I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 125: Party

Patiently waiting for Gina Davis to express her exclaimed excitement, Eric walked down the stage with her partner and returned to her seat.

The next is a long three-hour run-up time. The nomination for the best soundtrack in "The Little Ghost" is completely negligible. Eric just laughed over and over again with the jokes on the stage.

As a young man who has made great achievements in Hollywood for half a year, Eric has suffered from all kinds of ridicules of the guests on the stage more than once, so the camera lens often sweeps onto him, and from time to time he will come to a close-up. In this case, Eric has no chance to go to God. But Eric didn't feel how boring, but instead compared the difference between Oscar and the present ten years later.

A few hours later, Eric’s biggest feeling was that the Oscars of this era had not yet embarked on a more extreme art line. Most of the winning works such as Rain Man, Working Girl, and Beetle Juice were partial. Commercial film. After more than a decade, Oscar has almost become the stage of politically correct main melody films and extreme niche films. As long as the actors are eager to go through the awards, they will either play great people or play patients.

After more than two hours of this, most of the major awards have been awarded. After the best photography awards, the best animated short film award was finally ushered in. Everyone knows that this award is followed by the best actor in the heavyweight category, so they are looking forward to the best short film award.

Perhaps I also felt the expectation of the guests. The award-winning guest of the "Star Wars" series, Kelly Fisher, just gave a brief introduction and opened the envelope. "The winner of the best animated short film in Oscar is - — "Tie Iron Soldiers," John Russett."

In the applause, Virginia once again glanced at Eric and got a look of encouragement before he got up and walked on the stage.

Kelly Fisher's list of winners is clearly male, but it is a **** beauty wearing a blue-breasted tube top dress, and the audience in front of the TV can't question.

"who is this?"

"Beautiful beauty!"

"There is a woman named John, so weird!"

The organizer was obviously premeditated. After Virginia was on the stage, the camera position was directly transferred to Eric's front and gave him a big close-up. Eric secretly whispered, but in desperation, he could only sit in danger, not Look at the front with any expression, as if you don't know that there is a camera to give him a close-up.

However, the disguise of this kind of thing did not have much effect, and the surrounding guests, after Virginia took the stage, looked at Eric with a playful smile, which made him even more inseparable. .

The viewer who was slightly concerned about the news in front of the TV soon remembered the identity of Virginia, who is said to be the heroine of a movie that Eric personally wrote.

In the Manhattan apartment in New York, Aniston is on the sofa, holding a furry bear, staring at the TV screen all night, hoping to see her boyfriend again, and even expecting the awarding guests to ridicule him. A few words, but every time I see Eric, I will involuntarily distract my attention to Virginia, sitting next to Eric, and the furry bear in her hand will be stunned.

And seeing the scene where Virginia was on the stage to receive the award, Xiao Yan Niu couldn’t help it anymore. He whispered a blue pool and licked it with a small mouth, as if tearing a certain boyfriend’s woman. Hair, while at the same time, the poor fluffy bear in his arms lost another mane.

"No, I will go back tomorrow," Aniston vented, and then did not pay attention to the interest of the next award. He rushed into the bedroom and began to pack up his luggage. He also remembered the words his father had persuaded himself. If you really care about this feeling, it is best to stay by his side. There is no sincere feeling that can withstand the distance. And if you feel that you can't keep it, give up early, so as not to bring more pain.

"I don't want to give up, why should I give up for those little Bichi!" The mouth kept whispering, and the little girl carefully packed up a lot of clothes, and finally the Eric home. The key was found out, stuffed into the bag, and picked up the phone to dial the airline's booking phone.

Almost as soon as Virginia was on the podium, Jennifer Connelly saw it through cable TV in a hotel in Rome, Italy.

After the girl refused Eric that night, she had to return to Europe again and took the initiative to make up some shots of "The Death of the Swan". As the agent said, she just gave up an important opportunity, so she could not Breaking the connection between Europe, it was at the age of thirteen that she appeared in the "American Past" of the famous Italian director Sergio Leone, and she was recognized by the Italian film circle. Now she only has this. A useful line of people.

Connery also sensitively noticed that her agent was a lot colder to her. During this time, Rest shifted more energy to other artists and less and less attention to himself. Even this Rome, the other party did not come along.

For his own decision in the past few days, Connery will accumulate a layer of remorse every time he thinks about it. After the appearance of Eric’s close-up shot in the TV set, Connery couldn’t help but take the lady’s handbag next to him and pulled out the newsletter. He once again looked at the string that was already deeply imprinted in his mind. number.

"Is it useful to call him now?" Connelly looked at the communication in his hand and said to himself without confidence.

Although far away from Rome, Connery learned from the sporadic news in the newspaper that the role of "Dark War" has been completely confirmed. Although the list of other actors has not been exposed except for the two male protagonists, she knows that it is definitely No one has it. Now calling again, Eric can't change someone else to play. Connery thinks Eric is not the boss of the movie giant. The film project is limited, and it is impossible to have a role that suits him at any time. She won't get any benefit from making this call.

Being able to get on the Oscar podium to reveal her face, Virginia was already satisfied, the girl did not make any unexpected moves, took over the little gold man in a proper manner, and took out a copy of Eric to her. After the award-winning speech was finished, the award-winning guests went to the background.

The best actor was undoubtedly picked up by Dustin Hoffman, who has a wonderful performance in Rain Man, followed by two technical awards. When the best director is about to be released, Virginia will take it. The little golden man returned to his seat, the flattering face of the red, and the mature charm of the body, which attracted a few men around him could not help but turn his eyes to the girl, while secretly envious of Eric's beauty.

Although it is not the time to speak, Virginia is still looking at Eric with affection, and gratitude is beyond words.

After Rain Man won the best film without any surprise, the three-hour award ceremony finally came to an end, followed by party time. The famous Oscar Vanity Fair party will only appear a few years later, but it does not mean that the stars have returned to each other after the Oscars ended. There are so many celebration parties, and most of the guests can find a place if they wish.

There is no award for "Little Ghosts". Of course, there will be no celebration party. After the exit, the Langkel couple who are keen on this circle want to go to some parties with Xiao Si Tu, but the little guy is sitting in the awards hall. Three hours, now tired and sleepy (of course, it may be loaded), the Langkel couple can only go home with their son in disappointment.

Because there were more people, Virginia did not hold Eric, and when Eric kept saying hello to the acquaintances around him, he asked him by his side: "Eric, where are we going next?" ?"

Eric took Vigny’s little goldman in his hands and played it. He said, "You said, I just received invitations from several parties, "Rain Man" crew, "Working Girl" The crew, as well as Warner and Disney, they held, oh, before Amy said that Colombia would also host a party."

Virginia thought about it and was not sure: "Or, "Rain Man"?"

Eric made a snap: "I think so too. The "Rain Man" celebration party at the Sunset Tower Hotel in Beverly Hills, do not have to run away like Hilton when attending the party."

After making the decision, the two found Kapoor Sid and drove to the Sunset Tower Hotel.

As the big winner of this Oscar, the celebration of the "Rain Man" crew is undoubtedly the grandest grand event. Eric's arrival has also been received by Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman and a group of directors. The producer is welcome.

After a round trip in the crowd, chatting with people who knew or didn't know, Cruise suddenly took Eric Kara to the side, and again to Virginia, who has been holding Eric's arm: "Madson Miss, I want to talk to Eric alone."

After entering the party for so long, Virginia was always tired of Eric. The bottom of her heart was actually a little thoughtful. She herself hooked up Eric at the party and certainly didn't want other women to do the same. Now, Cruz personally spoke. Although Virginia was dissatisfied, she could only nod and leave.

"Eric, about "The Dark War," I have a new idea. You see, can we shoot this way..." Cruise rushed away from Virginia without any pressure and began to Eric talks about his new ideas about the Dark War plot.

Eric listened carefully to Cruise's long story, patiently waiting for the other party to finish, only to get free to summarize all the views of Cruise, summed up a sentence: add drama!

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