not far away, and continued the topic: "What does the Hasenfeld family mean?"

Kasenberg said: "Alan Hasenfeld should understand that Hasbro is definitely not able to withstand our acquisition. So, they hope that after the acquisition, Hasbro can continue to maintain its current independent operation."

Eric immediately shook his head and said: "If this is the case, then what is the significance of our acquisition of Hasbro."

Kasenberg said: "I responded to him as well."

Eric thought for a moment and said: "This way, if they are willing to assist the fireflies to complete the acquisition, we can agree to Alan Hasenfeld's position as the CEO of Hasbro. In fact, let the Hasenfeld family continue to operate this company. A good choice. Of course, Hasbro’s operational strategy must also be adjusted to meet the overall interests of the Firefly Group.”

Simply put, Hasbro is a toy design and sales company with its own toy factory, which is similar to Hollywood film production and distribution companies.

The Firefly Group's existing toy peripheral business, in addition to the image licensing department, is mainly distributed in hundreds of Disney stores around the world, equivalent to the terminal cinema line company. Of course, the Firefly Group also has its own distribution network of peripheral products. After all, the company's large number of movie peripherals are not likely to be sold only in Disney stores, but also on the shelves of major department stores.

As for the design and production of toys, the Firefly Group is mostly entrusted to toy companies such as Hasbro or other toy foundries.

Therefore, after the acquisition of Hasbro, after a series of integration, the Firefly Group can have a complete toy design, production and sales industry chain, which will undoubtedly further explore the commercial potential of the surrounding products of the Firefly Group's outstanding films.

Of course, Eric’s acquisition of Hasbro naturally has another intent, which is the copyright of the Transformers series.

In a few years ago, after negotiations, Hasbro retained a 30% investment right in the "Transformers" series, which is why Eric did not want to win the "Transformers" movie copyright under other film companies. The expedient is not made, but considering the huge box office potential of the "Transformers" series of films, this 30% investment right must be recovered.

Listening to Eric’s words, Kasenberg agreed to nod and said: “In terms of price, Alan Hasenfeld’s offer is $3.5 billion, which is 60% higher than the current Hasbro’s market value. Time, Hasbro's market value is only about 2.2 billion US dollars, they obviously know that fireflies are not short of money now."

Eric smiled and said: "If this is the case, we don't need to agree to any of them."

The 60% premium is higher than the price of many hostile takeovers.

As a publicly traded company, even though the Hasenfeld family still controls the control of Hasbro, according to market rules, the Firefly Group has proposed a hostile takeover, and the Hasenfeld family is completely unstoppable as long as the price is right.

After all, although the name ‘hostile takeover’ always sounds a bit sinister, in reality, company shareholders can get more out of this acquisition.

"So, $3.5 billion is definitely not possible," Kasenberg said. "The final transaction price can certainly be controlled within $3 billion. The key now is that we must complete the acquisition before the end of the year, so It can save the company a tax in disguise."

"You look at the operation. In fact, sometimes, I don't agree that the company should adjust its own business strategy in order to avoid taxation. Fireflies should maximize their profits based on tax rules."

"But this is definitely very appropriate. The expenditure of about $3 billion, according to the calculations of the finance department, can save the company at least $500 million to $600 million in taxes. We have no reason not to save the money."

The two chatted like this, and Eric looked at the lights on the side of Marianne's Bay for a while, turned around and looked at the open-air cafe on the splint, and was suddenly attracted by a figure.

Kasenberg noticed the change in Eric's expression, looked down at him, smiled and said: "Or, Eric, that's it today, I think I should go back."

The matter was almost the same, Eric did not retain, said: "I will send you down."

The two left the small restaurant on the top floor and went to the lobby on the first floor of the splint. Bye bye, Kasenberger waved at Eric and walked up the stairs to the studio. His car was still there.

It was the time of dinner. With the reputation of recent years, the restaurants on the big ships usually need to reserve seats one week in advance. Therefore, at this time, the hall is full of people.

Seeing that Eric appeared alone, some of the guests who were eating were obviously a little bit eager to move, but they all kept their shackles and didn't get together.

Speaking of it, many guests who come to the big boat restaurant often have the opportunity to meet with the big guys in the firefly system. They will also want to meet some Hollywood stars.

Eric did not meet the diners' expectations and sat down in the hall. Instead, he walked straight to the outer deck and quickly found a seat that he had just seen.

There is a man and a woman sitting at this round table in the corner. Eric is naturally not interested in the Latino middle-aged man with a slightly darker skin. He just looks at the woman’s still habitual straight back and tailored blouse. And the dark blue jeans allow her to feel the unusually tall figure even if she is sitting.

The middle-aged man sitting on the side of the hall just noticed Eric’s figure, and when Eric approached, he confirmed that the Hollywood tycoon was really on his side and finally reacted. He quickly stood up respectfully. .

The woman who was talking to the middle-aged man realized what, and curiously turned around, and saw Eric’s moment, with a little joy in his eyes, and then flashed the resentment, but then he was replaced by coldness.

Eric ignored the middle-aged man who got up, with a smile on his face, and carefully looked at Catherine Bigelow's seemingly completely resisting the delicate face of time erosion.

After the "Red Alert", the number of meetings between the two has been very few in recent years. Eric doesn't know if Catherine is deliberately hiding herself. She just heard that she went back to San Francisco for a long time, even in the past few years. I didn't make any more films, but I worked as a producer in some independent movies.

Eric’s own work has become more and more busy, and unconsciously, the relationship that was close to Australia in the beginning has gradually become alienated.


Just looking at it for a moment, Catherine finally reacted, but only spit out a word.

Eric walked over and pulled a chair down at the round table and said, "What are you talking about?"

Catherine saw that Eric sat down without permission, and her face was dissatisfied, but she couldn’t help but think that this little man was still so rogue. However, I felt that my thoughts seemed to be too embarrassing. The woman quickly took a sip of the coffee in front of her, but did not answer Eric’s meaning.

The middle-aged man, sitting down in Eric, also sat down carefully and reached out to Eric: "Hello, Mr. Williams, I am Braulio Mantovani, from Brazil, I am talking to Ms. Bigelow about a script."

"Oh," Eric nodded politely, shook hands with the other, turned to the woman, and smiled. "So, are you finally planning to shoot a new movie?"

I really want to respond to this sentence, but I feel that it is too impolite, even like a little girl and ... gas, so I just nodded: "Well."

Eric did not feel the coldness of the woman, saying: "What script, tell me, everyone is still looking forward to your new movie."

Catherine still held the coffee cup in her hand. Seeing Eric chasing him, he lifted his chin and said, "Let Blau say it to you."

Blaulio Mantovani realized what he was at this time. He wanted to leave immediately. However, listening to Catherine, Eric Williams turned his face curiously, he could only harden. Scalp: "Mr. Williams, this is a novel adaptation of the film, called "The City of God", telling the story of a group of children in Rio de Janeiro growing up in harsh environments such as violence and drugs. I hope this film will make the world pay attention to it. The impact of the harsh living environment in the Rio slums on young people. Oh, yes, I have a novel original here, maybe, um, the translation is not very good, if you are interested, you can check it out."

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