I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 159: Let me think about it

"Eric, you see, I guess right?" In the study, Drew, who was writing and drawing on a large executive chair, took a notebook full of advertising names and ran to Eric.

Eric looked away from the monitor, turned his head and shook his head. "No, what do you write? Do you want to participate in the lucky draw?"

"Can't you? That's 10,000 dollars," Drew took back his notebook, thought about it for a while with a pen, and turned his head and changed it: "What about this time?"

"Oh, it's not right," Eric looked at again, reluctantly groaning in the pile of documents on the front desk, finding a few sheets of paper and handing it to the girl: "Take it, don't bother me any more."

"I don't want it, I have to guess it all by my own strength," Drew glanced at and immediately refused. At the same time, the two calves pulled the floor and dragged the swivel chair a little further, as if they were close to the paper. Will tarnish their character.

Eric shrugged his eyes again to the text on the display, tapped the keyboard, and said: "Then you can't ask me this knowledgeable person, this is not your own strength."

"Of course, you are also a kind of my personal strength." Drew said this, and changed a few times, Eric could not help but directly pointed out the biggest mistake inside: "Hey, the TV drama lens is not counted Advertising, just replace it with a Canon camera."

"Wow, how can you do this, I want to guess a few more times!" The girl slammed his mouth and slammed on Eric, and then reluctantly changed the mistake that had not been discovered. She always felt that the lens of "Friends" should also be regarded as an implant advertisement. In fact, many people have the same idea.

Because "Friends" is also part of the hype, many fans, like Drew, naturally use "Friends" as an implant advertisement, and Colombia has not made a clear statement to let the public speculate.

Just after a while, a soft little body fell on Eric, and the two groups of soft meat on the back of the drum and the faint body of the girl made Eric feel a little worried.

"Drew, don't make trouble, let me leave the office chair without sitting. It's quite uncomfortable sitting on the stool." Eric shook his shoulders and wanted to get rid of the girl.

Drew was clutching Eric's neck like a candy candy: "Eric, I think of a good idea to make money."

"How have you been interested in making money suddenly?" Eric Carat slammed the girl over his arm.

"I am embarrassed," Drew followed Eric's big hand out of Eric's back, but turned to Eric's thigh and sat down without saying anything.

"Amount, what's the awkward thing," Eric gently licked the girl's waist and comforted him. He understood that Shantou was stimulated by the split of his two films, "The Little Devil" and "The Windy Beauty".

But the fact is not like Eric, who is bragging about the media, has already spent 200 million dollars in cash, although the share of "Little Ghosts" has already entered Eric’s account in early July, but repaid two of the bank’s 5000 After the tens of thousands of dollars in loans, Eric has only 20 million US dollars left. This money must be divided into the actors of "Little Ghosts". According to the contract signed at the beginning, only Stewart Langkel must first take 300. Ten thousand dollars, and for other actors can not be too embarrassing, and finally estimated that Eric is not much left.

And because of the proportion of 35% in North America and 10% in overseas, Eric will also get a share of up to 105 million. However, Colombia has settled the split in about a month. The promise of the Dark War movie project to Eric. But Eric and Fox don't have this kind of agreement, so everything has to follow the rules. With Eric's current strength, Fox has a bad relationship with Eric, although it will not be in arrears, but the money can be It’s not bad to settle in three months. Although “Fengyue” has been down for a month, Eric has not even got a share.

Right now, looking at the girl who seems to be a little unhappy in her arms, Eric didn't expect that the little girl who had never been heartless would have this kind of little emotion, and it felt like... very fresh.

Drew played with the pen in his hand and murmured: "That is more than 200 million. I don't know if I can earn 200 million in my life."

"Forget it, don't say this, don't you say that you have a good idea to make money? Let me help you with your advice."

Drew immediately started a little spirit and stretched his fingers and said: "This is the case. After Eric, the "Sofia talk show", not many viewers called to hope that the video tapes will be available for sale. I think This is a good opportunity. I heard that many video tapes can sell tens of millions of boxes now. Even if we can sell one million boxes, according to the price of 30 dollars, that is 30 million, we can make a lot of money by removing the cost. wrong?"

Eric did not rush to break the little girl’s dream of making a fortune, but asked: "Okay, then, I want to ask you, who is the earner?"

"Of course it is mine, but the video was taken hard by me," said Drew himself, who was a little embarrassed. He spit out his tongue: "I can’t give it to Colombia any more, you definitely won’t Is it right?"

"It doesn't work," Eric said. He felt a little uncomfortable. So he let go of the girl, kicked the stool aside, pulled the comfortable leather swivel chair and sat down, and then took the girl over and explained: " You forgot the most important point, the content of the videotape."

"Well?" Shantou blinked in confusion.

Eric seriously explained: "I don't want to talk about the contents of the videotape. You also took the big stars like Cruise and Hanks. There are also a lot of extras or crew members. People don't take a penny to appear. If you just collect it, or play it for publicity like a talk show, if you want to make a profit, you have to get everyone in the video. Agree, otherwise, I will wait for the prosecution in the future, even if I can earn 100 million, it is not enough. If you want to get the authorization of so many people, it is more complicated than shooting a big movie."

"Wow, it's so complicated, then forget it," Shantou lost his head and put his head on Eric's chest.

Eric patted the **** the back: "Okay, don't be depressed. It's mainly the matter of our men to make money. You just have to dress up and dress up. It's not too early, earlier. Going back to sleep, let me quietly write a script for a while."

"But I want to make money, summer vacation is still so long, very boring, Eric, how about let me pick up a movie? I always dare not dare to be stupid." Drew Eric was tired and greasy, and the small claws scratched Eric's chest.

"Okay, let me think about it, think about it..." Eric licked his temple and saw the script of "Sleepless in Seattle" on the table, suddenly remembering something.

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