I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 314: Self-destruction

Francis Coppola took the initiative and introduced: "Eric, there is a garden, if you are interested, you can go and see, there are ornamental plants transplanted from the jungles of South America."

"No, no, I really want to see an acquaintance, but it may be a mistake," Eric recalls the figure that just flashed past, as if he was still holding a bald middle-aged man, then, 80% It is a mistake, she is such a proud little girl...

Shaking his head, Eric did not say anything, made a singular expression to everyone, and continued to walk to the villa.


Tony Brandt, who had been concentrating with Jennifer Connelly, heard the vague applause from the manor door and asked the people around him. He quickly returned to Jennifer Connors: "Lost It’s Eric Williams, the young, over-the-top director, really didn’t expect it.”

The man seemed to be feeling something, and did not realize that the girl around him heard the name Eric, and the goblet in his hand almost fell to the ground, and his mood became flustered.

"Miss Connelly, do you know Eric Williams? It’s a very amazing young man. In less than two years, he’s got a big name in Hollywood. Being kissed by a lucky woman can’t explain him. Good luck, just like the illegitimate child of the goddess of fortune," said Tony Brandt, who seemed to feel that he was very funny, and laughed happily.

Jennifer Connelly couldn't smile. He held the goblet in his hand and lowered his eyes. The string of numbers in his mind flashed clearly. It was the phone number that Eric had left for her. She only dialed once, nine months ago, and "The Dark War" was released. She regrets it.

But that time, the phone just happened to be answered. She also did not leave a message.

Later, as Eric became more and more famous in Hollywood, the pride and inferiority of her heart made her never have the courage to call that phone. She felt that as long as she was, she could only hold it. what.

At the beginning of the year, the turmoil opened with the scandal of Eric and the girls, she was also involved in the beginning.

but. Later, the media's eyes were focused on several Hollywood actresses who had already made a name for Eric. She also liked the actress who had only had a brief contact with Eric, in a big anecdote report. Just being treated as a name, mixed in a long list of names, it seems so inconspicuous.

It is estimated that this is the case, the middle-aged person next to him will ask if he knows Eric Williams.

Oh, it’s ridiculous. Now there is someone in Hollywood who doesn't know that guy... guy.

Soon, Jennifer Connelly saw Eric, who was walking alongside Francis Coppola, and he was about the same as he was a year ago. However, it seems that I have changed a woman.

Although the woman did not have her own beauty, she was tall and seemed to be four inches taller than her. However, Jennifer Connelly’s heart forced herself to give birth to a faint and fragile sense of superiority. At least, they kept it, but they fell, right. That's it.

She was thinking in a confused head, and Tony Brandt, beside her, wondered if she would get together and get familiar. But look at the opposite situation, because Francis Coppola is around Eric. None of the people around him got together, and Francis Coppola took the initiative with Eric. Obviously, he has not reached the point where Francis Coppola took the initiative.

Perhaps, near the station, Coppola will mention himself.

When I saw that Eric occasionally took out a business card and handed it to someone else, Tony Brandt couldn’t help but think that if I could get the contact information of Eric Williams, I might be able to send it when I was able to send it. use.

After the idea came out, Tony Brandt was a little eager to try, but for a time it was difficult to get courage.

Jennifer Connelly noticed the eagerness of the middle-aged man's eyes, realized what he had, and quickly said: "Mr. Brandt, I remember there are benches in the garden, let's go there."

"Ah, this... well," I was somewhat unafraid in my heart, and Connery said that Tony Lambert suddenly took a ladder for himself and climbed down.

The girl was afraid of Tony Brandt’s remorse, took the initiative to roll up the man’s arm, and pulled it slightly in the direction of the garden. Several benches in the garden were occupied by the guests, and the two looked for it. Sit down near the table where the drinks were placed.

Tony Brandt took two red wines attentively, handed a cup to Connelly, and quickly found a topic to talk about. The girl looked a little absent-minded, holding a red wine in a row, only a few minutes, the red wine in the cup saw the bottom.

They had been here for a long time, but the girl kept a restrained attitude and only drank two glasses of red wine in an hour. Therefore, Tony Lambert, who noticed this situation, handed a glass of red wine to the **** the side of the wine table without any trace.

Jennifer Connelly was immersed in some emotions at this time, and did not think much, but thanked him and picked it up again.

After a few minutes, another glass of red wine unconsciously saw the bottom.

After Tony Brandt saw the girl picking up the red wine she had handed over, her face finally showed an excited look, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot. She secretly licked the deep gully in the middle of the girl's tube top dress, Tony. Brandt has already begun to figure out how to play with the huge softness in the dress tonight.

After a few glasses of red wine, Jennifer Connelly seems to be aware of something, but the whole person has been slightly drunk, and the drunken people are always very vulnerable. Therefore, gradually, the girl even began to abandon her own self-defeating, although the speed of drinking is much slower, but every time Tony Brandt handed over the new red wine, she did not refuse.


"Eric, this is my daughter, Sophia. Sophia, this is Hollywood's youngest and most outstanding director, Eric Williams," Villa, after a round, Francis Cobo La introduced a girl to Eric.

"Hello, Miss Coppola," Eric’s face did not change at all, and he greeted with a girl who was curious and looking at her.

"Hello, Eric, can you call me Sofia?" Sophia Coppola seems to be more enthusiastic than Eric: "I like your movie very much. It's hard to imagine, you are so young."

Eric's look moved, thinking of the girl's unbearable performance in "Godfather 3", if she pointed out a sentence: "Maybe, you can also shoot a good movie, why not try it, I believe Your father will definitely support you."

The girl's look moved and looked at her father. She said, "I can't do it. I am not a genius of you. I am still young. And Dad has decided to let me play the godfather's daughter in Godfather 3. Now, I think, I am still trying to develop towards the actors like a cousin."

"Of course, when you are young, you should try everything to find the way that suits you best," Eric continued.

"Wow, if you say this, it doesn't sound like your age at all, like an old man," the girl couldn't help but say.

"Sofia, don't be so rude, I think Eric is right," Francis Coppola glanced at her daughter.

The girl spit out her tongue and said, "I am right, or else, how can you recognize his words, oh."

Francis Coppolaton looked at Eric with some helplessness.

The girl smiled mischievously and suddenly said to the tall girl standing next to Eric: "This..."

"My name is Famik Jensen," Famik Jensen introduced himself.

"So, Miss Jensen, can you give me Eric for a while, let us dance?"

The tall girl shrugged and looked at Eric: "Of course."

"Hey, I really don't want to agree," Eric asked the girl to pull herself into the dance floor and said with a smile.

"Don't you refuse?" Sophia Coppola raised her head and asked, her figure was a little petite, even wearing high heels, still ten centimeters lower than Eric.

"Okay, of course not," Eric shrugged, revealing the girl's waist.

The girl who danced with the music suddenly said for a while: "Hey, you seem to be absent-minded?"

“Is it obvious?”

"I don't know how I can see it?" The girl said with a grin.

To be honest, Sophia Coppola’s lips are a bit thick. When I speak, the upper lip on the side also likes to be upturned, and it looks even more awkward. Although in the eyes of Westerners, the lips are thicker and more sexy, but Eric Still think that the thin lips look better.

"Well, I apologize," Eric said, thinking wildly.

Sophia Coppola thought about it and asked: "Yes, what you just said seems to mean something, can you tell me what it means?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Eric asked, staring at the girl.

"Uh huh."

Eric thought about it, if she could let the girl fight the scourge, the idea of ​​the "Godfather" classic series is not bad. In the memory of "Godfather 3", Sophia Coppola's performance is really terrible, and Al Pacino, the Oscar-level old play bone, will give people a strong sense of play, two The Golden Plum Prize is not at all embarrassing.

Because there is no friendship between the two sides, Eric has just not spoken in the face of Francis Coppola, and it is a taboo in interpersonal communication.

But now, facing a girl alone, as long as it is euphemistic, it will not have much impact when it is said. Afterwards, it can even be a joke. (To be continued)

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