I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 252: Black pot

Waiting for Lily. Zimmerman took a shower and changed clothes in the bathroom. Eric just read a pair of newspapers and looked at the girl who was overwhelmed by her. Eric said: Go downstairs and help me and Jeffrey pack two breakfasts, whatever you want."

"Oh, um," Liz Zimmerman nodded quickly, took the bag out of the room, and breathed a sigh of relief. At least, Eric didn't directly let her go.

"Do you look a little bit sad?" Jeffrey asked in awkwardly.

Eric did not care about Jeffrey's tone and smiled: "Of course, the experience last night was wonderful."

"Well, let's talk about business, how do you think about these reports?" Jeffrey reluctantly pointed to Eric's mess with a bunch of newspapers.

Eric also put up a cynical look and said: "If I didn't let you do this yesterday, then today we are completely in a passive position, because ordinary people always have a preconceived notion. In the future, we will want to justify it. It’s not bad. At least, the water is mixed up by us. The public opinion won’t fall down on us, so as long as we do all kinds of public relations, there will be no big problems. Yes, I called Robert last night. He will fly over to help in the morning, he must have more experience than you in this regard."

"Well, actually I want to tell you about it, but I think you might..."

Eric smiled: "What may be, you don't want to say, I always keep Robert an outsider?"

"Is it not?"

Eric denied: "Of course not, although I do care about the 15% of the shares that he took away, but since the two companies have merged, I will definitely treat him as a person, as long as Robert does not pick I will never do this first."

Jeffrey, who is already familiar with Eric, gave Eric a contemptuous look: "You are really not convinced."

"No, I am telling the truth," Eric retorted. "Jeffrey. My goal is much bigger than you think. If you start to argue with people now, then I am very It’s hard to move on."

"What is your goal?"


Jeffrey groaned, didn't figure it out, and asked: "What?"

"Hollywood," Eric repeated, with a young and frivolous atmosphere in his tone, said: "I have to one day, people mentioned the word 'd', the first time I thought of it. Not Los Angeles, not a few big The film company is not any movie star remembered on the Avenue of Stars, but I, Eric Williams. Hollywood is me, I am Hollywood!"

Eric’s heartfelt words sounded very appealing. Jeffrey squinted and tried to say a few words against Eric, and opened his mouth, but turned into a blessing: “So, I hope you can succeed.”

"It will be." Eric solemnly nodded. "So, Jeffrey, you think. My goal is so far, the road is so long, it will stop and go faster with a person who might help me." Companion, do you fight for a few dry foods?"

Jeffrey smiled and shook his head: "I understand."

The two simply negotiated a countermeasure, and Liz Zimmerman knocked on the door with a few breakfasts.

"I think I will go back to my room to eat," Jeffrey looked at the pair of men and women who were close together on the opposite sofa. They couldn’t stand it. After talking about Eric, Jeffrey would directly The one that picked it up and went out.

"Don't worry about him. Let's eat," Eric saw the girl's look. Said.

"I won't bother you anymore?"

"Of course not, things have already been finished. Right. You said last night, in addition to the model, are you still playing a stage show at Broadway?"

Liz Zimmerman nodded: "Yeah, I like acting very much. Yes, Eric, I have a show on Broadway next month. Would you come back later?"

Although the girl looked at Eric with a very eye-catching look, he could only shake his head: "Sorry, Li, I have to go back to Los Angeles immediately after the closure of "The Little Devil"."

Lie Zimmerman slammed and slammed his head and licked the salad in front of him. Although I would like to take the initiative to seek some opportunities, but the girl who knows the rules of the industry knows that if she takes the initiative to ask Eric for something, then she can only get a bad check.

Therefore, this kind of thing can only be Eric's initiative to open the mouth. If the other party does not mention it from beginning to end, she can't complain about anything. It is an ordinary one-night stand.

After all, Liz Zimmerman also heard that Eric chose a newcomer who was not famous in a supermodel. Whenever he remembered a shared roommate who was also a model manager of the elite model management company, he heard that he got it. This character is the face, the girl is proud of it.

Because she was a newcomer who had been in the business for less than a year. When she heard that she had this opportunity, she did not want to come over and fight for it because she felt that she could not compete for a large group of supermodels, or her roommate was jealous of her. Two people together cast their resumes, and she was chosen inexplicably.

However, at the same time, because of her embarrassment caused by her good fortune, she and her roommates were also very close friends. These days, after listening to the other party’s sardonic sarcasm, she stopped talking to the other party and decided to move out as soon as possible. . Compared with this opportunity, what a friendship is not so reliable, not to mention that the roommate did not wholeheartedly regard himself as a friend, often taking the position of self-governing earlier, and the former generation. To put it bluntly, the competition between the models is so fierce that it is difficult to create true friendship, except for...

Eric sniffed the scent of perfume from the girl and ate breakfast. He asked: "Do you want to develop in the direction of professional actors?"

Li. Zimmerman had a happy heart and nodded quickly.

"Just give you this opportunity," Eric said. "You should know "Friends"?"

"Of course I know, I also know that the sitcom is also your own screenwriter. I will chase it every week." It may be because I heard something that I am familiar with. The girl said excitedly: "I like Rose the most. I think he is a kind of dull perfectionist. It is much better than her sister's perfectionism with obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is Phoebe... ”

The girl Brabra said a few words and soon realized that it was not right. I quickly closed my mouth and looked at Eric.

Eric smiled and said: "Thank you for enjoying this TV series. It is like this. There is an episode in "Friends", which is a blackout in New York. Chandler and a famous model were locked in the bank cash machine hall. The story is about a set of lengths, I can recommend you to try it."

According to the original script, this episode should happen in the seventh episode of the first season. And Chandler met a Victorian secret underwear model, but now Victoria’s secret is not famous, so Eric changed the girl’s identity to a famous model, and the script was modified. The plot has also been postponed to the 20th episode, and certainly not yet filmed.

Liz Zimmerman couldn’t help but confirm: "Really, Eric, do you think I... really?"

Eric nodded again, and there will definitely be many similar roles in his future films or TV series. Instead of being cheaper, an unscrupulous casting assistant is going to sneak a little actress, but it is better to be human. "Friends" is now much more influential than the first season of the previous life, so. Being able to make a guest episode in it is equivalent to mixing a face in front of more than 20 million viewers across the United States, which is much better than taking a few magazine covers.

Of course, Eric can only give Liz Zimmerman so much.

Presumably, I have repeatedly exposed my face twice in a hot TV series and a big movie. It is a breeze for the girl to get some more characters. If I can go further in the future, I will see the girl's own efforts and luck.

Lie Zimmerman saw Eric’s affirmative look and immediately rushed up and kissed him on his face.

"Okay. Okay," Eric put a gentle tongue on his face. Quickly push the girl away: "Don't make trouble, let me finish the breakfast."

Have eaten. Allen, as usual, followed Eric’s day’s schedule, and when Allen finished his business, Eric pointed to the girl around him: “Allen, you contacted Los Angeles, I remember Friends’ Episode 20 If you have a model, give it to Miss Zimmerman."

Allen quickly recorded the matter on the memo, looked at the woman beside Eric, and hesitated for a moment before saying: "Eric, is it directly with Mr. John Aniston?"

Eric almost forgot about it. Except for Eric, the most powerful of the "Friends" crew is John Aniston, who is the producer. If he pushes Lizman, John. Aniston will not only let the girl get the role, but will definitely call and swear.

After thinking about it, Eric waved Allen to come over and join Allen's ear: "This way, you said that Jeffrey recommended it. He is so long, he is a little older, and it is not easy to soak a girl. Let John enter the snacks."

Allen’s mouth was pumping, and he asked: “Eric, do you want to know with Mr. Hansen?”

"Don't worry, I will tell him."

Allen said that such a **** pot, you will tell him to blame, but he just nodded helplessly, and closed the memo and left.

"Eric, I can't think of you so badly," said Allen, and Zimmerman glanced at Eric, and Eric said it was in the ear of Allen, but there was no sound. Pressed to the point where she couldn’t hear: "I’m just a guest episode, and I won’t be in conflict with your little girlfriend.”

Eric smiled: "If you don't say this, you can't even get the character."

Lie Zimmerman asked unclely: "Why, isn't "Friends" your Firefly investment?"

"Yeah, but the producer of "Friends" is the father of my little girlfriend."


Although because of Eric's prior arrangement, public opinion did not succumb to the "bad behavior" of the "Little Ghosts 2" crew to destroy the ecological environment of Central Park. However, this incident still has a great impact. Although some sensible people believe in the views of Jeffrey's public relations newspapers, many people believe in other newspaper views.

Therefore, the next two days, the issue of whether or not to allow the "Little Ghost 2" crew to continue to shoot artificial snow in Central Park has caused great controversy, and even spread to all parts of the United States, forming a hot topic.

And Eric has made Jeffrey’s $500,000 donation to the Central Park Preservation Committee in advance. When the reporter interviewed the chairman of the preservation committee, Tim Frick, "The Devil's Home 2", whether the filming in Central Park had a major impact on the environment, Mr. Frick said a lot for the "Little Ghost 2" crew. Good words, list a series of measures made by the crew. And the "Little Ghosts 2" crew is a very responsible crew.

Of course, the committee accepted the donation of $500,000 from the crew, and Tim Frick did not hide it. Otherwise, it would be more troublesome to be caught by the media. But Tim Frick can't say that this is the crew's compensation for artificial snow that may cause damage to the vegetation in the park, or else it is equal to the face. Rather, the crew saw that some of the public facilities in Central Park were relatively old, so they donated the money and replaced the park with a new batch of public facilities.

Because the interview with Tim Frick was broadcast in prime time, so many people saw this news, plus a series of public relations of the "Little Ghost 2" crew, the form gradually became clear.

Finally, the Manhattan District Government issued a statement saying that it would send a special supervision team to supervise whether the crew used artificial snow in accordance with the rules promised during the Central Park shooting. Moreover, the supervision team will also select several among the citizens. Volunteers to ensure the impartiality of the supervision team.

After the statement was issued, the "Little Ghosts" crew immediately followed the statement, saying that not only would they cooperate with the supervision team, but they would also be willing to pay for the budget outside the Manhattan government.

The two sides have come to me to show their good intentions, and the News Group has also made a secret effort at this time, and finally this matter has been properly resolved.

The so-called environmental organization gepo did not stop the filming of the crew.

In late October, "Little Ghosts 2" successfully closed the mirror, in addition to rushing back to Los Angeles in addition to the late two films, the release date of "Small Island Cry" also came.

This is the first shot of the Firefly Thanksgiving-Christmas file. If you can get a good start, you will have a certain box office gain for the next few movies. Therefore, Eric also attaches great importance to this matter. (To be continued)

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