I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 353: I am sure I am not mistaken.

In the original plan, Robert Shea intended to wait for two weeks after the release of "The Silent Lamb", the attendance rate dropped to a certain extent, and justifiably transferred two hundred to three hundred theaters of "The Silent Lamb" to "Sleep with the Enemy" On the top, for the "sleep with the enemy" to make up 2,000 theaters.

Following the two consecutive box office films of "Wind Moon Beauty" and "Steel Wood Orchid", Julia's box office appeal is unquestionable, so the film she starred in can also support 2,000 theaters at the same time.

Unfortunately, the box office trend of "The Silent Lamb" is far beyond everyone's expectations. The box office drop of less than 20% in the next week is such a good result. Even if Robert Shea is willing, those "silent lambs" have signed the ladder contract. It is impossible for the screening theater to replace the film with "The Sleeping with the Enemy". Therefore, there are only 1,700 premiere theaters in "The Sleeping with the Enemy".

Of course, the scale of the 1700 theaters did not affect the play of "sleeping with the enemy". After three days of release, "sleeping with the enemy" received more than 18 million US dollars at the box office, which has exceeded the weekly average. The box office has a box office price of $10,000.

Although the box office success of "Ninja Turtle" had already been made, the credit of the film could not be counted on Robert Shea. Therefore, the first big production film of the independent producer was successful, Robert. After the three-day box office on the weekend, Shay couldn't wait to start the celebration party. It seems that he wants to declare his status to Hollywood.

Anyway, there was a certain policy before, and before the end of the year, Eric did not intend to have any conflict with Robert Shea, so I readily agreed that the celebration party held at the Hilton Hotel was all paid for by Firefly.

After "sleeping with the enemy", Eric will no longer go to the Firefly headquarters every day, although "The Ghosts" has entered the final stage of propaganda. However, Eric did not go around with Nicholas Cage and Brigitte Fonda to make the final publicity for the film. If he is just a film director, these things must not be able to escape, however. As the owner of the firefly, this privilege Eric still has.

Several cars stopped outside the dockweiler Beach Park south of Santa Monica, Los Angeles. The door opened and seven or eight people came down. Eric was skilled in sunglasses and a baseball cap, and he looked at the beach park with confidence.

The group soon gathered, and Catherine Bigelow, wearing a simple black t-shirt and dark jeans with a sunhat: "This is where I have been here before, just a cursory look, these few I made a comparison. I found out that it is still the best here. Let's go in."

"According to the chilly and gloomy picture of "The Shocking Point", it seems to be too beautiful here," Eric said with Catherine Bigelow, looking at the surrounding scenery.

"I plan to choose to come here again."

"Cloudy? In Los Angeles, this weather can be difficult to meet," Eric shook his head and turned to the "Frightening Point" photography guide behind him: "Donald, do you have any good solutions?"

Donald Peterman is a middle-aged man in his forties. Moreover, he is a very good photographer. He has been involved in the filming of many excellent movies before, since the budget of "Thriller" is sufficient. Like Catherine Bigelow and James Cameron, the crew members chose the best. In the early stage of the movie, in order to confirm that the scene chosen by the director is suitable for shooting, the photography instruction must be involved.

When I heard Eric, Donald Peterman looked around and looked around for a moment before he said, "If you want to best match the effect of the film, I certainly hope that the scene here can be shot on a cloudy day, but Los Angeles does not encounter a few rainy days in a year, so it is ok to shoot in the evening. However, because of the light changes, the time suitable for shooting is very short. The next day."

The group of people turned a big circle at the dockweiler beach park. In the eyes of the beach surfers' curiosity and doubts, they wrote and painted, and made some records from time to time. Donald Peterman also used a portable camera in Catherine. Groe’s fancy location took a few shots and was busy for nearly an hour, leaving the crowd.

They did not communicate with the management of the park, because it is still very early to start shooting. According to the plan, "Thunderstorm" will start at the end of July at the earliest.

After watching the dockweiler beach park, everyone quickly drove to the next target and ran for an afternoon. Eric also deeply realized the vastness of Los Angeles County. He ran for more than 100 kilometers a day, but still in the streets of Los Angeles. In the alley, I didn’t even have a suburb.

In the evening, the group had dinner at a restaurant in Santa Monica and planned to go home.

"Hey, Kate, can you wait?" Eric stopped Catherine Bigelow, who was planning to drive home.

Catherine Bigelow stopped at the door and asked, "Eric, is there anything?"

"It is like this. Tomorrow, the fireflies will hold a celebration party with "The Sleeping with the Enemy" at the Hilton Hotel. Would you like to come?"

Catherine Bigelow shook her head very directly: "Sorry, Eric, I don't really like to go to this party."

"I mean, you can be with Jim. Many executives in Hollywood may come over tomorrow, which is very good for expanding your network."

"Jim went to North Carolina to select the "Terminator 2"," Catherine Bigelow shrugged. "I can't go alone."

"You can be with me, I don't think Jim will mind," Eric said in a relaxed tone.

Catherine Bigelow raised her eyebrows and said: "Little guy, I want to warn you, don't hit my mind."

"Cough..." Eric didn't expect Catherine Bigelow to be so direct, couldn't help but cough twice, and said: "Kate, I think you must have misunderstood."

"I can be 100% certain, I have not misunderstood," Catherine Bigelow opened the door directly and decided to leave. I thought about it or turned around and hugged Eric like a big sister on his back and patted it. In the tone of the child, "Okay, little guy, hey, tomorrow we will choose the heroine for "Thriller", those young and beautiful girls are the targets you should aim at."

Although the scent of Catherine Bigelow was very good, but was squatted like a child, Eric earned a resentment from the woman's arms: "Okay, okay, but can you stop calling? My little guy?"

"Of course," Catherine Bigelow smiled back two steps, pulled the door and sat in the driver's seat, and waved at Eric: "See you tomorrow, little guy."

"See you tomorrow," Eric reluctantly waved at the woman, watching Catherine. Bigelow drove the Chevrolet SUV, and got his car, facing the rearview mirror on the windshield. Looking at his present expression, Eric slammed his cheeks a few times before he said to himself: "It has been so straightforward to pick out, so oh, but this character, I like it." )

Ps: Today's various toss, a lot of things, more than nine o'clock in the evening before you have time to write, try to make up tomorrow, sorry.

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