I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 183: Replacement

After a short break, everyone cheered, because the screening of the second film is about to begin, although compared to the star-studded "Steel Magnolia" (four of the six heroines have already won the Oscars) ), the main lineup of "The Sound of the Isles" is not worth mentioning, but the name of Eric on the screenwriter column is enough. Before the "Little Ghosts" created the box office miracle, the main lineup was not worth mentioning.

After the title, Grace’s storytelling sounded against the background of the comics. Slowly, the sound disappeared, and a scene of horror and fullness appeared in the scribbled picture. The child’s shadow, the broken puppet of the neck...

On the big bed, Grace suddenly opened his eyes and tears, like a fish that was out of the water, and breathed a few times, his body trembled fiercely.

Everyone knows that the heroine has a nightmare. If it is smarter, it may be able to realize the beginning of the comic scene, which is the girl's dream.

In this edition, Virginia did not scream like the original Nicole Kidman, but the fear in the big eyes filled with tears is no better than Nicole Kidman. How weak is it, and this silent fear and despair, combined with the mottled scene in the dark bedroom, can make the audience feel the coolness of the back.

Here is the first change Eric made to the script, because in the memory of the past, Eric did not appreciate any other emotions except the scream of Nicole Kidman.

It’s not easy to shoot the camera. Virginia is really frightened. The fear in the eyes is not pretending. Because there are a bunch of animals like the beast, Xiaoqiang, and Liu Er. 'Tiger eyes. Although with the help of 'props', but Verkinia's performance in Eric seems to be a lot better than Nicole, and it is in response to that sentence, in Hollywood, no one can not be replaced, most What people lack is just an opportunity.

Unconsciously, everyone in the screening room was immersed in the strange behaviors of Grace, two children, and three servants. Except for Erik and other insiders, everyone was trying to guess what happened to the house. What, where are the strange voices and figures coming from?

If this is a ghost film, why did it start for so long, and there is no ghost shadow? Why did Grice’s husband suddenly come back and suddenly left?

Although the mystery has not been solved, the tense story has immersed even the representatives of the seven major companies in the film. As calm as Michael Eisner couldn't help but ask Eric's own doubts, but Eric laughed and refused to answer because he couldn't spoil.

It was not until more than eighty minutes later that the identity of the three servants, the "ghost", was revealed when a pair of children of Grace discovered the tombstone.

However, no one has a look of ignorance, but it has some doubts. Why are three ‘ghost servants’ appearing, and what are their purposes? From the previous words, people know that the three ghosts are not malicious to the Grace family.

The plot has finally gone to the high tide. When Grace opened the door to the living room, and another family and the appearance of the psychic old woman, they all solved all doubts.

"The suspense is repeated, it's beautiful, beautiful!" Seeing here, Michael Eisner couldn't help but give a rare admiration. The Paramount president Nader Tarn sitting on the other side of Eric is quietly clenching his fists. In my heart, I have a determination to win the distribution rights of this film. Several other executives who were unwilling or unable to win the distribution rights of the film all showed regret, and the most calm representative of Warner was not so calm.

The dense fog with the symbolic nature disappeared with all the truth.

The lights illuminate again, and the applause is much louder than the "Steel Magnolia" for a few minutes.

Jonathan Demi, who was sitting in the back row, saw this situation, and after a few strokes in his mouth, he finally failed to keep his grip. He opened his mouth and showed a white tooth with pleasure. He knew that he had succeeded.

Michael Madsen patted his sister's hand gently, his eyes full of congratulations.

The applause stopped, and everyone in the auditorium was led by the waiter and went down to the lower ballroom. Eric, who was at the forefront, was sandwiched between Michael Eisner and Nad Tarn. The Warner representative, who was not too hot, came over and greeted Eric again.

Representatives of Fox and MGM, who are destined to get the right to distribute, are behind them.

Elizabeth Murdoch came to Calta and whispered, "Karl, why don't you go forward and fight for it?"

Calta shook his head slightly and whispered to Elizabeth: "It doesn't work, Eric's next two movies are already owned by Fox, and they won't give us the right to distribute."

Elizabeth thought about it and said: "Why can't it be like this? At the end of the year, what we value most is Eric's sequel to "The Little Ghosts", so I will give up another film distribution right and replace it with this one. I think this The horror film is very special, and maybe it can be a box office miracle like "The Devil's Home"."

Calta Hunter couldn't help but glance at the girl around me. I felt a little surprised. I thought that Elizabeth was just a somewhat arrogant lady. After all, today the girl is entangled with herself and let him bring She came to this test session, which is a more self-willed decision.

However, due to the identity of Elizabeth Murdoch, Calta Hunter still refused to agree after considering it. Fortunately, Eric was more familiar with him, and the other side knew the identity of Elizabeth, and did not shut the girl.

Unexpectedly, after the test film ended, the other party was able to come up with a very feasible solution in such a short period of time.

Although Elizabeth came to Fox in the name of a holiday internship, the girl did not live honestly for a few days in the position that Fox arranged for her. It is impossible to understand the inside story of Fox and Firefly. In this case, I can think of a very feasible solution so quickly. Calta can't look at the girl differently. I know that Kalta himself has just moved in the auditorium and wants to win the "Small Island". The thoughts, but I can't think of any good way.

"Well, Miss Murdoch, I will submit this plan to Mr. Barry Diller in the form of an official document. However, I must say that Fox has not seen the script in another movie at the end of Eric. I don’t know if I can make a decision before other companies win the "Small Island Cry". After all, I can imagine that some people inside Fox will oppose your proposal, because Erik’s personally directed film box office reputation has already passed. It has been proved many times that although this film is written by him personally, and it is absolutely excellent, I feel that many people are not willing to take risks."

"It’s really ink. If I am in charge of Fox, I will take it down directly." Elizabeth licked her lips and began to show her pretty side.

This time, Calta did not despise the other side, but patiently explained the relationship to the girl: "Miss Murdoch, this matter involves too much interest, not that we can change it if we wish to replace it. Even if we are willing to change, will Eric Williams agree? Will other film companies agree? You also saw that today Michael Eisner and Nader Tarn are coming, they are against Erie. The importance of Ke Williams can be imagined, we have no advantage in competition."

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