I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 208: here

"Thank you," the blond-haired stewardess with a smile smiled and handed a cup of cocktail to the front, and Eric, who was sitting next to the small bar, snorted.

At this time, he was on the private plane of the Murdoch family. Before that, Eric did not expect Murdoch to be eager to personally send a private plane to pick him up in Venice. However, although the purpose of the other party is not simple, but since the benefits of the door, Eric is certainly disrespectful, even if it is first class on the passenger plane, it is certainly not comfortable with a fully equipped private jet.

After attending the opening ceremony of the Venice Film Festival last night and attending the premiere of "The Sound of the Island" in the morning, Eric handed over all the rest to Jonathan Demi and others and hurriedly boarded it. This huge Boeing private jet flew back to Los Angeles, and "Friends" achieved such amazing results. It is definitely a fake to say that he is not in a hurry to return to Los Angeles.

In addition to his assistant, and a deputy manager of the Fox TV station, there are two little girls who are whispering on the sofa near him, Julia and Elizabeth. Allen and the manager were very eye-catching in another lounge.

"What are you talking about, Julia, so happy?" Eric turned and leaned on the bar, asking without any words.

Julia looked up and was about to speak, and Elizabeth had already come over: "Take you something!"

Ever since I learned about the movie’s miracle, I don’t know what it’s like, and Elizabeth’s attitude towards Eric is even more 'bad’.

"If the topic of the conversation is related to me, then it must be my business," Eric said with a smile. He stood up with a glass of wine and walked up to the sofa, sitting casually beside Julia.

Julia saw that Eric sat down beside him and lifted her body slightly and seemed to want to escape. But quickly relaxed, but Elizabeth did not carelessly: "Hey, who made you sit here?"

"Liz. I am a guest, how can you be so rude?"

"Being a guest should be more conscious of the guests." Elizabeth was in a tit-for-tat.

"You are really bad, Liz, it seems that I am going back to Los Angeles. I want to mention this with Mr. Murdoch. Maybe I should give you a lady etiquette training class." Eric said, Unwittingly, I brought a pair of elders' voices, which made the unspeakable little flames of Elizabeth, who was already very uncomfortable, go up.

Elizabeth smashed Eric for a while, and for a time she could not find a sharper reply. Then suddenly stood up: "I went to rest, you are free, this guest." The girl finished, walked up to the bedroom with high heels.

I don't know when the two flight attendants have quietly left, and there are only two people in this cabin, Eric and Julia.

The girl glanced at Eric, sitting on her side and leaning back on the sofa, squinting and resting. She straightened straight, but did not leave. She sat quietly beside Eric, and started unconsciously. Some enjoy this calm atmosphere.

These days in Venice. It was the longest time she had been with Eric in non-working conditions. The girl also found Eric, who was somewhat violent and tempered when she was at work. The man in private was very casual most of the time, even though Elizabeth couldn't help but stand up against him. Eric has never been ruined, but Elizabeth has always been dumbfounded by the words he underestimated. In a few days, getting along with Eric’s original image in the girl’s heart has changed a lot. At least, he is no longer the original image of the big demon in her heart.

I don't know how long it took, Eric still had no movements, and the girl sneaked her face and looked at the man around me. She ran for several days, and had not been able to rest because of the time difference. Eric’s young face was markedly tired, and there was a **** on the chin that was too late to clean up.

but. This pair of more vicissitudes and mature appearances made Julia somewhat unstoppable, and the girl even had the urge to reach out and touch it.

But even the most basic moves have not been made. The impulse in Julia’s heart has already turned into a sigh, but she reached out and took Eric’s empty glass in her hand and took it aside. Then she sat down next to the man and remembered that “Friends’ After the miraculous ratings, what Elizabeth said to her.

She only knew that Eric was very powerful and very powerful. Every movie she made had a high box office. Even if she was involved in a TV series for the first time, she easily created a viewing miracle. But how powerful it is, there is no specific measure in the girl's heart, until after the more experienced Elizabeth explained to her, Julia can imagine the height of Eric now.

Eric, who was already sleeping, was moving. It seemed to feel that this sleeping position was very uncomfortable. She fell down on the sofa and her head was just on the girl's lap. One hand still caught it inadvertently. Leah's soft waist.

Julia, who was thinking about it, was shocked by Eric’s action. She thought Eric was awake, but she looked down and found a comfortable posture in her arms, and she snorted again and again. Eric, the girl only understood.

Silently chuckled, and finally got the courage, reaching out to the fingertips and gently touching the sharp and handsome face.

The blonde stewardess who recently sipped for Eric appeared again in the cabin and seemed to want to ask the guests if they had any needs. When she saw the situation of the male and female relatives on the sofa, the blonde flight attendant slightly widened her eyes. As a young man, she certainly knew Julia and Eric. She usually cares about the gossip of the entertainment circle, but at this time Seeing that the young, over-represented director was sleeping on the thigh of Julia Roberts, who had become Hollywood's top actress, the blonde stewardess still felt incredible.

Seeing the flight attendant's astonished appearance, Julia's face was slightly hot, but she reached out and made a squeaky look. This action also awakened the sluggish flight attendant and quickly showed a professional smile to Julia. I am going to quit.

Julia stopped her movements and reached out for a few strokes. The flight attendant quickly noticed and found a blanket to gently cover Eric.

When the flight attendant left, Julia relaxed and looked down at Eric's sleeping face.

The thought turned and turned, and turned.

The final thought is that he is wearing a pair of jeans with rough fabrics. Will he be uncomfortable when he sticks on it?

Because the time difference was nine hours earlier than Venice, after more than ten hours of flight, when I arrived in Los Angeles, it was less than eight o'clock in the US local time. The summer sky was just completely dark.

I know that Eric will arrive in Los Angeles at this time, so more than one wave of people are waiting outside the airport. Fortunately, he came back as a private jet. The trip is relatively secret. If you follow the original plan, you will be blocked by a large number of journalists who have calculated the time.

Eric's figure just appeared. A few waves of people waiting outside the airport were surrounded. These people didn't know each other. After seeing each other's actions, they understood the purpose of others, so they accelerated in unison. Stepped forward.

"Mr. Williams, I am Mr. Murdoch’s assistant..."

"Mr. Williams, Mr. Eisner asked me to wait for you here..."

"Eric, we saw when we recorded the "Sofia Talk Show", I am the manager of the cbs Los Angeles branch..."

Eric smiled and shook hands with the waves of people introduced by the mouth, and waited for everyone to be a little quieter. Finally, he said: "I am sorry, I just returned to Los Angeles. The time difference has not been reversed. What are you going to say tomorrow? ?"

Of course, a few waves of people could not leave because of Eric’s words. They opened their mouths again and saw Eric walking away from the ground, but he did not dare to be too entangled.

Eric actually had expected this situation, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many people who came to the airport to intercept themselves. I rushed into a black car specially sent by Jeffrey, and waited for Allen to put it. When the luggage got on the bus, Eric bid farewell to everyone outside the window, and did not forget to wave to Julia and Elizabeth who stood outside the crowd.

Seeing that Eric’s car was gone, these talents were disappointed to run to their cars and plan to leave.

Others left, Elizabeth certainly didn't mind, but seeing the assistant sent by her father seemed to have the meaning of leaving. The little flame in Elizabeth's heart burned again and shouted: "Hey, text. Center, is this Miss air?"

Elizabeth’s assistant named Vincent had just paid all his attention to Eric. She did not notice Elizabeth, who came out later. She ran quickly and said, “Oh, sorry, Miss II, I just didn’t notice you. I didn't get Mr. Williams. I don't know how to explain this to Mr. Murdoch."

Elizabeth took Julia to a luxurious Bentley and said in an angry voice: "I will tell you how to explain, first send us back to Beverly Hills."

"But," Vincent hesitated to follow up: "Miss II, I have to report this matter to Mr. Murdoch as soon as possible, and Mr. Murdoch is still waiting for the headquarters of Century City."

"So late, don't you let our two girls go back to the taxi? What if you have a bad guy?" Elizabeth said, and she had a suitcase with her and Julia's suitcase. Center, taking advantage of Julia to get into the Bentley car, slammed the door.

Vincent smiled a bit, but reluctantly talked to the Fox deputy manager who was ignored by Elizabeth and went to Venice to pick up the two suitcases into the trunk before they got into the co-pilot and the driver drove. At the same time pick up the mobile phone and dial the number. (To be continued)

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