I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 288: Too much frustration

"Eric, everyone knows this, why are you..."

Eric directly interrupted Murdoch’s words and asked: “Who is leading this thing, I want to know this. I know it’s definitely not Fox. I don’t say that there is so much cooperation between us, Fox has got enough The interests, and even if you want to do it, you will definitely not choose this time at the beginning of the year. The box office of "Seattle Night Sleepless" is greatly affected by this storm. So, who is the lead?"

Murdoch stunned and said: "Eric, even if you know what it is, this method is fierce, but it is also a normal competition in the industry."

"Who is it?" Eric asked coldly.

Elizabeth, who was just bored, patted the tableware on the table, and stunned Eric with a glance, dissatisfied: "Hey, Eric, how can you talk to my dad like this, he is an elder!"

The tense atmosphere was completely ruined by the girl’s low voice.

Murdoch really wants to pat her daughter's head to boast a few words, and sure enough, her daughter is born to her father. Of course, Elizabeth has grown up, he can't do it anymore, so he just smiles and picks up the red wine and scorns it.

Eric looked helplessly at Elizabeth, but the girl came back without showing her weakness.

This little girl who owes a lot of money, what is the man’s mouth?

Eric took a deep breath and relaxed his tone. He said: "Mr. Murdoch, "The Devil's Home 2" is still very eye-catching at this time. Although it is not as good as the first one, the global box office is more than 3 There is no problem with billions of dollars, and according to the current age of Stu, this sequel can at least make more than three. What do you think?"

"Michael Eisner," Murdoch blurted out without hesitation.

Elizabeth looked at her father with amazement. This sells teammates and sells too much. Loss I just helped you out.

I swept a few eyes between the two 'harmful' men. The girl drums up the drumsticks and screams at the red wine. At the same time, I swear in my heart, and then I will stop talking no matter what happens.

Eric did not notice the girl's movements, and he was only shocked in his heart.

During this time, he has thought about it more than once, and it may be Warner, probably Universal. It may be Columbia, or it is not a good development of Paramount, and Disney's Michael Eisner is suspected to be the least. Even Disney's suspicion of manipulating this matter is still behind Fox.

After all, although he has not been in contact with Michael Eisner a few times, Michael Eisner has always shown a very admirable appearance in front of him, and Disney is in "Small Island" and "Steel Magnolia" The cooperation between the two films is also very sincere.

Murdoch saw Eric's incredulous expression and said: "Eric, if you don't believe it. You can just go and verify that it has passed, I have no need to lie at all. From the very beginning The thing is led by Michael Eisner, and many things are led by him, and the rest of us just try to cooperate."

"How come...this way," Eric muttered in disappointment.

Murdoch thought about it, or slowly said: "Barry Diller, the three outstanding professional managers who came out of Paramount that year, is the most pragmatic. He feels that if he does it well, he will definitely get it. There is enough return, so I think he is also the most innocent. So he is relieved to let him run the Fox. Jeffrey Kasenberg is the most devoted to film production, he put his main energy in the movie. Therefore, he is not suitable for the helm. As for Michael Eisner, he is the most unscrupulous, he can do anything to develop his own business. So, I think these three people will definitely be Michael Ai in the future. Sna is the most successful, but I don’t think I can control this person, so I haven’t moved the idea of ​​recruiting him.”

Eric sighed and shook his head. "I just thought it was too unexpected."

I don't know why, Murdoch couldn't help but argue for Michael Eisner: "Eisner is just doing what a standard businessman should do."

"Yeah, the standard merchant," Eric laughed at himself.

"So, Eric, about the "Little Ghosts" series..."

"Fireflies can sign a contract with Fox directly for the next three "Little Ghosts" series. However, I will not personally serve as a director, but I will also be a producer."

Murdoch showed a happy and worried look: "Eric, why don't you come in person?"

"I took a few shots in a row, I was a little tired, so I wanted to save time to make other movies. Moreover, the sign of "The Little Devil" is Stewart Langkel, so as long as the style of the movie remains the same, who will come? The director has no problem."

Eric replied, although this is part of the reason, but mainly, only two of the previous "Little Ghosts" have achieved great success, and the third has changed the protagonist because of the growth of Macquarie Calkin, and the results have been defeated. .

Although this time and space is suitable for Eric's casting, Stewart is only nine years old this year, can continue to shoot, but Eric has no confidence in the prospects of this series, so he generously signed the next three directly with Fox. Issuing contract.

Murdoch heard Eric's explanation and couldn't find a reason for rebuttal. Most of the Hollywood directors at Eric were not interested in shooting sequels. So he easily accepted Eric's explanation.

"Eric, although you don't want to personally guide, but I hope that you can continue to be responsible for the script." Murdoch retired and said.

Eric nodded: "I will definitely participate in this."

At this time, the dinner in front of the three people had already been eaten, and the waiter removed the cutlery and changed into coffee.

Since Eric has got the answer he wants, Murdoch has discussed with Eric about several programs on Fox TV. After all, Firefly is a shareholder of Fox TV. Eric quickly promised to personally urge him. The production of "Who will be a millionaire" guarantees a smooth broadcast at the end of this month. In fact, "Who will become a millionaire" has been very well prepared, even the problem library has been designed almost, if not because of this The storm, perhaps in early March, can officially appear. The situation of "x-file" is similar, and the original first episode should have been completed.

Although the delay of the fireflies violated the contract signed by both parties, Fox originally thought that if the fireflies yielded, they could take all the copyrights of several programs, so there was no such breach of fireflies. Too much reaction. Now, the two sides have reconciled, and Fox can't pursue this matter any more, but just skipping it in a few words.

After negotiating the business, Murdoch took a few coffees and asked him if he had nothing to do: "Eric, have you planned for this year's movie, how many shots are you going to take?"

Upon hearing this question, Elizabeth, who was absent-minded, also cast a curious look.

Eric took a sip of coffee slowly and thought about it: "Two, one has already been confirmed, but the script is still deadlocked. The price of the screenwriter is somewhat outrageous. Plus, this time, I also I have not taken the time to talk about the script."

"Is that script about ghosts?" Elizabeth couldn't help but insert a sentence.

Eric looked at the girl curiously. Has this matter been so widespread?

Stared by Eric, the girl's face was slightly reddened and said: "I heard that you... very optimistic about this script, so I also inquired about it."

Eric saw it at a glance, and Elizabeth certainly had the idea of ​​cutting the Hu, but it certainly looked like it was unsuccessful.

It seems to be seen through the mind, the girl is more embarrassed, but then said: "But... But when I contacted the screenwriter named Bruce Joy Robin, the other party said that the script had been sold. ”

Eric suddenly stood up in surprise and looked at Elizabeth: "Sell it out?"

"Yeah, isn't it... Didn't you buy it?" Elizabeth raised her face and looked at Eric, asking in confusion.

"Sorry, I need to make a few calls," Eric said to the two, picking up the mobile phone and heading towards the corner.

Looking at Eric, who was standing not far from the mobile phone and dialing, and a little anxiously turned around, Murdoch asked her daughter: "Liz, what script?"

The girl looked at Eric's figure, and some gloating to her father said: "It's a love story script. I didn't see the complete story. I just heard about it. It seems to be a bank employee. It was turned into a murder by a colleague. Ghosts, then protect your girlfriend and revenge, etc. Anyway, this is roughly the case."

Murdoch looked at Eric and his eyes flashed, not knowing what was being pondered.

After a while, Eric returned to his seat.

The old **** Murdoch was drinking coffee on the ground, and there was no intention to speak. Then Elizabeth spoke: "Eric, who bought it?"

"Michael Eisner," Eric reluctantly squeezed out a name.

The girl asked again, "What are you going to do?"

What can be done, Eric can almost imagine, with Michael Eisner savvy, buy this script, certainly will not rush to shoot by Disney himself, but intend to use it to cooperate with him. (To be continued)

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