I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 129: hurt

Shantou Xing hurried back to the restaurant to grab a piece of bread and prepare to watch the show while eating breakfast. After considering it, I chose a safer location - the entrance to the restaurant.

In less than a minute, as Drew’s neck stretched out, there were a few quick arguments upstairs.

"Eric Williams, I won't forgive you anymore, you bastard, big bastard!"

In this voice, Aniston slammed down the stairs and slammed down the second floor, glanced at the lively Drew and pulled the suitcase away.

"Jane, you wait for me, don't be impulsive."

Eric’s voice sounded, and then the figure wearing only one pair of trousers appeared on the corner of the V-shaped staircase. When Aniston pulled up the suitcase, he would leave again. Eric did not pay attention to his feet. When I stepped on the air, I rolled off the stairs with a few clicks.

"Wow," Drew said, long and big, and seeing Eric rolling down the stairs, not too worried, but some gloating, because the stairs are less than two meters high.

And Aniston saw this scene, and he also sighed with relief.

Unfortunately, things seemed to be somewhat unexpected. Eric rolled down the stairs and fell down on the ground directly. Then, on the forehead, blood began to flow, and the whole person did not move.

The atmosphere stagnated, and a bang, the porcelain bowl containing the porridge fell to the ground and shattered, and the **** rushed up in horror.

"Eric, you're okay, hello, you talk, you... don't scare me!" Drew slammed into Eric, shouting Eric's name and wiping the blood on his forehead. However, it was found that the more the blood was rubbed, the redness of the cuffs of the pajamas was directly dyed. After careful examination, it was found that there was a wound of about one centimeter on the forehead, and blood was pouring from the wound, and Eric The whole person has already fainted.

Aniston had an angry temptation to leave, saw the scene, hesitated or put down the suitcase and walked up. Bypassing Drew’s body and seeing the blood that Eric’s forehead overflowed, he panicked.

"How... how could this be?"

Shantou had some troubles to hold Eric’s head in his arms, and he kept the wound on Eric's forehead in a strange way. The pajamas in front of him were covered with a large piece of blood. The eyes were red like a bunny and looked up. Rush Aniston said: "Bichi, call the ambulance. If Eric has something, I killed you, I swear!"

Aniston was scared of a cold war by the threat of Druches, rushing to the telephone and shouting 911. At this time, Virginia, who was dressed in grass and grass, also went downstairs to see the scene, and quickly rushed over.

"Drew, let me come, I am coming."

"Roll, get out, you guys, I’m blaming you, or Eric will not be hurt, you guys, Bichi..."

Although insulted by Drew, Virginia is not a taste, but she is a mature woman, knowing that now is not the time to care about this: "Drew, this is not easy to stop the blood, there is a first aid kit Would you tell me where the first aid kit is?"

"Eric bedroom, closet," Drew said without hesitation, and Virginia quickly got up and ran upstairs.

"It seems... I should put him flat on the ground..." Aniston, who had finished the call, came over again and saw Drew sitting on the floor and holding Eric in his arms. He couldn’t help himself. Some plausible medical common sense is known.

Drew coldly glared at Aniston, carefully pressing the wound on Eric's forehead, placing Eric on the floor, thinking about taking off his own cartoon slippers pad at Eric. Back brain.

Aniston looked at Drew's appearance, and she was a little bit sour in her heart. She is Eric's true girlfriend. Why does this scene look like the third person? And looking at Drew's maddening female leopard, Aniston was instinctively a bit worried, and seemed to be a little closer, and she would be swallowed up by a beast.

Vignia quickly returned with a first aid kit: "Drew, let me come, I have learned some first aid."

Drew silently retired. Watching that Virginia was skillfully wrapping the wounds for Eric to stop bleeding, he just let go of his heart and glanced at Aniston standing next to him: "You don't want to go, Now you can roll, don't come to Eric in the future."

"I..." Aniston finally got angry: "I am Eric's girlfriend. Why do you order me! You are just a pet he has!"

Drew’s mouth sneered a sneer: “What about pets, at least not like your stubborn and stupid woman, all day knowing to play some self-righteous temper in front of him.”

"You are an idiot," Aniston retorted madly and pointed to Virginia. "I am his girlfriend, is he... he shouldn't I be angry?"

"He is such a good man, what happened to a few women?"

"You..." Aniston was dumbfounded by Drew's powerful logic.

Vegniya carefully wrapped the wound on his forehead for Eric, and felt the heartbeat of Eric's chest, only to let go of his heart. Listening to the quarrel between the two girls and the three unclear logic, the distress is about to stop, the doorbell rang.

"The ambulance is coming," Aniston said softly, and Drew immediately forgot the quarrel and rushed out to open the door.

Vegniya didn't get up and go to the upstairs until the ambulance drove to the door of the villa. She didn't want outsiders to find out that she was here. After all, she and Eric didn't have a light relationship. Aniston saw Virginia's move and subconsciously wanted to hide upstairs, but glimpsed Drew waving his small hand to the medical staff who came over to explain the figure eagerly and stopped.

The medical staff re-implemented Eric for a simple treatment, and then Eric, who was still in a coma, was taken to the ambulance. Aniston saw Drew follow the car and couldn't help but get together. The ambulance departed from Eric’s mansion and whistled all the way to the nearest hospital.

A paparazzi who was at the door of Eric’s house saw this scene as crazy. He felt keenly that something was going on, and he started the car directly.

In less than an hour, the news that Eric was injured and stunned into the hospital was spread across the news media in Los Angeles.

"This news, this morning, young director Eric Williams accidentally fell from the stairs and is still unconscious. This is a live report from the reporter at the Cormi Surgical Hospital in Beverly Hills," TV The screen was switched to the exterior lens. In front of a hospital, there were forty or fifty reporters in various media. The bustling hospital was almost completely blocked, and Al Pacino was wearing sunglasses. The face walked down the business car seriously and was quickly surrounded by a large group of reporters.

A young blonde female reporter stood in front of the camera and said with a microphone: "Eric has been in a coma for three hours now. According to the information revealed, Eric Williams has a back and hands. Elbows and knees have different degrees of contusion, but the most serious is the sharp impact on the head, and lead to a lot of blood loss. It is not certain whether this injury will lead to more serious consequences. It is well known that brain trauma is One of the most difficult to estimate the consequences of a damage."

Inside the hospital, Jeffrey and Kapoor were the first to come, followed by Al Pacino, Tom Hanks and other actors closely related to Eric, "The Sound of the Isles" and "Scent of Knowledge" The two directors of the woman also rushed over. Eric was sent to the ward after a series of inspections, and everyone gathered in the office to listen to the analysis of the condition of Eric’s attending physician.

"The results of CT and MRI showed that there was no symptom of skull fracture and internal bleeding in Mr. Williams' head, so there is no need to worry too much at the moment."

"Dr. Duncan, when can he wake up?" Drew, who stood at the front of the crowd, asked eagerly.

Dr. Duncan hesitated, saying: "You should wake up within eight hours."

"Why should it be, doctor, can't you be sure?"

Dr. Duncan was a bit of a point.

"How can this be, you are a doctor, how can you be sure, are you not the best doctor here?" Drew was almost excited to rush, but was caught by Jeffrey: "Drew, don't give a gift."

Dr. Duncan looked at Drew’s one foot, and his pajamas were covered with bloodstained wolverines. They didn’t mind the rudeness of the girl’s head. Instead, he patiently explained: “Miss Barrymore, Mr. Williams. Injury, according to past experience, I should have woken up now, but he did not wake up according to common sense, so I can not give you an accurate answer, but also need to observe and wait patiently."

Drew sullenly waved his hand: "No, I want to transfer, I am going to the best hospital in Los Angeles, I..."

Jeffrey whispered to Drew's shoulder: "Drew, don't make trouble, it's already the best brain hospital in Los Angeles."

Dr. Duncan said again: "Perhaps, this time you can try to speak in the patient's ear, perhaps to awaken."

After Drew heard the suggestion, he immediately turned and ran to the Eric ward. When the figure disappeared, Jeffrey asked: "Doctor, is this method really useful?"

Dr. Duncan smiled bitterly: "I just want to find something for Barrymore. Her mood is too unstable and it is likely to collapse."

The scene was silent, no one said anything. A group of people left the office and came to the door of Eric's ward. They saw that Delu's nervousness in Erik's ear was murmuring. They didn't go together and could only stand outside the corridor.

A few passing by, watching the stars such as Al Pacino and Tom Hanks appear here, they are eager to go forward, but seeing the cold look of everyone, they are retreating with great interest.

The oldest Jeffrey finally said: "Would you like to go back first, it’s useless here, and I’m here with Kapoor."

After everyone heard it, they all left and left. Only Jeffrey and Kapoor were left, and Aniston was stubborn. She also wanted to get in front of Eric’s bed and saw Drew’s madness. And some fear.

After eight hours, Eric still didn't wake up. Even on this evening, Eric didn't wake up. Drew made another madness and sent a mad anger to Aniston. On the body, Xiao Yan Niu's neck was scratched by two blood marks before being opened by Jeffrey and Kapoor. Aniston also began to regret some of it, even when Drew rushed over and forgot to resist.

In the evening, many people finally couldn’t sit still. Fox’s Barry Diller and Colombia’s Amy Pascal appeared in the hospital in the night, and a large group of reporters still stuck in the hospital’s door were excited to surround again. The two interviewed, but were pushed away by the powerful bodyguards.

The two first visited Eric in the ward, and then, as usual, asked Eric's condition to the attending physician.

"Doctor, there is no possibility of vegetatives?" Barry Diller listened to Duncan's explanation and asked questions that most people would like to ask but would not dare to ask.

Duncan held the pen in his hand and slammed it twice. He said: "This chance is very small, but... it is not impossible."

Fortunately, Drew is still at the edge of Eric's bed. If I hear this sentence, I don't know what crazy it will be.

Jeffrey and others looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

The sorrows on Barry Diller and Amy Pascal were even heavier. They were not sad for Eric, but worried about Fox and Colombia. Both companies now have Eric’s movies. Contract, if Eric’s next movie project is aborted...

After an unsuccessful negotiation, an hour later, Barry Diller and Amy Pascal had to leave.

Perhaps everyone must be stunned by Eric. The next morning, at 4 o'clock in the morning, Eric, who was in a coma for nearly 19 hours, finally woke up. After the doctors had done the examination, Draira, who had red eyes and scattered red eyes, woke up with Eric’s big hand, and rubbed his face in the face for a while, and squatted and fell asleep on the bedside.

The restless Jeffrey and Kapoor were sitting on the edge of Eric's bed with relief. Seeing Drew's reaction, Kapoor stood up and said: "Eric, I am holding Drew and going to sleep in the next room? ”

"No, just here," Eric said, pulling the **** and laying it beside him. Just to Aniston, who stood with his hands at the door, said: "Jane, come over."

Aniston came across obediently: "Eric, since... since you woke up, I would go first."

Eric stretched out to Aniston: "Don't go, Jane."

Kapoor and Jeffrey stood up and walked out with great vigour: "Let's call to inform other people that you are awake, they are still worried about it now, and they will be relieved when they hear this news soon."

When the ward door closed, Aniston relaxed and sat down at Eric's bed.

Eric strangely touched two red marks on Aniston's neck: "This is..."

Aniston glanced at Drew, who was lying next to Eric, and his eyes looked complicated: "You mix... If you wake up, Drew will kill me."

"Oh, she won't." Eric moved with a big hand and touched Aniston's face.

"No, she will definitely," Aniston pulled Eric back: "I think... we are still breaking up, maybe... maybe Drew is better for you."

"I just treat Druid... as a sister."

Aniston didn't entangle the problem any more, but said: "But me... I can't stand your heart, Eric, when I saw your news in New York, I can pretend to comfort myself. It was all made up of gossip tabloids, but what I saw yesterday morning made me no longer able to lie to myself. It was all true. I really couldn’t stand it, so, you...you let me go, okay? ?"

Eric holds Aniston's little hand tightly: "Forget it, Jane, let's not talk about this issue. I recently planned to make a TV series. Do you want to play the heroine? I promise that this TV series will let You are more red than those movie stars."

Aniston slammed his little hand but couldn’t pull his hand back: "I don't..."

"I really can't think of someone more suitable than you, Jane, you don't want me to have another sea election, so there will be many girls around me, you know, my will is always weak."


"Okay, that's it."


Aniston was reluctant, but Eric was more energetic. He was responding to the sentence. Under Eric's hustle and bustle, Aniston agreed to it, and waited for it. Xiao Yan Niu found herself lying on the other side of Eric. She and Duru were all night and didn't sleep, so I quickly slept with Eric.

Although Eric has woke up, it may be that Eric wakes up too late and the newspapers have been printed.

Anyway, the next day, Eric’s long unconscious news appeared in the newspaper.

"Eric Williams was injured in an accident, and the "Dark War" shooting plan will be deducted. Colombia is afraid to lose heavyweight bargaining chips."

"According to internal news, Williams is unconscious for a long time, and there may be vegetative risks. Once this situation is realized, several movie contracts signed with Colombia and 20th Century Fox will be aborted, and the firefly with good momentum will be developed. It will also be uncertain."

There were a lot of news in the newspapers, but after the news that Eric Wake up was clarified by Fox TV, these sensational reports became a piece of paper. Although the morning and the opening of the market, both Columbia and Fox stocks briefly fell. But as the clarification of the news quickly stabilized.

At the same time, some people have set their sights on other aspects. The focus of this alternative approach has also attracted the attention of a large number of readers, such as the news in the Los Angeles Metropolis Daily: "As everyone knows, Eric Williams There are no relatives at present. Although the child star Drew Barrymore has a close relationship with Williams, the two people have no blood relationship and there is no legal connection. It is said that Eric Williams has not set any before. Wills, once Eric Williams has an accident, his huge assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars will not be inherited, or will face the possibility of being taken over by the federal government."

In the ward, although Eric felt that he had fully recovered, he had to stay in the hospital for a few days with the doctor's advice and the insistence of everyone.

Looking at the news in the Los Angeles Metropolis Daily, Eric smiled at the nearby Drew Road: "Maybe I really should make a will, gimmick, how much do you want?"

"Of course it's all mine," Drew boringly looked at a magazine and looked up at Eric. "You forgot what we were in "Returning to Seventeen"?"

"Amount... I thought you would say that I don't want a penny, as long as you are good, you want all my property, it really makes me sad."


When Eric was bored in the ward and wondered if he was making a will, the British paparazzi who were thousands of miles away discovered another thing. Eric’s public father was indeed dead, but His motherhood is a mystery. This discovery has made many paparazzi ecstatic. If you can find the whereabouts of Eric Williams' mother, it must be an explosive news.

As the birthplace of the paparazzi, the British paparazzi's deep digging was really good. Soon I found Eric's childhood residence in London, and then I visited the neighbors near Eric's house that year and they found out. Some clues.

"That is a very temperament woman..."

"Even when I go out, I always wear a veil. I have never seen her true face..."

"It is estimated that it is a rich lady, but after she gave birth, she disappeared. Ralph really took the dog..."

The British tabloids only found the news of these words, that is to say, no one remembers the appearance of Eric Williams’ mother, which makes the tabloids more effective. It is agreed that this may be a fairy tale that the princess fell in love with the groom. Although the ending is not good, he is single and has a good son.

These fabricated news quickly spread to the United States, and Eric did not accidentally see this, but he was relieved. I can't find the best. If there is a ‘mother’ who has never met, he really doesn't know what to do. It is best to keep this mystery forever.

After April Fool's Day, Eric went through the fine inspection again and left the hospital smoothly. This storm was completely over. The preparations for "The Dark War" have been fully prepared. In the remaining few days, Eric has already started to work with Cruise and Hanks, waiting for the official start of the film on April 5.

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