I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 197: Temporary loss of power

The water in the bathroom screamed for a while, and Eric, who wiped his body, walked out of the bathroom.

The sun shining through the curtain gap has shown a bit of a bright feeling. In the early morning of September in Los Angeles, the temperature is just about 22 degrees, and Eric remembers that this is the gold temperature that the human body is tolerant.

I gently found the clothes and put them on my body. While looking at the girl who was still sleeping on the bed, the blanket was scattered on the side, and the naked body of the girl was unreservedly displayed in front of Eric. Because of the oriental blood, the girl's skeleton looks delicate and compact, and the skin is smoother and softer than the western woman. The soft back curve is all the way down, forming a slender curvature on the waist, and then quickly bulging at the hips. Forming two hillocks, full of female lure. The round thighs below are gently together, but it is difficult to hide the seductive scenery.

It wasn't until Eric put on his tie and put on his coat, and the girl didn't wake up. Eric looked at the girl as a baby with the cute look of sleeping with her right thumb. She couldn't help but rise up and sit down in bed. I reached out and took the girl's finger in her mouth and fed her index finger.

In an instant, Eric felt that two wet lips wrapped his fingertips consciously, and as Eric gently penetrated, the two rows of small teeth opened and closed on the fingertips. Next, like trying to find something, it seems that the difference between the fingers, the small tongue in the mouth began to dissatisfied with the top, seems to want to drive out the strange intruders.

It is a pity that the power of the little tongue is far from Eric. After a teasing ‘pushing’, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.


Quickly bounced and pulled over the blanket to cover the carcass, Gabriel looked at Eric's smile and remembered what happened last night. Only relieved.

"Early... Good morning, Eric," seems to be somewhat overwhelmed by his own gaffe. The girl showed a smile and immediately greeted her.

"Early." Eric smiled and shook the wet fingertips at the girl: "I don't think you were so cute when you slept."

"Ah, I...do I have it?"

The girl looked down a little shyly. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw the movement of Eric's fingers, so she remembered some pictures from last night.

Eric smiled and nodded. "Of course, I liked the girl with my fingers when I was sleeping. I saw it for the first time."

"I don't know it myself." The girl still looked down and squinted and seemed to be looking for something.

Eric carefully settled a few pieces of clothes and handed it to the girl: "This is nothing. In fact, many people don't know that they will snoring when they sleep. Even after waking up, they still die."

Gabriel, who was about to sneak up on the small trousers, looked up in horror: "I... I didn't snoring?"

"Of course not," Eric shook his head quickly. "I just give an example."

"Oh," the girl relieved with relief.

Seeing the girl wearing guilt pants and a small vest, walking barefoot to the closet, Eric said: "Baby, I think I have to go."

Standing next to the closet, considering what is more beautiful today, Gabriel paused the action in his hand and turned his head: "Is it enough to eat breakfast?"

Eric looked at his watch and said: "It’s almost half past eight, and there may be traffic jams on the road. I don’t know if I can go to the company at nine o'clock. Because I have to fly to Venice at two o'clock in the afternoon. So there are some things that need to be handled quickly. At 10 o'clock, I have to have a meeting with Robert and Jeffrey about the merger of fireflies and new lines. My new movie shooting schedule is also coming out, I need to see it myself... In short, I am going to There are many things to deal with in more than five hours."

Seeing a girl with a face slamming her fingers and listening to her head, Eric said that the tone of the game softened, and there was a sense of guilty feelings of ruthlessness. She had to wave her hand and say: "This... ...Is there a breakfast room nearby, maybe we can have a breakfast together, not a minute or two."

"Of course, can I wash my face first?" The girl raised her face in surprise.

Now that a decision has been made. Of course, Eric is no longer tempted to take care of the time: "Cake a shower by the way, but it is better to hurry."

"Then wait for you!"

The girl excitedly picked out a few clothes in three or two. I rushed into the bathroom with my toes and drilled again in less than fifteen minutes. The body has already worn a light blue shoulder bag hip skirt, the black stockings stretch the two legs tightly and slender, the hair is turned into a small bun, picking one from the side of the shoe rack I only put on the high heels and stood up and said to Eric: "Well, let's go, the restaurant is just four or fifty steps across the street."


"Eric, it’s almost nine and a half. What happened to you today, the mobile phone is also shut down, don’t you know how tight today is it?” Eric appeared in the company, an anxious Jeff Li Li asked when he covered his face.

In the face of an old man who is in a hurry, Eric explained awkwardly: "Sorry, Jeffrey, on the road... traffic jam."

"Impossible, there is no traffic jam from the place where you live. I don't know this road."

"Actually, I came from West Hollywood," Eric immediately raised his hands and told him honestly.

"Amount..." Jeffrey squatted and quickly understood something. At the same time, I realized that I was overstepped. Eric was his own boss. Although he knew that his tone was harsh, Eric wouldn’t mind, but he was not Eric’s elder, and occasionally taught Eric two sentences. Ke does not say anything because he respects him, but whoever is long will have dissatisfaction.

"Well, there are a few documents that you need to sign. I have already put Allen on your desk. You have half an hour of processing time. Robert has already brought people over, I Go to the meeting room and get ready."

"I will handle it," Eric nodded to Jeffrey and walked quickly to his office. Jeffrey then went to prepare his own business.

Although the M&A agreement has been signed, the two companies have really merged together, and they still need to deal with the problems of business integration, management organization design, company restructuring, and personnel integration and abolition. Therefore, the two companies really need to integrate together. During the month, the business of both parties is not likely to stop, there will be a period of parallel operation time.

Several documents were processed in a hurry, and the assistant ran to knock on the door. Eric hurriedly dropped the folder and walked to the conference room.

In the conference room, in addition to Robert Shay and six or seven middle and high-level management, the new line attended the meeting. On the firefly side, the clerk in charge of the meeting record ignored the only Eric and Jeffrey. Two people, this contrast can be seen as a very weak foundation of fireflies.

Although the new line is far less profitable than fireflies, all businesses are sound, and the production, copyright, publicity, and distribution departments are all lacking, and then look at the fireflies, if you don’t look at its horrible profitability. In fact, it is more like a small workshop. Jeffrey is responsible for management. At the same time, he is also the producer of Eric movies. Although he is sometimes busy, he spends most of his time doing it.

The two-hour meeting didn't really discuss too much. In addition to quickly reaching a consensus on finding another office to move the two companies together, it was a debate about the power of production.

Of course, Eric hopes that Robert Shea will let go of this piece and concentrate on the release of the film. If the distribution ability is strong, and his vision in the movie, the firefly will be able to leap into the status of the movie giant in a few years.

But this proposal was rejected directly by Robert Shea. This is also expected. The head of a film company has no power to make a film. Isn't that a joke?

Eric immediately suggested that Robert Shea could be responsible for the production of some small-cost horror movies. After all, this aspect is barely his ‘strong’.

What surprised Eric was that Robert Sheayi still refused. He was not satisfied with the production rights of the small-cost movies in the past, but also hoped that he could handle several big productions by hand. Because he knows that with the benefits of the next few films of Eric, the fireflies will have a large amount of cash, although in the new line, Robert Shea did not dare to play like this, after all, paying for a big new line. It’s almost going bankrupt, but with the support of the fireflies’ funds, Robert’s ambition has expanded. There aren't many dark horse movies in Hollywood's low-cost, high-bay box office, and it won't be so amazing for Eric's achievements. In order to achieve stable high returns, big investment and big production is the king.

For the idea of ​​Robert Shea, Eric certainly can't agree immediately, even if the fireflies have money, but it is not so fun. And he also has no confidence in Robert Shea’s vision. Although the previous new line has the great success of the "Lord of the Rings" series, but also the "Golden Compass" fiasco, a combination of look, Robert Shea seems to be more in the film production film.

However, in the face of Robert Shea’s insistence, Eric has to make concessions for the time being. After all, what he urgently needs now is that the distribution channel is in the hands of the other party, so it is the first priority to completely integrate the new line. The loss of power is inevitable.

In the end, after a dispute with Robert Shea, Eric reluctantly agreed, and in the next year, he will give the new line brand two big production movies with a total cost of less than 50 million US dollars, and give it to the whole party. Robert Shea operates.

After the two-hour meeting, Robert Shea and his group left with satisfaction. Eric, while eating a simple lunch, continued to look through the documents and waited to go directly to the airport. He had to sign as soon as possible. The last few documents were read. (To be continued)

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