I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 329: Little girl holding a puppet

Ivanka Trump snorted with a small nose and then glanced at his father with dissatisfaction.

Donald Trump whispered softly to Eric. "Iny is giving birth to me. I promised to take her to see you and make a movie. The little girl is willing to tell me a few words."

Eric raised his eyebrows slightly: "What happened?"

"I... I was divorced from Eni's mother some time ago," Donald Trump did not hide: "So, you understand."

Eric remembered seeing Donald Trump’s wife at the premiere of "The Little Devil 2". At that time, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the two people. However, this is a family matter of others, and he is not good. Q. The American divorce rate is more than 50%. Eric is almost used to this kind of thing. Most of the people he knows now are divorced, or his parents are divorced.

After a few laps, Ivanka suddenly got in front of Eric: "Eric, Dad divorced his mother, you are not a good person."

Eric gave a slight glimpse.

This...the logic is a bit powerful.

Your father has smashed your mother and has a semi-American relationship with me.

Eric reluctantly spread his hand: "Ini, I am innocent, so it seems to have nothing to do with me?"

"You forgot what you promised me?" Ivanka asked angrily.

Eric thought about it and then shook his head: "Would you like, please?"

"Hey, bad guys," Ivanka's bunny puppet in his hand knocked on Eric: "You promised me that I made your movie, now you are making a movie, but you didn't inform me." ""

"Oh, this," Eric stunned. He just said it casually, thinking that Ivanka’s age might soon be forgotten. I didn't expect Xiao Loli to remember this thing deeper than him: "But, there is no role for a little girl in this movie?"

"Hey. Bad guys, sophistry, talking is not a word, I will ignore you later," Ivanka said, turning his face angrily.

Ignore myself, this threat can be a bit serious!

Eric thought about it and said: "Ini, look at it like this. Wait until you play a little girl passing by the protagonist, um, it is best to hold this rabbit."

Ivanka wants to continue to get angry, but he can't stand Eric's temptation and quickly twisted his face: "Really?"

"Of course," Eric nodded solemnly, anyway, it was just a passer-by, not a matter of course, of course. This kind of words must not be said: "It seems that you said that you participated in the performance class, and let me see the results of your practice."

"It will definitely surprise you, except for the director who can't do anything." Xiao Loli sneered with resentment.

Eric is speechless, and this sentence has not been forgotten.

The lunch break passed quickly. Of course, Nicholas Cage and Ubi Goldberg didn’t have to talk about it. The passers-by on the street were just adults. No girls appeared. Now suddenly join a little loli, Irene. Ke had to reschedule it.

"Ini, after the lady has come here, the lady can pull you around and start around. I have been along this road and walked over there. Remember, pretend to be nothing." The camera lens can't be curious to look at the lady in a pink jacket."

"Oh, I know I know, you are so embarrassed," Ivanka put on the mafia.

Eric shrugged and walked back to the director's seat. Originally, he proposed to let Donald Trump take the little girl to sit with the passer-by and be able to ease the relationship with his daughter. Donald Trump is of course very happy, but unfortunately Little Loli is unwilling to live and die. Eric can only pick a lady from the extras and pull a little girl, playing the right to play a mother and daughter.

"Everyone, ready to start shooting," Eric yelled at everyone with a horn, and the actors began to bury.


The voice fell, the camera showed a shot of the camera, and Odme, who had just donated the $4 million check in his hand to the welfare home, walked with dismay.

"Audrey, I am proud of you," Sam's ghost said behind Audrey.

"I don't care if you are proud of me, why do nuns have so much money!" Ubi Gold, played by Ubi Goldberg, complained to the air with anger: "Don't worry about me anymore." Stop talking to me."

Sam looked at Audmei and went to add another sentence: "You are amazing."

When he heard this sentence, Audmei suddenly turned around. Of course, she couldn't see Sam. So she looked around and looked at her in the air. She turned and left, and her figure looked very funny. Eric almost wants to applaud.

Therefore, at the same time, on the other side of the road, the little girl holding the bunny puppet pulls a lady’s hand. If nothing goes through the street, Xiao Loli is still very jealous and seems to be talking to the air. Audrey, then looked up and seemed to say something to the 'mother', but the dragon actress apparently did not respond. The little girl would suddenly talk to herself, her expression slightly, and her footsteps also had a short stagnation.

"Card," Eric shook his head regretfully. If the female dragon can match, the lens will be perfect. After all, Audmei is screaming at the air and spitting, and the passers-by around, if there is no reaction, then Calling is not normal, and the little girl curiously asks her mother what Ademei is doing, which looks very natural.

"Wait a minute," Eric said to the crowd, then walked over to Ivanka and the female dragon jacket: "This lady, what is your name?"

"Director Williams, you can call me Elena," the female dragon sleeve is obviously awkward. She also realized that the problem was just on her own. Although she complained that the little girl suddenly did not speak according to common sense, she did not Dare to say it, after all, the relationship between this little girl and the director is very unusual.

"Well, Ms. Elena, what did Ina say to you?"

"She asked me, Auntie, why is that lady like that?" Elena said honestly.

Eric nodded. "That's right. If you just responded properly, then the lens will be perfect. Compare, Ms. Ubi Goldberg speaks to the air, and there must be more people passing by. Look at the two eyes, so Ian’s reaction is correct, oh, don’t worry, I am not criticizing you, but I hope that you can cooperate with some of these lenses to make a proper response."

"What kind of reaction should I make?" asked Elena.

Eric looked at Ubi Goldberg and smiled and said: "If you see a woman driving crazy in the street, with a child around, the first reaction is definitely to speed up the pace."

"Hey, Eric, what am I going to be crazy?"

"Which is like," Eric said with a smile to Ubi Goldberg.

"Okay, that's it," Eric said, and reached out and pinched the face of Little Loli: "Ini, just doing well, we continue."

"I hate, don't pinch my face," Ivanka, who was still a little proud, waved his hand angrily and opened Eric's ‘claw' to his face.

Eric shrugged with a smile and then told the crowd to start again.

Still the scene, the performances of Nicholas Cage and Ubi Goldberg are still impeccable.

When Audmei walked to the middle of the road and spit in the mouth, a pair of 'mother and daughter' just passed by, and the little girl holding the bunny puppet looked at Odmei and curiously raised her face to the middle-aged woman. Speaking of something, the woman quickly looked at Ubi Goldberg, without explanation, but nervously pulled the girl's little hand to speed up and leave.

"Good, very perfect!" Eric applauded, although many people around did not know what happened, but they also took the floor.

Arranging the gap between the next shot, Xiao Loli smugly came to Eric and extended a small hand to him.

"What?" Eric asked with a puzzled look at the small hand that came out. (To be continued)

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