I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 186: drunk

"It's hard to understand what kind of person he is, gentle, overbearing, cautious, contemptuous, indulgent, frank, arrogant, cynical, talented, and ugly... In short, you can see a lot of qualities from him. And after getting along for a long time, you will find that no matter how you do it, it is very difficult to find a little self-confidence from him. "Fengyue" has just been released for a while, I think, ah, I succeeded, I became a Hollywood superstar. I did succeed, isn't it, Liz..." Julia's eyes narrowly looked at the girl next to her with no confidence.

"Of course, Julia, of course you have succeeded," Elizabeth took the girl's words, and at the same time robbed the girl's cup without a trace, indicating the passing waiter, and changed a glass of juice into Julia's hands.

Although I was just debunked by Eric, Elizabeth expressed sincere apologies to Julia, and the gap between the two soon disappeared. Because of Eric’s words, the girl’s heart was very unpleasant. Unconsciously drinking a few more cups, it has caused the state of drunkenness now, perhaps because of the more drinking, Julia’s mental defense has also become very weak, and began to talk to Elizabeth incessantly. Various past events between Eric.

I stumbled over the cup that Elizabeth handed over and poured a bite of liquid inside. It didn't seem to find that the red wine was dropped. The girl continued to use the half-awake and awkward tone: "I... I think I It’s been successful, then I got a lot of coupons, all of which are millions of dollars in paid quotes. Millions of dollars, I didn’t even think about it before. The result... that **** bastard, even with me I didn’t push it all together. I went to find his theory with anger. Then he reprimanded me so much, until... I didn’t cry until he cried in front of him. I am willing to give up. Oh, I always want to be proud in front of him, pretend to be a little confident, but he is always a simple sentence. Even a look can make you completely unable to lift your head. He is making me now... even a boyfriend can't make it. When I want to socialize with a boy, he always jumps out of my heart, pointing at the boy and refuting the other person."

The girl took a sip of juice with a drunken eye. Suddenly, I laughed and laughed out loudly: "But, but he just said, "What does this have to do with Julia?" Ha, it’s a mixed ball, what does it have to do with me, what does it have to do with me..."

"Well, Julia, you are drunk. Would you like me to send you back?" Elizabeth saw that the girl was very horrified, so she spoke and said, for drunken people. Generally, you need to follow along in order to make the other party obedient.

"Well, go home, I want to go home, I don't want to see that **** anymore," Julia suddenly stood up. As a result, the head fainted and fell on the sofa. Elizabeth quickly supported Julia's body until the girl slowed down and helped Julia to stand up again.

Allen found Eric, who was chatting with Herbert Rose, and whispered a few words at Eric. Eric looked at the ballroom door and said sorry to Herbert Ross. Go in that direction.

"What's wrong with this, Julia, how do you drink so much," Eric looked dissatisfied at the girl who was supported by Elizabeth, and looked around: "Alison, where is she?"

Alison is the petite assistant with a freckle on Julia.

"No... don't care, I drink as much as I like." Julia saw Eric suddenly appear in front of herself, waving her arms exaggeratedly, and the door became a lot bigger: "You are in charge." Me, why do you care for me!"

"Shut up, do you want to hear the news of your alcoholism tomorrow?" Eric glanced at the girl and looked around. Many people have noticed this and quickly signaled Elizabeth to help the girl out of the banquet hall. In the empty corridor, I just let go of my heart.

"Where is Alison, I let her send you back?" Eric asked again.

The girl screamed with a grievance in her head. Perhaps it was just frightened by Eric’s shackles, or it might have recovered some rationality: “Alison is on vacation, she stayed with me in the southern town. In a few months, some... some are unacceptable and sick."

Eric sighed and said to the assistant behind him: "Allen, you drive to Julia to go back."

Allen is about to answer, but Elizabeth interjected: "I still come, this gentleman is a man after all, it is not convenient, Julia has a lot of drinks, and definitely needs people to take care of."

"You..." Eric looked at Elizabeth in confusion and looked at Julia.

"I want... I want Liz to send me, don't want him... stinky man, you stinky guys!" Julia seemed to be confused again, clinging to Elizabeth's arm and leaning softly on each other.

Allen shrugged and Sher, Eric looked at Julia's look and said, "That's bothering you, Liz, do you know the address of Julia's apartment?"

"I know I know, at 11070 Willy Avenue in Beverly Hills," the **** the fascinating body raised a small hand in a reflexive manner, like a pupil who replied to the teacher's question, with a bit of tenderness in her tone. .

Eric shrugged and smiled at Elizabeth: "Okay, now you know, I will send you down."

In the process of the elevator falling slowly, Eric looked at the two girls next to him from time to time. It felt strange in my heart. Although the contact time was not long, Eric felt a fake boy from Elizabeth, and it was difficult for him to become a partner. Is it lace? If this is the case, will Julia be tonight...

The picture in my mind is getting more and more evil, and Eric’s mouth even involuntarily evokes a sinister smirk.

Fortunately, Elizabeth has been carefully supporting the girl, not paying attention to Eric's weird expression. If I know what Eric is in, I think Elizabeth can't help but squat on Eric's calf.

"My car is over there, hey, can't you take the initiative to help me? It's not like a gentleman." Out of the elevator, Elizabeth pointed to the red sports car at the corner of the parking lot and felt the shape of Julia's crumbling. Dissatisfied with Eric.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you could do it yourself," Eric laughed and stepped forward to hold Julia's other arm. The two men helped the girl to the side of the sports car, leaning Julia on Ereli. On the body, Elizabeth just made room to pick up the car key and open the door.

Opening the back door of the sports car, Elizabeth turned and just told Eric to help Julia to get in, but saw the girl wrapped around Eric like a soft vine, her eyes glaring at Eric's cheek, incoherent I muttered: "Eric, oh... I dreamt of you again, do you want to beat me? I always hit people's ass, it hurts, and in the morning, the pants are always *, so shameful. Eric, can't you be gentle with me, you kiss me, okay..."

Seeing Elizabeth’s sluggish gaze, Eric raised his hands innocently, letting the girl wrap around herself, feeling the girl’s wet tongue licking her cheek from time to time, very weakly arguing: “This... you understand She is drunk."

Elizabeth quickly returned to God, silently pulling the girl from Eric into the back seat of the car, slamming the door and slamming into the driver's seat, starting the car to leave, and finally could not help but explore Out of the window, Eric said to say goodbye to his hands: "Mr. Williams, Julia is right, you really is a mixed ball!"

Eric looked at the **** outside the window when he looked at the sports car, and smiled and touched his nose.

I really didn't beat her!

Have I beat her?


Is it old, memory is wrong?


Gloomy eyes opened, feeling a big stone in his head, and Julia couldn't help but raise her hand and gently hammered it on the temple, looking around.

Fortunately, it is your own bedroom.

I don’t know if I was lucky or lost. I seemed to have drunk too much last night, and I dreamt about the guy. I also said some messy words. Oh, fortunately, it’s a dream, or else I’m throwing away.

Sit up and sit up, a thin blanket slides down, a pair of white softness is exposed to the air, because of the air conditioning, the coolness is coming, the girl can't help but hold her chest, suddenly think of something, suddenly open the blanket .

God, is that what the guy did to himself?

The door lock of the bedroom rang, and Julia quickly pulled up the blanket to cover her body and stared at the door.

Only wearing a large men's shirt, the girl with two white long legs appeared at the door, seeing Julia who had already sat up, the girl smiled and said, "Hey, Julia, you finally woke up, Otherwise, I will have to disturb your good dreams."

"You..." Julia gradually remembered some things last night, remembering the identity of the girl, showing a stubborn smile: "Liz, good morning, it is you... Did you send me back?"

"Yeah, you drunk a bit last night, and spit a few times, soiling your clothes, so I had to find a room from your closet. Don't you mind?" Elizabeth pulled. The shirt on the lower body reveals the white **** at the end of the long legs.

"Of course I don't mind, I want to thank you too," Julia soon recognized the shirt on the girl, the one she had secretly hidden for a long time before she returned to Eric, but Elizabeth did not seem to be aware. It is a man's style, and Julia certainly won't take the initiative to say it. (To be continued)

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