I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 346: Maya

The rendering software Cameron knows. In a nutshell, the role of this software is to make the image effect more authentic by the complex calculations of the primary renderings made in the computer in terms of illumination, materials, and colors. Even to the extent that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Abyss" special effects production company Industrial Light Magic now uses the renderman rendering software developed by Edkamore.

When Edkamore was still in the industrial light magic, George Lucas bought the software for permanent use. Jobs bought the industrial light magic animation department after the establishment of Pixar, Edgar Moore put the software into Pixar to acquire a certain stake, but as Jobs continued to inject money into the loss of Pixar, the stakes of several Pixar managers were eventually taken back by Jobs, and the reanderman software became the property of Pixar. .

When Eric wanted to take over Pixar from Steve Jobs, Jobs also tried to strip the renderman software from Pixar's property list, and ultimately failed to see the value of the software. .

After reading about the development of the fluid simulation software and the general situation of the reanderman rendering software, Cameron immediately became interested in the 3D modeling software that Eric just said. From Eric’s words, the card Mellon is keenly aware that Eric’s 3D modeling software is the top priority of this program.

"There is no detailed plan for San Francisco to discuss. I originally planned to entrust Autodesk to develop this software, but I didn't talk about the ownership of the software. I can only do it myself." Facing Came Long curious. Eric’s booth explained.

"Autodesk?" Cameron asked with a puzzled question.

"It is the industrial design software development company of the famous autocad software," Eric said. According to the information in the memory, several major 3D animation design softwares, Maya and Softimage, are products of Autodesk. Autodesk has almost monopolized this type of film and television special effects software.

But even if history does not change, it is more than a decade later.

Now, Autodesk is also focusing on the development and operation of autocad, an industrial design software. Because computer and video effects have only just begun, Autodesk is not interested in the development of 3D animation software for film and television effects. Because they think that such a high level of professional software does not have much commercial prospects.

The reason why Eric wants to entrust Autodesk development is mainly because Autodesk has accumulated nearly three years of technology development of 3D design software, which can greatly shorten the development time of 3D modeling software. However, Autodesk has this The software is not interested, but still wants to share the ownership of the software with Eric. Finally, the two sides have not talked about it. Eric can only organize the team to develop.

I heard Eric mention aut Cameron and thought about it, and asked a series of details. Cameron finally asked: "Eric, how much do you plan to invest in these plans? I think this is definitely a very big expense."

"The development of fluid simulation software and the optimization of renderman do not require much money. 30 million US dollars is enough, the most important is Maya, this software needs continuous investment, but I think it will bring me in the future. Enough return."

"Maya, are you referring to the name of the 3D modeling software you are talking about? I don't think you are interested in the mysterious Maya civilization."

Eric explained: "The Maya here is not a guide to the Mayan civilization of the Americas, but the pronunciation of an ancient Indian vocabulary, meaning "dream"."

"The name is still... really apt," Cameron said with a smile.

"Of course, in fact, 3D modeling is only the most basic function of Maya. In my plan, 3D animation, simulation, special effects and other functions will be added in the future, and will be docked with reanderman rendering software to form a complete The special effects production process," Eric said confidently and confidently, of course, these are his technical ambitions.

The reason why there are so many mainstream or non-mainstream special effects software in the past life, mainly because of the rise of computer special effects in the decade, most software giants are not optimistic about the business prospects of this kind of software, many old special effects companies can only develop their own, After the software industry giants saw the huge commercial output value of special effects software, the special effects software on the market has become very diverse, and it is almost impossible to monopolize.

But now, Eric’s move is much earlier than many people, and he doesn’t have the idea of ​​exclusive Maya in the digital domain, but after the software is mature, he is sure to lead the digital domain. In the case of a plan to market. He believes that when there is a mature special effects software available, there will be no more special effects companies willing to develop independently.

This is still the first step. With the development of the digital field and the promotion of Maya software, many TV special effects solutions and special effects plug-ins will be developed based on Maya software, just as many applications are based on Windows system development. That way, a strong binding effect is eventually formed.

At that time, even if there are software industry giants want to intervene in this software field, but Maya's software status for the film and television special effects industry is equivalent to windows and operating systems, even if those software giants have the funds and technology to have strength, I can only look at this tens of billions of dollars in fat and dry eyes.

It was always troublesome for women to pack up. Eric returned from the tennis court and took more than ten minutes to take a bath and change clothes. Famik Jensen spent more than half an hour to carry a pot of coffee into the study. At this time, the girl has replaced the hot navel vest and hot pants, wearing a simple white t-shirt and khaki loose slacks, with a slight wetness on her hair and a light makeup on her face.

"Carmelon's husband, Ms. Bigelow, need coffee?". Famik Jensen asked with a cup of coffee.

Catherine Bigelow, who was standing on the wall and admiring Eric's sub-pictures, turned and smiled and nodded. She also took the initiative to help, and Cameron, who had just been surprised by Famick, was at this time. However, he completely lost interest in the beauty, and he discussed with Eric the special effects of the disaster film series. He heard that Famick’s inquiry only slightly nodded, and even his eyes did not turn.

"Miss Jensen, don't mind, Jim is like this. If you focus on one thing, you won't pay any attention to it," said Catherine Bigelow, seeing Cameron's disregard of Famik, sorry.

Famik Jensen gave two cups of coffee to Cameron and Eric, and returned to the sofa next to him. He said, "This is nothing. In fact, Eric sometimes does this. Once I saw him. Frowning around the window, I went to the front, but Eric seemed to be awakened and became very angry, saying that I had driven his inspiration."

When Famik Jensen finished, the two women looked at each other and gave a feeling of mutual sympathy.

Perhaps for this reason, the two women quickly chatted together, and also relatives used the nickname to call each other. (To be continued...)

Chapter 346 may:


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