I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 321: Finalize

"Eric, you just said the words are exactly the same as what I thought, but I know that you have been shooting only the drama, this time, "People are not yet", although some special effects are used, but After that, do you have any specific plans for this company? I don't like to join, but there is nothing to do."

Eric immediately shook his head: "Of course not, I can tell you very clearly, Stan, my goal is to go beyond the industrial light magic, you should know my "Jurassic Park", this project will definitely not For a long time, there is also "Resident Evil". Recently, I handed a manuscript to my book broker. It is also a science fiction novel called "The Matrix". These three novels will be made at least in the future. The trilogy series of special effects movies, therefore, the special effects company will not lack the project within ten years. The industrial light magic can only be developed to the current scale with a "Star Wars" series, and the future special effects movie of the firefly is sure It’s much more than Lucas’s film industry. As long as this special effects company can eat it, I don’t mind giving it to my special effects company.”

Stan Winston hasn't seen the Resident Evil. He hasn't heard anything from the name "The Matrix," but he knows Jurassic Park. This novel was once used by many movie companies. Concerned, but Eric has never given up the copyright of the film, the purpose of which can be imagined.

Imagine the image of the ancient dinosaurs resurrected on the big screen in ancient times. Stan Winston has already had some blood, but he did not lose his calmness, but asked: "So, Eric, about the conditions for me to join. I want to know. Although my current studio is small, I am a boss myself and I don’t have any projects."

Eric said: "I give you 10% of the shares. The special effects company is completely handed over to you, the company will not be listed within ten years. I will always provide sufficient funds for the company, but guarantee the company before listing, regardless of investment I will never dilute your personal holdings, depending on the amount of money."

"Eric, I don't have any opinion on the 10% stake. However, although I know that you have enough funds, you still need a specific amount of investment. Instead of the ambiguous promise now. You know, in Hollywood, Many investment promises are not fulfilled."

Eric thought about it and said: "The first batch of 20 million US dollars of investment, I hope this money is used in the development of equipment purchase and computer cg technology, as well as the premise effects of the Jurassic Park. So, you also It can be seen that this is the pre-investment of Jurassic Park. Right, Pixar can provide some technical support for special effects companies. At the same time, special effects companies must set up their own cg technology research and development team."

Stan Winston nodded with satisfaction and immediately said, "It seems that you are really optimistic about computer cg effects?"

"Yes." Eric smiled and said: "So, I got the name for this special effects company, which is called the 'digital field'."

"Digital domain," Stan Winston muttered, and James Cameron, who had been listening for silence, couldn’t help but say: "Eric, that said, this company is just right for Terminator 2 Most of the lenses of liquid metal robots are made with cg. So, I hope you can think about it. As long as you promise a part of the investment in Terminator 2, even if it is only 10 million US dollars. I can raise the rest. All funds."

Eric smiled and said: "Jim, I know what you think, because my previous films have been quite successful. Now many people in Hollywood believe in my vision, but I can't take risks with my own credibility. Otherwise, if the film fails, no one will blame you, and my culprits that mislead them to save money will definitely become the target of public criticism."

Cameron’s mind was debunked and couldn’t help but look old.

And Stan Winston couldn't help but ask: "Eric, are you really not very optimistic about Jim's sequel?"

When I heard this question, Eric was a little hesitant and not optimistic. It was impossible. I just wanted to hang up Cameron’s appetite, but now, there are some dilemmas.

After thinking about it, Eric said: "I am not not optimistic, but the risk of this movie is too big, the investment of 60 million US dollars, plus the post-promotional budget, if you do not consider overseas, the North American box office is estimated to be 150 million. The dollar can recover its cost. The Terminator’s first global box office is less than 80 million, and Jim’s last film, The Abyss, has a global box office of 80 million, so you should understand my concerns.

Stan Winston understood the nod and James Cameron was somewhat lost.

Eric indulged for a moment, as if he had made a lot of determination, said, "Well, in this case, I will gamble well, $50 million, Jim, I can take out $50 million, so, I I hope that you can take the cautious attitude when you first filmed the first part of Terminator and try to use this budget to shoot the film."

James Cameron only slightly hesitated, and soon nodded nodded. First, the film project was confirmed, and 50 million will be 50 million. If I can’t finish it, I won’t believe that you can let the project run down. Let this 50 million hits: "Well, Eric, I will try my best."

Two unscrupulous guys with different feelings smile at each other like friends who have been together for many years.

"Right, James, since I have come up with this money, then the copyright of "Terminator" must be mine, there is no room for negotiation."

James Cameron squatted and nodded. "This... of course... no problem, but Eric, now the film copyright is still in the hands of the first Helmdale studio, the company is now It’s gone bankrupt, so you can buy the copyright back for a sum of money, and, in my plan, I won’t make a sequel after this.”

“How much does it cost?” Eric asked quietly, and there was some surprise in his heart. Another super series is about to come. In memory, Terminator doesn’t know whether it’s the third or the fourth, the producer only Just to get the copyright from the predecessor. It cost $30 million. If you get it, Eric will definitely not let go.

"2 million. I have already talked to the original producer before," Cameron arrived.

Eric took out the checkbook. Soon I wrote a $2 million check and handed it to James Cameron: "Jim, I want all the copyrights, and there won't be any kind of disputes in the future."

"This is for sure," James Cameron said of the check.

The three people discussed a lot of things, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Because the "Ghosts are not yet" male actor determined that the audition originally scheduled for today has been canceled. So Eric does not need to return to the firefly.

Looking at the girl around, Eric said: "Jane, I will send you back."

Jennifer Connelly listened quietly to the conversation of the three people throughout the lunch. Her last movie, The Death of the Swan, paid only $50,000, and the one that was smashed by Eric last night. In the movie, Tony Brandt paid her only $100,000. Therefore, at lunch, the tens of millions of dollars in the three populations gave the girl a faint sense of unreality. She even has some emotions and she works hard again. The reward is not as good as the one of the men who checked out the check by hand. It makes people feel sad when they think about it.

Didn't hear the girl's answer, Eric, who just opened the door, looked at Jennifer Connelly's face. From the faint expression of the other party, Eric quickly understood what the girl was thinking.

It seems that because of the loss of that role last year, some of the emotions accumulated during the year, after last night and today, Jennifer Connelly is unclear.

In this case, Eric quickly decided to add a fire, the more exciting, the easier it is to hold the girl with a little fantasy.

The dream shines into reality. That scene is really unbearable.

Eric thought so in his heart. When Jennifer Connelly got into the co-pilot, he didn't ask the girl's address. Instead, go straight to Malibu.

The car drove for more than ten minutes, and Jennifer Connelly reacted. Some said awkwardly: "You...you said, I want to send me back."

Even so, the tone is not determined at all.

Eric nodded. "Yeah, but it’s only three o'clock now. If you go back so early, there is absolutely nothing to do. How about going to sit there?"

The girl squeezed the skirt and hanged her head and said nothing.

Eric’s mouth smirked slightly, and took the girl all the way to the sharp corner manor. Just entering the manor gate, Eric did not drive the car directly into the garage, but directly under the door. The car, handed the key to the security guard, took the girl's little hand and walked to the villa on foot. When the two million dollars were thrown in, the Jianjiao Manor was much more luxurious than the villa of the Coppola family last night. The two quickly walked into the villa.

“How do you feel here?” Eric did not take the girl in the villa, but went directly to the open-air swimming pool on the southwest side of the villa. Today it is just windy, and the waves hit the rock under the foot and make a squeaking sound.

"Very good," Connelly made down on a recliner on the side of Eric, and gathered the wind-swiped skirt and whispered.

Because of the sea breeze, the thin dress of the girl was blown tightly on the body, and the exquisite curve was revealed. Eric took a moment to appreciate it and suddenly pointed to a small house behind her: "That It’s a dressing room with a spare swimsuit. Do you want to swim?”

"Yes... there is no water inside?" Jennifer Connelly pointed out that the dry pool had a very crappy reason.

"You can fill up in five minutes, you can change clothes," Eric said.

Entangled by his own words, Jennifer Connelly bit his lip and gently got up and walked to the locker room. After a few minutes, the girl wrapped up in a large bath towel and walked out to see that the pool was full. The water.

"The temperature is just right," Eric stood at the water and reached into the pool to try the temperature.

"You...?" The girl looked at Eric, who was still dressed.

"I see you wash," Eric smiled and went back to the side of the lounge chair. He didn't know where to get a pack of cigarettes, and then showed a cheerful expression, his eyes waiting to see the show. Unscrupulous uncle.

Jennifer Connelly stood there hesitating for a while before he took off his bath towel and jumped into the water. A mermaid in pink is better than the squirrel, and the swimming pool is not too big. So I quickly came to an end and looked at Eric by the pool in the southwest corner. I saw that the man was still watching himself with great interest. The girl shyly shrank into the water and hesitated. Still swimming towards Eric.

Somehow, just swimming a few meters, Connery felt a slight pain in his right leg, and then there was no feeling. The whole person thumped a few times and quickly sank. The struggling girl saw the silhouette of the pool flying fast. Into the water, I will be there soon. Then she was hugged and separated from the water. The water in the pool was just just to Eric's abdomen, not too deep.

"Don't move, you may be cramping," Eric calmed the girl in his arms and walked down the ladder in the pool to the shore. Eric was about to put the girl down, and the foot suddenly slipped, the whole person down. Wreaked. The girl also fell down, just squatting on Eric's chest, and the two were stacked together.

"*. Unlucky Frank Gehry, tens of millions of flowers go out and the pool is not slipping, I want him to rework me."

Jennifer Connelly, who had been scared by the heart, heard the man say this, smirked out, and then slammed his hips on his hips: "Don't lie, hurry up, is it comfortable?" ”

The girl whispered, only to realize that she was now on Eric, her hands on the ground. Soon it was stunned: "I can't move my legs."

Eric sighed with a sigh of relief: "Then don't move."

"Well," the girl nodded lightly. Then look up and just meet Eric's gaze. After hesitating for a moment, the girl moved a little upwards, her lips moved, and she leaned over and kissed Eric’s mouth.

Ericton got down and quickly surrounded the girl's waist and kissed passionately.

A few minutes later, Jennifer Connelly gasped and broke away from the entanglement of Eric's lips, buried his head in the man's neck, whispered: "This time, you should always be satisfied."

Eric, who had been gently stroking on the smooth back of the girl, stopped the action, but quickly pressed the girl tightly and felt the two full meat **** softly pressed against her chest. The questioning voice said: "Remember, from now on, you are mine."

The girl’s body trembled a little, and hesitatedly asked: “Are we talking about it?”

"Not counting."

"You are too overbearing," the girl softly whispered.

"This time I won't let you escape again," Eric moved the girl's face and kissed it gently: "I will be my woman in the future."

The girl struggled slightly and asked, "If, if I don't want to?"

"Then be my pet."

"You... really a devil, a little hope is not willing to give others," the girl snorted a little confused, but the small mouth opened slightly, and once again took the initiative to kiss Eric.

Helping the girl to massage the cramped calf, after a simple obsession, Eric sent someone to send the girl back, anyway, the meat has been cooked in the pot, not in a hurry, but also let the girl digest both Everything I received in the day, if Jennifer Connelly had the courage to refrain from doing vassals, and immediately tidy up and flee from Hollywood, Eric also recognized it. Of course, he can be 100% sure, the girl can not bear the glitz life of this profitable place. .

In the next few days, Eric once again put into a busy work, because with the dispute with Robert Shea, Eric set up a film company again, and since the first one was called fireflies, Eric took advantage of this. The company started the name of a 'black ant'. In fact, he originally wanted to call it a 'black widow', but Jeffrey resolutely opposed it. The name is too different. If it is only a miniature independent production company, there is nothing. However, although this company does not want to develop like a firefly, it will certainly not be a small fight.

So, after some deliberation, Eric gave the company the name of a black ant movie company.

Then, the project of "Instinct" was quickly transferred to this company. At the same time, because of the content of the film, in order to avoid being rated as nc-17 in the future, Eric chose to cooperate with the world in the Seventh National Congress. Compared to several other movie giants, Universal has no big movie projects this year, so most of the resources can be used in this movie, and the price offered by the other party is relatively fair. The two sides share copyright and share investment, and the film project is still completely dominated by Eric himself. He has absolute control over this film project.

In fact, the original initiative of this project is at the Seventh National Congress. Everyone can see that Eric chose to work with them to avoid what.

However, since the last storm, it is difficult for the Seven Big Seven to unite and twist into one heart. Basically, no one believes anyone. Therefore, when they quote, they are also different. s price. Or because the Japanese Panasonic consortium launched the acquisition of the global parent company mca like Sony, and of course, Global wants to stimulate the stock price through a hot movie like Colombia.

In the next few days, James Cameron quickly took the copyright of Terminator and handed it to Eric. Originally said that a good investment of 50 million US dollars is definitely not enough, although I have made up my mind to 'hang' on Eric, forcing him to invest more in the case of late capital exhaustion, but Cameron still has Some little sly. So I made some minor changes to the copyright contract.

This change is actually very simple. One of the original contracts signed by James Cameron and the production company. It is the film copyright of "Terminator" that automatically returns to his own hands after 2018. However, Cameron, who was a little embarrassed in his heart, quickly removed this article. After all, he has made up his mind. "Terminator 2" is the end of his personal series. Therefore, copyright does not have any for him. Too big to use, at least. He thought so in his heart, Cameron could not be Eric. Of course, I don’t think that the copyright of this series will be worth more in the future.

In this regard, Eric is of course happy to see. However, he did not put the copyright on the firefly, but placed the newly formed Black Ant Film Company. When discussing the Terminator 2 project with Robert Shea, Robert Shea once again raised a conservative objection. His worries are similar to those of the Big Seven. Therefore, Eric did not have any burden on him. "Terminator 2" is like the "Instinct" and became the second work after the establishment of the Black Ant.

As for whether there will be problems in the future release, Eric has not considered it for a while. After all, Cameron’s shooting speed is not fast, and the film will be released in the summer of next year.

At the same time as the instinct and the Terminator, the digital field was soon established. After Eric quickly allocated $20 million in start-up funds, Stan Winston quickly began recruiting and headquartered. Set up in Venice in Los Angeles, this Venice is certainly not the Venice of Italy, but a district of Los Angeles, located near the city of Santa Monica, where Eric remembers that after more than a decade of high-tech companies, he was called 'silicon. Beach', echoes San Francisco's 'Silicon Valley'.

In the complicated affairs, Eric personally persuaded him to persuade, and Julia quickly agreed to the "sleep with the enemy" led by Robert Shea. After two consecutive hot movies, the girl opened 800. For a million dollars in pay, Robert Shea even agreed, and Eric’s lion’s mouth was just shrugging. Anyway, Julia must have valued it.

After that, the heroine of "The Ghosts Are Not Evil" was quickly finalized. Eric finally chose Brigitte Fonda in a large number of audition actresses, which was originally introduced by Jane Fonda. The niece, the reason why she chose the other party, is not only because the image of the girl is very consistent, but also the filming of the two major families of the Hollywood film family to participate in their own films, which will be a good gimmick in the future.

From the earliest silent film era Henry Fang to Peter Fonda, and later Jane Fonda, and finally to the fourth generation of Brigitte Fonda, this family has been standing in Hollywood for more than half a century, and Although the rise of the Pola family is a little late, the power of the power does not have to be much worse than the Fonda family. It can be handed over at the same time with the two families. In the future, it will definitely be a big use, such as Oscar, although Eric is still Very young, but Oscar must be unable to escape, no one in Hollywood can hide. The unsatisfactory character of the former Li Xiaozi was later succumbed to death by Oscar.

After reaching a cooperation with Stan Winston, Eric asked the other party about the special effects in "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted", although Stan Winston had previously focused on model effects, but in "The Ghosts In the digital effects of the wall-passing effects and the **** of death, Stan Winston quickly gave a solution, even if Eric asked to do more delicate than before, there is no difficulty. Nothing more than money.

In the end, the four films of "The Instinct", "The Sleeping with the Enemy", "The Ghosts Are Not Evil" and the "Silence Lamb" produced by the Tg Film Company, which was founded by Elizabeth, were also scheduled.

According to the plan, "The Silent Lamb" has now been filmed for a while, so it was arranged in early June, and the fireflies were released in person. Next is "sleeping with the enemy". Although the film is prepared late, it is a very simple drama. There is no big scene, and no special effects are needed. Therefore, it is enough to make it for two months. The schedule is arranged in In late June. Mid-June is the hottest time in the summer, and Robert Shea’s arrangement is not likely to be selfish, but Eric has no objection.

Then came the "Ghosts and Ghosts" in early July. The film's production rhythm was almost the same as last year's "Dark War". The schedule also mimicked last year's "Dark War", and Disney and Firefly jointly issued.

"Instinct" was arranged in mid-July, not only because the film's production cycle was relatively long, but also because of the theme, at the end of the summer file, playing the idea of ​​long-term screening.

Time came to mid-April, and everything in the preparations for "The Ghosts Are Not Ghosted" has been completed. Eric also plans to first take a few shots that require special effects and hand them over to the digital field for processing. According to the plan, he quickly I am going to New York to shoot.

However, the reason why it was not able to make it on April 13th was because of the instinct, the film's starring and director needed him to make a personal decision.

At the beginning, Eric considered that the actresses in the United States were relatively conservative. For the famous actresses, such large-scale works would certainly not be played easily, and the heroine of the instinct, Catherine, was not a vase. The requirements for acting are also more demanding. In memory, although "Instinct" is a big production, many actresses who have become famous have refused, and eventually the producer has enabled the lesser-known Sharon Stone.

Therefore, Eric has set his sights on European actresses. Compared to Hollywood, European actresses are much more daring. This is just a matter of conception. After all, in most European movies, even if it seems completely unnecessary. I have to take a break from it, as if the director feels that it is not a film. In this environment, the actress has to take the initiative to adapt, therefore, the scale of "Instinct" is not a big deal for many European actresses. (To be continued)

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