I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 296: Oscar (on)

Eric is pondering the similarities and differences between the three European screen images, and looks around to find Isabel Ajani.

If it is not affected by the Eric Butterfly effect, according to the time, the actress who won the French film's highest honor Caesar Prize in the past should have met and loved Daniel Day Lewis last year, but it is hard to say now.

After a week of inspection, Eric had not found Isabel Ajani, and the waist was poked by Virginia next to her: "Eric, the best supporting actress."

Eric quickly turned his attention to the stage. At this time, the best supporting actress, Kevin Klein, had finished the string and began to introduce the list of actors who won the best supporting actress nomination: This year's Oscar for Best Supporting Actress nominated Brenda Frick, "My Left Foot"; Angela C. Houston, "The Enemy, A Story of Love"; Lena Olin, "The Enemy, A story of love; Julia Roberts, "Steel Magnolia" and Diana West, "Cosy Family."

The nominees for the five best supporting actresses appeared on the big screen behind him with the introduction of Kevin Klein, although the "enemy, a story of love" won two best supporting actresses. The nomination made Eric a little surprised, but Eric put more attention on Brenda Frick, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress with My Left Foot.

Because the movie "My Left Foot" is the first very successful Olympus film operated by Miramax, not only won the best film, best director, best actor, best supporting actress and The best nomination for the five nominations for the script, and Eric clearly remembers that Daniel Day Lewis also won his first Oscar for best actor.

As for the results of other awards. Eric is not too clear.

Therefore, the nomination of "My Left Foot", the best supporting actress, is undoubtedly the biggest threat to Julia.

This time the Oscar nomination was released. Eric is still in the midst of that storm, and there is no way to focus on the public relations of the awards. Disney, which was released for the film, was even less likely to do public relations for the film at that time, so now I can only look at Robert Shea, who has 10 years of film distribution experience than the Weinstein brothers of Miramax. Can you beat the Weinstein brothers in the award public relations?

Eric looked at Julia's picture on the big screen. The girl was staring nervously at the stage, but her body was slightly tilted. Eric curiously found Julia's position to look at it. The original girl was close to Elizabeth, and Eric could see the two girls' arms together from the gap in the seat. The strange feeling that met at the end of the red carpet came to my mind.

But Eric didn't have to worry too much. Kevin Klein opened the envelope and seemed to read the same sentence: "The best supporting actress in this Oscar is Julia Roberts."

The sound of the music and the applause rang loudly at the same time. Julia in the front row surprised her mouth and leaned against the back of the chair. After a while, she stood up with the encouragement of the people around me, and the crew member of "Steel Magnolia" After hugging one by one, walk towards the stage.

Although the whole process, the girl did not turn to look at herself. However, Eric was not angry at all, but he was relieved.

At least this result proves that Robert Shea’s ability in the awards public relations is not much worse than the Weinstein brothers.

Julia on the stage carefully held the Xiaojin people to finish the award speech. As the award-winning guests walked down the stage together, it was followed by a technical award that was irrelevant for some time.

After a few minutes, Julia came out from the background exit on the left side of the stage. When she came to the crew, she finally looked at Eric, with a glance in her eyes, not waiting for Eric to do it. In response, I saw a white arm and smashed the girl, and Elizabeth turned her head. I took a look at Eric.

"Eric, are you doing anything too much? Why do Julia and Miss Elizabeth seem to have a good opinion on you?" Wigginia, who responded to the reaction of the two girls, whispered a question. .

Eric glanced dissatisfiedly at Verginia: "Why do you say 'again', do I often do too much?"

Vignia rolled her eyes femininely: "What do you think?"

Eric put his fists together and folded his fists. He made a few whispers: "It seems that you have a lot of opinions in my heart. Hey, go to me this evening. Let's talk about what the 'excessive things' in your mouth are."

When Virginia heard Eric, her face was red and red, but there was no rebuttal. Although she lived very close to Eric’s sharp-angle manor, but Virginia has not yet Been.

When Eric had just moved, the girl either went to the parents to spend the holidays together, or was rushing around for the "Small Island". After waiting for it, returning to Los Angeles, Eric encountered another storm.

Counting, the two have not been intimate for months. As a woman who is as mature as a candied peach, it is definitely false to say that Virginia does not want to. However, because Eric had the first words in the first place, and the girl’s own career in Hollywood with the "Small Island Cry" just got better, therefore, Virginia did not leave Eric's thoughts, anyway, this small Although men are awful at some point, they are still very considerate in most cases.

After a series of technical awards such as the best sound effects of the best photography, the award ceremony slowly came to the second half of the high tide.

After Tom Hanks and Melanie Griffith presented the Best Photography Award, the famous "Roman Holiday" actor Gregory Parker took the stage.

Although Sigourney Weaver won the best actress and best supporting actress at the Golden Globe Awards last year with "Fog Locks" and "Working Girl", Eric can be sure of this. It’s hard to get things at the Oscar-level awards ceremony, not to mention that Julia is only twenty-three years old. In this era of conservative Oscars, she can win a best supporting actress and get the best at the same time. The heroine nomination is already very fortunate. As for the two awards at the same time, the probability of this happening is lower than the alien invasion.

With Eric's thoughts, Gregory Parker on stage has already introduced the nominations of the five best actresses. In many previous reports, many media have predicted that this year's Oscar for Best Actress The winner is likely to be Jessica Tandy, who has a good performance in "Driving for Miss Daisy." The 81-year-old high-necked actress used to be called 'Broadway First Lady', only from This title can glimpse some of Ni's brilliant careers.

Moreover, even without Jessica Tandy, without Julia's best supporting actress, Eric can be sure that Julia can't get this award because there is another competition in the best actress nomination. That is Isabel Ajani. In the film "Roddy's Lovers", Isabel Ajani's performance is crazy, although Hollywood has always discriminated against foreign actors, but without Jessica Tandy. In this way, the college will undoubtedly award this award to Isabel Ajani.

On the stage, Gregory Pike slowly unpacked the envelope, and in the nervous expectation of everyone, he read that after he was not the last best actor Dustin Hoffman, there was not much Suspense's name: "The best actress in this Oscar is: Jessica Tandy."

The applause rang again enthusiastically, and a white-haired old woman slowly stood up and boarded the awards stage in the congratulations of the crew members of "Driving for Miss Daisy".

Eric also looked at the crew of "Driving for Miss Daisy" like everyone else. His focus was on Morgan Freeman, the hero of "Driving for Miss Daisy," the Hollywood old man, eight years old. I started to perform on stage, but the star journey was extremely rough. It wasn't until 1987, when he was 50, Morgan Freeman came to the fore in Hollywood, which is Hollywood's most legendary ‘inspirational brother.’

After Jessica Tandi delivered a speech, he walked down the stage with the help of the guests.

The host Billy Christo followed the stage and silently watched Jessica Tandy's figure disappear completely. Billy Christo turned to the microphone and cleared his throat. Gambling, but rather a serious saying: "There is no doubt, "Made Miss Daisy" is a very good film, but also made two very outstanding actors, in addition to Jessica just left. Ms. Tandy, and Mr. Morgan Freeman, who is sitting under our desk. Mr. Morgan Freeman is 53 years old this year. If you add Ms. Jessica Tandy’s age, then The combination of the male and female protagonists averages 67 years of age, and is certainly the oldest in the Oscar-winning film that has both male and female protagonists."

After Billy Christo finished, the audience immediately remembered the full applause, and Morgan Freeman in the camera still kept the appearance of being in danger, but the excitement in his expression was difficult to cover up. After all, from him In my own acting career, I finally got affirmation, and the decades have really been too long to be added. (To be continued)

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