I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 272: Aniston's intuition

The car drove all the way to the gate of the manor. The security guard saw the vehicle approaching. He was about to ask for the invitation and saw the two people in the car. The security guard immediately forgot the invitation and revealed a smile. "It is Miss Aniston. Please come in." After three or two steps, I ran back and opened the door.

When I got off the bus in the parking lot, the two girls, like Eric’s first reaction when they saw the City of Freedom, stood there and looked at the villa for a while before they walked side by side.

Pushing open the glass door, the staff wearing waiters and chef costumes in the hall of more than 600 square meters in the eye are busy shuttles, and there is not much reaction to see the appearance of the two girls.

Now the party hasn't started yet, but as Eric's girlfriend, Chick feels that it takes for granted.

Waiting for a while, see no one cares about himself, the chick is a little angry, even forget the Nicole next to him, stepping on the high heels and walking towards the kitchen. After entering, just see a middle-aged man in a suit is working with Germany. What did Lu negotiate, the little girl was quite a chest, and went away proudly: "Hey, how is it prepared?"

Drew looked up and glanced at Aniston, wearing a white little dress, and smiled slightly: "This lady, you are early, the party hasn't started yet, but you can go to the living room for an hour."

Seeing Drew treat himself as a guest, the little girl is not angry with one place: "You are a little blue pool, don't forget who you are, be careful, let Eric drive you out."

"I'm so scared," Shantou patted his little chest with a stunned look, and then turned his face into a sly smile, and there was no fear: "You have the ability to go."

Aniston squinted a few times at Drew and immediately looked at the middle-aged man in a suit: "Are you the head of the party?"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded as if he had not heard the dispute between the two girls.

The two girls in front are the women close to Eric Williams. He didn't dare to offend, but he had to reach out to Aniston: "Hello, Miss Aniston. My name is Will Clark. Is there any order?"

"I don't like the location of the buffet table outside. You can help me move it," the chick found an excuse.

Not waiting for Will Clark to respond, Drew immediately said: "Mr. Clark, don't forget that I am here today to check out."

Will Clarke looked around. As a party manager, he often encountered disputes between different members of the host. In this case, Will Clark would push things to the person with the decision. . And in front of you. The only owner in this manor is not Eric.

Therefore, Will Clarke quickly said a little slippery: "I think it is best for the two ladies to discuss with Mr. Williams."

The two girls squinted at Will Clarke, and Will Clark just shrugged, saying nothing, a pair of things you want to do but I just don't do it.

Helpless, the two Xiao Nizi looked at each other, they also know the size, so many people are here. Of course, it is impossible to make Eric embarrassed by the conflict.

Finally, the chick opened the door: "One half!"

"Guess the fist!" Drew said.

Aniston shook his fist as if he had thought of something. Immediately shook his head: "You can't think about it, or we will go to Eric."

Drew snorted: "This time, you first provoked the dispute. Today, I invited more than one hundred guests. If you are noisy, let Eric lose face in front of so many people, hehe..."

Aniston is not Drew. If the two positions are reversed, the unscrupulous Xiao Nizi is not expected to make Eric out of the ugly, but Aniston does not dare to do so. Unwilling to squint at Drew, Aniston asked: "Where is Eric?"

Drew shrugged. When you look at your eyes, you don’t know what to say: "I don't know, there are more than 30 rooms here. You can find one by yourself."

"You..." The little girl almost couldn't help but rushed up, and looked at the two men next to the eyes of Will. Clarke, Aniston asked: "Mr. Clark, do you know where Eric is? ”

Will Clarke smiled and shook his head: "Miss Aniston, I have been in the kitchen, this, I really don't know."

The girl slammed her feet and turned away angrily.


Nicole in the living room looked at Aniston and walked to the kitchen. She looked around the interior of the villa and walked around in a leisurely stroll. She stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the sea outside the window for a while. She turned to go to the second floor. Strolling, accidentally seeing a closed door next to him, Nicole curiously pressed on the button at the door.

"What?" The sound of Eric was heard in the speaker above the button, and Nicole was shocked.

"That, Eric, it is me." Nicole quickly said to the speaker.

"Oh, come in," Eric’s voice fell, the door opened automatically, and Nicole looked curiously at the door leading to the next level before he walked in. The door behind him was silent. Close up.

Walk along the spiral staircase to Eric's studio, see Eric sitting at his desk reading a book, looking around and seeing Eric's study with her once in the villa in Beverly Hills. Arranged almost, three or two steps to the side of the wall, looking at the dense manuscript on the wall, Nicole had nothing to say: "Eric, I can't think of your habit has not changed yet."

Eric put down the book in his hand, reopened the window, turned off the fluorescent light in the room, and said to the girl: "Why change it, I like it."

Nicole swayed freely in the room behind her back and said, "I really envy you, what do you want to do."

Eric laughed: "As long as a person doesn't always want too much, he can do whatever he wants."

"Which is so easy." Nicole shook her head and walked over to Eric's desk. She sat on the big desk with her hands slightly, lifted her legs, and smashed the high heels on her feet to sway the white twins. foot.

Eric looked at the girl's series of seemingly random movements, raised an eyebrow and asked: "Jane is coming with you?"

"Of course, she is outside, maybe she is quarreling with Miss Barrymore."

Eric subconsciously glanced at the direction of the door, and immediately thought that no one would inform himself that the two Xiao Nizi did not quarrel. Of course, he also believes that both girls are measured and will not argue in the presence of so many people. In this case, Eric also let go of his heart, re-sit back into the leather chair, looking up at Nicole sitting on the desk, the girl wearing a red one-shoulder dress at this time, the perfect body to show the perfect, neck There is also a red silk scarf, with bright red lips, it looks beautiful.

Seeing that Eric looked at himself with that aggressive look, Nicole felt a little uncomfortable at the same time, and realized that she was in a bad position and wanted to jump off the desk, but some thoughts in her heart stopped her. This action, but slightly raised the chin, quite a chest.

"Is it something? Why does it look a bit big?" After a while, Eric asked with a smile.

The girl gave him a blank look, but said with a slight provocation: "You touch it."

Eric was never a polite person. He reached out and took two long legs of the girl and pulled Nicole into his arms.

After a slap in the face, Nicole’s resounding voice sounded: “No, don’t take it off, what if someone comes in?”

"No one can come in without my permission," Eric explained, and the girl in her arms suddenly resisted.

The big red dress quickly flew up, falling on the sofa next to it, followed by a small piece of cloth.

The white tender red 丨 丨 娇 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白Then it is a hot invasion.


The chick did not grab the dominance from Drew and left the kitchen unhappy. However, Nicole disappeared and asked several staff members, but no one noticed. Finally, a waiter pointed to the finger. The ladder leading upstairs said: "I just saw Miss Kidman go there, she might go upstairs."

Aniston thanked him and walked up the stairs. The chick also noticed the closed door leading to the next floor, but not as curious as Nicole, but went upstairs.

It took a while to go back and forth, and after a long lap, I didn’t find Nicole’s figure and I didn’t find Eric. Aniston felt a strange feeling in his heart, not looking for it again, but also knocked on many doors, but there was no response.

Returning to the hall, Aniston asked Eric's whereabouts to the person who was preparing for the party.

"I don't know, Mr. Williams may be in which room."

"Miss Aniston, we are here for the first time."

"Sorry, Miss Aniston, maybe you can go out and look for it. The manor is quite big, maybe where is Mr. Williams?"


After asking for a circle, I didn't ask Eric's whereabouts. The little girl groaned in a depressed mood and muttered: "Exactly, build such a big house, hide and seek."

Although complaining about this, the chick is still going outside, Eric and Nicole can't find two people. The strange feeling in her heart is getting stronger and stronger, but she is not willing to think in a certain direction. Although directly asking Drew is the easiest way, but less than a last resort, Aniston is very reluctant to deal with Drew. She is not a Dru's opponent. She prefers to fight directly because of this. She is a little stronger than Xiao Nizi, but today's occasion is obviously not suitable. (To be continued)

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