I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 319: Interested

Quickly squinting at the details below, Stan Winston Studio was established in 1972, and has been working on the special effects of many films, including the famous "Terminator" and "Shaped", and still In 1986, he won an Oscar for Best Visual Effects Award, and Winston Studio's owner, Stan Winston, is also Hollywood's famous special effects master.

Moreover, Eric has also recalled some of the information of previous life. The digital field that Past and Industrial Light and Peter Jackson became the Vitat effect studio is Stan Winston and the famous James Cameron. Created. This studio is even more powerful than the industrial light magic in some movie cg technology.

However, the digital field does not have the same technical accumulation as the industrial light magic, nor does it want to be like the Vita studio, because it is located in New Zealand, enjoying a variety of political policies, plus Cameron’s departure. The founder’s departure and the death of Stan Winston, and finally the group dragons without heads, finally fell to the point of bankruptcy.

"Allen, help me to contact Mr. Stan Winston," Eric took the information from Stan Winston's studio and handed it to Allen. "Try as fast as possible, you know, "Ghosts." The time is not tight, and New York is already out of the way. I am only a heroine here. The most important thing now is to solve special effects."

Allen took a look and nodded, but still said: "Eric, I think if you give the special effects to the industrial light magic, the movie will definitely be completed on time, but if we do it ourselves, the effect and time will be very It's hard to be sure."

Eric was silent and said: "I have a measure. You should contact Stan Winston as soon as possible."

"I understand." Allen nodded, was about to go out, and the door of the office was ringing. After getting permission, the female secretary probed in and said: "Mr. Williams. They are coming."

"Let them come in," Eric said. Allen had just heard Eric answer the call from the front desk and turned away with interest.

Jim Rest and Jennifer Connelly came in quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Williams," Jim Lester reached out and shook Eric from the back of his desk.

"Hello, Jim," Eric laughed and let go of the other hand. Then looking at Jennifer Connelly, the girl slightly bowed her head slightly, but quickly lifted it up and tried to look directly at Eric, trying to show a generous smile, but the expression was uncomfortable.

"Jane, I haven't seen you for a long time," Eric said softly.

"Yes...yeah," the girl nodded and felt that something was wrong. Whatever I want to say, Eric has pointed to the sofa in the rest area: "Let's go there and talk."

Three people sat on the sofa, and the secretary served the coffee for the three. Eric sat across from the opposite side and looked at the opposite girl without any disguise.

Jennifer Connelly and Eric looked at each other and quickly moved away. The aggressiveness of men's eyes was almost exactly the same as a year ago.

"What are you busy with this year, Jane?" Eric asked.

"I..." The girl hesitated, didn't know what to say, did she say that she was auditioning everywhere, hitting the wall everywhere, and being left out by the agent? Jim Rest is here. And, even if the agent is not there. She can't say that.

Seeing the girl's embarrassed manner, Jim Rest quickly said: "Mr. Williams. Jane spent most of the year at Stanford University. You know, she is still young, learn a little more. That's right."

Eric nodded and nodded, looked at the girl and asked, "Is that the case?"

Jennifer Connelly bit his lower lip and nodded. "Well."

Eric continued: "Yes, I was with that night last night... Sorry, I forgot the name of the other person, it seems to be Brandt..."

"Tony Brandt," Jim Reister reminded diligently.

Eric nodded. "Well, it’s Tony Brandt. I have had some conflict with the gentleman and messed up your heroine."

The girl didn't react. Jim Rest was amazed and he didn't know about it. However, think about the tone of the other party when he called Tony Brandt in the morning, Jim Ray. Ster quickly understood what he was writing, and there was just a grievous look in his heart. Jim Rest responded immediately.

It’s just a heroine with a small cost. If you lose it, you will lose it. If you can hold the thigh of the great **** in front of you, are you afraid that there will be no role?

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Williams, in fact, the movie is not suitable for Jane. If it is lost, it will be lost."

Eric looked at the girl, and Jennifer Connelly smiled, but did not say anything.

"You should know that I am planning to make a movie recently. I decided to finalize the actor last night. The preparations for the New York side have already been completed. If you can find the heroine, you can start shooting."

This is the export, even if Jennifer Connally, who has always been pretending to be reserved, can't help but illuminate, and Jim Reister's eyes are more ecstatic.

But Eric went on to say: "It’s just a pity that the heroine of that movie is not suitable for Jane."

After that, Eric slowly picked up the coffee and looked at the changes in the faces of the two faces. The little ones had a little bit of teasing and the expressions of the two were really interesting.

Even if he realized that he was being played, Jim Lester did not dare to show any disappointing look, but the regret on his face was revealed, and Jennifer Connelly grabbed the skirt, she I also wore the dress at the party last night, because when I heard Eric’s words, the girl’s breath was inevitably a little short, and the pair of soft objects under the tube top dress shook slightly with the ups and downs of the chest. It’s very eye-catching.

Jim Reister thought about it, but he was not willing to suggest: "Mr. Williams, maybe, let Jane audition and see the effect, maybe she was the "Swan's Death" last year. The performance in the show is still very good."

Eric shook his head: "If it's just a problem with acting, it's not a problem at all. The key is the image. My movie. What I need is the image of a small woman at home, but Jane's temperament is too cold. Not at all. Suitable for."

"That's a pity," Jim Rest sighed and shook his head.

Eric took a sip of coffee and said leisurely: "But there is nothing. Hollywood shoots hundreds of movies every year. Even the seven major film companies will not drop less than one hundred each year. Find a suitable one. Jane’s movie is a breeze."

Jennifer Connelly still has some doubts, and Eric’s besieged some time ago is well known. Although there is no evidence to disclose it, it is well known that behind the incident, it is certain that the Seventh is manipulating. Now that men should be very stiff with the Seventh, what is the use of these?

But Jim Rest is more thorough than Jennifer Connelly. Eric has successfully survived the storm, which means he is now barely accepted by the seven major film companies. In this case, Eric is now in Hollywood. It is a breeze to ask the seven majors for a female protagonist. I believe that any of the seven big ones. I am very willing to sell such a face as Eric.

"Mr. Williams, are you telling the truth?"

Eric nodded. "That is of course, but it takes a little time. I have to let people find it first, and I need Jane to cooperate..."

"Reassured, Jane will definitely cooperate with you this time," did not wait for Eric to finish. The broker did not want to blurt out.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, don't say that the girl's face became blushing. Eric himself feels that his old face is hot, and this special thing will not speak. So direct!

"Cough, Jim, I mean, Jane wants to make time for some auditions," although it seems that saving is useless, but Eric will add up to the words that have just been finished.

"I understand, I understand," Jim Rest said with a sigh.

In the middle of the day, the door knocked and Allen probed in and revealed a sorry look: "Mr. Williams, some... urgent."

"You wait a moment," Eric said quickly, then left the office.

"This is the case, Mr. Williams, I just called to Mr. Stan Winston. After the intention, the other party agreed very quickly, and the time is set at 11:30 today, right. Mr. Stan Winston also hopes to bring a friend together. So, I think I will inform you as soon as possible."


Eric picked up his eyebrows and soon thought of a voice, Stan Winston's best friend, no doubt, Cameron is definitely no doubt.

"No problem, is the phone still online now, I personally tell the other party?"

"It's already hanging," Allen shrugged. "But if you agree, it's already half past ten. It's about 8:30 in Beverly Hills. I think you should... cough, pay attention to the time. ""

Eric looked at his watch and glanced at his office and nodded. "Do not worry, I know."

"Then I am going to be busy," the assistant said soon.

"Sorry, both, something went wrong," Eric returned to the office and said to Jim Rest and Jennifer Connelly: "I'm afraid we can't talk too much."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Williams, maybe, we can have a meal together, what time is it tonight?"

"Sorry, I have arranged this evening," Eric thought of a tall girl. So, since he made up his mind to hold Famik Jensen in his hands, of course, he has to pay more attention to the big iron. Adding feelings, material is necessary, but feelings are also essential.

After thinking about it, Eric was on Jennifer Connelly: "Yes, Jane, I am going to a date, are you willing to be my companion?"

When the girl heard Eric’s words, she hesitated.

Jim Rest almost wants to promise the girl, but at this time, he still feels that it is better for the girl to make her own decisions.

“It’s just an ordinary lunch,” Eric added. “The other is a famous Hollywood special effects artist. There may be a director. After lunch, I will send you back.”

"That... well," Jennifer Connelly heard Eric say, and nodded quickly.

Eric smiled and looked at the girl's dress: "Actually, you are just dressed up, um, very beautiful."

“Thank you,” the girl whispered.

"In this case, I think, I will leave first," Jim Rest, after the girl promised, relaxed in her heart and quickly stood up and said goodbye.

Eric sent the other person out of the door and returned to the office again. There were two of them left in the room, and the girl suddenly became a little cramped.

"Wait a minute, I change clothes," Eric said faintly to the girl and walked toward the small room next to the office.


"Stan, do you think that the little guy will find you something?" In the Beverly Hills Clare restaurant, two big men are sitting in a corner, a flat-headed man with a middle-aged man with a beard Said.

"I heard that he will use film effects in his next movie, with the young man's ambition, James, what do you think?"

James Cameron squatted and quickly said, "You mean, he wants to buy your studio?"

"Obviously," Stan Winston said with a smile.

"I think you are very interested," James Cameron thought and laughed.

"That is a billionaire. It is very rich. The animation studio that he acquired last year is said to have invested tens of millions in one go. There is no money for a penny, but the investment is still not blind. I am very interested in such a generous little guy. You know, special effects are very expensive, and this is why I brought you, you don’t always want to make Terminator 2, this But a good opportunity."

James Cameron suddenly showed an excited look, but soon he suddenly fell awkwardly: "The little guy has never produced a super-high-cost movie. I remember the "big battle" he invested the most, and finally It only cost more than 30 million. Although I put pressure on the "Terminator 2" budget and only reported 70 million, but no one in the Seven is willing to take over, I think the other party will definitely not take this. Risk, if a movie made in such a big way fails, the fireflies will definitely be badly hurt."

"You can't find an investor anyway," Stan Winston patted on the shoulder of his friend. "So, there is nothing to try on him." (To be continued)

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